Band marches on - Local news, A3 Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth In d ia n Township for 117 years PLYMOUTH c u is in e What makes ^ Indian cuisine SUNDAY u n iq u e B! Octobers, 2002 75 cents V o l u m e 1 17 N u m b e r 12 www.observerandeccentnc com © 2 0 0 2 H o m e t o w n C ommunications N e t w o r k Man hires hitman to maim ex-wife Plymouth police that Perry Drew woman, a Plymouth native, returned to Suspect also wanted in connection H ard m an w as arrested m N ashville earli­ M ichigan after th e divorce an d lived m er this week th e h o m e According to Plymouth police, ‘ H e felt h e g o t screw ed in th e divorce with alleged hit on country star Hardman was still angry over the cou­ settlem ent, an d h e decided to g et a h it­ ple’s divorce m Tennessee several years man,’said Det Sgt Al Cox of die ago A uthorities said th e couple split Plymouth Police Department, who BYTONY6RUSCATO singer Travis Tntt was caught after after being m arried only a couple o f became instrumental in the arrest of STAFF WRITER attempting to hire a hitman to break the months, and Hardman felt he should H ard m a n ■ It's in the water legs o f his ex-wife o utside h e r Plym outh have received the Pacific Street home in “H e m e t a m iddle m a n an d asked how The Plymouth Township A Nashville man who was arrested this hom e Plymouth, left by the parents of his ex- Police Department has had week for hinng a hitman to kill country In fact, it w as w ith th e help o f wife, in the divorce proceedings T he PLEASE SEE HITM AN, A8 several visits from the stork in recent weeks with four babies being born to employ ees or former employees of the department B roe m ay n o t n eed First came Sidney Nichole lic e n se Turley born Aug 28todis \ patcher Meline Turley The ^ next day Tyler Charles Locker BY TONY BRUSCATO was born to former dispatch STAFF WRITER er Chen Happner who left the department last fall Despite complaints by Farmer Mary Isabella Launa was Street homeowners concerning inap- / born to Oet Cal and Annette propnate behavior by patients with Launa on Sept 6 Finally closed h e a d injuries w ho live m th eir Kelsie Michelle 0 Connor neighborhood, it appears th e city’s arrived to parents Nicole and hands are tied because the facilities Sean 0 Connor Nicole is a dis a re not, an d d on’t need to be, licensed:u patcher With the department by the State of Michigan All four babies and their Residents last month told commis j parents got together with sioners of family members being - | 0 ^ other department members accosted, lo u d noise an d o pen alco­ for a post baby shower Friday holic drinking by residents who resi' at 338,347 and 378 Farmer, which Ij ■ Atteition, voters: a re all su p p o rted living facilities ^ Monday is D Day Deadline owned by Broe Rehabilitation I that IS If you haven tregis Services in Farmington Hills It cul­ M tered to vote in the Nov 5 minated with an incident Aug 29, in election Monday is your last which a fight broke out between a chance To see if you are a B roe resid e n t an d caregiver, w hich registered voter you can visit resulted in the resident being ticketed the Michigan Secretar/of PAUL HURSCHMANNI OBSERVER by police fo r assault States Web site The site also In a re p o rt to th e Plym outh city ‘ provides local residents infor Crowning glory commission, which will be addressed I mation on where to vote and Monday night, City Manager Paul !: directions to their local Eren Denski of Plymouth 17, is crowned as the 2002 Homecoming Oueen during halftime of Canton's football game against Livonia Franklin The I polling place There is a link Chiefs destroyed the Patriots 54'8 PLEASE SEE B R O E, AS I I to the state site on the s j Canton Township site 1 wwwcanton mi org Call the township clerks office (734) 394 5120 Judge hopefuls face off in court candidates' forum ■ Open house The Canton Mosque will BY BRAD KADRICH N orthville sp e n t an h o u r ECTION starting his own practice, and Woodside proven administrator,” Woodside said host an Open House noon 4 STAFF WRITER at the Plymouth Library, stressing her expenence as an assistant Wednesday “I think ijiat’s what this p m Saturday Oct 12 answering questions in a Wayne County prosecutor co u rt needs ” There wifi be mosque tours W ith the two top vote-getters from the candidates’ forum spon­ W oodside has b een an assistant W ayne Gerou pointed out that he s lived in the an Islamic art exhibit compli August pnm ary touting their own expen- sored by th e L eague o f County prosecutor for 13 years She was community since 1963, an d has h ad his mentary Muslim cuisine ence and qualifications, the race for the W om en V oters o f M ichigan Prosecutor o f th e Year in 1996 p n v ate p ractice for som e 16 years now entertainment and children s newly created third judgeship in the 35th Northwest Wayne County an d serves o n various S tate B ar of I’ve been a businessman for 16 years,” activities The event is hosted District Court headed down the home an d th e O bserver M ichigan com m ittees She said she h as Geiousaid Tve been very involved in by the Muslim Community of stretch Wednesday night Newspapers «***«**■ argued cases at every level of the judicial the community’ Western Suburbs Council on P n m ary w inner M ike G erou o f Bolii concentrated on their community system, including the State Supreme Both candidates have spent their American Muslim Relations P Plymouth and former NorthviUe involvem ent, w hile G erou highlighted Court CEP Muslim Students Township supervisor Karen Woodside of the business expenence he’s gained by I m a proven cnme fighter, and a PLEASE SEE FOR U M , A8 Association and Young Muslims for Faith in Action The mosque is on the cor ner of Palmer and Lotz roads For information call (734) 340 3388 or e mail open Women are on a mission housedmcwsorg ■ Now that's scary Local ladies travel to Russia to help children The Plymouth Canton Breakfast Kiwanis Club will BY TONY BRUSCATO Methodist Volunteers in Mission, Juras, a m em ber o f th e F irst hold Its second annual STAFF WRITER who will be building relationships U m ted M ethodist C hurch in Hafteween Costume Drive th ro u g h w ork, w orship a n d social­ Plym outh ‘W e’re p lanning on The event supports four It began several years ago as a izing doing some more repairs at the Michigan childrens hospitals once-m-a-lifetime trip to Russia as i ^ e r tw o years, th e g roup is school, but we won’t really know Mott Childrens Hospital in p a rt o f a m ission to help rebuild returning to School #3 in until w e g et th e re In Russia, Ann Arbor Childrens Hospital th e struggling Baltic nation Blagoveshchensk, Siberia, to con­ when you go on these work proj­ of Michigan (Detroit) Mary However, this week Kathlyn tinue rep airs a n d renovations on a ects, you don t really know what Free Bed Hospital (Grand Juras of Plymouth Township and building for hearing impaired chil­ you’ll be doing until you get there ’ Rapids) and Northern Janice Podgers o f Westland are on dren W e ’re lim ited to a certain Michigan Hospital (Petoskey) their fburth mission to Russia, part ‘The la st tim e w e caulked w in­ am o u n t o f tim e a n d can only get so PAUL HURSCHMANN I OBSERVER The Breakfast Club has a of the dozen or so members of ^ e dows, cleaned o u t caulking and Kathiyn Juras of Plymouth Township, left, and Janice Podgers of goal of at least 100 new Detroit Annual Conference United put new weather stopping in,’ said PLEASE SEE RU SSIA, A8 Westland discuss their upcoming mission to Russia Halloween costumes The costumes will be worn by patients at all four hospitals during Halloween parties held CONTACT US INDEX LOOKING AHEAD there The costumes must be newly purchased and never Newsroom (734)459 2700 Apartments £1 New Homes D1 In memory Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 worn to avoid compromising Automotive F3 Obituaries A7 Read about a Plymouth mans Classifiefls 1 800 579 SELL D.E,F Police log A2 the sterile environment Homs del very (734) 591 0500 Classified loving gesture to his late wife Classified Index 03 Real Estate D1 CallJaniceOtt (734)981 in Thursdays Observer Crossword D5 Service Guide F2 0460 before Oct 20 Tiom elown Jobs E3 Sports D1 AillsVOcTnt 29321 Orthard LakeRd.
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