No fireworks this year at Parcells after 14-years of big bangs By Jim Stlckford works were set up on the Lochmoor arrangements to hold the fireworks space between where a display could Curry, the POllltes began maklllg Staff Writer golf course and the pubhc was able to display m another part of Grosse be set up and surroundmg bulldmgs" alternate plan;, thcmselvc'i Grub;'!.' For the first time m 14 years the view the display from the ground;, of Pomte, Curry saId The aSSOC18tlOnconSidered settmg Pomte Shores, for examplc, wlll hdve Gro~se Pomte Business and Parcells Middle School" "There are very few spaces where a up some sort of dIsplay where the fire a fireworks dIsplay .It it;, park, but It'" Profe;,slOnal AsSOCIation of Mack The associatlOn contacted the major fireworks dIsplay can be set works would be launched from Lake for Shores reSidents only A\enue Will not be sponsormg a fire- Lochmoor Club m July 1995 to make up," saId Curry "fhe statl' has very St ClaIr, but were unable to contact She said that whIle people WIth \Iorks dIsplay In Grosse Pomte. arrangements for the 1996 show, but stnct laws concernmg fireworks Any the Umted States Coast Guard III boats can see the display from the "fhere WIll be no fireworks tlns had not receIved an answer from the display must be a certam distdnce time to receIve permissIOn, Curry Idke, It won't be on the ;,cdlc of the \ ear," saId RobbIe Curry of the Mack club as of May of thIS year from bUlldmgs, and publIc areas lIke saId as,"oclatlOu's show A.venue assocIatIOn "We were unable By the time those at the assoclatlon that are few m Grosse Pomte The Plus findmg a company to set up "We hope to have d show for next to reach an agreement WIth the decIded not to walt for Lochmoor's North and South campuses, for exam- the dIsplay became more difficult year," Curry sUld "But rIght now we Lochmoor Club In the past, the fire- answer, It was too late to make pIe, do not prOVIde enough empty As the hohday approached, sald can't say that we Will " Your Community Newspaper Grosse News Vol. 57, No. 24 50 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Home Delivery 56( • Newsstand 75( June 13, 1996 And the new school Thursday, June 13 The Grosse Pointe school board trustees are: board conducts its regular meetmg beginnIng at 7 p.m. in the Wickmg Library at Ryan and Matthews Grosse Pointe South High School. A public hearing on By Shirley A. McShane Both Ryan and Matthews the proposed 1996-97 budget Staff Writer saId they didn't VIew their elec- is scheduled for 8 p.m. Jack Ryan of Grosse Pointe tl.ons to the board as personal Park and Steve Matthews of vlcto~le,s so much as the comi A 7 P m. concert by the Harper Woods swept the mumty s support for the schoo Grosse Pointe North/South Grosse Pomte Jazz Band, conducted by school board Ralph Miller, is the opener election School vote '96 for the 1996 Music on the Monday mght, Plaza series, scheduled for each collecting 4-year term (elect 2) each Thursday through Aug. roughly double 1,657 17, at the corner of the votes of the James M Bordato Kercheval and St. Clair. next highest John H. Denier Jr 413 vote getter, Steven M. Matthews 6,372 Friday, June 14 MIchele Jack Ryan 6,611 Flag Day. Fly "Old Glory" Montagne Michele Montagne Shield 3,252 with pride. ShIeld Bold = wmners (I) = Incumbent Saturday, June 15 Unofficial results for the candidates are system A parade of more than 150 Ryan, 6,611; Matthews, 6,372, VIntage cars WIll travel ShIeld, 3,252; James Bordato, "(I see the VIctOry) as a through the east SIde of 1,657, and John Denier, 413. broad-based mandate from the DetroIt and Grosse Pointe, commuruty," Ryan said "(The Dlstnct officials saId the during the AutoWeek Road community) is very mterested turnout was qwte lugh fOT a Show and Driveable Feast, m its schools and generally school board electIOn About presented by Chrysler. pleased WIth the way the 9,500 reSIdents of the Pomtes schools are run. We have con- .sunday.. June 16 and a portion of Harper Woods Cf>rns and a maJor concern IS Father's Day. went to the polls on June 10 selectmg a supermtendent That translates to about 25 The Eyes on Classic percent of the 38,500 regis- "The community wants con- DeSIgn automotIve design tered voters castIng a vote on cerns of thIS nature dealt WIth exhibition runs from 10 a.m. Monday. m a cooperatIVe fashIOn and I fully mtend to do that. I ask to 4:30 p.m. on the grounds 'This year's numbers are the members of the commumty of the Edsel & Eleanor Ford close to a mIllage election County parks millage on ballot to help keep me attuned If I House, 1100 Lakeshore In turnout," said Kathy Roberts, stray from what the broad- Grosse Pomte Shores. See By Chip Chapman where a picnic pavilion, fIShing Detroit would maintain owner- commumty relations based sentiment of the commu- story, page lB. Staff Writer pier and possible boat launch smp of the parks, but the coun- spokesperson for the Grosse mty IS, I hope to be remmded of Grosse Pointe and Harper are among the proposed pro- ty would operate them. Pomte schools In last June's that by members of the com- Monday, June 17 Woods residents presently pay Jects Grosse Pointe Park Mayor school board electlOn, whIch mumty." The City of Grosse Pointe .23 mills toward financing the The Wayne County comnus- Palmer Heenan s81d he fears also had two millage requests councLl meets at 7:30 p.m. m Huron-Clinton Metro SlOn voted 9-4 in favor of plac- rising county taxes could make on the ballot, about 13,375 vot. Matthews saId the electIOn the Grosse Pointe Unitarian Authonty parks Now Wayne ing the proposal on the Aug. 6 hvmg m the Pointes less ers cast ballots. turnout gave hIm a good sense Church (across from city County wants residents coun- ballot Andrew Richner, who attractive of what the community wants "Smce 1987, non-school represents the Grosse Pointes, RIchner feels the money and a sense of what dIrectIOn It hall, which is undergOIng ty-wide to pay 25 mills to fund board school elections have Harper Woods and part of raised If the mlllage passes wants to head m renovation) at 17150 various parks m the county. drawn between 4,500 and "Our records show that northeast DetrOIt, voted could be spent better else- Maumee. 12,700 voters," Roberts s81d. "I feel (Ryan and 1) have a lot against putting the. millage where Wayne County is spending 'The high voter turnouts are of support to contmue the path The Grosse Pointe Woods $24,000 a year on average on before the voters. "People m Grosse Pointe usually m the mIllage elec- the school board has started," city councrl meets at 7.30 each juverule offender and only "I think the plan is ill-con- would be better off with the $3 tIOns, especIally second mIllage Matthews said ''I was quite ceived," Richner said 'There million (the amount Grosse p.m. at CIty hall, 20025 Mack $10 per child on parks," saId request elections This was pleased by the broad-based are already a lot of parks In Pointe reSIdents would con- Plaza. county executive Ed qwte hIgh for a school board support throughout the com- Detroit, just not a lot of mam- tnbute lithe mLllage passes) in McNamara m a May 22 letter election Why? I truly don't mUnIty. I thmk the voters to county commISSion chair- tenance " theIr own parks or have it know" wanted to send a message." man RIcardo Solomon ''It IS If the mIllage IS approved by given to the county," Richner Interest m thIS year's cam- Matthews IS believed to be INSIDE tIme to set a new pnonty" the voters, $79 million WIll be said ''I always favor the com. the first Harper Woods reSI- Among the parks targeted IS raised each year. The tax munities over the county in p81gn seemed to mount as elec- tion day drew closer On elec- dent elected to the Grosse Opinion 6A Manner Park, near the Grosse would last five years, ralsmg matters lIke these They do II. Pomte school board He thmks POInte Park-DetrOIt border, nearly $40 mIllion The CIty of better Job WIth the funds" tIOn day, campaIgn SIgnS were Seniors 12A everywhere - mcludmg signs thiS is a WIn-wm SItuatIOn. It attached to freeway overpasses gives Harper Woods more VISI- Obituanes 13-15A blhty In the dlstnct and, he 1D neighborIng commumtIes Schools 17A CampaIgn workers even went saId, he hopes thiS WIll spur Autos 20A a step farther and stood at more Involvement by reSidents Busmess 22A rush hour at key gateways to of the portIOn of Harper Woods the Pomtes, waVIng SignS at that is wlthm the Grosse Entertamment. 7B motorists remmdmg them to POInte school system Sports 1C vote Classzfied ads 5C Home: Grosse Pomte Woods Age: 45 News can appear one Family: Husband, Mike, day and be gone the daughter, Whitney, 14 next But the paper news IS pnnted on can Occupation: Account con- ond should live on trol specialist at NBD Last year more than Bank one third of all US J. newspnnt was recycled Claim to fame: RaIses pup- )1 :7 And that number IS pies for Paws WIth A growing every day Cause Recycling A Quote: "Thes!:' dogs are IS the one ., Reason to celebrate valuable famIly member'i, way we can ,.
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