Vol. 104, No.9 . University of Delaware, Newark, DE FridaY, Oct. 3,1980 ·Workers walk out at Chrysler By TOM LOWRY to work from 4: 00 p.m. to blems WIth. the removal of Workers at the Newark 12:30 a.m. w,alked off the job lead from car bodies. ~hrysler plant wa~ked «;Iff th~ also as a symbol of unity A union safety rep res en­ Job Monday followmg an aCCI- toward the first shift w.orkers. tative, who regularly reports dent on the assembly line and A safety bar had been replac- to McDonaugh, is scheduled complaining of a poor ed on the belt by this time, the to release a report "very management attitude toward employee said. The rest of the , soon," McDonaugh said. workers and lack of safety second shift had to be sent McDonaugh met Monday precautions in the facility, ac- home, Coefield said. with a Chrysler corporate cor din g toR i c h a r d "The workers are fed up vice president, the plant McDonau.gh, president of the with the lack of safety in the manager and th~ person~el loc~l Umted Auto Workers plant," said another plant manager to dIS~USS ,10- Umon 1183. employee, who wished to re- nerplant problems mcludmg The body of a car which main anonymous. poor management attitudes. wasn't "seated properly" fell Committeemen in the plant four and a half feet from an "Fifte~n c~rs have fallen gave McDonaugh a list of overhead conveyor belt on the off the hne smce the start of grievances to discuss at the assembly line at 11: 50 a.m. K - Car pro d u c t ion in meeting, and Chrysler ex­ Monday. A foreman noticed September," he said, "I could ecutives to him they will work the car before it fell and go on all day with a list pro- on the problems. cleared the area of workers. blems. " "Things such as improved No one was injured, ac- McDonaugh verified that lockers, water coolers and cording to Donald Coefield, a there have been previous ac- better lighting were talked plant spokesman. cidents at the facility. Piece about as well as attitudes, he "After the car fell, a guy of welding equipment failed said. working in the area of the ac- to work for awhile, he said, Workers returned to wo~k cident grabbed his jacket and causing delays in production, after a 12-week layoff thIS walked out," one plant but has not been repaired. September, they: were ~nthus­ employee said. He was Several weeks ago an ed about wor~mg wIth the followed by 150 other workers employee broke his foot while management m putting out from the chassis department working on the line, he added, the new ~ars but mo.rale has where the accident occured. and there have also been pro- been gomg dOWnhIll ever The roughly 300 employees ((ontln....l10 page') onthesecondshift,scheduled Sharkey ang~rs.GSU organization on campus, on By MINDY REIFE because most individuals do The Gay Student . Union not come out in high the (GSU) has charged in its school.. .as in letting people September newsletter that know that they are gay," add­ inside Vice President for Student Af­ edGoetz. - fairs Stuart Sharkey order Various members said they Review photo bf' Neal Williamson the removal of GSU posters felt the action was unfair to from campus bulletin boards THE K CARS are coming, but slowly. Employee walkouts, The ultimate their organization as well as machinery problems and low morale have put Chrysler behind during new student orienta­ being in violation of the First penalty tion because the group w~s Amendment. their n rate. becoming "too visible". Ramsey Clark and Sharkey denied this saying, Walter Berns debate "In so far as I am concerned, Profs asked to walk students.home capital punishment ... they are a- recognized student group on campus ... just as 3 much as the Sailing Club or 'Memo lists assault precautions the Spanish Club." ~y BILL WA,LTERS drive the bus," said one accounting professor. "He (Sharkey) and I The rash of assaults on campus recently has Steinmetz said, "The idea is not to provide a shared concern that there had prompted the campus wide distribution of a taxi service, but a viable alternative to walk­ been blanketing of bulletin memo suggesting, in part, that professors of ing home alone. Students have a false sense of Undaunted boards by GSU" said Nick night classes provide time before their class security and need to use basic common sense, Newark's adult Simon, chairman of the for female students to arrange escorts, or such as looking behind the car seat before books·tore still plans university's sex education drive the students home themselves if possi­ they get in." to open ... 6 task force. "They had ble. The memo also mentions that if you live in a covered the bulletin The memo, written by Dr. Susan Steinmetz, dormitory, it's a good idea to ask your RA to board ... which would not be assistant professor of Individual and Family arrange a meeting with your brother dorm to . fair for any single group to Studies, was issued this week in dormitories find escorts. do," said Simon. across campus to encourage students to take "The brother dorm idea is the best idea I've 'Ziggy' "All I know is that they preventive measuref!. heard, but the brother dorm has to be willing no were removed from one University President E.A. Trabant called to do it. On the whole 1 think it's pretty good," more ·bulletin board that I saw ... I for emergency dormitory floor meetings Mon­ said Lisa Chen (HR 83). do not know who removed day night for RA's to present the memo to The memo also advises students to assess a David Bowie as 'The them," Sharkey said. students. situation. "Remember last year a woman stu· Elephant Man' '" 15 "I do not think Mr. Sharkey The memo stresses that female students dent was beaten to death. Several people saw was justified in taking the secure escorts after their night classes. It the "couple" and assumed they were making posters down from the reads in part "At the start of all evening out," the memo says. bulletin board ... other classes, request a few minutes to arrange It also cites several other safety measures, organizations on campus had escorts ... Ask the professor to take you if no such as traveling in numbers, reporting Competition their posters up also," said one else has driven." suspicious people and helping out a student Ellen Goetz, co-president of However, the memo has raised some ques­ who may be in danger. Hens to play I-AA the Gay Student Union. tions among faculty and students. It would also be beneficial if students would Lehigh ... 24 "There are gay incoming "I don't think it's my responsibility to offer notify the Women's Studies department and freshmen who would pro­ rides. There should be transportation provid­ the dean of students so they can be aware of bably be interested in know­ ed, maybe a mini-bus. 1 can say, 'There's a trends and notify women of possible hazzards, ing that there is a gay bus outside Purnell at 10, be on it', but 1 won't according to the memo. Page 2 • THE REVIEW • October 3 . 1980 University Forum: the Nature Wages comparable to responsibility of Law in America Student managers get pay raise ., By RANDY DePAUL Though pleased with the pay increase, stu­ , ~~-------- Dining hall student managers, who have dent managers felt that the arbitrary selec­ 1 been fighting for a wage increase most of the tion of 20 -cents as the increase is unfair. semester, received a 20 cent per hour raise Brown indicated that Volmi was to consult Monday. October 6 this week, reported Gilbert Volmi, director of with the regular dining hall managers in " ~ourt Dec~eed Busing: A Debate" Food Service. regard to the student managers duties so a llna Gragha. Professor of Law. University of Texas' author Disaster by The increase, retroactive to Sept. 21, 1980, fair assessment for their raise could be Decree: ~he Supreme Court D~c:isions . on Race and the Schdols (1976). Gary Orfleld. Professor of Pohtlcal SCience. University of.lliinois; author raises student managers' wages to $3.50 per made. 'However, Volmi did not confer with Must We Bus? Segregated Schools and National Policy (19781 • hour, -40 cents per hour more than regular stu­ the regular managers, according to the denlemployees. The managers had originally students. requested a "50 cent differential between their The student managers are "happy with the 7:30 p.m. Clayton Hall wages an~ the regular students'. raise, but not the way Food Service decided For series brocl1ure: Phone Volmi decided upon the 20 cent increase upon it," said one student. after Charles Christian, assistant director of Volmi is not aware of the responsibilities University Honors 738-1128 Personnel, announced the merger of the two student managers have, so "how do you give highest student pay levels into which the stu­ (the student managers) a raise when you dent managersfell~ \ ~ - don't know everything about them?" said Jag­ A re-evaluation df the pay levels will be gerd. done once the minimwn wage (the wage earn­ Assistant student managers were not in­ ed by regular student employees) increases cluded in the pay increase. Currently, assis­ from the current $3.10 per hour to $3.35 per tant managers earn $3.20 per hour, 10 cents hour on Jan.
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