David Morgan. Lexicon Latinvm

David Morgan. Lexicon Latinvm

http://alpha.furman.edu/~dmorgan/lexicon/silva.htm DAVID MORGAN. LEXICON LATINVM .. Alb. I: Sigrides Albert, Cottidie Latine loquamur, 1987 .. Alb. II: Sigrides Albert, Imaginum vocabularium Latinum, 1998 .. Bartal, Glossarium,1901 .. Bauer, Lexicon,1806 .. Georges, Handwörterbuch, s.19 .. Kirsch, Cornucopia, s.18 .. Lang. Wört.: Langenscheidts Wörterbuch .. Latham, Word-List, 1965 .. Levine, Latin Dictionary, 1967 .. Niermeyer, Lexicon, 1976 .. Pal. Lat.: Palaestra Latina .. Soc. Lat.: Societas Latina .. Vox Lat.: Vox Latina .acsr badge / insigne, signum; (symbol) nota, signum (LEV.) .acsr bead / globulus perforatus (or terebratus) (LEV.) .acsr belt / cingulum (LRL) ]] zona (ALB. I) ]] balteus (CL) .acsr belt buckle / cinguli fibula [Soc. Lat.] (HELF.) .acsr belt: money belt / zona (LEV.) .acsr blindfold / pannus oculos obligans; - vt oculos obligo; -ed oculis obligatis (LEV.) .acsr buckle / fibula .acsr carat / pars vicesima quarta auri puri (LEV.) .acsr collar / (for animals or slaves) collare [Plaut.]; numella [Plaut.; s.18] (HELF.) ]] collare; (ornament) torques, monile; (dog) mellum; (horse) subiugium (LEV.) .acsr cuff links / globuli gemini [Alb. II] ]] fibulae manicarum (LEV.) .acsr earmuff(s) / ligamentum aurium [Soc. Lat.]; tegillum aurium [Levine]; amphôtis, idis* [s.15] (HELF.) ]] tegillum aurium (LEV.) .acsr fan (held in hand) / flabellum (LRL) .acsr glove, mitten / chirothêca+ digitata [Bauer]; digitabula n. pl. | kid glove digitabulum haedînum | handle with kid gloves molli bracchio tractare [Cic.] (HELF.) ]] digitabula n. pl., chîrothêca [Alb. II] ]] digitabulum, chirotheca (LRL) ]] integumentum manûs; (sleeve covering hands) manicae; (work) digitabulum (LEV.) .acsr handkerchief / Schweisstuch: sudarium [s.18] -- Taschentuch: linteolum [Apul.]; mucinnium [Arnob.]; nasitergium* [s.16] (HELF.) ]] sudarium, linteolum (LRL) ]] mûcinnium, linteolum [Alb. II] ]] orarium; mucinium; (for sweat) sudarium (LEV.) .acsr hat / petasus, galericulum (LRL) ]] petasus [Alb. II] ]] (broad-brimmed) petasus; (close- fitting) pilleus; (sun-shade) causia (LEV.) .acsr hat: beret / pileus Vasconicus [Soc. Lat.] (HELF.) ]] pileus Vasconicus [Alb. II] .acsr hat: bonnet / mitra; mitella (LEV.) .acsr hat: cap / pilleus, pilleum; (leather) galerum, galerus (LEV.) ]] pilleus [Alb. II] ]] baseball cap pilleus athleticus (CL) .acsr hat: felt hat / petasus coactilis [Soc. Lat.] (HELF.) .acsr hat: headware, head-covering / tegumentum capitis [Liv.; s.17] (HELF.) ]] headpiece (cap): galerum (LEV.) .acsr hat: sombrero / causia [Plaut.] (HELF.) .acsr hat: straw hat / pileus stramineus [Scheller, Lexicon, 1783] (HELF.) ]] petasus stramenticius (LRL) .acsr hat: top hat / petasus altus (HELF.) ]] petasus altus [Alb. II] ]] petasus turritus .acsr hat: turban / tiâra (Turcica); turbânum* [Bacon] (HELF.) ]] tiara orientalis (LRL) ]] mitra, tiara (LEV.) • .acsr hat: visor / (on helmet) ocularium [Kirsch] (HELF.) ]] buccula (LEV.) .acsr jewel / ornamentum [Alb. II] .acsr jeweler / gemmarius [Vulg.] (HELF.) .acsr jewelry / ornatus, ûs [s.19]; mundus (muliebris); iocalia+ n. pl. [s.17] (HELF.) .acsr jewelry: bracelet / armilla [Alb. II] ]] armilla, bracchiale -- armlet: bracchilae (LEV.) .acsr jewelry: broach, brooch / fibula [Virg.] (HELF.) ]] fibula (LEV.) .acsr jewelry: carat / ceratium (HELF.) .acsr jewelry: earrings / inaures, ium f. pl. [Plaut.] (HELF.) ]] inaures [Alb. II] ]] inaures (LEV.) .acsr jewelry: locket / theca (LEV.) .acsr jewelry: necklace / murenula [Vulg.] (HELF.) ]] monîle [Alb. II] .acsr jewelry: pearl / margarîta [Alb. II] ]] margarita; (paragon) specimen eximium | string of pearls linea margaritarum (LEV.) .acsr jewelry: pendant / ornamentum pensile (LEV.) .acsr jewelry: pin (attached to clothes as ornament) / Anstecknadel: acus ornativa (v. fixoria) [Vox Lat.] (HELF.) ]] (badge) insigne; (brooch) fibula (LEV.) .acsr muff / chirothêca+ bipatens [s.18]; chirothêca+ pellîta [Kirsch] (HELF.) ]] manicae pelliciae (LEV.) .acsr necklace / torquis, monile, collate (LEV.) .acsr necklace: pearl necklace, string of pearls / monîle bacatum [Virg.] (HELF.) .acsr ribbon / instita, taenia, limbus, vitta (LRL) .acsr scarf, muffler / Halstuch: amictorium [Hier.]; pannus collaris [Eichenseer] -- Kopftuch: capital, alis n.; ricinium [Cic.] -- Schal: amictorium (collare) [Eichenseer] (HELF.) ]] amictorium [Alb. II] ]] amictorium, fascia -- muffler: focale (LEV.) .acsr shawl / Schal (um die Schulern): anaboladium [Isid.] (HELF.) ]] anaboladium, superumerale [Alb. II] ]] amictus, palla (LEV.) .acsr shoe / calceus, calceamentum, calceolus .acsr shoe polish / unguen calceorum [Georges]; liquâmen, inis n. [Latinitas] | black shoe polish atramentum sutorium [Kirsch]; atramentum calcearium [Scheller, Lexicon, 1783]; galla (HELF.) < Galla: "Usus eius [gallae] est coriis perficiendis et tingendis nigro colore tum iis, tum lanis, tum capillis. Plin. 6, 16; 24, 4. Quare inter sutoria instrumenta enumeratur" (Forcellini). > .acsr shoe repairer / sutor cerdo [Alb. II] sutor veteramentarius [Suet.] (HELF.) .acsr shoe: barefoot, shoeless / discalceatus, non calceatus, nudis pedibus (LEV.) .acsr shoe: boot / ocrea (s.v. Stiefelspanner) | riding boots perones (v. campagi) equestres [Eichenseer] (HELF.) ]] caliga [Alb. II] ]] (for foot and leg) calceus; (soldier's) caliga (LEV.) .acsr shoe: bootjack / furca caligaria [Bauer] (HELF.) .acsr shoe: footwear / calceamentum, calceatus (LEV.) .acsr shoe: galoshes, over-shoes / calceorum indumenta [Lang. Wört]; supercalcei m. pl. [Soc. Lat.] -- Galosche: solea Gallica; gallicula [Hier.] (HELF.) .acsr shoe: heel of shoe / fulmenta [Plaut. Trin. 720] (HELF.) .acsr shoe: high heels, spike heels / calces altiusculae (LEV.) .acsr shoe: hiking shoe, hiking boot / calceus carpatinus (v. clavatus) (LRL) .acsr shoe: loafer / .acsr shoe: mocassin / calceus laxus [Levine] (HELF.) ]] calceus laxus (LEV.) .acsr shoe: pump (woman's low-cut show without fastenings) / soccus (LEV.) .acsr shoe: sandal / crepida, sandalium, solea (LRL) ]] sandalium [Alb. II] ]] solea, crepida, talaria (LEV.) ]] soccus (CL) .acsr shoe: slipper / udo, onis (HELF.) ]] crepida (LEV.) .acsr shoe: sneaker, tennis shoe, athletic shoe / Turnschuh: calceus gymnicus [Mir, 1970, 1986] -- Sportschuhe: calceamenta campestria [Eichenseer] (HELF.) ]] calceamentum athleticum (CL) .acsr shoe: wooden shoe, clog / cûspus; ligneum sandalium [DuCange] (HELF.) ]] solea lignea, sculponea (LEV.) .acsr shoehorn / inductorium [Bacci] (HELF.) .acsr shoelace, shoestring / corrigia calceamenti [Kirsch] (HELF.) ]] corrigia [Alb. II] ]] corrigia, obstragulum (LEV.) .acsr shoemaker, cobbler / sutor [s.18] (HELF.) ]] sutor (ALB. I) ]] sutor, cerdo (LEV.) .acsr shoes, high-heeled / calceamenta altiuscula [Suet.] (HELF.) .acsr shoe-shine boy, bootblack / calceorum polîtor (v. expurgator) (HELF.) ]] calceorum politor (v. mundator v. expurgator) (LRL) ]] calceorum politor (LEV.) .acsr shoestore / (taberna) sutrina [Tac.]; (taberna) calcearia [Varro] (HELF.) ]] sutrina (ALB. I) ]] sutrina (LEV.) .acsr tie / fôcâle, is [Hor.]; croâta [Perugini, Dizionario, 1976] (HELF.) ]] focale (Croatum) (LRL) ]] fôcâle [Alb. II] ]] focale [Alb. II] ]] focale (LEV.) .acsr tie: bow-tie / .acsr tie-pin / spinula [Arnob.] (HELF.) .acsr umbrella / umbrella (HELF.) ]] umbrella (ALB. I, II) ]] umbraculum, umbella (LEV.) .acsr umbrella: parasol / umbella (LEV.) .acsr zipper / verticulae (tractu) clusares (f. pl.) (LRL) ]] clausura tractilis (ALB. I, II) .adm administration / administratio, (pro)curatio, cura, (government) gubernatio; regimen; (law) iurisdictio | administrative ad res gerendas pertinens | administrator procurator; (pol) rector, gubernator, administrator (LEV.) • .adm administrative court / tribunal administrativum [Donat] (HELF.) • .adm administrative law / ius administrativum [s.19] (HELF.) .adm appoint / vt (for ofiice) facio, creo, designo; (put in charge) praeficio, praepono; -ee designatus; -ment (act) creatio; (position) munus, officium (LEV.) .adm archives / tabulae (or tabellae) publicae; acta (publica); scrinia; (place) tabularium | archivist tabularius (LEV.) .adm bureaucracy / grapheocratia [Latinitas] (HELF.) ]] grapheocratia (LRL) ]] (ad)ministri publici; (red tape) (ad)ministrorum publicorum ambages -- red tape: ambages in officiis publicis (LEV.) .adm bureaucrat / grapheocrates [Latinitas] (HELF.) ]] grapheocrates, totus scriba, exemplum scribae, ad ossa officialis (LRL) ]] (ad)minister publicus ambagibus deditus; -ic ambagibus ministeria tenens (LEV.) .adm cabinet / consistorium (HELF.) ]] administrorum consilium (LRL) ]] consilium rei publicae; summum principis consilium (LEV.) .adm chancellor / cancellarius [Cassiod.; s.17] -- Bundeskanzler: cancellarius foederalis* [Vox Lat.] (HELF.) .adm civil service / officium civile (LEV.) .adm committee, commission / delecti (viri); comission; consilium [Vox Lat.] (HELF.) ]] committee consilium, concilium; - of two duumviri; - of five quinqueviri (LEV.) .adm deputy / legatus, vicarius, procurator (LEV.) .adm minister of agriculture / administer agriculturae provehendae [Latinitas] (HELF.) .adm minister of commerce (or trade) / mercaturis moderandis provehendisque administer [Vox Lat.] -- Wirtschaftsminister: (publicus) (ad)minister rei oeconomicae [Eichenseer] (HELF.) .adm minister of cultural affairs / (ad)minister cultûs et educationis [Soc. Lat.]; (ad)minister cultûs eruditionisque [Vox Lat.]; (ad)minister (publicus) rei culturalis+ (HELF.) .adm minister of finance, secretary of the treasury (US) / (ad)minister fiscalis (HELF.) .adm minister

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