•> THURSDAY. .DECEMBER 1984 ' . m lEnrnins 1|eralb • • - ' II ii iiii'-' ■ ft f ii I i|iiw»V'|» m lii'Al III ■ ’s Edition Is The Herald^s Gift to Its Newsboys Ibo son bom Doc. IT to Dr. and Mrs. John L. Cannon of Simsbury AboutTown has b^n named James Andrew. Open Forum Average Daily Net Press Ran \ i - They have a 5^4-year-old eon, John Per the Week Ended , The Weather ' >Jttitf Alton J. Munsla A-* U Jr. Mrs. Cannon vms the former Traffic SnggastieM Dee. 18, 19M ' Fereknet ef I T . S. Weather : h ’ ' ttviid' team. B Paao. Tint., t u t Miss Doris Stratton, R. N., -sugh-.^ To the Editor, i^ b t to jqxnd a 30 day leava at ter of Mra. Jennie Stratton of 175 Subject: One JVay Traffic Sys­ ' 'CI«|uHhig tonight. Lew m oSd tha bona of hla paranta. Mr. aifd St. John St. T. e paternal grand­ tem. 11,515 tSs. Ptfr.rcoMer SntarSoy. BUS M n, Tiiim V. MuiAa. l(n Ruaacll parent la Mrs. .MSrgtret Gladney Reference:. Section 2, Page 15 of of Elsbury, Mo. your paper dated Dec. 17, 1954, Member ef the Audit S3 to 40. tiuadny rein, fisaqijr SU Mi haa been promoted from the Bureau ef Cirei^latloa Mak of airman flnt claaa to ataff Cols. 7 and 8. begtonlag ae anew. ■aargaaat' Hla new duUes conatat of The Rev. Paul O. Prokopy has After reading above referenced Moncliesfer^4jCj(Y-p/ Charm mailed over 300 Chriatmaa letters columns I'm not quite sure who' i i auparelaor of electronic counter - f - Bteeaurea Field Maintenapce Sec* to parishioners.' service men and deserves this criticism (you or .VOL. LXXIV, NO. 72 tle a at the 97th A and X S^adron. frienda, titled “A Bleaeed Chriat- Chief Schendel.) (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCRESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1954 (<*aeemed Advsrtlaing on Paso 92) PRICE FIVE eSNTS maa" on a blue background, with If it is tha CMera true thought LAST MINUTE -4—.. ....................— . 11.1. ..................... ■ ■' little colored picture of the that only .businessman and mer­ Klaa Jane Burr, daughter of Mr. Nativity scene. His name la signed chants are Intelligent enough to and Mra. CSiarlec S. Burr, 103 Ade­ in beautiful Spencerian handwrit­ make a kuggestion about traffic in laida Rd.. a aenior tn the phyaical ing, the shaded curves gUs^ning Manchester perhaps somebody tbeiiH>y courae at Bouve-Boaton with stardust. Inquiring who did ought to enlighten him that per­ Scbo^ which, la affiliated with the work, we find his "home sec­ haps ona out of a few thousand of Tufta College, Medford, Maaa., ia retary" as he calls Mrs. Prokopy, us here In Manchester might poe- at home for the Qiriatmas. holi­ patiently aprlnklod each letter sibly come - up with a very good days. __ while the Ink was.atUl wet. Idea. Doesn’t he realise that ws on little people, who don’t count out A Robeit C An.*aim, aon of :\fr; Army 2nd IA. Alfred R. Rogers, money on Main Street, Wohld be ■mmmiU and Mrs. Carl H. Anderson, 56 23, aon at Mr. and Mrs. John X. very proud (f we were to have a Birch 8 t, a student at Lather Col- Rogers, 1153 X. Middle Tpke.. re­ suggestion accepted that would lete. Wahoo, near Omaha, 'Keb., cently spent a'week's leave from improve any part of our beautiful and Ma fianooe. Miaa Joyce E. hla unit in Korea a t Kobe, one. of little town? Fnyierlckeon at Sioux Falla, 8. D„ the largest cities in Japen. LA. I, myself, have been working a IMM arrived to a(^ d the ht^idaysr Rogers, a CM.-Jber of the 7th Di­ long time on a solution to tha traf­ with hla parents. Mias Frederlck- vision ArtHlery, hes been In the fic Jam at West Center and Broad from HALE'S la alao a student at Litther For East siniw last May. Sts. I think I have a suggestion CoOsfe. Anderson spent a year and that may relieve that problem but abi«lIn Oermany with Um Army. Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Kronlck I'm not sure If the O iief 'would of the Wilroee Dress Shop were welcome It because you see Tm Urges A ll If He Had, Waited, WoiiM You Be a Shepherd? Ughteen of the members of the hosts to their employes at a de­ not a buBlncaiman nor' ton I a Past Mistress Club of laughter- lightful Christm as party Jttven a t merchant. I read your paper very U.S. of Ubsrty No. 125 enjoyed a din­ their home, 18 Stephen St., last thoroughly and I might add that this ia not the first tlms that Chief Rulers to H; ner and Chriatmaa psuty Monday night Christmas bon.’toa wera evening at Cnvey’s Restatnror.t. given to their eniployea and gifts Schendul has made a statement wet« exchanged. A delicious dinner that waan’t .open for plenty of T.'we enjoyed. Miss Mary Cavjpbell, criticism. End Strife retired, who Las been in the em­ May I suggest that from hare ploy of the Wilrose for the past 22 on m when the Chief makes a years was among thoee present. statement where he could possibly By FRANK BRUTTO Aufusta, G«m Dec. 24 (/P>—The White Hqum nnnuonced Norr-am Kronlck, who has been include the UUiti party (who keep Vatican City, Dec. 24 (JF) today that Prenident Eisenhower and the Gsvenunent of the away In the Xmy the pact two these merchants and bualneasmen —Pojw Pius XII, from the United States are "disturhed” about developments in Ftsncs, Car4 of Thanks years Snd v;ho is now in the em­ oil Main. Street) it would be great­ ploy of the Wllrcse, showed pic. ly appreciated I'm sure. '‘loneliness of suffering” to­ where the French Aimembly han refased for a second tiisc We wish to thank all of eut neish- tures of his travels. P.S. Perhaps he didn't mean this day gave his Christmas to approve W(tot German rearmament. bon. friends and rrlatlTss for the many acts of ktndnen and sympathy shown or la he Just old fashioned? greetings and blessing “to all Us In our recent bereavement. We Glenn E Thurston peoples, to their rulers, to London, Dec. 24 </P)—-Prime Minister Churchiir* forem* mpecWly thank Manchester Modes. Inc., die Wet nalshing and' Shearlna Hospital Notes those who bear the respon­ ment warned the hesitant French Assembly today that it Department. Cheney Brothers; Velvet On Sanding Mill ^rem on: Electrical Department To the Eklitor, sibility of the;., world’s would splinter the unity of the free world if it fail* to ratify Me. * , Prmt-Whltney; friends In Pratt Patleata Today: ...................... .134 Why was the sanding of tha destinjes." the Pari* Affreements to free and rearm )6>«t Germany. Department SO; ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Carl rohda of the Town of Manchester Local H. 1% fr. W. U. a ., employees of Peterson, 20 Pine Hilt St.; Edward •T<7 alt these;" said the ailing the notary and Stationary Cam Line. so long delayed on the night of 78-y«ar-oId head of -the Roman Piau a Whitney's, all those who sent Koch, 37 Doane St.; Mrs. Evs Sho- Dec. 4 and the morning of Dec.-31 ? ‘ 24 (4’)—For the second tima in four monthi^ the heantitol ftara tributes and loaned 11k, 38 Sslem Rd.; Gary W idellrll Catholic Church, "may the mes- the French Assembly refused today to approve German r«- the use of cars. On the morning of Dec. 31 I was oage of the goodness and peace Willard Rd.; Mrs. Lorraine Bates, told by someone at the Town armament. But Premier Pierre Mendes-France quickly as« Coventry; Df. Ward E. Green, 12 of the Son of God-made man reach Mrs, Helen Moeke and family. Garage that they had not known GIRL SCOUT JEWELRY out." nounced he would call a second vote and sUke his govern­ Parker St.; Kenneth Brown, 32 it was snowing. I bellcv* It is the ment s life on a final okay. *-------—’——:------ -------------- Card of Thanks Silas Rd.; Mrs. Marie Hennequin, The Pope’s words maintained un­ responaiblUty of 'somsohs In broken the long series of annual The .deputies stunned M^dee- W'-r • 30 Cottage St.; Mrst Sadie Howard, authority to know what the ^ NO WOMAN EVER HAS TOO MANY HEADQUARTERS France by rejecting 280-259 a l^ ' We wish to thank oU of our neiab- 23 Edward St.; Mrs. Helen Lee weather la. , Christmas pleas for peace which bora. friends and relatlyes for the many Harmon, 54 Chestnut St.; Thomas he haa made since he became treaty .calling for Wost . Gorman Field, Wife Get acta M kindnesa and sympathy shown I am told bur" highway d*p8rt- The fun really begins at our Girl Scout Dept. A bead of the church in 1939. rearmament within a projected I'r ' us In our recent bereavement. We Lefebre, Bolton; George Bryans, ment depends on a weather bureau ae^^-netion tVost JEuropesn union especially thank an those who sent the Hyde Avenue, Rockville; William service. Such service, could be help­ good assortment of bracelets, lockets, rinys, etc,, Greeted by Cardinals h. beautUul floral tributes and loaned the BLOUSES - Earlier, the Pope received the (WEU). Most observers had pre­ Asyltim Behind use of cars. _ KUgore. 3«3 E. Middle Tpke.; ful, hut how can any New Eng­ just about everything to make a Girl Sc(>ut’A Judith Ann Larson, 134 Paritei* St.
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