Index A Babylonian Story 85 al-Thaʾalabi 79 Abd al-Muttalib 122 Amadis de Gaule 120, 182 abdication 47, 123, 128, 135 Anatolia 81, 155, 201, 222 absolute power, absolutism 49, 63–64, 68– angels 80, 82, 98, 124, 128–129, 156 69, 199–200, 218, 222, 224–225, 228–229, Anusherwan I (Sassanid emperor) 92, 122– 246, 251 133 Abu Nuwas 63 appointing officials 40, 74, 137, 204–206, Abu Yusuf 63 208–210, 212–214, 235 Aceh 144 Aqsa Mosque 148 adab 7, 21, 62–63 Aragon 119 Ad, tribe of 110 Aristotle 119, 122, 158, 187 adventure trope 111, 117, 131, 151, 155, 180 Armenia 118 advise, advisors See concubines; eunuchs; astrology 18, 25–26, 52, 58, 84, 86, 122–123, ministers; viziers 130, 156, 169 ‘Ajib and Gharib’, the story of 109–110, 122, See also prediction, prophecy 152 Aurangzeb (Mughal emperor) 200 A journey from St Petersburg to Moscow 243– Austria 119, 200 250 Ayn Jalut, battle of 151 See also Radishchev, Alexander Ayyubid dynasty 147–151, 154 Akbar (Mughal emperor) 52, 121 See also al-Salih Ayyub ‘Aladdin’, the story of 7, 100 ‘Azadbakht’, the story of (‘The ten viziers’) Alauddin (Delhi sultan) 142 38 al-Azhar Mosque 151 al-Azmeh, Aziz 61 Baghdad 62–63, 67, 71, 155–156 al-Badawi, Sayyid Ahmad 150, 153–154 Balkh 149 alchemy 84, 86 Bavaria 119 Aleppo 149 Baybars See Sirat Baybars Alexander the Great 53, 125–126, 129, 158, Becarra 242 205 Beckford, William Thomas 99, 106 Alexander romance 121, 156 Épisodes 99 Alf Layla wa-layla See Thousand and one Vathek 106 nights Bedford 119 ‘Ali Baba’, story of 8 Behl, Aditya 174–178 Ali ibn Abi Talib (caliph) 124 Bejaïa 118 al-Itlidi 62 Bible, biblical 81, 116, 119, 158 Iʾlam al-nas 62 See also Corinthians; John; Paul; Preacher al-Khadir, Khidlir 81, 144, 146, 150, 153, 158 Bildungsroman 233 al-Lat 128, 158 Bilgrami, Abdullah 122 al-Manat 128, 158 Book of Amir Hamza 109, 121–133, 138, 140, al-Maʾmun (Abbasid caliph) 155 152, 155–156, 165–166, 198 al-Mahdi (Abbasid caliph) 155 Brahmin 58–59, 227 al-Muʾtasim (Abbasid caliph) 155 Buddhism 38–39, 71, 88, 108, 135, 138, 258 al-Razi 84 Bulaq 149 al-Salih Ayyub (Ayyubid ruler of Egypt) Bulaq edition See Thousand and one 148–151, 154 nights wife of 164 ‘Buluqiya’, the story of 79–84, 86, 158–159 Richard van Leeuwen - 9789004340541 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 03:05:34PM via free access index 269 Burgundy 119 concubines 26, 29–31, 34–36, 41–42, 47, 72, Burton, Richard 38 90–91, 94, 137, 163–164, 212–215, 219– Byzantine, Byzantium 86, 114, 116–120, 132, 220, 226–228 141, 144–145, 150–151, 155 See also Proclaiming harmony; King Wu’s expedition against the Zhou; The seven Caesarea 155 viziers Cappadocia 118 Confucius, Confucianism 38–39, 199, 210–211 Cardonne, Denis Dominique 217 Constantinople 100, 114–121, 150–151, 155– Mélanges de littérature orientale 217 156, 158–159, 161, 182–184, 191, 196, Castilian, Castile 114, 119, 190 201–202, 228 Castle of Otranto, The 99 continuity/discontinuity 22, 24, 28, 30–32, Catalan 114, 191 49–51, 61, 71, 103–105, 112, 117, 127, 140– Catherine ii (Empress of Russia) 239–243, 141, 151, 160–161, 164–166, 181, 188, 196, 249–250 237–238, 255, 257 Catholic, Catholicism 98, 105, 184, 190, dynastic 30–32, 49–51, 103–104, 140, 166, 225 171 Caucasus 100, 147 See also liminality; silence Caylus, Anne Claude Comte de 38, 179, conversion 82, 103, 110–112, 116, 118–119, 122, 217 124, 126–133, 156, 192 Nouveaux contes orientaux 38, 217 Corinthians (Bible) 119 Cazotte, Jacques 38, 80, 99, 106, 217 Corneille, Pierre 242 Suite des milles et une nuits 99, 217 cosmic order, harmony. See ideals of rulership; Celtic 17, 182 supernatural elements Cervantes, Miguel de 113–115, 120, 182, 189 Counsel for the sultans 201–204, 206 Don Quijote de la Mancha 113–115, 182 Creation of the gods 71–76, 88, 94, 97, 211 Ceylon 126, 144 Crébillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de 225– Chagatay 178–179 226, 237 Chengiz Khan 202 Le sopha 225 Chilon 187 criticisms of rulers, governments 20, 131– Chishti order 168 132, 199–200, 204–215, 253 chivalric romances 4, 9, 19–21, 82, 109–115, crusades, crusaders 22, 119, 147–148, 201, 217 117, 119–121, 138, 146, 152, 164, 167, 180, Ctesiphon 122, 125, 127, 129 182–184, 190, 254 Curial e Güelfa 114 See also ‘Ajib and Gharib’; Book of Amir curiosity 58, 64, 68–69, 71, 169 Hamza; love; love romances; neo- cyclops 172, 178–179 chivalric romances; Sayyid Battal; Sirat Cyprus 182 Baybars; The History of Hang Tuah; Tirant lo Blanc; ‘Umar al-Nuʾman and Damascus 118, 148–151, 164, 205 his sons’; Yue Fei Danyal, Daniel 83, 122, 125, 130 Chrétien de Troyes 21 Daud, David 124, 156 Christianity 22, 106–107, 114–120, 150–158, Daylamites 110, 151 184, 190–195, 201, 216–217, 222–224, 249 Dede Korkut 172, 179 Cifar 182 Delhi 168 Circassians 151, 235 demons 57, 60–61, 70–72, 77, 99, 112, 124, ‘City of Brass’, the story of 130 169–170, 172, 177, 256–257 Classical Antiquity 21, 116, 120, 233, 251 dervish 63–64, 149, 151, 153, 209 communal identity 113, 119, 128–129, 140–141, despotism 20, 22, 34–35, 73–74, 94, 200, 204, 145–147, 153–154, 161–162, 181, 196–197, 210, 215–223, 229, 235–238, 251, 257 237–238, 250, 254–257 See also Oriental despotism Richard van Leeuwen - 9789004340541 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 03:05:34PM via free access 270 index destiny. See fate eunuchs 211–212, 219–222 Dhat al-Himma 155 Eve 144 See also Sayyid Battal Exeter 119 dialogue, dialogism 28, 31–32, 49, 56, 61, exoticism 99, 167, 183–184, 190–191, 200, 216– 87, 102, 189, 194–201, 232, 237, 252– 218 253 See also Orientalism Diderot, Denis 20, 215–217, 225–232, 237, 242–243 fables 24 Les bijoux indiscrets 217, 225–229, 231, fairies 41, 91, 214 238 fairytale 102, 233–234 Die Abderiten 233 fate 20–21, 71–76, 90, 93, 95–98, 135, 171– Diogenes 187 173, 176–177, 180–181, 187–188, 193, 195, disguises 59, 64–65, 67, 69–70, 77, 158, 174, 197 186, 248, 257 Farooqi, Musharraf Ali 122 dissidence 198–200, 204–210 femininity 69, 103–104, 181, 260 See also criticisms of rulers, governments; See also gender; women revolts Feng Menglong 88, 94, 98 divine kingship See kingship The sorcerer’s revolt 88–98, 134 Dom Chavis 38, 80, 217 Fereç baʿd eş-Šidde 179 Don Quijote de la Mancha 113–115, 182 Fez 101, 118 Don Sylvio de Ronsalva 233 fictionality 14–16, 29–30, 32–33, 43–45, 50, Dream of the red chamber 94, 134 61–62, 69, 94–95, 99, 114–115, 117–118, dreams 34, 41, 47, 91, 109, 123, 126, 134, 142, 122, 138, 141, 152, 160, 229–231, 248, 253– 156, 227, 245–248 254 Dschinnistan 233 Firdawsi 21, 121, 204, 206 Dutch 123, 142, 145, 239 Shahnama 21, 121 dynastic continuity See continuity/disconti- fire-worshippers 110, 122, 128, 132, 148, 151, nuity 153–154, 256 Fleischer, Heinrich Leberecht 86 East India Company 142 Forbidden City 47 Edict of Nantes 229 Fortunatus 183 education of rulers, princes 25, 30, 36, 55, foundation myths 141–146 105–106, 117 France 8, 119, 164, 200, 216, 222, 224, 228– See also ideals of rulership; kingship 230, 239, 243, 249 Egypt 8–10, 14, 22, 63, 80, 100, 118, 126, 144, Franks 144–154 147–153, 160, 182, 201, 234 framing story 7, 24, 27–30, 54–57, 62–65, El libro de Sendebar 25 67–70, 79–80, 83–84, 102–105, 177, 192, Elias (prophet) 158 234–235, 243 England 115–119, 182–184, 200, 216, 222, 228, Friesland 119 239 Enlightenment 98, 100, 134, 203, 215–216, Gabriel See Jibril 222, 225, 233, 242–245 Galba, Marti Joan de 114 Epic of Gilgamesh 81 Tirant lo Blanc 114–122, 132–133, 138, 140, Épisodes 99 164–166, 182, 184 eroticism 103, 105, 120, 163–165, 226 Galen 122, 204 esoteric knowledge See knowledge, esoteric, Galland, Antoine 7–8, 99–101, 216, 226 forbidden Mille et une nuits 8, 99–101 ethnicity See communal identity Garcin, Jean-Claude 9, 86 Euclid 122 Gautier, Théophile 38 Richard van Leeuwen - 9789004340541 Downloaded from Brill.com09/29/2021 03:05:34PM via free access index 271 gender 196–197 houris 60 See also femininity; masculinity; women Huang Zongxi 210–215 General Yue Fei See Yue Fei Waiting for the dawn 211 genies/jinns 55–60, 64, 80–82, 88, 110–111, Hud (Prophet) 110, 124 116, 124, 126–127, 150, 168, 171–173, 176– Huizong (Song emperor) 46, 51, 134, 175 179, 227 humanism 21, 115 genre 27–30 Hungary, Hungaria 183–184 See also literature; romances Hung Sheng 20, 210–215 Germany, German 4, 143, 159, 216, 233, The palace of eternal youth 210–215 235 Ghawwās 179 Iʾlam al-nas 62 ghuls 110, 124 Iamblichus 84–85 Giafar et Barmaki 101 Iberian Peninsula 22, 120 Gobindh Singh 200 Ibn al-Nadim 7 gods, goddesses 41, 71–76, 88–97, 128–129, Ibrahim, Abraham 82, 110, 132 142, 174 ideals of rulership 55–58, 60, 75–76, 115 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 233 appointing officials 40, 74, 137, 204–206, Wilhelm Meister novels 233 208–210, 212–214, 235 Golconda 179 avoiding indulgence 26, 36, 40–43, 47– Goldene Spiegel, Der 232–239 48, 106, 185, 189, 212–215, 235, 242 Gothic literature 90 chivalry 120–121 Granada 118, 182, 190 filial piety 42 Greece, Greek 22, 27, 79, 108, 126, 155, 161, harmony, order 43–44, 46, 51, 61, 69, 78, 187, 191–194, 234 96–98, 133 honesty 74, 225 Hafiz 204 humility 59 Hajj 144, 146, 156 loyalty 137–138, 140–141, 145 Hamzanama See Book of Amir Hamza martial 202–203 Han Feizi 39–40, 50, 52, 210–211 objectification 40, 50 Hang Tuah See The History of Hang Tuah personal heroic 130–133, 137–141, 145–148, Hanna Diyab 7 154–155, 181, 196 harem 26, 34, 109, 218–222, 232, 258 protecting, serving subjects 37, 76–77, harmony See ideals of rulership; supernatu- 153, 185, 188–189, 204, 211 ral elements religion 35–37, 52–53, 60, 62, 118–119, 153, Harran 84–85 224, 238 Harun al-Rashid (Abbasid caliph) 19, 62–65, reason, rationality 32–33, 35–36, 39–40,
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