
GENERAL AGREEMENT ON RESTRICTED GPR/Spec/70 14 August 1992 TARIFFS AND TRADE Informal Working Group on Negotiations on Government Procurement NEGOTIATIONS ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT Offers Attached is a copy of the offer from Sweden in the negotiations on the improvement, expansion and broadening of the Agreement on Government Procurement, which was circulated informally on 12 March 1992. This redistribution is limited to the participants in the Informal Working Group on Negotiations. The content of the document is unchanged: it is now circulated as a GPR/Spec/70 document for greater convenience in reference and in future work. All other offers received are also being recirculated. 1English only 92-1165 GPR/Spec/70 Page 2 ANNEX 1 Central Governent Entities which Prcc-re in Accordance With the Provisions of this Aareement Name of Country: SWEDEN Supp1ies Services Threshold: SDR 130.000 Threshold: SDR 130.000 List of Entities: List of Entities which procure the services, specified in Annex 4 Sweden offers to include all central government authorities, including their regional and local sub-divisions, provided that they do not have an industrial or commercial character. i.n enzitv list is provided below, tut it is n^- exclusive. Alim.-1nna advokatbyraerna ?ublic Law-Service Offices Ai>IU-g ruppenw National _Employment-Training Board, Ccunty Employment-Traininc Commissions (24) .'.1mnna reklamationsnamrnnden National _oard for Consu.er Complaints .Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen National -oard of Occupationa]. Safety and Health Arbetsdomstolen Labour Ccurt Arbetsgivarverk, statens National Agency for Government -mployers Arbetslivscentrum Centre fc Working Life Arbetsmarknadsinstituten EmployabiIty Assessment Centres Arbets-narknadsstyrelsen National Labour Market Board rbetsrnilj6fonden Work Environment Fund Arbetsmilj6institutet National institutee of Occupational Health Arbe,-s.iljonamnden, statens Board of Occupational Safety and Health for Government Employees Arkivet for 'jud och bild National Archive of Recorded Sound and 'Yovinq Images Arki tekturmuseet Museum of Architecture Arrendenamnder (12 st) Regional Tenancies Tribunals (12) GPR/Spec/70 Page 3 B Bakteriologiska laboratorium, National Bacteriologial statens Laboratory Banverket National Rail Administration Barnmilj ridet National Child Environment Council Beredningen for internationellt Agency for International tekniskt-ekonomiskt samarbete technical and Economic Co-operation Besvdrsndmnden for rattshjalp Legal Aid Appeals Commission ib-licteket, Kungl Royal Jl.ibrary Siocrafbvri, statens National _oard of Film Censors Bostadsdomstolen Housing .Zppaal Court Boverket National Hiousing Board Srottsfdrebyggande radet National Council for Crime Preventic~n 3roa:sskadenrmnden Criminal :njuries Compensation Board Byggnadsstyrelseno National Board of Public Buil:i-: C Centrala fbrsoksdjursngmnden Central Committee for Laboratcrv Animals Centrala studiest6dsndmnden National -oard of Student Aid Centralndmnden for fastighets- Central Board for Real-Estate data Data D Danshdgskolan, statens College cf Dance Datainspektionen Data Ins-ection Board Departementen Ministries (Government Departments) ` Dialekt- och ortnamnsarkiven Board of the Dialect, Name sant svenskt visarkiv and Folklore Research Institutes GPR/Spec/70 Page 4 Domstolsverket National Courts Administration Domdnverket? National Forest Enterprise orarnatiska institute College of Theatre, Film, Radio and Television Expertgru;pen for forskning och Expert Group on Regional Studies regional utveckling Ezcorzkreditnamnden E=port Credits Guarantee Board Fideikoommissna~mnden Entailed Estates Council ,inansinspektionen Financial Supervisory Authority wiskeriverket National Board of Fisheries .rlygtakniska forsoksanstalten Aeronautical Research Institute -^-crskncsaridsndmnden Council for Planning and Co- ordination of Research -ort_-ikationsforvaltningenI Fortifications Administration Frivirdens behandlingscentral Probation Treatment Centre -6rlikiningsmannaexpedition, National Conci'iators' Office states Forsvarets civilfbrvaltning Civil Administration of the Defence Forces Fdrsvarets datacene-r Defence Data-Processing Centre .Fdrsvarets forskningsanstalt National Defence Research Establishment Fbrsvarets fdirvaltningsskola Defence Forces' Administration School Fdrsvarets materielverk" Defence Material Administration Fdrsvarets radioanstalt National Defence Radio Institute Firsvarets sjukvirdsstyrelsex Medical Board of the Defence Forces Fdrsvarshdaskolan National Defence College GPR/Spec/70 Page 5 .7drsdkringskassorna Social insurancee Offices Fdrsdkringsdomstolarna Social Insurance Courts Geologiska undersokning, Geological Survey of Sweden Sveriaes Geotekniska institute, statens Geotechnical Institute Grafiska institute och insti- Graphic Institute and the tutet for hogre kommunikations- Graduate School of och reklamutbildning Communica tions *Gv:-as~ik- och idrzttshdcskolan, Stcckho'.. Cz:'ege of Physi_:. rduc at4tc.- ',iandelsflottans kultur- Swedish Government Seamen's och fritidsrad Service H-=andelsflottans pensionsanstalt Merchant Pensions Institute Handikapprid, statens National Council for the Disabled HaveLikommission, statens Soared of Accident Investigation '.istcriska museet Museum of N.'ational Anticuities :-ovrrtterna (6 st) Courts of Appeal (6) Hiumanistisk-samhallsvetenskaligca Council for Research in the -orskningsridet ?.umanities and Social Sciences Hundskola, statens National !og Training Centre Eyresndmnder (12 st) Regional Rent Tribunals (12) H2lso- och sjukvirdens Committee on Medical ansvarsnamnd Responsibility Hdgsta domstolen Supreme Court Inskrivningsmyndigheten for Register Authority for fdretagsinteckningar Floating Charges Institute for byggnadsforskning, Coucil for Building statens Research GPR/Spec/70 Page 6 instit-u f6r personal- National Institute for Civil utveckling, statens, SIPU Service Training and Development Institut for psykosocial National Institute for rmiljm-edicin, statens Psycho-Social Factors and Health Institute fdr rym..dfysi.k Swedish Institutc rf Space Physics Invandrarverket, statens Swedish Immigration Board J Jordcruksverket, states Swedish Board of Agriculture . .a>:anslern ffice _ F the Chancellor : acms:..i-:-etsombudsmannen ochn office of t.e Equal Opport^nities ,am.sz&.cl'.etsdelecacionen Ombudsman and the Equal Coportunities Commission K Kaceinammn.den/Narradionamnden Swedish Cable Authority/Swedish Community Radio Authority Kammarkollegiet National Judicial Board of Public Lands and Funds 'Kammarr-tterna (4 st) Administrative Courts of Appeal Karolinska institute Karolinska Institute :eminkalieinspektionen National Chemicals Inspectorate Komrrmerskollegium National Board of Trade Koncessionsndmnden for miljb- National Franchise Board for skydd Environment Protection Konjunkturinstitutet National Institute of Economic Research Konstfackskolan College of Arts, Crafts and Design Konsthogskolan College of Fine Arts Konstmuseer, statens National Art Museums Konstndrsnamnden Arts Grants Committee GPR/Spec/70 Page 7 Konsz:ad, statens National Art Council Konsumentverket National Board for consumer Policies Krigsarkivet Armed Forces Archives r:xir-.naltekniska laboratoriun, NIational rLabcratory of Forensic stazens Science Kriz-in2a1vardsstyrelsen* National Prison and Probation Administration Krcnofogdemyndigheterna (24 st') Enforcement Services (24) Kulurracd, statens National Council for Culturai Affairs Swedish Coast Guard "C-.._....slenamnc, states National Board for Spent Nuc-ear Fu-el :.J ra:. nspektion, statens ';uclear-Power Inspectorate L Lan--ruksstyrelsen och National Board of Agriculture, 1an=_ruksndmnderna County Agricultural Boards Livrustkammaren/Skoklosters Royal Arroury slct:t/Fallwylska museet Livsmedelsverk, statens National Food Administrazion Lotar:inamnden Gaming Board Luf fartsverket* Civil Aviaticn Administration L kemedelsverket Medical Products Agency Lans- och distriktsaklagar- County Public Prosecution myndigheterna Authority and District Prosecution Authority Ldnsarbetsnamnderna (24 st) County Labour Boards (24) Lansstyrelserna (24 st) County Administrative Boards (24) Lone- cch pensionsverk, statens National Government Employee Salaries and Pensions Board M Marknadsdomstolen ;arket Court GPR/Spec/70 Page 8 MaskInprovningar. statens National Machinery Testing Institute Medicinska forskningsradet Medical Research Council Meteorologiska och hydrologiska Swedish Meteorological and institute, Sveriges Hydrological Institute Mi l_6Qrhogskolan Armed Forces Staff and War College Musikaliska akademien Royal Academy of Music Musijrhbgskolan i Stockholm Stockholm College of Music .-r N'ati -:nimuseet -. ;_:,r:",l rt- Mu',seum'''^. I Natu:htistoriska riksmuseet Museum of Natu:al History Natuzvetenskapliga forsknings-, Natural Science Research Czuncil ridet Naturvirdsverk, statens National Envir-nmental Proteztion Agency Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Scandinavian institute of Af.rian Studies Nordiska hdlsovirdshbgskolan Nordic School cf Public Health Nordiska institutet for sam- Nordic Institute for Studies in halisplanering Urban and Regional Planning Nordiska museet, Stiftelsen Nordic Museum Notarienamnden Recorders Committee Ngmnden for statens gruvegendom State Mining Property Commission Namnden for statliga fornyelse- National Fund for fonder Administrative Development and Training for Government Employees Ngmn-nen for utstallning av Swedish National Committeeeor nutid-a svensk konst i utlandet Contemporary Art Exhibitions Abroad Ngrincssfrihetsombudsmannen
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