r 19, 1985 Courageous SAR crewman gets unusual ride AD2 Rick Tavenner got a better 36(). terhorn at Disneyland regularly), feU last while Tepke went on for help. injured man, they determined that if he had " HEARTBREAKERS" degree view of Mt. Whitney and the sur­ Friday while descending the mountaineer's The China Lake Mountain Rescue Grou~., to be carried out, more help was needed. Starring Nick Mancuso and Peter Coyote rounding terrain than probably anyone else route from Mt. Whitney. Athough he received a caU to assist at 9:30 p.m. Fri­ Both the Inyo County and the June Lake (Drama, A.ted A, 98 min.) in history - but very few people would managed to keep from rolling over a cliff day. The advance team left for Lone Pine search and rescue teams responded to the SATURDAY,MONDAY JULY 20,22 " THAT'S DANCING" have volunteered to change places with him dropping several hundred feet, he did sus­ airport promptly, arriving there by 12:15 call for help. Starring while he got that view last Saturday. tain two broken vertbrae in his back, a a.m. Saturday, and then moved up to In addition, a Bureau of Land Manage­ Gene Kelly and Liza Minnalli He knelt on a Stokes litter suspended severely sprained ankle, and cuts and Whitney Portal. ment helicopter, piloted by Roger (Music.i, Rated G, 103 min.) SUNDAY JULY21 more than 100 feet beneath the Center's bruises. Bob Huey, operation leader, and Andy Mothersdaugh, ferried men and equipment "PETE'S DRAGON" Search and Rescue helicopter when an in­ His climbing partner, Glen Tepke, suc­ Mitchell left Whitney Portal by I a.m. and to the top of Mt. Whitney since CLMRG Starring jured climber strapped on that litter was ceeded in getting Harris to a notch where reached Harris at about 6 that morning. • Helen f4eddy.nd Mickey Rooney members determined that it would be (Musical-Comedy, RatedG, l03minJ airlifted from the more than 14,OOO-foot he could be left, and then Tepke proceeded A second team, consisting of Tom easier to carry the injured man up to where TUESDAY JULY23 altitude to the Southern Inyo Hospital at down the mountain in search of help. For­ Stogsdill, Mike Renta, Dan Harris and he could be air-lifted to the hospital than to "THE SECRET OF NIMH" Dave Silverman, followed, carrying a (Malinee) Lone Pine about 25 miles away, and tunately, at East Face Lake, he found carry him down the mountain. Voices by 11,000 feetlower. members of the Apline Skills Institute; the Stokes litter and technical climbing gear The China Lake SAR helicopter also car­ John carradine and Dam DeLuise The climber, Jeff Harris, 30, from instructor from that group climbed up to that would be needed. ried men and gear to the mountain top. (Fantasy-Adventure, Rated G, 83 min.) WEDNESDAY JULY 24 Anaheim (whose job it is to climb the Mat- the injured man to take him a sleeping bag When the CLM RG members reached the (Continued on Page 7) "AVENGING ... NGEL" Starrlng Betsy Russell and Roy Calhoun (Orama, Rated R, 94 min.) THURSD ... Y JULY 25 "SIX WEEKS" (Matinee) Starring Dudley Moore and Mary Tyler MOOt'e (Oram •• R.ted PG, 108 min.) FRID ... Y JULY26 ..... M... DEUS .. St.rring E. Murr.y Abraham.ndTom Hu lce Vol. Xl, No. 19 1 July 19, 1985 (Biographical·Orama, Rated PG. 160 min.) Suni". TImH: Mat'''" / 2:00 pm e.en,", / 7:00 pm 80. Dffiu Optn,: Mat"'" / 1:30 pm e.en,,,. / 6 '30 pm IGI All AGES ADMITTEO YUMMY - The annual ice cream social sponsored by made cakes, pies, and other goodies. The proceeds of ~f,1 A\Jd,encfl (PGI All AGES ADMITTED the All Faith Chapel was a delicious success. More about $1,200 will be used for mission projects sup· p ..ent,l Gu,dionce SUO(Igel1ed AIMD keeps China Lake's aircraft flying safely than 600 persons enjoyed the Ice cream and home ported by the PWOC. 11'11 RESTRICTED Uf'Idet" 11 Requites Accompanv,,,,, tB II An :17 ParenT 00' Adull GUlfd,"; airplane is nothing more than thou­ Next Tuesday is date ..................................................... sands of spare parts flying in close forma­ CLOT A's 'Once Upon a Mattress' .................................................... tion," said CW04 Cliff Cook, Aircraft In­ to 'Welcome Aboard' Magician presents termediate Maintenance Department head. opens tonight in lecture center Nearly 100 sailors and civilians in more The stage is set and the actors are ready minstrel, a jester, and a wizard fill out the new officers, JPs show for everyone than half a dozen shops perform for tonight's opening perfonnance of the supporting cast for the royal family. All Center personnel and their spouses at Center theater maintenance designed to keep China Lake's Community Light Opera Theater Associa­ Critics proclaimed "Once Upon a Mat­ and friends are invited to a " Welcome array of aircraft in the air and carrying out tion's (CWTA) sununer musical, " Once tress" to be cute and clever, tuneful and Aboard" party to be held next Tuesday for Veteran magician Jan Stiff will demon­ the NWO mission. Upon A Mattress." The curtain will open humorous, and fresh and bouyant when it .30 new Junior Professional employees and strate spell-binding magic to young and old Acting to support NWC and VX':; for each performance at 7: 30 p.m. in the first opened in 1959 with now-famous .com­ five military officers. Supervisors and c<r on Wednesday, July 24, from 2 to 3 p.m. at ornanizational maintenance, AlMD is a Burroughs Lecture Center. edienne Carol Burnett cast as Princess workers are especially invited. the Center theater. maintenance shOp between operational and Navy depot level. CWO Cook also noted Director Sherry Parker and her cast Winnifred. The' welcoming fete will be held at the Children age 2 and under will be admitted they are called on to perform some " pretty members have been working for months to This sununer's staging features a unique Coriunissioned Officers' Mess, starting at free, with an admission charge of $1 for in-depth work on occasion" in spite of the bring this musical to the local stage. Based highlight: an audience ramp will bring the 5:30 p.m. A donation of $3 to help defray those ages 3 tp 11 years, and $1.50 for 'intermediate" designation by the Navy. somewhat loosely on the Hans Christian action right up to the audience. Use of this expenses will be asked of everyone except everyone over the age of 12, . When possible, the crew assigned to Anderson story, "The Princess and the technique will allow play-watchers to ex­ the honorees and their spouses. Anyone who wishes to purchase a ticket Pea," this show will be a delight for the en­ perience the show's fairy-tale feeling and to early can do so at the Information, Ticket AMID shops work on parts removed from tire family. Knights and their ladies, a be a part of the magic themselves. Coasts ide Cable TV and Tours office on the west side of the aircraft and brought to them for repair Tickets for the play, which runs tonight, Community Center building Mondays and/or testing. IT, however, the part is too Time mgt. is topic tomorrow and next Friday and Saturday as to up rates Aug. 1, through Fridays from 9 a .m. to 5:30 p.m. big to remove or too difficult to take off, for ESCN dinner, well, cost $6 for adults and $4 for students, Tickets can also be purchased at the door AIMD will go to the aircraft. senior citizens, and enlisted personnel. changing name soon on the day of the show, with the box office Aircraft maintenance is changing, said They may be purchased at Farris' Restau­ opening at I :3Op.m. Warrant Officer Cook. Uniform test meeting on July 24 Coastside Cable TV, Inc .. has announced rant, The Booklet, The Music Man, Medical benches are a new development to hold that the monthly cost of cable television LaNelle Thompson, a Professional Cer­ Arts Prescription Pharmacy, and from down costs and speed up repairs. service for China Lake residential WACOM celebrates tified Management Training Consultant, members of the cast and crew. With universal test benches, a black box will talk about "Time Management for the customers will increase by $1.50. The rate 'Christmas in July' from an A-7 can be serviced one day and a Career Woman" at an open meeting of the Exercise tip for fitness increase will be effective on Aug . I. and black box from an F/A-18 the next. Only the East Sierra Careerwoman's Network on applies to the satellite tier channels. chan­ with Thrift Shop sale connecting cables have to be changed. July 24. All interested persons are wel­ Sagging abdominal muscles and lower nels 14-23. Warrant Officer Cook said it made a lot of come. back inflexibility often cause chronic lower Coastside also announced that in the near Christmas is arriving in July on the sense to change adapters and cable con­ The meeting will be at LeParc restaurant back pain and stiffness. Lower back stret­ future the company wHl change is name to Center for clients for the Thrift Shop nection~ rather than buying different test in Ridgecrest, with networking beginning ching exercises and abdominal strengthen­ Boulder Ridge Cable TV. The location of operated by the Women's Auxiliary of the benches for each type of aircraft in the at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 o'clock.
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