German Historical Institute London Bulletin Volume XXIV, No. 2 November 2002 CONTENTS Seminars and Lectures 3 Article Breakthrough in the Caucasus? German Reunification as a Challenge to Contemporary Historiography (Andreas Rödder) 7 Review Articles Hannah Arendt in Germany (Dean Hammer) 36 Cultural Aspects of the Cold War (Dominik Geppert) 50 Book Reviews Hans-Martin Blitz, Aus Liebe zum Vaterland: Die deutsche Nation im 18. Jahrhundert (Maiken Umbach) 72 Brendan Simms, The Struggle for Mastery in Germany, 17791850 (Paul Nolte) 77 Rudolf Muhs, Johannes Paulmann, and Willibald Steinmetz (eds.), Aneignung und Abwehr: Interkultureller Transfer zwischen Deutschland und Großbritannien im 19. Jahrhundert (Michael Werner) 84 Dieter Gosewinkel, Einbürgern und Ausschließen: Die Nationali- sierung der Staatsangehörigkeit vom Deutschen Bund bis zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland (John Torpey) 87 (cont.) Contents Uwe Puschner, Die völkische Bewegung im wilhelminischen Kaiserreich: Sprache, Rasse, Religion (T.C.W. Blanning) 94 Michael H. Kater, Composers of the Nazi Era: Eight Portraits (Gabriele Clemens) 98 Lutz Niethammer, Kollektive Identität: Heimliche Quellen einer unheimlichen Konjunktur (Helmut Walser Smith) 101 Conference Reports Editing Documents in the Age of Technology: Principles and Problems (Markus Mößlang) 106 The Many Daces of the Kaiser: Wilhelm IIs Public Image in Britain and Germany (Lothar Kettenacker) 117 European Lieux de Mémoire (Benedikt Stuchtey) 121 Noticeboard 126 Library News Recent Acquisitions 131 Literature on the GDR 157 2 SEMINARS AT THE GHIL AUTUMN 2002 17 Sept. DR TILL VAN RAHDEN (Cologne) &rom Concord to Diversity: German Jews and the Para- doxes of Civil Society, 1800-1933 Till van Rahden teaches modern history at the University of Cologne. His research interests focus on the history of German Jews and, more recently, on the history of fatherhood in the DRG and the former GDR. Among his publications are: Juden und andere Breslauer: Die Beziehung zwischen Juden, Protestanten und Katholiken in einer deutschen Großstadt von 1860 bis 1925 (2000). He has also co- edited BürgerJudenDeutsche: Zur Geschichte von Vielfalt und Differenz seit dem späten 18. Jahrhundert (2001). 15 Oct. DR MICHAEL WILDT (Hamburg) Generation of the Unbound. The Leadership Corps of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt A Research Dellow at the Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung and Privatdozent at the University of Hanover, Michael Wildt has pub- lished widely on the history of the Third Reich and the Dederal Republic of Germany. Among other books he has co-edited Der Dienstkalender Heinrich Himmlers 1941/42 (1999). His most recent book, Generation des Unbedingten: Das Eührungskorps des Reichs- sicherheitshauptamts (2002), was received with great acclaim in the German media. 22 Oct. DR NICHOLAS HOPE (Glasgow) The German Church Conflict seen through British Eyes Nicholas Hope, Reader in Modern History at the University of Glasgow, is one of the foremost experts on German and Scandinavian Protestantism from the eighteenth century to the present. His research interest has resulted in a large number of publications. Best known is German and Scandinavian Protestantism 1700-1918 (1995; pbk 1999). He is also engaged in a major European research project on Churches in European Integration. (cont.) 3 Seminars 28 Oct. PRO&ESSOR RUDOL& SCHLÖGL (Constance) Secularization. German Catholicism on the Eve of Modernity Rudolf Schlögl is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Constance and at present also co-ordinator of a research project on Norm and symbol. The cultural dimension of social and political integration. His publications, covering many facets of early modern and modern German history, include Bauern, Krieg und Staat: Oberbayerische Bauernwirtschaft und früh- moderner Staat im 17. Jahrhundert (1988) and Glauben und Religion in der Säkularisierung: Die katholische StadtKöln, Aachen, Münster 1700-1840 (1995). Seminars are held at 5 p.m. in the Seminar Room of the GHIL. Tea is served from 4.30 p.m. in the Common Room, and wine is available after the seminars. 4 THE 2002 ANNUAL LECTURE The Triumph of Music in the Modern World will be given by PRO&ESSOR T. C. W. BLANNING (Cambridge) at the German Historical Institute on Driday, 15 November, at 5 p.m. 5 GERMAN HISTORICAL INSTITUTE LONDON in co-operation with the SEMINAR IN MODERN GERMAN HISTORY INSTITUTE OD HISTORICAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OD LONDON DR HILDA ROMER CHRISTENSEN (Copenhagen) will give a paper on When the YWCA entered the City. The German YWCA in a Comparative Perspective, 1880-1940 at the Institute of Historical Research Senate House, Malet Street London WC1E 7HU International Relations Room on Thursday, 5 December 2002 at 5.30 p.m. 6 ARTICLE BREAKTHROUGH IN THE CAUCASUS? GERMAN REUNI ICATION AS A CHALLENGE TO CONTEMPORARY HISTORIOGRAPHY* by Andreas Rödder We have made a breakthrough! What a sensation! We had not expected Gorbachev to give such clear assent. All the signals were positive, but who could have predicted such an outcome? These talks are an unbelievable triumph for the Chancellor. ... I am witnessing a historic moment. This is what Horst Teltschik, foreign policy advis- er to the German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, notes for 15 July 1990 in his diary-like memoirs about the GermanSoviet summit talks in Moscow,1 which were continued that afternoon in the village of Archys in the Caucasus. That was the day that, quite correctly, is regarded as the breakthrough on the path to German unity, writes Helmut Kohl, too, in his memoirs published in 2000. At the end of our talks, which concerned mainly a unified Germanys membership of NATO and the EC, it was clear that the Soviet Union would agree to German reunification.2 The many Germans who were involved in this GermanSoviet summit all speak of a breakthrough. Each of the agitated partici- pants was,3 as former 9inance Minister Waigel writes in his memoirs, happy at the outcome of the meeting in the Caucasus, and was glad to have been present at such a crucial moment of German and inter- * This article is based on a lecture given at the German Historical Institute London in May 2002. Translation by Angela Davies. 1 Horst Teltschik, 329 Tage: Innenansichten der Einigung (Berlin 1991), p. 324. 2 Helmut Kohl, Mein Tagebuch 19982000 (Munich, 2000), p. 287. 3 Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Erinnerungen (Berlin, 1995), p. 838. 7 Article national politics,4 and, in Kohls words, to have experienced the breakthrough in the Caucasus.5 This view drawn from the testi- monies of the German politicians involved also dominates the public memory of the unification process as reflected in the media from Informationen zur politischen Bildung to the rankfurter Allgemeine Zei- tung.6 Similarly, the version of the breakthrough in the Caucasus has shaped the historical image since created by German academics, both in overviews of the history of the 9ederal Republic of Germany and its foreign policy,7 and especially in the monumental study Außen- politik für die deutsche Einheit,8 which concludes the four-volume Ge- schichte der deutschen Einheit.9 4 Theo Waigel, Tage, die Deutschland und die Welt veränderten, in id. and Manfred Schell, Tage, die Deutschland und die Welt veränderten: Vom Mauerfall zum Kaukasus. Die deutsche Währungsunion (Munich, 1994), pp. 2656, at 52. 5 Helmut Kohl, Ich wollte Deutschlands Einheit, ed. Kai Diekmann and Ralf Georg Reuth (Berlin, 1996), p. 421. 6 Cf., as three examples of many, Jochen Staadt, Dann den Zipfel der Strick- jacke fassen: Wie Helmut Kohl von Michail Gorbatschow die entscheidenden Zusagen für die Wiedervereinigung erhielt, rankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (henceforth 9AZ), 17 July 2000, p. 5; Werner Adam, Die große persönliche Tragödie des Michail Sergejewitsch, 9AZ, 2 Mar. 2001, p. 8, and Informa- tionen zur politischen Bildung 250: Der Weg zur Einheit (Bonn, 1996), pp. 43 f. The only exception among the productions to mark the tenth anniversary of reunification was the documentary film Deutschlandspiel, by Heinrich Breloer. 7 Cf. Manfred Görtemaker, Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Von der Gründung bis zur Gegenwart (Munich, 1999), pp. 764 f.; Gregor Schöllgen, Die Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart (Munich, 1999), p. 196; and Ulrich Schlie, Von Bonn nach Berlin. Die deutsche Wiedervereinigung, in Eckart Conze and Gabriele Metzler (eds), 50 Jahre Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Stuttgart, 1999), pp. 36581, at 374. 8 Werner Weidenfeld with Peter M. Wagner and Elke Bruck, Außenpolitik für die deutsche Einheit: Die Entscheidungsjahre 1989/90, Geschichte der deutschen Einheit, 4 (Stuttgart, 1998), pp. 53564, at 529 and 558: Working with the leadership in Moscow, Helmut Kohl, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, and Theo Waigel had cleared the path to reunification of all essential obstacles. ... The exhaustive talks conducted by the Chancellor and his delegation with President Gorbachev and his people in Moscow and Archys had resulted in the crucial political breakthrough in the unification process. 9 Vol. 1: Karl-Rudolf Korte, Deutschlandpolitik in Helmut Kohls Kanzlerschaft: Regierungsstil und Entscheidungen 19811989 (Stuttgart, 1998); vol. 2: Dieter Grosser, Das Wagnis der Währungs-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialunion: Politische 8 Breakthrough in the Caucasus? The first part of this essay presents a source critical analysis of this view of a breakthrough in the Caucasus (I). Substantive and meth- odological conclusions will be drawn, on the one hand about the international
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