Sl.No. Area Project Village Vill-Address Khata-No Plot Nos

Sl.No. Area Project Village Vill-Address Khata-No Plot Nos

Employment Details for the Year 2018-19 (Jan'19 To March'19) Relation Name of Person offered with the Place of Posting Designati Sl.No. Area Project Village Vill‐Address Khata‐No Plot Nos. Block‐Name District F/H‐Name Empl.Ref. No. Empl‐Letter‐Date Employment Land‐ (Area) on Owner PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 1 Hazaribagh Kedla OC Kedla PO ‐ Kedla PS ‐ Mandu 15 951(P),955,959,960,962. Mandu Ramgarh Mohan Turi S/o Kamal Turi Self 02.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐428 (HQ)Ranchi PD/MP/Apptt/Land P&IR Deptt. 2 M&A Amrapali Binglat, Saradhu,Honhe PO ‐ Kasiyadih PS ‐ Tandwa 45,31,31,2,53,46 413,305,305,1422,222, 568 Tandwa Chatra Narsingh Saw S/o Iswari Saw Self 11.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐438 CCL,(HQ)Ranchi 344,345,354,376,389,472,689,842, PO ‐ Ganeshpur PS ‐Balumath & 973,1014,1422,22,25,28,56,58,185, Balumath & Latehar & PD/MP/Apptt/Land 3 M&A Magadh Ara, Kundi & Saradhu 132,4,4,254 Umesh Kumar S/o Keshwari Saw Self 11.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Tandwa 145,162,311,205,247,317,227,352, Tandwa Chatra Loser/L‐440 107,144(P),144(P),107,677. PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 4 Kuju Topa Orla & Topa PO ‐ Topa PS ‐Mandu 19,76,58,58,59,28. 58,1053/2,670/8,670/4,863, 29. Mandu Ramgarh Binod Karmali S/o Mahaveer Karmali Self 15.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐445 (HQ)Ranchi 36,91,176,178,282,327,342,355,362, 428,501,677,709,28,47,227,251,256, 267,326,358,376,399,400,429,502, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 5 M&A Amrapali Binglat PO ‐ Kasiyadih PS ‐ Tandwa 39,37,37,15. Tandwa Chatra Raman Saw S/o Shibal Saw Self 23.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) 604,660,664,710,111,155,186,228, Loser/L‐451 (HQ)Ranchi 229,253,270,301,378,402,423,488, 489,537,616,636,679,686,687,70,71. PD/MP/Apptt/Land 6 M&A Magadh Honhe PO ‐ Saradhu PS ‐ Tandwa 40,40,38. 681,666, 783. Tandwa Chatra Pritam Kumar Yadav S/o Hemraj Yadav Self 23.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐452 PD/MP/Apptt/Land 7 M&A Magadh Raham PO ‐ Raham PS ‐ Tandwa 196, 196 1360, 1360. Tandwa Chatra Rohit Roushan Tigga S/o Imanuel Tigga Self 23.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐453 634,637,717,821,879,950,1095, 2204/2558,2204/2559,919,922, 2202,2203,2312,2456,2461, PO ‐ Saradhu & Ganeshpur PS‐ 191,192,199,101, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 8 M&A Magadh Ara & Chamatu 2484,2046,2454,2484/2555, Balumath Chatra Hemant Kumar S/o Yadunandan Saw Self 28.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Tandwa & Balumath 39,103. Loser/L‐466 2106,2460,2044,1349,1348, 1350,771,796,2043,771/2561, 740,1011. 634,637,717,821,879,950,1095, 2204/2558,2204/2559,919,922, 2202,2203,2312,2456,2461, PO ‐ Saradhu & Ganeshpur PS‐ 191,192,199,101, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 9 M&A Magadh Ara & Chamatu 2484,2046,2454,2484/2555, Balumath Chatra Devraj Kumar Sahu S/o Mahendra Kumar Self 28.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Tandwa & Balumath 39,103. Loser/L‐467 2106,2460,2044,1349,1348, 1350,771,796,2043,771/2561, 740,1011. 292,308,310,372,374,526,531,378, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 10 M&A Amrapali Honhe PO ‐ Saradhu PS ‐ Tandwa 2,54 382,383,384,523,532,533,601,784, Tandwa Chatra Deepak Kumar Ram S/o Puran Ram Self 28.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐468 (HQ)Ranchi 785,376 2100,2101,2103,2847,2877,2887, 148,428,427,196, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 11 M&A Magadh Raham PO ‐ Raham PS ‐ Tandwa 2897,2891,2869/2925,1351,2178, Tandwa Chatra Md. Kalimuddin Ansari S/o Md. Idris Ansari Self 29.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) 17,111,85. Loser/L‐458 (HQ)Ranchi 2208,2209. 2100,2101,2103,2847,2877,2887, 148,428,427,49, 2897,2891,2869/2925,2849,2856, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 12 M&A Magadh Raham PO ‐ Raham PS ‐ Tandwa 111,95,288,255,1, 2203,2204,2203,2204,2208,2208, Tandwa Chatra Md. Kutubuddin Ansari S/o Suleman Ansari Self 29.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐459 (HQ)Ranchi 85,19,196 1386(P),1387(P),2148,2143,2209, 1350,1351. 242,248,249,322,72,299,82,16,6,77, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 13 M&A Amrapali Kumrang Khurd PO ‐ Kasiyadih PS ‐ Tandwa 3 Tandwa Chatra Mukesh Kumar S/o Raghubir Sahu Self 29.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) 336,363,229,186. Loser/L‐460 (HQ)Ranchi 242,248,249,322,72,186,299,59, 82,89, PD/MP/Apptt/Land P&IR Deptt. 14 M&A Amrapali Kumrang Khurd PO ‐ Kasiyadih PS ‐ Tandwa 3 Tandwa Chatra Alok Kumar S/o Basant Kumar Self 29.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) 54,229,16,6,77,336. Loser/L‐461 CCL,(HQ)Ranchi 6,16,287,289,290,293,294,336,363, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 15 M&A Amrapali Kumrang Khurd PO ‐ Kasiyadih PS ‐ Tandwa 3 Tandwa Chatra Bikash Kumar S/o Sanjay Sahu Self 29.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) 77,186,203,229,82,89. Loser/L‐462 Kumrang Kala & 133,147,167,244,156,510,581, 466,443, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 16 M&A Amrapali PO ‐ Kasiyadih PS ‐ Tandwa 2,104,110,6. Tandwa Chatra Nikhil Choudhary S/o Ajay Kumar Deo Self 29.01.2019 Hazaribagh Cat‐I (T) Kumrang Khurd 170. Loser/L‐463 PD/MP/Apptt/Land 17 M&A Amrapali Honhe PO ‐ Saradhu PS ‐ Tandwa 61,22,56,61,22, 62 293,356,294,53,352,356, 54. Tandwa Chatra Raju Kumar Ganjhu S/o Andu Ganjhu Self 29.01.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐464 244,245,246,262,274,249, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Manpower Deptt. 18 M&A Amrapali Hechabaliya PO ‐ Saradhu PS ‐ Tandwa 2,39,60,2 Tandwa Chatra Jaya Kumari D/o Suman Kumar Singh Self 29.01.2019 Cat‐I (T) 17(P),76(P). Loser/L‐465 CCL (HQ) Ranchi 2074(P),888,900(P),901,1015,1017, Jharkhand‐ PO ‐ Mandu/Rahawan PS ‐ Ramgarh/ PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 19 Hazaribagh Laiyo & Rahawan 26,06,37 496(P),904(P),970(P),983(P),1004(P), Mandu/Gomia Bhuneshwar Rajwar S/o Budhan Rajwar Self 01.02.2019 Cat‐I (T) Laiyo OCP Mandu/Jageshwar Vihar Bokaro Loser/L‐475 (HQ)Ranchi 893(P). 373,375,399,400,419,420,439, 492,687,690,791,809,745,837, PD/MP/Apptt/Land MM Deptt. CCL(HQ) 20 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 104 Balumath Latehar Priya Sahu W/o Rajesh Kumar Spouse 11.02.2019 Cat‐I (T) 1024,1025,1026,1028,718/2006, Loser/L‐479 Ranchi 979,978,840. 373,375,399,400,419,420,439, 492,687,690,791,809,745,837, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 21 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 104 Balumath Latehar Pankaj Kumar H/o Rekha Kumari & S/o Kedar Saw Spouse 11.02.2019 Barka Sayal Cat‐I (T) 1024,1025,1026,1028,718/2006, Loser/L‐480 979,978,840. 373,375,399,400,419,420,439, 492,687,690,791,809,745,837, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 22 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 104 Balumath Latehar Ashish Kumar S/o Narendra Saw Self 11.02.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) 1024,1025,1026,1028,718/2006, Loser/L‐481 979,978,840. 373,375,399,400,419,420,439, 492,687,690,791,809,745,837, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 23 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 104 Balumath Latehar Nirmal Prasad H/o Gudiya Kumari & S/o Sarju Saw Spouse 11.02.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) 1024,1025,1026,1028,718/2006, Loser/L‐482 979,978,840. 373,375,399,400,419,420,439, 492,687,690,791,809,745,837, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 24 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 104 Balumath Latehar Khushbu Kumari W/o Asheshwar Saw Spouse 11.02.2019 M&A Cat‐I (T) 1024,1025,1026,1028,718/2006, Loser/L‐483 979,978,840. 373,375,399,400,419,420,439, 492,687,690,791,809,745,837, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 25 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 104 Balumath Latehar Ritesh Kumar S/o Raghuveer Saw Self 11.02.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) 1024,1025,1026,1028,718/2006, Loser/L‐484 979,978,840. 342,407,618,619,624,625,627, 634,635,1705,724,1055,1091, PD/MP/Apptt/Land Security Deptt. CCL 26 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 46 1096,1113,1297,1402,1396,1398, Balumath Latehar Kamlesh Kumar Ganjhu S/o Mangal Ganjhu Self 11.02.2019 Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐485 (HQ)Ranchi 1405,1420,637,1187,1229,1260, 1279,1451,1571,1588,1569. 342,407,618,619,624,625,627, 634,635,1705,724,1055,1091, PD/MP/Apptt/Land 27 M&A Magadh Ara PO ‐ Ganesjpur PS ‐Balumath 46 1096,1113,1297,1402,1396,1398, Balumath Latehar Buteshwar Kumar S/o Mangal Ganjhu Self 11.02.2019 Rajhara Cat‐I (T) Loser/L‐486 1405,1420,637,1187,1229,1260, 1279,1451,1571,1588,1569.

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