SPARKS YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 Sparks City Council highlights TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Page 4 Volume 109, Number 37 Wednesday, September 13, 2017 $1.00 SPORTS UP UP AND AWAY Raiders ‘hit their stride’ in 35-0 rout of Carson Page 6 Spanish Springs, John Byrne/Tribune Reed continue A single hot air balloon sails past the Reno skyline early Sunday morning as the remaining competitors get set to as- cend on the final day of the Great Reno Balloon race festival. Minden’s Allen Anderson took home top prize in the 36th fast starts annual event that saw nearly 100 balloons fill the Northern Nevada sky over a three-day period. Page 7 INSIDE cOvER story Weather...............................2 State Briefs..........................2 Opinion............................12 Frustrations continue for D’Andrea residents Puzzles..............................15 to clean it up,” says City of Sparks D’Andrea and a continuum was issued Advice...............................16 By Kayla Anderson Sparks Tribune Community Relations Manager Ju- which can take up to a month before Classified Ads..................17 lie Duewel. The city provided a fence any further action. Legals................................18 The troubles at D’Andrea continue. around the clubhouse to keep the prop- “The (legal) process can take a signifi- And no one seems to have a solution. erty secure, but it has been removed be- cant amount of time…we’re hoping to In summer 2017, the City of Sparks cause IPC D’Andrea refuses to pay for hear from him but we have to take it a filed a civil action against IPC D’Andrea it. step at a time and go through the proper LLC over the issue of cleaning up weeds “We are using all of the tools avail- channels. We’re hoping he’ll clean it up Follow us on and clubhouse debris at the abandoned able to us to get this taken care of,” says as soon as possible; that would be the Twitter: golf course. As of September 11, no ac- Duewel. “Will has been avoiding being best solution for everyone,” she says. @SparksTribune tion has been taken on the property, served, but we have been in contact Since the city doesn’t own the prop- leaving homeowners wondering if any- with his lawyer and are expecting to erty it feels like there’s nothing they can thing will ever be done to restore their hear back this week,” she said in late really do but go through the proper le- property value again. August. gal motions in hopes that IPC D’Andrea “(Will Gustafson and his company However, as of September 11, the city IPC D’Andrea LLC) flat out refuses had still not been in contact with IPC > See D’ANDREA, Page 3 SPARKS Get the digital edition. SEE MORE sparkstrib.com Tribune News | Sports | Trending Now Your Community Newspaper Since 1910 ONLINE! 2 Sept. 13, 2017 yOuR SEvEN-Day fOREcast WEDNESDAY THuRSDAY fRIDAY SaTuRDAY SuNDAY MONDAY Tuesday 83/58 78/48 70/44 75/50 81/52 87/45 88/42 Periods of clouds Partly sunny Mostly sunny and Mostly sunny and Mostly sunny Warm with plenty Sunny and warm and sun cool pleasant of sun NEvaDa news bRIEfS Associated Press raged out of control in the Washoe spite repeated warnings about unsta- Range. Valley along the Sierra’s eastern front ble, windy weather. The statement didn’t provide a between Carson City and Reno in Oc- hometown or age for Schultz or de- Man gets 40-year sentence tober 2016. nevada inMate recaptured tails on the crash, but it said the air- for Machete attack on Ken Lyon, one of the homeowners’ after waLking away froM craft was assigned to the Air Force rooMMate job lawyers, told the Reno Gazette-Jour- Materiel Command. RENO — A 46-yeear-old Reno man nal on Thursday it means they will get RENO — Nevada prison officials The Capital Gazette newspaper in faces up to four decades in prison a chance to prove their case in court. say they’ve recaptured an inmate Annapolis, Maryland, reported that after being sentenced for using a The homeowners say they suffered who walked away from landscaping Schultz was a 1991 graduate of An- machete to hack his male roommate more than $80 million in damages and work duty in downtown Carson City napolis (Maryland) high school and multiple times during a 2016 domes- contend the government illegally took days earlier. his parents, Linda and Larry Schultz, tic dispute. over their property and left it “value- The Nevada Department of Correc- live in Annapolis. The Washoe County District Attor- less and virtually unusable” because tions said 35-year-old Michael Ariola The Materiel Command’s website ney’s Office says 46-year-old Celestin the state Division of Forestry failed was arrested without incident Thurs- says it conducts researches and tests Glenn Tappin must serve at least 16 to properly supervise the controlled day night at a Reno motel. weapons systems. years before being eligible for parole. burn, according to their lawsuit. He’s now back at the Northern Ne- The Las Vegas Review Journal re- Tappin was sentenced Wednesday The state has argued the fire was vada Correctional Center. ported that a 99th Air Base Wing to 40 years in prison on convictions for accidental and that, while a tragedy, Authorities started searching for spokeswoman, Maj. Christina attempted murder and other crimes. the homeowners should only be en- the minimum-security inmate when Sukach, said the type of aircraft is Police found the 51-year-old room- titled to compensation for uninten- he disappeared Wednesday morning classified. mate bleeding severely from numer- tional damage, not for the “taking” of while working with a landscaping ous lacerations after Tappin’s par- private property. crew near the Department of Motor Man arrested under ents reported that he had appeared The lawsuits say fire crews started Vehicles facility in Carson City. suspicion of starting fires at reno hoteL at their home intoxicated and talking the controlled burn Oct. 4, 2016, in Ariola came from Pershing County about a killing at his home. Whittell Forest land owned by the last month and was housed at the RENO — The Reno Fire Depart- The office says DNA evidence for University of Nevada, Reno despite Stewart Conservation Camp in south ment has arrested a man suspected Tappin was found on the handle of a storm with wind gusts in excess of Carson City. of starting two fires at a hotel and ca- a machete found near the victim and 80 mph that was forecast to roll in He was serving a prison sentence sino. that the victim’s DNA was found on three days later. The prescribed burn of up to six years for a stolen property A 26-year-old man has been ar- the weapon’s blade. was intended to reduce fuel loads and possession conviction. rested and charged two counts of ease future fire risks. first-degree arson. Fire Marshal Tray Lawsuit continues over The operation was suspended air force piLot fatally Palmer says firefighters found a fire wiLdfire that burned 23 Oct. 7 as the weather worsened, and injured in crash on nevada inside a supply closet on the third nevada hoMes range crews thought the smoldering fire floor of the Peppermill Hotel and Ca- RENO — Homeowners can pro- had safely been extinguished. But a LAS VEGAS — A U.S. Air Force sino on Tuesday. The first three floors ceed with an $80 million lawsuit week later, high winds carried rekin- pilot has died of injuries suffered in were evacuated as six engines, one against the state that accuses Nevada dled embers along the Carson Range an aircraft crash at a training range rescue and multiple support groups forestry officials of negligently han- and ignited the catastrophic wildfire. about 100 miles (160 kilometers) responded to the fire. dling a controlled burn that raged out Nevada State Forester Joe Freeland northwest of Nellis Air Force Base in According to Palmer, one person of control and destroyed 23 homes resigned in April after an indepen- southern Nevada, base officials said. required treatment for smoke inhala- last fall, a judge ruled. dent investigation into the handling A brief statement released Friday tion. A second, smaller fire also broke Washoe County District Court of the wildfire in Washoe Valley by Nellis officials said the crash that out in a different tower. Judge Scott Freeman denied the north of Carson City concluded that killed Lt. Col. Eric Schultz occurred The suspect was detained by Pep- state’s motion this week to dismiss the state crews were understaffed in their during a training flight Tuesday eve- permill security. Officials found evi- lawsuits stemming from the fire that manning of the smoldering burn de- ning at the Nevada Test and Training dence leading to the man’s arrest. CONTACT US: Publisher: Sherman Frederick - [email protected] (702) 525-2440 Managing Editor: Eric Dahlberg - [email protected] (775) 316-2265 Sports Editor: Nathan Shoup - [email protected] Advertising: Constance DeAngelis - [email protected] (775) 236-2086 Legals: Tammy Creedon - [email protected] Circulation: Kristy Stralla - [email protected] Classifieds: [email protected] Contact Us By Phone: 775-358-8062 Sparks Tribune (ISSN 0899-9583) USPS (000461) is published Wednesdays by Battle Born Media, LLC, 155 Glendale Ave. - Suite 10, Sparks, NV 89431. Periodicals postage paid in Reno, News - ext. 4 Advertising - ext. 1 NV POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sparks Tribune, 155 Glendale Classified - ext. 2 Subscriptions - ext. 7 Ave. - Suite 10, Sparks, NV 89431. Home delivery by carrier is available in Sparks. Sparks Tribune is a newspaper of general circulation and a member of Legals, Public Notices - ext.
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