1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 239 pensa.tion the officer can not recover against the Government. That cisco, Cal., of Minneapolis, Minn., of Bridgeport, Conn., and of Bath, has been the uniform current of decisions. Therefore, it was sought in Me.; and of William H. Webb, a former ship·owner and builder; of the the last session to incorporate on the consular and diplomatic bill the Harlan & Hollingsworth Company, Wilmington, Del.; of Edward E. words "in full compensation," those words having been inserted by O'Brien, a large ship-owner, of Thomaston, Me.; of the Pacific Coast the Senate. And here the language indicates the exact sum to be paid, Ship-owners' Association; and of Carleton, Norwood& Co., ship-owners beyond which Congress does not intend payment to be made. So that and ship-builders, against the passage of the free-ship bill-to the Select it is possible on the authority of the decision of the Supreme Court Committee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. that in a. case like this recovery can be had of $800. By Mr. DUNN: Papers in the claim of John T. Jones, of Phillips Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Chairman, my attention has been called to County, andofJames E. Wilman, of Elgin, Ark.-totheCommittee on the language of the amendment offered by the gentleman from Ken­ War Claims. tucky LMr. BRECKINRIDGE], which speaks of the "attorney of the By :Mr. ELY: Petition of Mary Dacey, to relieve Daniel Cahoone from United States." I would suggest that it be changed so as to read: the charge of desertion, and for other purposes-to the Committee on "The district attorney of the United States," that being the technical Naval.Affairs. • term. By Mr. GAY: Papers in the cla.im of James A. Nonien, of Madison :Mr. REED, of :1\faine. It would be more binding if yon got the Parish, Louisiana-to the Committee on War Claims. Attorney-General's approval. [Laughter.] By Mr. J. S. HENDERSON: Petition of Mrs. Mary Woody and 4 Mr. BRECKINRIDGE. I will accept the a.mendmentofthegentle­ other ladies of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Greens­ man from Illinois [Mr. SPRINGER]. borough, N. C., earnestly requesting the passage of the Blair educa­ The CHAIRMAN. The Chair does not recognize the right of the tional bill-to the Committee on Education. gentleman to accept it. By Mr. HIRES: Petition of gold and silver beaters of the United The question was taken on the amendment of Mr. SPRINGER, and it States, for increase of duty on certain articles-to the Committee on wa-s rejected-ayes 57, noes 59. Ways and Means. The amendment as amended was then agreed to-ayes 88, noes 67. ~y Mr. McRAE: Papers in the claim of John R. Carter, of Clark The Clerk read as follows: County; of James D. Scott, of Clark County; and oflmogene Holloway, For other miscellaneous expenses authorized by the Attorney-General, in­ of Ashley County, Arkansas-to the Committee on War Claims. cluding the employment of janitors and watchmen in rooms or buildings rented for the use of courts, interpreters, experts, and stenographers; of furnishing and By Mr. MORGAN: Petition of Robert Cunningham and others, for collecting evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, and relief-to the same committee. moving of records, $214,400. By Mr. MORRISON: Memorial of the Illinois State board of agri­ Mr. RANDALL. I ask unanimous consent to modify the language of culture, for agricultural-experiment stations-to the Committee on that paragraph by striking out in line 1886 the words "other miscella­ Agriculture. neous expenses," and inserting "payment of such miscellaneous ex­ By Mr. MORROW: Petition of San Francisco Chamber of Commerce penses as may be." against the passage of the free·ship bill-to the Select Committee on The amendment was .agreed to. American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. The Clerk proceeded to read the pa.ragraph headed "public printing By Mr. PIRCE: Petition of John G. Clarke and others, of Rhode and binding.'' Island, for the passage of the Hatch experimental-station bill-to the Mr. WEAVER, of Iowa. Mr. Chairman, I suggest to the gentleman Committee on Agriculture. from Pennsylvania that it is getting late- By Mr. J. H. ROGERS: Papers in the claim of Noah H. Bodgett, of . Mr. U.A.NDALL. Five minutes will probably suffice to complete Polaski County; and of Susan Cunningham, and of Josiah and John the reading. Then, if there is to be debate on this paragraph, well and Foster, of Crawford County, Ark.-to the Committee on War Claims. good; but if not, I shall ask that we may get this bill out of committee By Mr. SPRINGER: Letter of J. Alexander Fulton, urging the before we adjourn. claim of George F. Wardle-to the Committee on Claims. The Clerk completed the reading of the paragraph. By Mr. STONE, of Missouri: Petition of ex-soldiers of Missouri, Mr. RANDALL. In obedience to the law of last year, the com­ urging the passage of Senate bill 1886-to the Committee on Invalid mittee have recommended the itemizing of the appropria.tiona for the Pensiona. Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Hydrographic Office, the Signal Service, By 1\fr. E. B. TAYLOR: Petition of Edward Whitehouse, for honor­ and the Geological Survey. These are all the changes that have been able discharge-to the Committee on Military Affairs. made, and they are in obedience to Jaw. I now move that the com­ By Mr. ZACH TAYLOR: Petition of M. E. Stone and J. M. Wil­ mittee rise and report the bill, with the amendments, to the House. liams, legal representatives of Henry Williams, deceased, of Shelby The motion was agreed to. County, Tenn., asking that his claim be referred to the Court of Claims The committee accordingly rose; and the Speaker having resumed -to the Committee on War Claims. the chair, Mr. HAMMoND, from the Committee of the Whole, reported that they had had under consideration the bill (H. R. 10072) making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fis­ cal year ending June 30, 1888, and for other purposes, and bad in­ SENATE. structed him to report the same to the Honse with sundry amendment-B. Mr. RANDALL. Now, Mr. Speaker, I move the previous question FRIDAY, Decembtrr 17, 188G. on the adoption of the amendments, and on ordering the bill to be en­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. grossed and read a third time. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. The motion was agreed to. Mr. RANDALL moved to reconsider the vote by which the motion ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. was agreed to, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on The PRESIDENT pro tempore signed the following enrolled bill and the table. joint resolution, which had previously been signed by the Speaker of The latter motion was agreed to. the House of Representatives: Mr. RANDALL. I move that the House do now aojourn. A bill (H. R. 1418) for the relief of Henry !'Iartin; and Mr. ROGERS. I ask the gentleman to withdraw that motion for a Joint resolution (H. Res. 220) authorizing and directing the payment second. I want to ask unanimous consent-- [Cries of ''Regular of the salaries of the officers and employes of Congress for the month order 1" "Regular order ! "] of December, 1886. · The motion of Mr. RANDALL was agreed to; and the House accord­ ingly (at 5 o'clock and 28 minutes p. m.) adjourned. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica­ tion from the Commissioner of Agriculture, transmitting, in compliance PETITIONS, ETC. with a resolution of August 4, 1886, a. report on the su~ject of irriga­ The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, tion; which, with the accompanying papers, wa.s referred to the Com­ under the rule, and referred as follows: "mittee on Agriculture and Forestry, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. J. J. ADAMS: Memorial of the Protestant Episcopal Church, for a uniform law of marriage and divorce throughout the United States- PETITIONS AND 1\.IEMORI}LB. to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. DAWES presented resolutions adopted by the Brookfield (Mass.) By Mr. BALLENTINE: Petition of B. F. Scroggins, of Giles County, Farmers' Club and resolutions adopted by the Berkshire County (Mas· Tennessee, asking th~t his claim be referred to the Court of Claims­ sachusetta) Grange, in favor of establishing agricultural experiment . to the Committee on War Claims. stations; which were referred to the Committee on Agriculture and By Mr. C. R. BRECKINRIDGE: Papers in the claim of Mary Bringle, Forestry. of Arkansas County, Arkansas-to the same committee. 1\fr. CONGER. I present four petitions of citizens of Michigan, pray­ By Mr. CLEMENTS: Papers in the claim of Rosannah Griffin, of ing that the license tax on oleomargarine may be reduced to correspond Floyd County, and of Micajah C. Wilson, of Polk County, Georgia­ with the license tax for. retail dealers in whisky and tobacco and beer to the same committee. and other necessaries of life, and that the charges upon the license for By Mr. DINGLEY: Remonstrance of the boards oftrade of San Fran- selling butter or butterine may not be greater than for selling ~h~ 240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER. 17, other luxuries. · I move the reference of the petitions to the Committee The memorial with the acoomp:tnying proceedings was referred to on Agriculture and Forestry. · · the Select Committee on the Centennial of the Constitution· of the The motion was agreed to.
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