M E M O R A N D U M TO: Rock Hill Planning Commission FROM: Eric S. Hawkins, AICP, Planner III RE: Meeting Agenda DATE: July 5, 2017 The Rock Hill Planning Commission will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 6:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers, 155 Johnston Street. The public hearing portion of the meeting can be viewed online at http://www.cityofrockhill.com/livestream. Please feel free to call me at 803-329-8763 regarding any item on the following agenda. Thank you. A G E N D A Rock Hill Planning Commission July 11, 2017 Pledge of Allegiance 1. Approval of minutes of June 6, 2017, meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2. Hold public hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council on petition M- 2017-07 by First Baptist Church Rock Hill to rezone approximately 2.42 acres at 1831 Springsteen Road from Residential Development District II (RD-II) in York County to Office and Institutional (OI). The subject property is proposed to be annexed into the City of Rock Hill. Tax parcel 666-01-02-005.* 3. Hold public hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council on petition M- 2017-08 by Rock Hill School District 3 of York County to rezone approximately 0.68 acres at 426 and 430 East Black Street from Multi-Family Residential-15 (MF-15) to Office and Institutional (OI). Tax parcels 627-07-01-003 & -004.* 4. Hold public hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council on petition M- 2017-09 by Dennis Hampton, Cityview Builders, to rezone approximately 1.29 acres at 507 East Main Street from Master Plan-Residential to Amended Master Plan- Residential (MP-R). The proposed rezoning will establish a completely new Master Plan for the property. Tax parcel 627-08-02-006.* T:\PLANNING\DEVSVC\WORKING FILES\BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS\P C\2017\2017-PC07\20170711_PCAGENDA.DOC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 155 JOHNSTON STREET, P.O. BOX 11706 ROCK HILL, SC 29731-1706, 803-329-7080 Planning Commission Agenda July 11, 2017 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS 5. Consideration of a request by MDV Engineering, LLC for Major Site Plan approval for Tru Hotel at Antrim Business Park. (Plan #20170679)** 6. Consideration of a request by Greens of Rock Hill LLC for Major Site Plan approval for Riverwalk Inline Retail. (Plan #20170677)** - DEFERRED AT REQUEST OF APPLICANT 7. Consideration of a request by Ayer Design Group for Major Site Plan approval for Rock Hill Buick GMC. (Plan #20170678)** 8. Other Business. 9. Adjourn. * The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to City Council on these items. Recommendations made at this meeting are tentatively scheduled for consideration by City Council on August 14. City Council agendas are posted on the City website (www.cityofrockhill.com) on the Friday prior to each meeting. Please contact Eric Hawkins at 803-329-8763 or [email protected] with any questions. ** The Planning Commission makes the final decision on these items. Planning Commission Agenda Items City of Rock Hill, SC Planning Commission July 11, 2017 Sutton Mt Gallant Hwy 21 Old York ¦¨§77 India Hook Celanese 6 Heckle I-77 York Herlong Cherry Main 7 Dave Lyle Main 2 5 Anderson 4 Heckle 3 McConnells Albright Anderson I-77 Ogden Mt. Holly Legend Saluda River City Limits Agenda # Item Map Not Drawn To Scale ¯ ESH 06/30/17 Planning Commission City of Rock Hill, South Carolina June 6, 2017 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at 6:00PM in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 155 Johnston Street, Rock Hill, South Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Roper, Duane Christopher, Gladys Robinson, Georgia Thomas, Randy Graham MEMBERS ABSENT Justin Smith, Shelly Goodner STAFF PRESENT Eric Hawkins, Dennis Fields, Bill Meyer, Leah Youngblood 1. Approval of minutes of the May 2, 2017, meeting. Mr. Christopher made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 4, 2017, meeting. Dr. Robinson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0 (Smith and Goodner absent). 2. Hold public hearing and consider a recommendation to City Council on petition T-2017-02 by Rock Hill City Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance affecting Article 4: Use Regulations and Article 10: Definitions & Rules for Interpretation, in relation to breweries and brewpubs. Mr. Meyer presented the staff report. Mr. Roper asked how the proposed size limits relate to the size of Legal Remedy Brewing. Mr. Meyer stated that the limits are about twenty-five percent larger than Legal Remedy. Legal Remedy has about 2,500-2,800 square feet outdoors and the proposed ordinance allows up to 3,000. Mr. Roper asked if there were any known legal issues surrounding zoning of these types of uses. He stated that he had heard of a few ongoing legal issues in Charlotte. Mr. Meyer answered that he did not think the issues were related to zoning, but rather regulatory issues with size. Ms. Thomas asked if these brewpubs were chains or independent locations. Mr. Meyer stated that most of them are smaller individual businesses. Ms. Thomas asked if the downtown area was a good location for these types of uses. Mr. Meyer stated that the downtown area could be tricky since most of the locations require a loading area. Mr. Christopher asked if the Conditional Use Permits (CUP) required approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Meyer answered that the Zoning Board would only approve those locations that required a special exception and that a CUP was a staff level approval. CUP’s are required for uses that have use specific standards. Mr. Graham asked if the proposed allowance of 3,000 square feet of outdoor area was enough room. Mr. Meyer answered that any larger of an area may have a larger impact on the neighboring uses. A larger user at that point may want to be labeled as an extended hours restaurant or bar, or find a larger property that would allow for a larger use. There were no further questions or comments. Mr. Christopher presented the motion to recommend to City Council approval of the proposed amendments. Ms. Thomas seconded, and the motion carried unanimously by a vote of 5-0 (Smith and Goodner absent). Planning Commission Minutes June 6, 2017 Page 2 3. Other Business. a. Overview of Zoning Ordinance Update Project Ms. Youngblood gave an overview of the zoning ordinance update Project, including expected dates of meetings and workshops. b. Election of Officers Mr. Christopher made a motion to keep the same elected officers, Dr. Robinson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0 (Smith and Goodner absent). 4. Adjourn. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30PM. Staff Report to Planning Commission M-2017-07 E Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 First Baptist Church Rock Hill is requesting to amend the official zoning map of the City of Rock Hill by rezoning approximately 2.42 acres of property and adjacent right of way located at 1831 Springsteen Road from Residential Development District II (RD-II) in York County to Office & Institutional (OI). Tax Map Number 666-01-02-005 (insert aerial photo) Reason for Request: This property is proposed to be annexed into the City of Rock Hill. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposed SF-2 zoning. SEE ATTACHED REPORT FOR MORE INFORMATION Case No. M-2017-07 Rezoning Analysis-Report to Planning Commission Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 Location: 1831 Springsteen Road, Tax Map #666-01-02-005 Site Area: Approximately 2.42 acres. Request: Annex property into the City and rezone from Residential Development District II (RD-II) in York County to Office and Institutional (OI). Use: Single-family residential. Owner/Applicant: First Baptist Church Rock Hill 481 Hood Center Drive 803-327-7181 Site Description The subject property is the location of a single-family residence. It is located on the east side of the City and fronts on Springsteen Road. Surrounding uses include single-family residential, multi-family residential, and undeveloped property in residential and commercial zoning districts. The adjoining property to the rear is also owned by First Baptist Church Rock Hill. Proposal This annexation was initiated by the City. The current owner signed an annexation agreement in 2014 and an annexation petition in May at the City’s request. The property is served by City water and is subject to annexation at the City’s discretion. Annexation of properties contiguous to the City promotes greater efficiency in City services and reduces jurisdictional issues. The owner plans to convert the house to serve as part of the church in the future and requested Office an Institutional zoning. Existing Zoning District Summary Residential Development District II (RD-II)- The Residential Development II District is designed to permit a variety of residential uses and variable densities based on the characteristics of the uses. Areas so designated are deemed suited to and with market potential for the uses. This designation is applied principally to undeveloped areas where unit and density flexibility will not adversely impact existing residential subdivisions, and where the housing market can be sufficiently broad and flexible to meet the various demands for housing. Permitted uses include single-family dwellings, schools, horticulture and some agricultural interests, neighborhood and community parks, churches, duplexes, multi-family dwellings, child care centers, nursing homes, and mobile home subdivisions. Proposed Zoning District Summary Office and Institutional (OI)- The OI district is established to provide a wide variety of professional and business offices and institutions proximate to residential and more intense business districts so as to satisfy the City’s demand for services.
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