[see Pages H1-H8] 9 » Church Groundbreaking 16-17 » May Dining Options 25 » Commanding the Mound Your Most Trusted Source for Local News and Events May 2017 Serving Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow, Irvington, Scarborough-on-Hudson and Ardsley-on-Hudson Vol. XII No. 5 East Parcel in Sleepy Hollow Moves Irvington Arrest Closer to Development Leads to Bust of Burglary Ring by Robert Kimmel Te “East Parcel,” the 29-acre section of the former General Mo- by Barrett Seaman tors site set aside for use by the Village of Sleepy Hollow, is one important step closer to achieving its purpose. When Irvington police ofcers went to A mandatory environmental review process for the parcel was for- investigate a home invasion and robbery at mally completed by the Sleepy Hollow Local Development Corpo- a Main Street apartment last August, little ration, (SHLDC) at a public board meeting late last month. did they know that it would eventually lead Te process required the SHLDC to adopt a “Statement of Find- to the round-up of a 10-man burglary ring ings” as part of the State Environmental Review Act (SEQRA). It responsible, said prosecutors, for a four-year also has submitted a Riverfront Development Concept Plan to the “brazen crime spree” across Westchester, Village Board of Trustees. Rockland, Putnam and Dutchess counties, Te village turned over the “East Parcel” to the SHLDC in 2014 the Bronx, and Fairfeld County in Con- after acquiring it as specifed in its special permit that allowed GM Illustration of proposed uses on East Parcel. necticut. to sell its long vacated plant site to the developers of the Edge-On- Often armed, members of the gang rou- Hudson mixed-use project. Tat project is being developed on the bridge over the railroad, a road connection to Beekman Avenue, tinely robbed both legitimate businesses and 67 acres along the river to the west of the Metro North Tracks. a pedestrian connection to Barnhardt Park, and a reduction in the drug dealers in communities throughout Situated east of the tracks, between Beekman Avenue and Devries number of dedicated spaces for overfow parking. Te parking is the region. Park, and next to Continental Street, the 29-acre “East Parcel” is to be used both for the community and for events at Philipsburg Two men, later identifed as Dennis expected to provide a variety of uses for the village and its residents. Manor. “Bundles” Brown and Elbio “LB” Espail- Tose uses are spelled out in a modifed Riverfront Concept Plan A new DPW facility is seen as a necessary replacement for the an- lat, barged into the apartment and ordered within Te Final Environmental Impact Statement for the site. tiquated DPW unit on River Street, particularly with the increased a 26-year-old male and his mother to the Tey include: a community center, a Department of Public Works needs anticipated by the adjacent Edge-on-Hudson $1 billion de- foor at gunpoint, then took the male into facility, a mixed-use synthetic velopment with its 1,177 residential units, retail and ofce space, a separate room where they pistol-whipped turf athletic feld, an outdoor and a 140-room boutique hotel. him until he surrendered a large amount of performance amphitheater, a Te SHLDC also determined the Riverfront Development Con- cash. After the men fed the apartment, the skate park, the expansion of a cept Plan to be in harmony with the village’s Waterfront Revitaliza- victims waited an hour before calling the “Great Lawn” for green space tion Program. police, allegedly fearing their return. PAID passive use and a terraced com- Residents of Sleepy Hollow had ofered their ideas as to what Seven Irvington ofcers, including Detec- PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE U.S. PERMIT NO. 971 PERMIT NO. munity plaza. should be constructed on the East Parcel at a series of informal tives Michael Toolan and Erik Seman, were WHITE PLAINS, NY WHITE PLAINS, Te modifed plan also calls meetings led by Village Board members, an online survey by the assigned the case. Using surveillance equip- for a Continental extension village, and a series of public hearings Continued on page 3 ment, they identifed the license plate and model of the getaway car and circulated the information throughout the county. Work- ing closely with the Greenburgh Drug and Alcohol Task Force, the Irvington cops were able to locate the car and the suspects in Yonkers a few days later and set up ongoing surveillance. Photo by Sunny McLean Sunny Photo by Te case quickly broadened, bringing in the FBI’s Westchester County Safe Streets Task Force. By March, Brown and Espaillat were linked to eight other gang members, and on April 6, a joint law enforcement team that included Irvington police round- ed up the gang and arraigned them in fed- Swimming Pool to Open in Tarrytown: The Village of Tarrytown’s frst municipal outdoor eral court in White Plains. swimming pool is set to open Memorial Day weekend (May 27-29) at Pierson Park. The “Tis case kind of exploded on us,” said swimming season runs through September 4. Seasonal membership rates and daily guest Irvington Police Chief Michael Cerone. Ac- fees can be found on the village’s website (www.tarrytowngov.com), along with days and cording to several reports, the 26-year-old times for residents to register and take identifcation photos. man in Irvington was a bookmaker who got caught way in over his head. www.thehudsonindependent.com Jean Kim Sears, AAMS® Financial Advisor 19 Main Street Irvington, NY 10533 Bus. 914-591-7800 Fax 877-462-3096 [email protected] www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC 2 Te Hudson Independent May 2017 www.thehudsonindependent.com East Parcel To move the project forward, the Village an unused parking lot into a true commu- fnancial advantages it provides in develop- Continued from page 1 Board will need to issue a special permit, nity asset,” David Schroedel, Chairman of ment of the “East Parcel.” As a non-proft if it agrees with the plan, followed by the the SHLDC, commented. Schroedel noted, corporation, it is expected to pursue other last summer. Te survey questionnaire drew SHLDC submitting a site plan for review “Tere will be additional opportunities for economic development in Sleepy Hollow, responses from 331 people, including 280 by the village’s Planning Board. public comment during the site plan ap- and nearby, as well as create employment from Sleepy Hollow, 42 from Tarrytown, “Completion of the East Parcel environ- proval process.” opportunities, “through the use of selective and the remainder from residents in adja- mental review is an important step in what Sleepy Hollow sought the creation of fnancing, real estate development, public cent areas. has been a more than 20-year efort to turn the SHLDC to take advantage of certain works, and related business partnerships.” www.thehudsonindependent.com May 2017 Te Hudson Independent 3 Tarrytown Station Area Project to Integrate with Village’s Revised Comprehensive Plan by Robert Kimmel and in turn, a further report, “Tarrytown outreach events, such as open houses and Connected. A Framework for the Station workshops, as we proceed.” Aukland said Rather than focusing primarily on the Area & Waterfront.” that progress will be shown on the project project investigating prospective develop- Te project has pursued a trafc study, website, tarrytownconnected.com ments within its train station area and wa- explored the need for better connectivity WXY’s manager for its part in the project, terfront, Tarrytown is broadening its per- to Tarrytown’s Main Street businesses, and Adam Lublinsky, will be bringing in other spective to include that task within a fully also came up with several diferent pros- parties to support the efort, according to revised village-wide Comprehensive Plan. pects for the area. Tese were a “Park Con- Aukland. Among them is Melissa Kaplan- Tarrytown’s Board of Trustees’ recent ac- cept,” in which the waterfront would serve Macey, who had been a prior consultant tion integrating the Station Area Study into “primarily for recreation and culture;” a for the project and who is now a director the Comprehensive Plan was based partial- “Neighborhood Concept, primarily a resi- of the Regional Plan Association; Tifany ly on the fact that it has been ten years since dential area;” or a “Waterfront Destination Zezula, Deputy Director, Land Use Law the village’s last plan was updated in 2007, Concept,...designed to attract both resi- Center in the Pace University School and various changes have taken place or are dents and visitors.” of Law; and George James, principal of anticipated in the village, as well as major Te Board of Trustees has authorized ex- George M James & Associates. “Tey will waterfront development in neighboring penditures up to $200,000 for the upcom- bring valuable expertise to this practical Sleepy Hollow and the construction of the ing work. Grant funding from the New phase of the project,” Aukland emphasized. Tappan Zee Bridge replacement. York Department of State accounts for Aukland went on to state that, “WXY Te ongoing Station Area Study will con- $100,000 of that amount, with the village is preparing a work schedule and public tinue to pursue potential development in providing the remaining $100,000. events to bring this phase of the project to a that location and the needed zoning code “We selected a consultant team, WXY ar- conclusion in twelve months, in the spring changes to make way for what is fnally chitecture + urban design, to work with us of 2018. Tis will open the way to actual Cleaning Up: projected for the district. on this new phase of the project,” said Da- development proposals which will be sub- Friends of Tarrytown Lakes took part Zoning in the Metro North Station and vid Aukland, co-chair of the Steering Com- ject to the usual process of public review in the annual cleanup as part of nearby waterfront was based on industrial mittee.
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