Saved to Serve: How to be Truly Great Matthew 20:20-28 Ed Kuriscak June 12-13, 2021 Introduction: This is the time of year For graduations. High school and college graduations and celebrations seem especially Festive this year, since it all was pretty much curtailed in 2020. At the United States Air Force Academy outside oF Colorado Springs there is an interesting tradition at each year’s Graduation. Graduates receive their degrees in order oF class rank. If you have the best Grade point averaGe For Four years, you receive your diploma First. If you have the worst class rank, you receive your diploma last. Can you imagine? It’s both exhilarating and embarrassing, depending on where you Fall. ImaGine iF we were all lined up beFore God based on our eternal rank. Who do you think would be First? Who would be last? Where would you stand? This was very much on the minds oF the characters in our Bible passaGe today. It’s Found in Matthew 20:20-28. 20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something.21 And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22 Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” 23 He said to them, “You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” 24 And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Throughout the centuries, Christians have criticized Mrs. Zebedee For asking Jesus to seat her sons at His right and left. Is that a fair criticism? In fact, Jesus himself was quite understanding. What could be better than a godly mother wantinG her sons to be as close to Jesus as they can possibly get? Maybe we can cut her a little slack. Jesus doesn’t condemn her or even the desire for greatness or the quest for higher rank. 1 He takes this opportunity to explain how to be truly Great. In this era oF “Christian celebrity,” what is often mistaken For greatness in our world is the opposite by the standards of heaven. In Fact, at the end oF the previous chapter, Jesus is quoted as sayinG, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Are you ever surprised by who God uses? Have you ever considered the “behind the scenes” people who serve and are used by God? We think it is only the up-front people God uses. Billy Graham You may know that Billy Graham came to Christ during a meeting conducted by well- known preacher Dr. Mordecai Ham in Charlotte, N.C., in 1934. Billy Graham told the story oF his conversion in numerous publications, but Dr. Ham’s version adds a Few interesting details. Dr. Ham relates: “Two young high school boys attended our meeting. They thought that everything I said was directed their way; so, they decided to take seats in the choir, where I couldn’t point my FinGer at them. They didn’t pretend to be sinGers, but they wanted to be behind me.” This was Billy Graham and his Friend Grady Wilson. Dr. Ham continues, “One night a man spoke to them during the invitation and said, ‘Come on; let’s go up Front.’ Billy and Grady both went to the altar. Billy was saved, and his Friend Grady dedicated his life to Christian service.” Who was that FaithFul servant that spoke to them and encouraGed them to respond to the invitation? We don’t know. He is nameless. But his willinGness to step out, to speak to these younG boys, has eternal consequences no one knows, until we all get to heaven. Let’s think about that a little more. Who else had a part in Billy Graham coming to Christ? Thousands Flocked to hear Dr. Ham preach inside a “tabernacle,” actually a sprawling, ramshackle buildinG with a sawdust Groundcover, built especially For the occasion. Those who built that buildinG, spread the sawdust, set up the chairs, and made preparation For the services. Those nameless servants had a part in Billy’s salvation and consequentially every person who came to Christ during Billy Graham’s ministry. Who in this story was the Greatest? 2 For those who desire to be truly great For God, Jesus gives us this advice From our scripture passaGe: I. Serve with your strengths Jesus’ first advice is to use our strenGths For others. He uses a negative example to Get his point across. Matthew 20:25-26a 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It was a common practice in the Roman Empire for people to use authority for selfish purposes. And it is still in practice today, riGht? These were people with natural strenGths, physically, in leadership skills, in their position, and so on. They would use their strenGths to Get more and to bully people. They enjoyed bossinG people around and they Felt Good when they made others Feel badly. Sound Familiar? This is the employer who likes to keep employees runninG scared. This is the parent who is always showing the kids who’s the boss. This is the big guy who pushes others around. This is the person who abuses power and strengths- emotionally, physically, and mentally to build themselves up and tear others down. Jesus said, in verse 26, It shall not be so among you. Followers of Jesus Christ use their strength to help not hurt, to build up not tear down, to make others stronGer, not weaker. In simple terms: This is the Christian who has the right of way on the road or in the parking lot but gives it up to let the other car in. This is the Christian who leads From a heart of beneFiting others, not building their own kingdom. This is the Christian who doesn’t always have to win the argument. This is the Christian who From a position of strength is always looking to the needs of others rather than themselves. 3 What else does Jesus say in this passaGe about beinG truly Great For God? II. Serve with a servant’s heart Matthew 20:26a - But whoever would be great among you must be your servant. Servants were an important part of the culture during Jesus’ time. Everyone understood what Jesus was talkinG about. In 1900, the number one occupation in America was farminG, with 51% of the population involved in farminG. Second on the list of occupations was “domestic servant.” In our current culture, the occupation oF “servant” has largely disappeared. Most oF us have never even met a domestic servant. Let’s clariFy what a “servant” was in Jesus’ time. A “servant” is deFined as a person who is employed to do something For someone else. It usually is to do what others don’t want to do. Honey Pit In colleGe, I was on a work scholarship. It was a small school, so my tasks were varied, and basically, I was “on call” to take care oF lots oF diFFerent thinGs. One day, we were havinG issues with the “Honey Pit” – that’s a deceptive name we Gave to the septic tank oF the aged building. Apparently, I drew the short straw, because my job was to climb in and hold the pipe toGether while someone else (with more seniority, I Guess), Got it workinG. I was FeelinG like a lowly servant. ThinkinG back, I don’t think my attitude was all that great at the time! Jesus says our attitude should be “how can I serve others?” “What can I do For someone that they cannot do themselves?” Another word we can use is “volunteer.” A volunteer is defined as “someone who Freely ofFers to undertake a task.” In modern aFFluent America, you miGht think there would be Few volunteers For service. But the statistics are surprisinG. 4 Peter Drucker, business management guru, saw America’s non-proFit sector as the largest employer, with every second adult volunteering time weekly. Drucker saw volunteerism as essential to the smooth Functioning oF society, as well as a satisfyinG way oF ensurinG that work doesn’t consume your liFe. Drucker’s recommendation was simple: Find an organization and a cause you believe in—and get to work! 2018 Volunteering in America Report Found 77.4M adults volunteered 3.5 hours per week. Servants at Edgewood – We’ve replaced the term “volunteer” at EdGewood with “servant,” as a way to remind ourselves this attitude should be a part oF everything we do.
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