'>■■■'if’*' t . '. ' \ • MOin)AY. FEBRUARY 18, 1880 jHan(Ir»Btrr £»ttU tg JfrroUi Attack With Dollars—Help The Heart Drive sponoiblUty of vlsiUng citlMns of The Stanley Orotq> of the South their respective towns, Mr. Che­ . ......... ■■'■'■■'J'.]. ,aiiNi Methodist church wUl meet to- Win Farm Bureau Insurance Awards Allied Towns ney aaid their ready acceptance of It Town morrow evening nt 7:45, Each this responsibility la "encouraging AYsraga Dally Nat Prsaa Ran ............. Jo eltaSw b i m h member is requested to • and I am confident that we ahall For Bm MaaMi a« taraary, IfM iMTintlnittt club Valentine. Hostesses >^ill be Mrs. Teams Picked have excellent reports to be made ’^tMl OMBinC ot 0;W ot the Shert- Percy Stocks. Mrs.. Donald Smith, at the final meeting of the Build­ Oeady sad wMy wMh Mar- ” ftr 0 Iniiliittf MMion and Mrs. Emil Born and Mrs. John ing Fund organization on Febru­ 9,839 adtteat i wtek OB «BV«I<V«* “ "Jl"* Sawyer. Hospital Ginvassers in ary 20th." • iianrlfpHtrr lEurnttig lirraUi taaightt Ounpuicn for funds. Mrs. Menbar at ths Aadlt Arnold Thompson will preside tn Mrs. Saul Silvcrstein, tel. 7681, Nearby Communities B anaa af OIroalatloaB t)M Bbsenco of President Alice announces that only 26 tickets re­ Manchetter^A City of Village Charm main for the performance of Jane Selected for Campaign Ounpot. cowl, Wednesday evening at the ORPS Mr. and Mr^ WlUlsm J. H ^ n a Astor theater. East Hartford, of Benjamin Cheney, chairman of VOL. LXIX., NO. 114 (dashUtod AdvartMag aa Paga tt) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CEN19 of icooter street, their son. Wil­ the tickets the Sisterhood of Tem­ the Allied Towns Division of the of liam, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrea ple Beth Sholom have for sale. Those planning to go on that Manchester Memorial Hospital MasM of Summit street, attend­ Building Fund, has announced the ed the wedding In New York yes­ night should contact Mr.s. Silver ISDOM stein at once. appointment of Mrs. Steven D. Honor Great Emancipator terday of Mise Emily Hanna and Williams, Jr„ as chairman for Another Shipment! William Ferrett. from A Master Point game will be Wapping, who has already en­ Reg. 49c ^ine ^Tiistles Sound Commission Advises •me rriendship arclc of the played tomorrow night in Tinker listed the following as members of Salvation Army will meet this hall at eight o’clock by the Man­ her local team: OOP'S evening at 7:30 at the citadel. chester Dupileatc Bridge Club. Wapping: Mrs. Harold Cum­ Hoetoesee will be Mrs. George Winners in the regular Friday mings, Mrs. Leonard Barter, Mrs. Mr.—An old time druggisVs Startex night game last week were as Levon Parmakian, Mrs. Richard method of pouring liqoida with Fitch and Mrs. Dolly Wylie. Riley, Mrs. Stella Zaleski, Mrs. Assembly Cut Task, follows: North-South, Mr. and no funnel Is to take • match Again in Vain Today; y t f Mary D. Bolinsky of IB Mrs. John Drcblnger, 66; Mr. and Elarl Brogard, Mrs. Ray Livermore stick and lay It across the open­ Norman street, accompanied by Mrs. Millard Rowley, 63>2. East- and Mrs. Albert E. Stiles. ing of the can or bottle you William Russell has accepted Printed Toweling friends from Hartford, left Satur­ West, Don Gustafson and James tvant to pour from. Poor slow­ the chairmanship for Talcottvllle ly and the fluid will trickle day for a week's skiing at St. L. Baker, 73; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frod T. Baker M. Kenneth Ostrlnaky Jovlte, Canada. She will be a Ungerer, 71. and baa appointed as members of down the match stick. Hold the Avoid Special Laws gusM at the Grey Bocks Inn. to his new homo at 89 Lyndale his committee: receptacle directly under the Work Orders Defied Two local rep re^tatlv as of the end of the match. The fluid will “ Miss Emil Smith, who was one street. Talcottvllle: HIsa Faith Talcott, Manchester Lodge, No. 78, A. F. Farm Bureau insurance companies, Rev. Ernest Gordon. Harold Red- run right Into the receptacle of the leaders when Girl .Scouts of Mr. Oatrinsky joined the Farm In a thin stream. PartlcuWrly and A. M., will hold a stated com­ Troup 1 toured Europe last sum­ Fred T. Baker and M. Kenneth Os- Bureau companies In 1947. He field, Mrs. William H. Russell and No Contract No Work Urges Legislfftorg. Dis­ munication tomorrow evening at served in the Navy during World Wilfred Kent. handy for fliltng cigarette 39« yd- mer. will give an Illustrated talk 7:80. Following the business trinsky, have qualified for mem­ Mra. Alvah Ruasell has accept­ lighters. Favor Home Rule continue Gonsideratioli of their experiences before the bership In the Challenger Club, top War II. He la married and haa one 25% LINEN AND 75% COTTON Walkout Omtinues CIO Would Shift meeting the Feilowcraft degree child and Uvea at 184 Bissell street. ed chairmanship for Glastonbury Keeney street Parent-Teachers honor group of the three com- and appointed to assist her: Mrs.—A handy rack for IiltchMi Full Force in All Major Of Legislation Apply­ will be conferred, and a social Club at its monthly meeting to­ Both men are presently enrolled towels may be made by tack­ Beautiful fruit, floral aud Mexican patterns in red, blue, gold hour with refreshments will be panies. Word of their achievement I Llf* Underwriters Training Glastonbury: Mrs. Hector No­ ing Only to Individnal morrow evening at 7:30. A so­ vell! and Paul Jesania. ing a pinch-type clothes pin td and green. Makes smart draperies, scaiTs, dish towels. 0>al Producing Sec­ Burden of Taxes In-Town Affairs enjoyed. cial time with refreshments will came today from Bowman Doss, Councll course in Hartford. the wall near the sink. Community; Would Al­ follow. agency vice-president of the or­ The Farm Bureau companlea are Commenting on these appoint­ tors; Pickets Roaming Memorial Temple, Pythian Sls- ments of members of the cominlt- ganization. the Farm Bureau Mutual Automo­ For oil can 4196. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Favorable Reaction to low Lot More Time teia, will meet tomorrow evening Loyal Circle of King’s Daugh­ This honor is awarded annually bile Insurance company, the Farm teea who have accepted the re- Pennsylvania H i g h • Say* Truman'* Tax Pro^ Sehool Abuses in Odd Fellows hall. Each mem­ ters will meet this evening at for excellence In production and Bureau Mutual Fire Insurance ways To Make Sure Pits May Appeal gram Doe* ISot Go Proposal Voiced by To Think About Bus!- ber la requested to bring a Val­ 7:45 In the Federation room of quality of business in each of the company, and the Farm Bureau ness of Whole State entine. Mrs. Sarah Miller heads Center church house. Mrs. James companies. Life Insurance company. These Pay Your Electric Light Bills Here In State Stay Closed Far Enough; Propose* Both Mayor and Gen­ Curbs Sought the entertainment committee, and Johnston, chairman of the re­ Mr. Baker has been an agent for firms have home offices in Colum­ During Regular B u sin g Hours Any Day Of The Week To Congress eral Manager Today Mrs. Aimle AUey the refreshment freshment committee, will be as­ the Farm Bureau companies since bus. Ohio and operate with an A Great Space Saver In Including Saturdays Wide Excise Slashes Hartford, Feb. 14.—(/P)— committee. sisted by Mrs. Martha Mansfield 1946. He is married and haa two agency force of more thaa 2500 Pittsburgh, Feb. 14.—</P) House Members Do Not The CommiBfiion on State and Mrs. Carlyle B. Johnson. children. He haa recently moved In- men and women. —Mine whistles shrilled in Immediate favorable reac­ AdverUaement— CIO Executive Board Washington, Feb. 14.—(/P) Government Organization Your Clothes Closet! vain again today as striking —The CIO said today Presi­ tion here to a proponal that Want to Deprive Vet­ A son was born February 10 to The daughter bom February 1 Wants to Legalize Hir­ proposed today that the Gen­ Sm RAYMOND E. GORMAN The Manchester Garden Club soft coal miners for the sec­ dent Truman's tax program local governmental affairs be erans of Any Training eral Assembly make leas Ibr Auto UabUUy Insurance, 42 Mr. and Mrs. William Caywood of will hold its monthly meeting this In Hartford hospital to Mr. and ond day defied work orders ing Hall System Now withdrawn from the state po­ Brookfield St., phone 4871 Lorain, Ohio. Mrs. Caywood was evening at eight o’clock in the Mrs. Edward C. Kluccwicz of 34 does not go far enough. It work for itself by discontinu­ the former Miss Alice Barlow of West Center atreet, has been iMa' from both the government litical arena was voiced to­ Washington, Feb. 14—(yP)—House Kobbins room of Center church Extra Special! Washington, Feb. 14—W — Th« proposed a plan for wide ex­ ing consideration of special this town. They have a amall house. Tlic business session will be named Donna Marie. She la the and John L. Lewis. The no day. Both Mayor Harold A. members looksd today for ways daughter. CIO ElxecuUve board today con- cise slashes and shifting of legislation—laws which ap­ followed by a panel discussion on first grandchild of Mr. and Mra. contract no work walkout “present tax burdens from Turkington and General Man­ to curb abusss in the GI vocations! ply only to an'individual com­ house plants, seed catalogues and Michael Surowlec, o fthls town. continued full force in all ma­ aidered an Immediate appeal to ager George H.
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