Leading articles with funding contributions from the professional colleges, International Council of Medical Journal Editors. New Ministry of Health, and the WHO (which has already taken England Journal of Medicine 2004; 351: 1250–1 (Editorial). some promotive and facilitatory initial actions in this regard 2. Angelis CD, Drazen JM, Frizelle FA, Haug C, Hoey J, et [4,8]. Our Journal already has a policy decision in place al. Is this clinical trial fully registered?—A statement from not to consider for publication papers reporting clinical the International Council of Medical Journal Editors. New trials that have not received approval from an acceptable England Journal of Medicine 2005; 352: 2436–8. ethical review committee, before the trial started enrolling (Editorial). participants. When a suitable trials registry has been 3. Abbasi K. Compulsory registration of clinical trials. British established, we will fall in line with the recent recommendation Medical Journal 2004; 329: 637–8 (Editorial). of the ICMJE [1–4]. 4. Abbasi K, Godlee F. Next steps in trial registration. British Meanwhile, we urge all medical professional bodies Medical Journal. 2005; 330: 1222–3 (Editorial). and all editors of journals publishing biomedical research in Sri Lanka to support this ICMJE concept, and the Sri 5. Macklin R. Double Standards in Medical Research. Lanka Medical Association to take all necessary steps, as Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. a matter of priority, to establish a registry of clinical trials. 6. Simes RJ. Publication bias: the case for an international To demur or delay now would place in peril the status of registry of clinical trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1986; our biomedical journals, the international standing of our 4: 1529–41. profession, and much more importantly, the altruism of our 7. Horton R, Smith R. Time to register randomised trials. people who volunteer for clinical trials, as well as the trust British Medical Journal 1999; 319: 865–6. and confidence patients have reposed in us. 8. World Health Organisation. The international clinical trials registry platform (ICTRP). www.who.int/ictrp/en (accessed References 26 May 2005). 1. De Angelis C, Drazen JM, Frizelle FA, Haug C, Hoey J, et al. Clinical trial registration: a statement from the Colvin Goonaratna, Editor, Ceylon Medical Journal, 6 Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo; e-mail: <[email protected]>. Intra-ocular nematode worms: rare but important Clinicians need help from a parasitologist for accurate identification Migration of nematode larvae in the human body is a lymphatics, but has also been recovered and clearly normal part of the life cycle of many parasites. Ocular identified from intra-ocular locations in humans. Fernando disease caused by the abnormal migration of human or [2] described the first local case of adult W. bancrofti in animal, juvenile or adult nematode worms in the eye is the anterior chamber of the human eye. Although uncommon, but important as they induce visual impairment numerous reports of filarial infection of the human and pose diagnostic and management challenges. The conjunctiva and the anterior chamber have been published detection of a worm, in or near the eye, is always a dramatic [3–5], infections of the vitreous are rare. This issue of the occurrence for both patient and clinician. Such patients journal (page 167) reports an instance of a W. bancrofti frequently complain of the sensation of movement of an juvenile female worm extracted from the vitreous of eye— object in the eye, and the clinician can occasionally see the first report of such a case in the world [6]. It is difficult the worm in the conjunctiva, on the eye itself, or in the to identify a female specimen of a filarioid with certainty, anterior or posterior chambers. but the position of the vulval opening in relation to the The nematodes that have been isolated from the oesophagus is an indication of the species [7]. human eye are of human or animal origin and belong to Loa loa is a subcutaneous filarial parasite of humans, different groups, including filariae, strongylids, endemic in west and central Africa. It is reported metastrongylids and ascarids [1]. Parasites infect the eye sporadically from other parts of the world in travellers either by extension from the infected adjacent tissues, or returning from endemic areas. This parasite has been by haematogenous dissemination to the eye. reported in Sri Lanka in an expatriate girl who had been The adult worm of Wuchereria bancrofti, the infected in Nigeria, hence classified as an imported causative agent of lymphatic filariasis, is found in the infection [8]. Eye infections may occur when the adult Vol. 50, No. 4, December 2005 141 Leading articles worm meanders into the subconjunctival tissue prompting Ocular angiostrongyliasis results from ocular the appellation “eye worm”. migration of Parastrongylus (=Angiostrongylus), a rodent Onchocerciasis (river blindness) is a chronic parasitic lung worm, found in bandicoots in Sri Lanka. It has been infection of humans caused by the nematode Onchocerca isolated in the eye on three occasions from the anterior volvulus. The major feature of the disease is ocular and chamber and once from the vitreous [19–22]. Of a total of dermatological pathology, of which itching is the 17 authentic ocular infections reported, four have been commonest and blindness the most serious. Discussion from Sri Lanka. The infection may not necessarily have of this filarial parasite is outside the scope of this article. been acquired by eating raw or undercooked intermediate or paratenic hosts, but rather by accidental ingestion of Almost all infections of the human conjunctiva with infective larvae liberated from damaged mollusks filarial worms of animal origin represent infections of contaminating raw leafy vegetables [20, 21]. A larva Dirofilaria species from dogs, cats and related carnivores. isolated from the anterior chamber of the eye in 1925, may This zoonotic infection is now widely recognised by not only be the first case in the world of ocular infection clinicians, pathologists and parasitologists worldwide, and reported, but also the first report of the genus unless there is some unusual presentation about the case, Parastrongylus in humans [23, 24]. they may not be routinely published. D. (Nochtiella) repens, the subcutaneous worm of dogs is incriminated Gnathastomiasis is a significant cause of ocular as the aetiologic agent infecting humans in Sri Lanka, and disease in east Asia, with sporadic cases being reported is associated with subcutaneous migration and nodule worldwide. It is the second most common ocular parasite formation. The second largest number of cases of in Thailand [25]. No cases of ocular gnathastomiasis have D. repens in the world has been reported from Sri Lanka, been reported from Sri Lanka, although two have been the largest number being reported from Italy [9, 10]. In Sri diagnosed in subcutaneous tissue [26]. As humans can Lanka, contributory factors could be the high prevalence get infected by drinking water containing infected Cyclops, of D. repens in dogs—up to 60% [11]—and availability of it is a potentially threatening eye infection. efficient vectors of this nematode, Aedes aegypti and Diagnosis of worms isolated from the eye is usually Anopheles subalbatus, found as peri-domestic species in based on identification of the parasite on morphological urban areas [12, 13]. Ocular dirofilariasis usually involves criteria in cross-section and specific serology. The a migrating worm, most frequently invading the eyelid or presence or absence of the head bulb, the number of conjunctiva [9]. cephalic papillae, and the pattern of the cuticle and the longitudinal and transverse striations seen on transverse The more unusual zoonotic infections, such as ocular sections of the worm are important in identification, disease caused by Brugia species, a zoonotic infection specially in filarioids [7]. The ends of the worm, male or acquired from dogs, still hold sufficient interest to merit female, contain the greatest amount of morphologic publication. The world’s second case of Brugia species, information, and every effort should be made to collect probably B. ceylonensis, was isolated from the conjunctiva and preserve the entire specimen. The clinician who of a Sri Lankan man [7]. removes an intact worm from the eye, must make an Nematodes of zoonotic origin, namely the heart worm accurate identification with the help of a specialist in of dogs (Dirofilaria immitis) [14] and adult Ancylostoma parasitology. When it is necessary to distinguish between (probably A. tubaeformae) have been isolated from the similar species, the application of molecular technology vitreous [1]. Humans may act as a definitive host in will be useful. The development of species specific probes hookworm infections caused by Necator americanus or allows identification where microscopic diagnosis is Ancylostoma duodenale. They may also be dead-end hosts virtually impossible. However, because the number of for canine hookworms (e.g. A. braziliense, A. caninum and specific probes needed to accomplish the task is large A. ceylanicum) [11, 15, 16], or A. braziliense and A. caninum and its application is limited, it is unlikely that a significant (now regarded as A. tubaeforme) from cats [15]. number will be generated and made available for routine use. Ocular toxocariasis is caused by the nematode larvae Emerging zoonotic infections continue to be recognized of Toxocara
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