1909 GENERAL INDEX. PAGE FAGS Press Notices of Barr's Daffodils at `• Rock Garden and Miniature Daffodils • • 8 Surbiton • • 1 Daffodil Seed .. a • 8 Culture and Adaptation of the Daffodil .. 3 New Seedling Daffodils .. 9 Special Collections of Daffodils .. 6 General List of Daffodils .. 15 List of Ineipensive Daffodils, for natur al- Manures, Tools, Daffodil Plates, etc. 35 & 36 ising in Grass, Woodlands. etc. 7 dk 8 Notices and Terms of Business 37 PA GE PAGE PAGE PAGE Abscissus 15 Cossack .. .. 10 Hon. Mrs. Jocelyn „ 16 Mrs. Betteridge "c2E0 Salmonetta 28 Admiral Makaroff 15 Countess of Ann,esley 16 Hon. Mrs, FrenckIin Mrs, Buchanan .. Santa Maria .. •• 17 Admiral Togo .. 1.5 Cresset • • 32 Hoop Petticoat 21 and 22 Mrs. C. Rowley 26 Sarnian. Belle. See Adonis. 9 Crown Prince .. 26 Horace .. 33 Mrs. C, W. Earle • 18 Tortuosus. Agnes Barr 31 Cupid .. • • 26 Horatius.. 11 Mrs. Camm . • 20 S. A. de Graaff 22 Agnes Harvey.. 27 Cyclaraineus 2110 Horsfieldii 18 Mrs. G, H. Barr _ . 12 Scarlet Eye 13 Ailsa 9 Cygnet .. Hulds• 18 Mrs. MorIand Crosfield 18 Scarletta 32 Albatross 26 Cynosure 24 Hyacinth 32 Mrs. Langtry , .. 28 Sceptre .. 32 Albicans 19 Czarina 10 Ibis 11 Mrs. R. 0, Noteutt 26 Seoticus — 19 plenus 22 Albus {Tria ;2 final • 30 Dandy Dick 24 Ideal .. 34 Mrs. Thompson - 20 Alice Knights .. 19 Dante . , 33 Incognita 32 Mrs. Vincent .. 20 Seagull 26 .. 10 Indamora 11 Mrs. Walter Ware .. 18 Semi-partitus plenus 25 Alma .. •11. 16 Dainty Almira 33 Defiance .. 16 Ingar , • 11 Nessus . 17 Sensation 27 29 Sentinel .. 19 Amabilis 27 Diana .. • 27 Intermedius Sunset .. 34 Nelsoni major .. 30 minor .. 29 Sequin .. Amazon .. 27 Diomedes (Macleaii) Irene .. • • 34 1' 12 Seraphine 13 Angel's Tears. 30 Dorothy E. WelnYes• - 26 Isis 11 Nestor • Anne Holloway 21 Dorothy Yorke 24 Isolde 18 Noblesse , • 12 Serotinus 3,1 Apricot .. 17 Double White Poeticus 34 Izard 32 Occident 26 Siddington 27 Apricot Phoenix 25 Duchess of Brabant .. 27 Janet Image ... 28 ObvaLlaris 17 Silver Moon 13 Ard Righ 16 Duchess of West- Jaspar 11 Odorus (Ca An40a n e4 le) 30 Sirdar 13 Argent .. 25 minster 27 Janne a, Merveille 34 „ rugulosus 30 Sir Lancelot 13 „ maximus 30 Sir Watkin 24 Ariadne • 27 Duke of Bedford • 18 J. B. M. Camm 18 PP 30 Snow Crest 13 Artemis .. 23 E. T. Cook • 18 Joan of Arc . • 11 „ plenus • Campauelli Snow King 18 Aspasia 34 Eggs and Bacon 25 John Bain. .. 32 P7 Astrardente 32 Egret .. 32 Johnstoni 21 plenus 30 Sprightly 17 17 Atalanta 19 Eileen Mitchell • 10 Jonquilla 35 Oracle 12 Spurius Steadfast 24 Aurantius 29 Elaine 28 I p ff. pl. 35 Orange Frill 12 Stella . _ 24 Autocrat 23 Ellen Barr 31 Juliet .. 33 Orangeman 12 superba 25 Avalanche 19 Elvira 34 Juncifolius .. • - 30 Orian.a. 18 St George 13 Banzai .. - 9 Emerald .. 31 Katherine Spurrell 28 Orifiamme 32 Barbara Holmes 26 Emperor.. 1€ King Alfred .. 16 Ornatus 34 1 Strongbow 29 Baroness Heath 31 Empress .. 18 King of the Nether- Othello 17 Sunrise . 13 Barn Owl 23 I English Lent Lily 18 lands .. 24 Pallidus Praecox 20 Sunset . 34 Beacon .. 31 Enid 28 Knight Errant 18 Peach .. 28 Sylvia . 29 Tazetta vars. fee_ Beatrice .. •• Eoster zs Lady Audrey .. 20 Pedestal .. 12 Beauty . ^3 Epic 33 Lady of Shalott 11 Penguin .. 12 General Bulb Cata- logue. Bedouin 9 Eros - 10 Lady of the Snows 20 Perfectus 24 Bennett-Poe 21 Ethelbert 10 Lady Jane Jodrell 11 Peter Barr 12 Telamonius plenus 22 Bernardi 29 Evangeline 10 Lady 21. Boscawen 24 Pharaoh .. 18 Ten.loy Daffodil 17 Bianca .. 27 Eveline 19 Lady Sybil 20 Pheasant's Eye 33 Tennyson 13 35 Biflorus 34 Excelsior 16 Leedsii . • 27 Phil May .. 17 Ten.uior . _ v air. hybridus 34 Faction .. 10 Lent Lily 18 Phyllis .. 28 The Bride 34 13 Blackwell • • 23 Fair Maiden 10 L'Innocence Pilot .. 12 The Geraiui ie 13 Blazing Star . 9 Fairy Queen 28 Little Dirk 32 Plenipo 25 The Rising Sun Blood Orange .. 33. Falstaff 31 Little Dorrit 32 Plenissimus 22 The Rival • . Bountiful . - 23 Fanny Mason Lobster _ 24 Poetarum 34 The Saracen , 13 Bridal Flower .. 2'7 Fantasie 32 Lobularis Polestar .. 33 The Sisterhood 29 21 Bridesmaid . - 27 Fidelia. 31 PP pleas Polyanthus Narcissus. The Twins Broadwing Fiery Cross 10 Lohengrin. _ See General Bulb Thisbe ... 33 Buccaneer • . 9 Finella _ 10 Lolah _ Catalogue. Tinkle Bell 13 Bulbocodium 21 Firebrand. 31 Lone Star P. R Barr 17 Titan - 25 Bullfinch. 31 Firellame 10 Lord Kitchener Pimo' 34 Torchlight 13 Burbidgei 31 Fire Glow 2,9 Lord Roberts ... Primrose Dame 12 Toreador 13 Butter and Eggs 25 Firelight_ . 10 Loveliness Primrose Phoenix 25 Tortuosus 20 Buttercup 9 Fire Queen 10 Lowdham Beauty 11 Princeps 19 Teandrus 30 Butterfly 25 Flora Wilson 26 Lucia .. 7_8 Princess Ida . 20 Tridymus 22 Calathinus 30 Frailty .. 31 Lucifer .. 24 Princess Mary 24 Triumph _ 34 Calpurnia Frank Miles 24 Lulworth 24 Princess Maud 28 Una 29 Campanelle (Oderies) 30 Furnace . _ 10 Lycidas 11 Prospero.. 12 Uncle Robert 13 Capax plenus 22 Gaiety .. 24 M. M. de Graaff 28 Pseudo-Narcissus .. 19 Undine 29 Capella . 9 Gardenia-flowered 34 Mabel Cowan .. 24 PP plenus 22 Van Dyck 17 Captain Nelson 16 Gera 28 Maclean .. 30 Pulchellus ihreisoni) — 29 Van Waveren's G..ast 17 Cassandra .. 33 George Philip Haydon 10 , Mdme. de Graaff 20 „ Triandrus) 33 Vanessa 32 Catriona_ 9 Gipsy Lad .. 24 Mdme. Plemp 18 Pyramus 19 Venus .. 13 C. H. Curtis .. 9 Glitter 26 Madge Matthew 2.8 Pyrrha. _ 12 Verbanensis 34 C. J. Baekhouse 23 Gloria Mundi 24 Maggie May .. 28 Queen Anne's Jonquil Vesuvius 25 C. W. Cowan .. 19 Glory .. 33 Magpie . 29 (0iiarleS Plileus) 30 Victoria 19 . _ . Cernuus 19 Glory of Leiden 16 Major Spurrell • - 11 Queen Bess 4. 24 Virgil .. 31 „ plenus 22 Glory of Noordwijk 18 Marchioness of Lorne 20 Queen Catherina 24 Viridiflorus 13 „ palch.er 19 Golden Bell .. 16 Margot .. 11 Queen Christina 12 Vivid .- 32 Chaffinch 32 Golden Rose .. 25 Maseotte 32 Queen Isabella 20 PP P. Milner .. 20 Chancellor 23 Golden Spur _ . 16 Maurice Vilmorin 26 Queen of Spain 21 Warley Scarlet 13 Charm .. 9 Grace Darling . 20 Maximus 16 Queen of the North 12 Waterwitch .• 29 Chaucer .. 33 Gracilis 34 Maydew 11 Queen Sophia .. 24 W eardale Perfection 19 Cherry Ripe . • • 31 Grandiflorus 33 May Queen U Radiant .. 12 White Eagle .. 29 Chieftain -• 9 Grandis 18 Mercedes 32 Ranger Johnson 17 White Falcon • . 13 Circlet .. •• 9 Great Warley 10 Merry Maid . 26 Ray Smith 17 White Hawk •4 13 Citrinum •• 22 Greenheart . 31 Michael Foster 18 Red Emperor 12 White Lady 29 Cloth of Gold .. 22 Gwendalin 20 Mikado .. 16 Red Chief 12 White Queen 29 Clusii 22 Gwyther 24 Minimus 17 Red Star 24 White Slave .. 29 Codlins and Cream 25 Hamlet 16 Minnie Hume 28 Resolute . _ _ 29 White Standard 13- Colleen Bawn _ 19 Hatfield Beanty 18 Minor .. 17 Rev. D. R. Williamson 17 White Wing .. Commander 23 H. E. Buxton .. 29 „ plenus 22 Rhea . • 19 Willie Barr .. 17 Comus _ 33 aeminalis . • 30 Miss White 22 Robbie Jenkins 28 Will Scarlett 25 Concolor . •• 30 Henri Vilmorin 20 Model .. 32 Rosalind 32 G-oldring 20, Concord. .. 32 Henry Irving .. 16 Mohican . _ 12 Roselle. 33 Wm. Wilke _ . 22 Conspicuus 26 Herod . 10 Monarch .. 17 Royal Star 12 Yellow King. See Ard *is Constellation 23 Heroine .. 10 Monophyllum 22 Rugilobus 17 Righ . • • gm 16 Corallina 10 Herrick .. 33 Moschatus of Haworth 20 R.ugulosus 30 Zenith . 13. Corbularia 21 Homer .. 33 Mountain Maid 28 St. Patrick 22 Zoe 21_ Cornelia .. •• 16 Hon_ Mrs. Barton 28 Mrs. Backhouee 29 Sabrina .. • _ 19 1911 TELEGRAMS : I BARR, LONDON." TELEPHONE 2991 CENTRAL. Autumn 1911. Barr's " Gold Medal " Daffodils AWARDED Twenty-eight Gold Medals and a Ten Guinea Challenge Cup, Also many First-class Certificates and other high awards. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF THE DAFFODIL FOR some years past a general want has been felt by Daffodil exhibitors for a wider classification of the Daffodil than the existing one, which has not been found sufficiently elastic to take in several new forms of the Narcissus family raised by hybridists since the great Daffodil Conference of 1884. The Narcissus Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society was approached on the subject, and to meet the case appointed in 19o9 a sub- committee to carefully go into the matter, and see how far the existing classification could be modified or altered so as to facilitate the placing of the many new seedlings now being raised. A good deal of time and careful study was given by the members of the sub- committee to the subject, and the revised classification which they brought forward was almost unanimously accepted by the full Narcissus Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society. In the following pages we have adopted to a great extent this classification, which we hope will be of valuable assistance to exhibitors of Daffodils and to amateurs who desire to make a selection of distinct types. As will be seen, io distinct divisions have been made together with a section (Div. XI.) at the end to take in a few uncla.ssed species and hybrids. With each division we have given the distinguishing character. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Culture and Adaptation of the Daffodil Outdoors 1.•• •••• 2 Naturalising Daffodils in Grass, etc. ••• 2 Cutting Daffodils for Decoration .. 3 Culture of Daffodils in Pots or Boxes ... 3 91 57 97 Vases and Bowls 4 Collections of Daffodils for Exhibition ••• 5 97 77 77 Pot-culture 5 ,, 11 77 Flower Borders 5 Daffodils Recommended for Exhibition 5 Unnamed Seedling Daffodils in Mixture 6 Collections of Daffodils for Grass and Naturalising' 7 Mixtures „ 71 79 77 Choice Plower Borders 8 Miniature Daffodils for the Rock-Garden, etc.
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