BEKI Bulletin A New Haven Tradition since 1892. Visit us at www.beki.org April 2002 Vol. 8 Issue 4 ktrah r,f-kt ,hc e"e Iyar 5762 From Pesah to Shavuot Sefira – Counting the Omer In the days before printed calendars, calendar At the second seder (Thursday night 28 March), watches and daily newspapers, the sefira served we began daily sefirat ha-omer (counting of the to keep the liturgical calendar of the Jewish People omer), a counting of days to Shavuot, the next ma- synchronized, no simple accomplishment given jor festival. The counting, preferably done each dispersion and isolation of much of the commu- night for 49 nights, is an expression of eager antici- nity. The term omer refers to the measure (one hand- pation, commemorating the period of expectation ful) of grain that was used to create a physical relic and preparation we experienced in the Exodus from of the counting. With a physical reminder, even Egypt until the revelation at Sinai. illiterate people could do a recount in case they for- got the day’s number. The simple home ceremony is printed in most siddurim (prayer books), including Sim Shalom, Teach us to number our days, that we may attain a immediately after the weekday evening service. heart of wisdom While it is a mitzva prescribed for adults, sefirat – Psalm 90:12 ha-omer can also be a fun, artistic and joyous ritual for families with children. Continued on page 5 A day after the tragic December 2001 bombing An Open Letter Concerning on Ben Yehuda Street, I boarded an El Al Plane with fifteen other parents who are committed to send- Israel & Youth ing their children to Israel this summer with United Synagogue Youth (USY). We came from almost Dear Parents and BEKI Members, every region of the U.S. and Canada, and our mis- sion was to experience for ourselves what USY is I am sending my teenage daughters to Israel this doing, in light of the current situation, to ensure summer! The substance and quality of United the safety and security of our children as they have Synagogue Youth’s Israel Programs are incompa- the experience of their lifetime in Israel. rable, and the experienced staff, both in New York and in Israel, works diligently to ensure the suc- During four intensive days and nights, we had a cess of all aspects of each trip. There is no detail mini-pilgrimage experience of our own. The same overlooked in providing teens with a rich and un- tour guides and educators who will be teaching our forgettable Jewish summer experience. Let me tell teens took us to see many of the ‘classic’ sights of you how I learned this, because it might also apply Israel. We started on the Tayelet, the boardwalk to the trip of your child or someone you know. Continued on page 6 Administrative Announcements Email Update BEKI-Bulletin Please note that Rabbi Tilsen’s email address is [email protected]. If you would like to be added to The newsletter is published monthly by Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel for the benefit of its members. the list of members who receive occasional email Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel is affiliated with messages of lifecycle and other events, please let the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Rabbi Tilsen know. To contribute articles or for inquiries regarding Our office ([email protected]) will also be very membership, donations, or special activities, call the Synagogue office (203) 389-2108, or write to 85 happy to learn of your new or revised email ad- Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 dress. or email: [email protected] or see our web page: www.beki.org For information about advertising, call the synagogue office. Deadline for submission of ads or articles is the 1st of the month preceding publication. No Parking Annual subscription is $36.00. Members and visitors are advised that parking BEKI-Bulletin © 2002 Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel. is prohibited at all times on the East side of A Message from Rabbi Tilsen & Dear Rabbi Harrison Street as indicated by the “No Parking” © 2002 Jon-Jay Tilsen. All rights reserved. signs. Parking is usually available across Harrison Editor Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen Street, and ample parking is available in the BEKI Associate Editor Donna Levine lot at the rear of the building. When driving in the Associate Editor Donna Kemper BEKI parking lot, please observe the five miles- Circulation Manager Saul Bell Production Editor David Golden per-hour speed limit. Advertisement Editor Sheila Gardner Advertisement Associate Editor Ronni Rabin April Schedule Changes Photographer Charles Ludwig Beginning in April, our Shabbat afternoon ser- vices return to our “summer” schedule. Shabbat minha services begin at 5:45p each Saturday after- noon, and is not followed by maariv evening ser- vice at the synagogue. The winter schedule (minha, Pirqe Avot Study, Maariv & Havdala) will resume in November. 1460 Whalley Avenue New Haven, CT 06515 Daylight Time resumes on Sunday morning 7 BAKERY FAX DELI April. Be sure to turn your clocks ahead one hour 387-2214 387-4129 397-0839 before going to bed Motse’ei Shabbat (Saturday Specializing in: Bar/Bas Mitzvah, Weddings, Office and Home Parties night). If your clock reads 10:00p, set it to 11:00p. • Platters for all occasions • Prepared foods December 2001 BEKI Bulletin 2 News Why We Belong to USCJ binical Assembly, the Jewish Educators Assembly, the A small portion of the membership dues paid to North American Association of Synagogue Execu- BEKI —$45 per family or individual—supports our tives, and the Cantors Assembly. “The sessions I at- participation in the United Synagogues of Conser- tended—especially the small, focused ones—were vative Judaism (USCJ), a national organization whose stimulating, enlightening and very worthwhile,” regional director is our congregant Miriam Benson, Darryl told the BEKI Board afterward. “I urge other wife of Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen. BEKI members to go to future conventions. You’ll find BEKI receives many benefits of USCJ membership. a wealth of resources for us to tap into.” USCJ coordinates services that would be too expen- In addition, USCJ coordinates a book service, sive or complicated for individual congregations to which publishes and distributes its own resource sustain, but when many communities pool their re- materials as well as publications from the Rabbinical sources, these services become feasible. Assembly, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Here are some specifics. USCJ hosts BEKI’s Web Women’s League. There are Internet discussion site (www.beki.org). It coordinates regional and na- groups for synagogue presidents, webmasters, edu- tional programs for Kadima and USY youth groups. cators, and financial officers who network, brain- When our officers—who are volunteers with jobs of storm, and learn from one another on line. their own—have questions about the running of the All BEKI members are subscribed to the award- synagogue, they turn to PALS (Program for Assis- winning magazine, The United Synagogue Review, tance by Liaisons to Synagogues), which offers pro and all are welcome at the Conservative movement’s bono consultation with experienced professionals. informal embassy in Jerusalem, the Fuchsberg Cen- Russ Finer, executive director of Beth El in Spring- ter. field, has helped BEKI officers deal with financial “Perhaps most important of all is the intangible, management and fundraising in the past couple of yet very real benefit which derives from being part years. BEKI President Stephen Pincus says, “Russ has of a large and dynamic movement,” says Miriam. been very generous with his time and has helped us “Through USCJ affiliation, a synagogue can gain the tremendously in our fiscal plans.” inspiration and motivation that keep a congregation Religious schools need strong educators and USCJ flourishing.” provides the high-quality training that prepares them. Part of USCJ dues is directed toward building the Dr. Lauren Kempton, education director and princi- Conserative-Masorti Movement in Israel and East- pal of BEKI Religious Schoo, l attended the United ern Europe. The knowledge that we are helping our Synagogue New Director’s Institute and states, “The Movement grow should be a source of pride and sat- Institute was invaluable for my work this year. I re- isfaction for every BEKI member. ceived an incredible manual full of programmatic ideas and organizational tips. Through Serene Vic- Adds Rabbi Tilsen, “USCJ membership allows a tor, I am connected with other leaders here in the East synagogue to be part of the Rabbinic Placement ser- for planning and sharing of ideas. As I learned at the vice. This means that only an affiliated congrega- Institute and daily reaffirm at BEKI: Judaism well tion is eligible to engage a rabbi who is a member of taught is its own best advocate.” the Rabbinical Assembly. I would always urge a con- Our religious school teachers are enrolled in a two- gregation searching for a rabbi to hire only one who year regional program coordinated by Serene Victor, is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly or another the USCJ consultant for synagogue education. legitimate rabbinic association. Anyone can use the BEKI membership chair Sharon Lovett-Graff and title ‘rabbi,’ so a congregation must have a rabbi with board member Gila Reinstein took part in a confer- credentials and an organization’s endorsement. ence call about membership in January that gener- BEKI’s membership in USCJ allows me as a Rabbini- ated some ideas they hope to implement in the com- cal Assembly member to work here.” ing year. For more information on USCJ, see www.uscj.org/ Darryl Kuperstock represented BEKI at the bien- ctvalley and www.uscj.org.
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