University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-26-1912 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-26-1912 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-26-1912." (1912). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2309 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. AUBUQU ERQUE MORNING JOURNAL . No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1912, It) Mull, .VI (Villa II MiiiilllI Single t"ol"-- 3 Cents. THIRTY-FOURT- H YEAR. VOL. CXXXIII, 57. Ily Currier, ll Cents it Month, United States, through the action of NAVY TO ASSIST IN their delestites In the next national convention." LAWRENCE POLICE:MURDEnOUSBANDIT;SEVEfJKNQWNDEAD: PROTECTING SEALS OCK Efforts of Colonel Koosevelt'a REBELS friends lo Induce him to muke an i i turller declaration of hia attitude onJ i n n n ;r..-T- the prtsidential queallon had been un- ni i mi iiiiTii mi r inn inn in nnnnr in innrn Washington. Feb. navy for availing. Ills laconic remark to n LLfiGfl Wl I IVI ILL DLnlfJU ;DflnD IN INJUtfLU the first lllue will assist the revenue friend In Cleveland last Wednesday n MHl cutter service tins year in patrolling night that "My hut Is In the ring; you Pacific waters to prevent pelnglae AT GATES OF will have rnv answer Monday, ' w sen ling. in ' This has been made neessary by the first Indication that' he had treaty signed by mind an aff irmutlve answer to the STRIKERS COUNTY JAIL BYTORNADQ the seal the I'nlted governors' letter. Slates, Ureal I'.rltaln, Uussin and I'pon promise the reply would Japan. that ' naval II t wilt pnlrol CONSENTS be given out tonight, a small urniy of The Pacific coin, nnnnnnn from Sun Francisco to the Dixon en- JUAREZ newspaper pien gathered at the it trance. While the lev title cllttcl'.s will evening. Sec- rel'a office early in the FORCED TO USE CLUBS a bUbunny HURRICANE THROUGH be assigned to the I'e'iilng sea. The retary Frank Harper met th report- duty of Ihe naval easels will b; large- ers punctually and gave out the cor- ARKANSAS ly ? TO QUELL STREET MOB COUNTIES confined to protecting the seals respondence 'without comment. He on Journey the com- their from south to suid he was In no position to j Alaska early In the spring and their BORDER CITY. AT MERCY In of ab- ment, and view the author's i ru late In spend Sheriff James Reaches Head- Irolurii lo south waters the sence In Huston, where he will Sate Troops Called to Help Homes Destroyed and PeoD e n.11. OF GOMEZ FOLLOWERS several days. It was Impossible to get quarters With! Survivor of 10 an elaboration of the statements Disperse Crowds of Sympa- Buried in Wreckage; Wires made in the letter. Pair Who Robbed Mogollon thizers; Children Restored to Prostrated; Relief Train With SCANT HOPE HELD ICommander of Besiegers Prom 11 coix)m:i wii.i and Stew Two Men, uei'Kat Store HIS X)IA'MIHS sim:eh Parents By City Apriorities. Doctors Hurried to Scene, ises Plenty of Notice to For- Boston, Fel). 25. "I think I have made my position clear. I hava no eigners Before Attack Begins; tomor- plans beyond this night; for PRISONER MAKES FULL Juiirnnl Htirrlnl I noo-.-l Wlr 1 OUT Blf ENGLISH knows By VI onion Journal Special l.eacd Wlre.l Br Murnliif to Resign. row and afterward no one 25.-Th- e Itock, Ark., Feb. 2!S. Seven Expects Madero Lawrence, Mas., Kel). mill OF Little RACE what Is in store." workers strike, now In its seventh CONFESSION CRIME persons are known to have been killed, '1 hiB was Colonel Uoosevelfs re. a sseore Injured, In a n ...... u.,lu iv,ul. lt hinl week, was marked today by a recur- and more than MpOIl.lB IO ItlC nijtvm mu yester- tornado, which late Ihls afternoon lly M.irnlMt JuurnHl SimmImI l.riul Wlr. some word in regard to, rence of the riotous scenes of E tonight for day, today, how- swVp, portions of Lincoln, Jefferson Mini Kl 1'iiso, Feb. Juarea will not i The disturbances Victims, Both of Them Un- his statement. ex- an,l Arkansas enmities. The greatest 01 II expansively, ever, were not connected with the be attacked mil proper notice has As he spoke he smiled j reported Aliuyra, portation of children. Shot destruction was hear for- Then he added with a chuckle: "11 armed, Wantonly Down In prairie rice lands of Ar- been given by the rebels to tho . were forced to use the and am having a quiet literary evening; I Police oflicers residing town, accord-l- n Will Accept Nomination For their clubs on a crowd of strike sym- By Bloodthirsty kansas county. Mrs. Kdward John- eigners 'n the haven't talked politics with anyone." Thieves; children, it hired man at the home pathisers, who had thrown stones "t son. Iter three Government Told That It Alone to Knilllo Campa, in coiumand of If It Be Tendered Colonel Roosevelt whs Recovered, named .Mcclain, and an unidentified llauoho, , them, following some arrests. Most of Money 7 no men, encamped President ntyil .jin.in ifoiiert- nrani.. a Harvard now at So fur as could be learned ho stranger, who was slopping at th Can Prevent Walk Out of classmate, with whom he spent thCj home, were killed. twelve miles soiitli of Juarex. on the Him; Will Stick to Decision Wht Vnura of his decision HUTCad heads were broken. A small number Johnson ! child Col- Mexlc,, Noiih west em railroad. i ...ll.llitMa a troop of cavalry The husband and ail infant Eight Hundred Thousand aiOUUU Wie.i Cll.v iin.vui unit nri. of infantrymen and Special l)lpt,h ! th Morning Journal. at noon Until Convention Has Spoken. oo.i. was sent to the scene, and wore kept were severally Injured. Campa made the statement ated a great deal of excitement. Socorro, N. M Feb.j2!. Francisco Perhaps a score of persons were In- liers Next Thursday, today In his camp that he is awaiting Judge Grant's home wus beseigfd busy for some time, dispersing the of of see crowd, no resist- Oruniido, the survivor the pulr jured when their homes w. re destroy- Ihe arrival of Colonel lncx Snluxur by a crowd of persons anxious to which offered active bandits who on Monday night last Injured were cured at Kojas, with their troops. discus-sinj- f ance to the soldiers. ed. The for and Antonio colonel, who was quietly j they COLONEL'S ANt TO the today gave back murdered C, A. Freeman and William neighboring Iiirm houses, and some ll.r Morning Journsl H.ecl..l Leswed Wlre.l He declared lhal as soon an had literature within. When at last The city officials the store the south, If did doorway, he to ptiiciiis most of the children, Clark and robbed of were taneii io .Aiiu.via. London, Feb. S5. due or the largest iiriived iron) the Juareis PROGRESSI- EMANDS he appeured at the the Mogollun Mercantile Company at Mo- A by of Is town would no .- -- yesterday child the name Hamilton s not surrender, the beamed upon his interviewers as who were taken In charge gollon, was brougnt to .socorro this mine own-i- In Fnglaiul, who has exercised to something had made morning, as they were about to be known to have been killed near Swan taken, but cure would be though hlmj morning by Sheriff Knill James and I ake, Ark. Seven Injured were placed taken part in the conferences with attack from such a position that Kl usually happy. - I placed on a train enroute for Phila- more than lodged In the county jail. on a relief train, to lie taken to a the government, expressed tho opinion Paso would not be hit by any bullets A dozen questions were fired at thei delphia. The children had passed the young bandit, for he Is but 1!) guns. Agrees With Governors That appeared. He night city poor farm. The hospital In Pine P.lufr. tonlgiit that the oitlv hope of prevent- from rebel colonel as soon as he at the years of age, and looks slightly, older, l part of a laugh, saylngj The parents of these children will At Terry, In the noi hern ing a conl strike that will Involve more "We shall advance from the river Matter is One to Be Decided cut thuu olf with talks freely of the crime and evidently Lincoln county, several residences there, firing 1 a Into tomorrow or than eight hundred thousand miners and place our artillery "tjulet day am spending veryj be called court not realise the Seriousness of his destroyed, Dr. iimi to In- politics I have to to charges of does Weie and Williams Is for the government persuade parallel with Fl I'nso," said Camps, of day. In regard to Tuesday, answer 111 I ro Purely From Standpoint quiet situation. To Sheriff James he made his wife were cuught the wreckage the men to post pone heir notices. is Ml-dc- teen no human being." child neglect. Leaders of the Indus- deed, describ- "(inr oest advice that President to- a full confession of the of their home, both being seriously James HkhIhiii, labor in inber for Is vacillating, he will colonel," said an Insistent Workers of the World said hold-u- p and that terest of the Whole People.
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