Stations in the U.S. California American Media Services P. O. BOX 20696 LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (8431 881 -4436 KFIA(AM)-See Carmichael KTKZ(AM)- 1952: 1380 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N38 3319 W121 10 KZZO(FM)- October 1958: 100.5 mhz; 115 kw. 328 ft. TL: N38 38 30 51. 1425 River Park Dr., Suite 520 95815. Phone: (916) 924-0710. W121 05 25. Stereo. 280 Commerce Cir. 95815. Phone: (916) Fax: (916) 924 -1587. Licensee: Vista Broadcasting Inc. Group owner: 923 -6800. Fax: (916) 646 -3418. Web Site: KHTK(AM)- November 1926: 1140 khz: 50 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N38 23 Salem Communications Corp. (acq 3- 11.97; $1.5 million). Format: Licensee: Infinity Radio Inc. Group owner: Infinity Broadcasting Corp. 34 W121 11 51. 5244 Madison Ave 95841. Phone: (916) 338-8700. Talk. Target aud: 35 plus; general. Robert B. Fox, gen mgr & gen sls (acq 11- 13.98; grpsq. Format: Adult contemn. News staff: one; News: Fax: (916) 338 -9227. Web Site: Licensee: Infinity mgr; Steve Gasser, opns mgr; Eric Hogue, progmg dir; Dave 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -44. Doug Harvill, exec VP; Michelle Radio Holdings Inc. Group owner: Infinity Broadcasting Corp. (acq Fortenberry, chief of engrg. Magee, gen mgr; Steve Cottingim, sr VP & gen mgr; Dell Goetz, sls 11.13 -98; grpsl). Format: Sports. News: 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: dir & gen sls mgr; Kathy Brown -Jones. nail sls mgr; Karen Filbeu. 25 -44. Spec prog: Farm 4 hrs wkly. Doug Harvill, VP & gen mgr; mktg dir; Ed Lambert Jr., progmg dir; Marshall Phillips, news dir & pub Apr 1, 1957: 106.5 mhz; kw. Ant 410 TL: Michael Hemandez, stn mgr; Mike Remey, opns dir & progmg dir. KWOD(FM)- 50 h. N38 38 affrs dir; Jim Balconi, chief of engrg. 30 W121 05 25. Stereo. 5345 Madison Ave. 95841. Phone: (916) 334 -7777. Fax: (916) 339 -5668. Web Site: Licensee: KNCI(FM) -Co -owned with KHTK(AM). Feb 21, 1960: 105.1 mhz; 50 Entercom Sacramento License LLC. Group owner: Entercom Saint Helena kw. 500 ft. TL: N38 38 31 W121 05 25. Stereo. Phone: (916) Communications Corp. (acq 5-19-2003; $25 million). Format: Affemative. Target aud: 18 -49; new rock, mass appeal. Geary, pres & gen 338-9200. Web Site: Format: Country. Steve John KVYN(FM)- November 1976: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. 226 f. TL: N38 25 34 mgr; Curtiss Johnson, stn mgr; Jeff Clark, gen sls mgr; John Nelson, Cottingim, stn mgr; Mark Evans, opns dir. W122 19 33. (CP: Ant 259 ft.). Stereo. 1124 Foster Rd., Napa 94558. prom mgr; Ron Bunce, progmg dir; Marco Collins, mus dir; Kat Phone: (707) 252.1440. Phone: (707) 258 -1111. Fax: (707) 226 -7544. Maudru, news dir. Licensee: Wine Country Broadcasting Co. (acq B- 11 -03; $3 million. KIID(AM)- Aug 1, 1945: 1470 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw-N, DA-2. TL: N38 with KVON(AM) Napa). Network: ABC. Rep: Christal. Robinson 35 30 W121 27 47. 8842 Quail Ln., Granite Bay 95746. Phone: (916) Silverman Pearce Aronsohn & Berman. Format: Adult contemp. Target 'KXHV(FM)- January 1993: 89.7 mhz; 300 w. 85 ft. TL: N38 31 52 780 -1470. Fax: (916) 780-1493. Web Site: aud: 25 -45. Spec prog: Folk 2 hrs wkly. Roger O. Walther, pres; Jeff W121 22 54. do Sacramento High School, 2315 34th St. 95817. Licensee: Radio Disney Group LLC. Group owner: ABC Inc. (acq Schechtman, gen mgr; David Bernstein, sls dir & progmg dir; Erica Phone: (916) 277 -7062. Fax: (916) 277-6823. Licensee: Sacramento 12- 19-00: $3.31 million). Network: Radio Disney. Format: Children. Wordsworth, prom dir; Matt McMann, mus dir; Nancy Stapp, news dir; City Unified School District. Format: Div, rock and roll. Target aud: *Judy Remy, stn mgr; Howard Fawcett. mMg dir & prom dir; Matt Mike Martindale, chief of engrg. 13 -19; high school students. Shaun Carpenter. gen mgr. Greer, chief of engrg. Salinas KXJZ(FM)- July 1, 1991: 88.9 mhz; 50 kw. 500 ft. TL: N38 16 25 KJAY(AM)- May 23, 1963: 1430 khz; 500 w -D, DA. TL: N38 29 39 W121 30 11. Stereo. 3416 American River Dr., Suite B 95864. Phone: W121 32 47. 5030 S. River Rd., West Sacramento 95691. Phone: KBOQ(FM) -See Monterey (916) 480 -5900. Fax: (916) 487 -3348. E -mail: npr ® Web (916) 371 -5101. Phone: (916) 371.5104. Fax: (916) 371 -1459. Site: Licensee: California State University, Sacramento. Licensee: KJAY L.L.C. (acq 11 -94). Network: USA. Fisher, Wayland. Network: NPR, PRI. Duane Morris LLP. Formal: Jazz, news & info. KDBV(AM)- July 17, 1963: 980 khz; 1 kw-D, 247 w -N, DA -2. TL: N36 Cooper, Leader & Zaragoza L.L.P. Format: Intl, Hmong. Target aud: News staff: 5; News: 90 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; NPR Listeners, 42 32 W121 36 46. (CP: 10 kw). 517 S. Main St., Suite 201 93901. 25 -64. Spec prog: Indian 4 hrs, Russian 14 hrs, Lao 5 hrs, Ger 3 hrs. eg. professionals, educators. administrators. Spec prog: World mus 2 Phone: (831) 757 -5911. Fax: (831) 757 -8015. Licensee: Centro gospel 2 hrs wkly. Trudi Powell, pres; Jerry Sieber, gen mgr, gen sls 7 hrs. blues hrs wkly. *Michael Lazar, pres & gen mgr; Carl Cristiano Vida Abundante Inc. (acq 5 -21- 2004; $850,000). Brown, mgr & progmg dir; Stan Sorensen, prom dir & engrg mgr. Watanabe, stn mgr, progmg dir 8 progmg mgr; John Brenneise, opns Nietert & Kaufman. Format: Sp, Christian. Target aud: 18-49; Hispanics. mgr; Beth Hassell, dev dir & mktg dir; Linda Onstad, gen sls mgr, rgnl Manuel S. Sanchez Sr., pres; Ron Warren, chief of engrg. KREL(FM) -See Placerville sls mgr & adv dir; Michael Frost, prom dir; Gary Vercelli, mus dir; Joe Barr, news dir; Jeff Browne, engrg dir. KDON -FM- December 1959: 102.5 mhz; 18.5 kw. 2,270 ft. TL: N36 KRXQ(FM)- Nov 1, 1959: 98.5 mhz; 50 kw. 500 ft. TL: N38 38 35 45 20 W121 30 00. Stereo. 903 N. Main St. 93906. Phone: (831) W121 05 51. Stereo. Box 60408, 5345 Madison Ave. 95841. Phone: KXOA(FM) -(Roseville). June 1970: 93.7 mhz; 25 kw. 328 ft. TL: N38 755 -8181. Fax: (831) 755 -8193. Web Site: Licensee: (916) 334 -7777. Fax: (916) 339-4292. Licensee: Entercom Sacramento 44 22 W121 12 50. Stereo. 5244 Madison Ave. 95841. Phone: (916) Clear Channel Radio License Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel License L.L.C. Group owner: Entercom Communications Corp. (acq 338 -9200. Fax: (916) 338 -9159. Licensee: Infinity Radio Holdings Inc. Communications Inc. (acq 9- 22 -97; grpsl). Rep: Christal. Format: Hip 7- 28 -98; grpsl). Rep: McGavren Guild. Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth. Group owner: Infinity Broadcasting Corp. (acq 11- 13 -98; grpsl). hop. News staff: one. Target aud: 18 -54. Kim Bryant, gen mgr; Denis Format: Rock. News staff: one. Target aud: 25 -40; males. Spec prog: Koteen & Naftalin. Format: Alternative rock. News staff: one; News: 2 Martinez, opus mgr & progmg dir; Rhonda McCormack, gen sls mgr; Blues one hr wkly. John Geary, pres & gen mgr; Jim Fox, stn mgr; hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Doug Harvill, VP & gen mgr; Jeff Keller, Charles Funk, prom dir; Alex Carrillo, mus dir; Mark Carbonero, news Barry Smith, gen sls mgr; Pat Martin, progmg dir; Kat Maudru, news gen sls mgr: Erin Millard. prom dir; Ingrid Jimiminez, prom dir; Dave dir; Mike Blankenbecler, chief of engrg. dir; Mick Rush, chief of engrg. Sozinho, progmg dir & news dir; Bruce Hirsch, chief of engrg. KEBV(FM)- Mar 10, 1997: 97.9 mhz; 2.9 kw. Ant 112 ft. TL: N36 36 KXPR(FM)- October 1964: 90.9 mhz; 50 kw. 500 ft. TL: N38 42 38 32 W121 40 59. 495 Elder Ave., Sand City 93955. Phone: (831) KSEG(FM)- 1959: 96.9 mhz; 50 kw. 500 ft. TL: N38 38 54 W121 28 W121 28 54. Stereo. 7055 Folsom Blvd. 95864. Phone: (916) 899 -2600. Fax: (831) 899 -5102. Licensee: People's Radio Inc. (group 40. Stereo. 5345 Madison Ave. 95841 -3141. Phone: (916) 334 -7777. 487 owner; acq 5 -18- 2004; $2.5 million). Formal: Oldies. Ron Stevens, Fax: (916) 339 -4280. Web Site: Licensee: Entercom 480-5900. Fax: (916) -3348. E -mail: npr Web Site: Sacramento. gen mgr. Sacramento License L.L.C. Group owner: Entercom Communications Licensee: Califomia State University, Network: NPR, PRI. Duane Morris, LLP. Format: Class. Target aud: Corp. (acq 1-7-97; $45 million. with KRAK(FM) Roseville). Rep: D & General; NPR listeners,ex. professionals, educators & administrators. R Radio. Format: Classic rock. Target aud: 18-49. John Geary, pres 'KHDC(FM) -(Chualar). June 28, 1981: 90.9 mhz; 3 kw. 194 ft. TL: *Michael Lazar, pres & gen mgr; Carl Watanabe, stn mgr, progmg dir & gen mgr; Curtiss Johnson, stn mgr & opns mgr; Kristin Kelleher, gen N36 32 54 W121 26 34. Stereo. 161 Main St. 93901. Phone: (831) & progmg mgr; John Brenneise, opns mgr; Beth Hasselt, dev dir & sls mgr; Jim Donahue, nail sis mgr; Lizann Hunt, prom mgr; Brian 757 -8039. Fax: (831) 757 -9854. Web Site: mktg dir; Linda Onstad, adv dir; Cheryl Dring, mus dir; Joe Barr, news Lopez, progmg dir; Kat Maudru, news dir & pub affrs dir; Mick Rush. Licensee: Radio Bilingue Inc. (acq 11 -86; $70,000; 5- 12 -86).
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