3,784,713 United States Patent Office Patented Jan. 8, 1974 1. 2 3,784,713 cocoa and fats other than cacao fat are intended by the . MOISTURE BARRIER COATING COMPOSITION generic term. In these latter compositions the caco fat Frank P. Colten, Dover, Del, and Morton Kaplan, Battle is replaced entirely or in part by one or a mixture of two or Creek, Mich, assignors to General Foods Corporation, more vegetable food oils or fats other than caco fat, which White Plains, N.Y. may be hardened or hydrogenated. Such coatings are em No Drawing. Filed Jan. 4, 1971, Ser. No. 103,863 ployed primarily to obtain variations in the melting point Int, C. A23g 1/00, 3/00 and simulate melting properties of chocolate. U.S. C. 426-171 6 Claims The chocolate and chocolate flavored compositions as described above may contain additives as spice, ground ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE O vanilla beans, any natural food flavoring oil, oleoresin or A chocolate coating with improved moisture barrier extract, vanillin, ethyl vanillin, or other artificial food properties is obtained by the incorporation of a minor flavoring, butter, milk fat, dried malted cereal extract, amount of an alkali or alkaline earth metal derivative of ground coffee, ground or whole nut meats, salt, and vis isolated soy protein into the composition. cosity modifiers such as lecithin. 5 While packaging films are available which afford various degrees of moisture retention, severe limitations are noted BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION where small candies and bakery products are concerned. This invention relates to solid chocolate materials and Edible films are also marketed for the protection of meat chocolate coated products. More particularly, it relates to products and nut meats against loss of water vapor. How chocolate coatings and confectionery coatings suitable in 20 ever, the probability of off flavors being introduced by the the preparation of bars, candies, bakery products, icings, use of such edible films is a disadvantage which make and the like. edible films as a class not entirely suitable for applica The moisture loss of certain confectionary products tion to candies and bakery products. At the present time it during storage is a matter of common experience. Choco appears that chocolate or vegetable fat confectioners coat late coated candies, cookies, cakes, doughnuts, and other 25 ings with improved moisture barrier properties have not bakery products with high moisture centers and fillings been available for use with high moisture candy centers tend to change in appearance under certain conditions of and bakery products. storage. While the phenomenon of “bloom' is observed It is an object of the present invention to produce a with many such confectionery and bakery products, the chocolate coating having improved moisture barrier prop related phenomenon of loss of moisture from the centers 30 erties. of the products is perhaps more serious. Thus, high mois It is another object of the present invention to provide ture candy centers such as cream fondant, marshmallow, a process of treating chocolate for use in the preparation and coconut covered with chocolate or imitation chocolate of confectionery coatings for products such as candy cen coatings may rapidly lose moisture in storage. The candy ters, cookies, biscuits, doughnuts, cakes and the like where center becomes hard and the coating cracks and collapses. 35 Similarly, chocolate coated bakery products such as cakes, in moisture loss from the centers of such confectionery doughnuts, and specialty items may quickly become stale items is reduced. due to the transmission of moisture through the coating A further obejct of the present invention is to provide resulting in a relatively short shelf life. Thus chocolate an edible chocolate coating serving to stabilize the coated coated candies and bakery products with high moisture 40 products against moisture loss and which coating does not centers and fillings supplied to retailers in a fresh condi vary essentially in composition or physical properties from tion frequently take on an unpalatable appearance or conventional chocolate and confectionery coatings present quickly become stale due to moisture loss. ly in commercial usage. The taste and technical requirements of the chocolate SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION industry preclude any substantial modifications of the 45 chocolate compositions as currently employed. For in In accordance with the present invention it has been stance, in the enrobing or dipping of confectionery and discovered that by the incorporation of minor amounts of bakery items the process is very sensitive to the melting an alkali or alkaline earth metal derivative of isolated soy point and viscosity properties of the coating. Furthermore, protein within a chocolate product the tendency of mois 50 ture loss from edible confectionery of bakery products foregin tastes must be avoided and the characteristic choco coated with such chocolate product is greatly reduced. late flavor must be preserved to the satisfaction of the con Thus, it has unexpectedly been found that decreases in Sumer. Moreover, federal standards of identity limit the moisture transmission of about 30-60% or higher as com permissible ingredients for chocolate and chocolate coat pared with regular chocolate have been obtained. ings as well as for other food products. While the physical and chemical theory underlying the The term "chocolate product' as employed in this ap 55 Surprising improvement is not entirely understood, it is plication is intended to include the solid or semiplastic postulated that the improvement occurs because of one food prepared by finely grinding cacao nibs and composi or a combination of the actions listed below: tions wherein this material is an essential ingredient. Thus, (1) An additive which acts as a wetting or emulsifying within the expression is included such material commonly 60 agent helps to spread the liquid fat more evenly over known as "chocolate liquor,' "chocolate,' "chocolate coat the solid particles of the composition during processing. ing.” “bitter chocolate coating,” “bittersweet chocolate,' (2) Materials with moisture binding properties affect “bittersweet chocolate coating,” “semi-sweet chocolate” or the transmission of water through the coating. This oc "semi-sweet chocolate coating' wherein the Sweetening curs because of the hydrophilic nature of the additive, ingredient may be sucrose, dextrose, dried corn syrup and 65 or actual solution may occur at the molecular interfaces. the like; and the chocolate liquor, milk solids, Sweetened DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION compositions commonly known as "milk chocolate," The additive of this invention may be prepared by the 'sweet milk chocolate,” “milk chocolate coating," "sweet convention prior art processes for isolating soy protein. milk chocolate coating,” “skim milk chocolate,” “butter Dehulled soy beans are subjected to oil extraction to re milk chocolate” and "mixed dairy product chocolates. , 70 move a preponderance of the non-protein components. Furthermore, compositions made from sweet chocolate or The protein, principally a mixture of amino acids com 3,784,713 3. monly known as glycinin, is then rendered water-dispersi Flavors/100 lbs. ble by treatment with an aqueous solution of an alkali or 28.40 gm. Salt alkaline earth metal hydroxide, carbonate, phosphate or 28.40 gm, vanillin the like. The alkali or alkaline earth metal derivative of the isolated soy protein is subsequently recovered by EXAMPLE I evaporation or spray drying. Milk chocolate without Promine D The preferred additive for the purposes of this inven A second batch of milk chocolate was formulated as tion is a sodium proteinate derived from isolated soy in Example I, but the Promine D was omitted. Final protein. This material is commercially available under formula is as follows: the tradename "Promine-D,' and generally contains at O Percent least 90% protein calculated as nitrogen content X6.25 Chocolate liquor ---------------------------- 11.97 on a moisture free basis. The preferred level of addition Roller whole milk powder -------------------- 16.96 of the sodium proteinate in the coating composition of Mil-lait ------------------------------------ 1.00 this invention ranges from 0.25 to 4.0% by weight. Granulated Sugar --------------------------- 53.62 In the preparation of the chocolate coatings of this in 5 Cocoa butter ------------------------------- 15.95 vention a solid chocolate of conventional commercial Lecithin ----------------------------------- 0.50 origin is melted and the sodium proteinate is added to the liquid in a molten state in the desired proportions with 100.00 constant stirring. The mass is then tempered following Favors/100 lbs. the usual procedure. Such chocoate is available for the 20 28.40 gm, salt dipping of centers, or may be cast into molds for the 28.40 gm. vanillin production of chocolate products which are then supplied The formulations of Examples 1 and 2 were prepared to candy, cookie and biscuit manufacturers. for the hand dipping of cream fondant and coconut cen Typical examples illustrating the persent invention fol ters, doughnuts and sponge cake as follows. Four pounds ow. However, it must be observed that these examples 25 of the chocolate was melted at 120° F. in an aluminum are illustrative only. pan, Melted material was stirred continuously by hand in EXAMPLE I a 70 F. room down to 79 F. (about 20 minutes) and then brought back up to 88 F. with stirring in a 95 F. Milk chocolate with Promine D sodium proteinate room (about 15 minutes). A mixture is formulated as below and mixed in the 30 Pre-weighed cream fondant and coconut centers, dough melanger for 15 minutes: nuts and sponge cake were each hand dipped in the tem pered formulations of Examples 1 and 2. The hand dipped Chocolate liquor ------------ 3 Ibs. items were then placed on a cellophane covered tray and Roller whole milk powder ----- 4 lbs. 4 oz. let stand overnight at 65 F., 50% relatvie humidity. Mil-lait' ------------------- 4 OZ. 35 The moisture barrier properties of the coating contain Promine D sodium proteinatel 8 oz.
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