TO]RK AUGUST 1860.-TRIPLE SHEET. 8 NEW HERALD, TUESDAY, 10, -ii .i...itiwa- to the Itwa At M. the Julia Barfleur p.angers and freight to Baltimore and lblqnltors, anfl nothing Is Pert undone render 1:11 P. parsed llgnt OUR SUMMER RESORTS. on me lit of September, 18M, under a writ of parti, all North and East. These boats are well reception of the squadron u brilliant success. 1Lh^Caiubria tux minutes behiud her, uuiler lore tiou, be gave $118,ooo for the otber balf. lie is a points YACHTING. Mad- an" ait canvas, and bis officered and supplied with all the comforts to be It sriould be added that, the fine sloop yacht including jib-topsail very worthy young gentleman and devotes In steamers of the Bound or |:?ltne Jacob Voorhls, Jr.) wtll participate in the tnalntopmast staysail. The Aline paused Uaytlcur WHITE SULPHUK SPHMC9. whole time to the amusement and of the founu thepalatlul (Mr. same sail enjoyment river. The rail portion of the route la uniteHudson Annual Cruise of th« N>w York Yachi flub. <Bonteal to-day. The Madeline baa just come off the Light at 2:20, under the as the Cauihria, guests. it the battle fields of ways, where she was having a new must pat up, and itie Uuineveru lost coming up with the Alme; The peculiarities of the Rockbridge Alum Springs as passeH through Savagehistoric, The Run to New London.t«o<xl Thna«h 2:3a mile from the unfortunate Nuuik«-rncra Their Fonda at station, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks and all the scenes bavins earned one away coming from Newport a at passing one-half Mostly Npeadlng are marked in the perrect eradication of diseases in of General McCleilan's between the Vnriitble Winds.The Arrival and KnthusU rew days shice. -She will probably have aa Mvctere, still ut anchor. At 8 P. M. the Julia was Home.Distinguished Peraonitgea at the men and women, commonly known as consumption, grand campaign and other still the Cambria, but the distance between White House and the front of Richmond. The untie al the INxiuot 11mm. for the honors the taracie, sauie competitors leading Political Movement ou the bronchitis, scrofula, skis affections, chronic river where Ueueral Reception.Hall' cralt. them was rapidly decreasing. At J:30 the Cambria Hpringn.Net* diarrhoea and dyspepsia. Time works bouse on the Pamunkey The Buce To-Day. wellknown to of the Julia, aud ut dawn or luuby ami the Teat Oath. first met Mrs. Martha Custls, who Tt.e squadron has been angiueuted by the arrival passed windward Tapis.tJeneral changes among those who wonderfulcom6 became the wire of the Father of Ills Washington New London, Asgast ». lsso. <3f several yaclfs. day the cutter was half a cable's length astern of The Peabody Bail on the of io iub aiuiu ctpnuKn us im anus, ami a rew days subsequently At tne Ju lu passed the Camoria and drew 11th.Qnalltiea suffice to and the spot where Cornw&Hts surrendered, When the lestivfties at (..'lea Cove had been troiiy tit her. 3:.xj allow a decided Improvementgenerallyin are to be Country,found away from her about a cable's leugth, when me the White Sulphur Water.The Place Sixty tueir conditions. In 1H&5 the late Rev. Ur. James W. with other interesting soenes, together to a termination the captains and ifuests YACHTING IN EXJBOPE. re this verv desirable and pleasant route between tiaypy wind again dropped olT. leaving them to drift astern Veil Ago. Alexander, of New York, wrote about these springs along York «il to their yachts and in half an hour all or to let go their kedges. The latter alternative whitk SPLltnt'k Sl'rinur, 1 as follows:- "The Alum is in the the North ami South. The Richmond and River pushed W. Rockbridge Spring Itallwav forms a direct connection with the was sUll and the harmonious ]I-a Sariele Ties I)u belug preferred, the anchors ware let go and Gkeknbbiek County, va.,5 same county with the famous Natural Bridge, but In around peaceful, Kegutcs Havre.The mere lay. occasionally tueir anchors August 4, 1809. ) the northern on the between and Danville Railroad and other roads InRichmondths ou board aluue they umug part highroad (inkling of tne watch bells .Hatch.A Tame Atlair.WeatherInternationalas some little catspaw appeared to indicate wind; While the columns or the Herald present almost and the celebrated Warm Springs, beingLexingtonabout city of Richmond. the that The niornmsr (TDfavorablc. but It was uot until after eight o'clock that miles from the latter. ulum <|UiWJde prevailed. disturbing they a number or interesting letters from such twenty Though exists Kir il llAVRK, July 22, 1800. could be said to be under way. The Uulnevere was daily In large measure, aud gives the predominant taste PLACE J50TE8. brOKC auapieiousiy avmuiuiuawncir aiiuo t hull the Aline and toe as to the the H'Yl'MlMtt from the while The «o-ralied international match of tills clnb at this tiuie down, watering places Long Brunch, Saratoga, Newport, water, medicinal qualities of the spring the wind blowing lively north, I.WIIdon, French yachts being out 01 sight. The Julia waa Ac., replete with the social, fashionable are by no means due to this agent aloue. There are ulso reciweretf Irem his 1ooa place on the libit inat., the competitors being:. ahead at and to have there; Cape May, tree Mr. is at good King ,-<ol was fully eclipse 8:40, ought kept certainlyand gossip of the Northern visitors with preseut Bulphunc acid, protoxide of iron and the Thornton, Rritisn Minister, staying wuh 11'he Sylvia, cutter, 10 tons, Le Comte de but at 8:4a she allowed the Cambria to slip by and political sulphates of potash, lime aud magnesia But neither like a sensible has his ol Saturday, apparently recuperated energy. become the winner three seconds. The are it afford some this statement not the Mass., and, mau, Newburyport, the * Ondalle, the cutter Avoca, 31 by whom they thronged, may elaborate analyses or t'he order of sailing was given by Commodore formerly English Sesmaliods; went ashore on Leclair Hank at 11:48Guinevereand to hear how matters ore at Rogers and Hayes in any degree accountProlessorsfor family with him. lor six o'clock, with permission, however, for eer- fona, L. Mandrot; be Myatere, lormerly the Cambria, the Aline bore up for Cherbourg. The Oudalle gratification the manifest effects o( the water. Indeed, it is well Saturday mght they had a lively hop at the React* at the White Sulpher Springs. The company tain oi Mic to sum in advance if they * hca the Leonora, schooner, 81 tons, Le Comte de at 2:3J:30 P. M., the Mystere 3:22:10 p. M.,arrived known that ageuts which are Inert or hurtful in the House, at which more than a dozen yachts and the Sylvia at 6:17:10 P, M., the Oudalle thus here more national in character hands of the pharmaceutist, possess a great Wallingfora, felt the to do so. The Julia, White 'leamaisoaa: and the English yachts Cambria, is, perhaps, power New York of course. disposition taking (he tiret prize for French yachts. than at any other watering place in the country. It as proceeding from nature's laboratory." Thereare "gals" figured conspicuously, aa.l Seadrilt availed themselves of such 8ichooner, of 188 tons, James Asbbury, Esq.; Gntne- Mr. Ashbnry presented the prize to be sailed for live springs within a space of twenty-live met. but Bishop Eastburn is studying natural theology at Cap claim m favor of Is made up of visitors from the North and the South, and thus had a better of t ^re, schooner, 308 tons, C. Theliasson. Esq.; Aline, and therefore waived his the Julia, only four are in use, from the fact that the 111th lost N. II. permission, opportunity contenting himself with the second prize. the East and tne West, and In a single social group its ago. Issue from as Rye Reach, and individual contests that 8choouer, 218 tons, K. Sutton, aud Julia, cat- power years They many Rev. Dr. Bellows witnessing the start Esq., The leuirth of the course was 160 miles, and a be seen from each of chambers hewn In the slate rock and arc rather is reposing In blissful tranquillity Soou alter 'er, 122 tons, (i. F. Moss, i uwre miserable, disagreeable match could there may represeutatlves attractive than The _ drifting In at followed throughout the day. clearing Esq. sections such otherwise appearance, Waipole. uud Rev. J. E. Todd la among old, *"*» aot be uo trial as to speed took these great harmoniously discussing which are no means are Hands Point, however, the entire tleet came along in iu» iviub, nuu u tiuuu' imagined; place, waters, by distasteful, scenes at Conway, N. H. lothiug interesting occurred, nothing but calms. topics as agriculture, immigration, improvements freely drank oy all the visitors, commencing at the familiar and sifter a sufficient btliug headed dtelle, cutter, 78 ions, were both entered for this )f course there will be a deal uX nonaeuae written In General Ptiil .Sheridan has his wants attended to splendid style, ami even politics. You miss the Southerners, who weaker or No. 1, aud gradually ascend the scale on their Hound course, the wind still fresh 'natch. The Alarm is iu Southampton docks having ;he Knglish journals now that the Cambria has won until No. 4 is reached. Quite a large trade Is being at Saratoga John A. Grlswold and takes his "fill" being but ll she had been last tlrst In ante bellum days used to crowd your Northern by from the north.
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