SSSeeellleeecccttteeeddd SSSoooccciiiooo‐‐‐EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc SSStttaaatttiiissstttiiicccss IIInnndddiiiaaa,,, 222000111111 October 2011 Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Central Statistics Office Social Statistics Division RK Puram, New Delhi www.mospi.gov.in TEAM OF OFFICERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PUBLICATION 1. Smt. S. Jeyalakshmi, Additional Director-General, SSD 2. Shri Inderjeet Singh, Deputy Director-General, SSD 3. Smt. Ratna Chaudhari, Director, SSD 4. Dr. N. Joshi, Assistant Director, SSD 5. Shri M.P. Diwakar, Assistant Director, SSD 6. Shri Ravi, Kumar, Personal Assistant, SSD 7. Ms. Subhashini, Intern, University of Chennai 8. Ms. Jaideep Kapoor, Technical Assistant CONTENTS SR. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 0.1 Contents i-vii 0.2 Socio-Economic Indicators, India vs World at a Glance viii-x 0.3 Socio-Economic Indicators, India at a Glance xi-xv 1. Population and Vital Statistics 1.1 Population of India 1-5 1.2 Growth Rate of Population (%) in India 6 1.3 Percent Distribution of Population by Age and Sex - India 7 1.4 Population of India - States/ Union Territories 8-12 1.5 Projected Total Population on 1st March, 2001-2026 for States, 13-17 Union Territories and India 1.6 Important Administrative and Key Population Statistics for India, 18-19 States and Union Territories 1.7 Rural/Urban Differential in Growth of Population- India 20 1.8 Trend in Urbanisation -India 20 1.9 Inter-State Differentials in percentage of Urban Population to Total 21 Population 1.10 Population of India, States and Union Territories according to 22 Village Size, 2001 1.11 Distribution of Rural Population by Size of Village, India 23 1.12 Urbanisation by Class of Towns over Census years 24 1.13 Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as 24 percentage of Total Population of India 1.14 Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as 25 Percentage of the Total Population for States, Union Territories and India, 2001 1.15 Population Density of India, States and Union Territories:1951- 26 2011 1.16 Rural-Urban Differentials in Sex Ratio: 1901-2011 27 1.17 Sex Ratio and Share of Female Population by States and UTs 28 i 1.18 Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR), Maternal Mortality Rate and Life 29 Time Risk; India, EAG and Assam, South and Other States:2004- 06 1.19 Distribution of Migrants by Place of Last Residence - India 30 1.20 Percentage of Currently Married Females to all Females for 31 Different Age-Groups - India 1.21 Vital Rates Based on Sample Registration System-India 32 (per 1000 population) 1.22 Vital Rates Based on Sample Registration System - States/ Union 33-34 Territories and India , 2008 (per 1000 population) 1.23 Age-Specific Mortality Rates (Rural )-India (per 1000 population) 35 1.24 Age-Specific Mortality Rates (Urban)- India (per 1000 population) 36 1.25 Age-Specific Mortality Rates (Combined Rural/Urban)-India (per 37 1000 population) 1.26 Age-Specific Fertility Rates - India (per 1000 population) 38-39 1.27 Differentials in Fertility by Background Characteristics -India 40 1.28 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 population) 41 1.29 Inter-State Differentials in Infant Mortality Rate-India (per 1000 42 population) 1.30 Differentials in Infant Mortality Rate and Child Mortality Rate by 43 Background Characteristics, India, 2005-06 (per 1000 population) 1.31 Expectation of Life (Years) at Birth - India 44 1.32 Inter-State Differentials in Expectation of Life (Years) at Birth- India 45 1.33 Top 10 Causes of Death in India (All Ages):2001-2003 46 2. Labour and Employment 2.1 Workforce Participation Rate by Sex & by Sector State/Union 49 Territories - India; 2001 2.2 Age-Specific Labour Force Participation Rates according to Usual 50 Status (ps+ss) 2.3 Age-Specific Usual Status Worker Population Ratio (ASWPR) 51-52 2.4 Unemployment Rates (per 1000 persons in the labour force) 53 according to Usual Status (us), Current Weekly Status (cws) and Current Daily Status (cds) 2.5 Labour Force Participation Rates (LFPR) by education and sex - 54 India ii 2.6 Age-Specific Unemployment Rates by Sex -India 55 2.7 Employment in Organized Sector, India 56 2.8 Employment in Organized Sector: States/Union Territories and 57 India 2.9 Employment in Central Government 58 2.10 Job-seekers Registered with Employment Exchanges- India 59 2.11 Job-Seekers Registered with Employment Exchanges 60 States/Union Territories and India 2.12 Employment in Public Sector by Major Industries and Branch wise 61-62 2.13 Employment in Private Sector by Major Industries and Size of 63 Establishment 2.14 Employment in organised Industries by Major Industries 64 2.15 Women Employment in Organised Sector by Major Industries 65 2.16 Incidence Rate and Frequency Rate of industrial injuries - India 66 2.17 Man-days Lost per thousand Workers Employed due to Industrial 67 Disputes in Manufacturing Units in the Public and Private Sector - India 2.18 Number of Scheduled Employments in Central 68 Sphere/State/U.Ts and Range of Minimum Wages as on 31-12-2009 3. Education 3.1 Literates per thousand Population, India 72 3.2 State-wise Decadal Changes in Literacy Rate and Male-Female 73 Literacy Gap (1991-2001) (percentage) 3.3 State-wise Literacy Rate as Estimated through Sample Surveys 74 (percentage) 3.4 Percentage of Literates by Age and Sex 75 3.5 Gross Enrolment as percentage to the Total Population by Age and 77 Sex, India 3.6 Net Enrolment Ratio: 2005-06 to 2008-09 (percentage) 78 3.7 Enrolment among School Going Scheduled Caste and Scheduled 79 Tribe Population in States/UTs: 2008-09 (Percentage) iii 3.8 Ratio of Female Students to Total Number of Students at Different 80 Levels of Education- India (Percentage) 3.9 Number of Female Teachers per 100 Male Teachers at Different 81 Levels of Education, India 3.10 Pupil - Teacher Ratio in Schools- India 82 3.11 Number of Girls per 100 Boys Enrolled in Schools and Colleges in 83 India 3.12 Trend in Enrolment of Females (per hundred males) by University 84 Education in Major Disciplines of Education, India 3.13 Number of Educational Institutions in India 85 3.14 Number of Educational Institutions for Selected Professional 86 Courses, India 3.15 Gross Drop-out rate at Different Stages of School Education by 87 Sex- India (Percentage) 3.16 Distribution of Total Budget (Centre+State) for Education by Sub- 88 Sector of Education (Revenue Accounts),India 3.17 Educational Expenditure as percentage of GDP (at current prices) 89 (Centre+State) for India 4. Health, Family Welfare and Nutrition 4.1 Percentage of Couples Currently Protected under Family Planning 92 Methods in India 4.2 Effective Couple Protection Rates (CPR) under All Methods as on 93 31st March for States, Union Territories and India 4.3 Marriage, Contraception and Unmet Need in India 94 4.4 Doctors and Nursing Personnel in India 95 4.5 Availability of Hospital Beds in India 96 4.6 Number of Hospitals, Dispensaries and Primary Health Centres in 97 India 4.7 Facilities under AYUSH 98 4.8 Number of AYUSH Doctors per 100000 Population as on 99 1.1.2009 in States, Union Territories and India 4.9 Government Expenditure Incurred on Education, Health and Social 100 Security and Welfare Services in India 4.10 Coverage of Children under Immunization – India 101 iv 4.11 Reproductive and Child Health 102 4.12 Number of Disabled persons by Type of Disability 103 4.13 Average Daily Intake of Proteins and Calories in India 105 4.14 Per capita Availability of Food Grains and other Selected 106 Commodities in India 4.15 Trend in Nutritional Status of Children 107 5. Status of HIV / AIDS 5.1 State/UT Wise Observed HIV Prevalence Levels in India 2002-08 110-111 5.2 State/UT-Wise Adult HIV Prevalence 112 5.3 Distribution of HIV Infections in 2006 by Age Group 113 5.4 Adjusted HIV Prevalence among HIV ANC Women:2002-06 114 5.5 HIV Prevalence by Age and Residence 115 5.6 HIV Prevalence by Background Characteristics 116 5.7 HIV Prevalence by Sexual Behaviour 117 6. Public Order and Safety 6.1 Incidence of Cognizable Crimes (IPC) Under Different Crime 121 Heads During 2000-2009 6.2 Different Types of Crimes Committed against Women in India 122 6.3 State-wise Incidence of Crimes committed against women during 123 2009 6.4 Disposal of Crimes under Indian Penal Code 124 6.5 Juvenile Delinquency 125 6.6 Suicide Rate in India 126 6.7 Road Accidents, Persons Killed and Injured:1991-2008 127 6.8 Accident Profile for Selected cities: 2008 128 v 7. Mass Communication and Entertainment 7.1 Circulation of Newspapers and Periodicals in India 131 7.2 Films and Cinema Halls in India 132 7.3 Radio Station and Television Relay Centre and Coverage of 133 Population in India 7.4 Telephones and Post offices in India 134 8. Housing 8.1 Households and Housing Stock in India 137 8.2 Number of Households States/ Union Territories and India -2001 138 8.3 Rural-Urban Distribution of Drinking Water Facilities in India, 2005- 139 06 8.4 Rural-Urban Distribution of Toilet Facilities in India, 2005-06 140 8.5 Percentage of Population living with Housing Amenities (Lighting) 141 8.6 Average-Size of Household and Average Number of Persons per 142 Dwelling in India 8.7 Number of Households, Population, Number of Living Quarters, 142 with Rural-Urban Break-up in India 8.8 Distribution of Households by Type of Housing Structure 143 8.9 Number of Households, Population and Living Quarters with 144 Details of Dwellings In India 8.10 Occupied Housing Units by Number of Rooms per Housing Units 145 and Average Number of Persons per Room with Rural-Urban Break-up in India 8.11 Number of Homeless Households and Population by Sex and 146 Rural-Urban Break-up for India 8.12 Total Urban Population of Cities/Towns reporting Slum and non- 147 Slum Population in Slum Areas-States, Union Territories and India during 2001 8.13 Per-capita Annual Consumption of Electricity and Petroleum 148 Products 9.
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