DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 44—No. 19- Philadelphia, January 21, 1905. Price, Five Cents. HUELSMAN,O.F. SPORTING UDFE. January 21, 1905. WESTERN LEAGUE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., CENTRAL LEAGUE DECIDES TO RETAIN ITS PRESENF 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. AT LAST GETS ITS AFFAIRS INTO © SIX-CLUB CIRCUIT. Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated GOOD SHAPE. Morris O©Neil, of San Francisco, an base ball player ____________________________ Springfield to Take the Place of for which I enclose five 2-cent stamps to help to defray expense Ex-Player, Succeeds Sexton as Marion in the Circuit and Dr. of printing, postage, packing, etc. President TheLeaguef inancesin Carson, of South Bend, Succeeds Good Shape The Next Schedule. Send to Mr. Bement as League President, BT G. V. Co0GHi.iN. Dayton, O., Jan. 18. The Central League met here on January 8 and arrang-ed its Omaha, Neb., Jan. 13. Editor of "Sport- business for the next season to general sat-© lug Life:" The meeting of the magnates ____ isf action. The accounts and of, the Western League yesterday proved report of President Bement to be a ratification meet- were accepted. President Ing, at which was approved Bement declined renoinina- a large number of transac tlou. Dr. Frank Carson, of tions which had been South Bend, was chosen agreed upon previously in president, having five out of conference. The clubs in CABINET SIZE PHOTOTYPES OF eight votes, and B. F. Per- the league were represent kins, of Wheeling, was ed as follows: Omaha, unanimously chosen vice William ftourke; St. Jo president.. It was decided to seph, Percy Chamberlain; give a prize of $50 for the Des Moines, Joseph Can- Celebrated Base Ball Players. schedule accepted, the com tillon; Sioux Cify, R. R. petition to be open until Duncaa; Denver, George "Sporting Life" has had reproduced cabinet size phototypes of celebrated base ball February 15. The season Tebeau; Colorado Springs, players and offers to send to any of its readers photos of their favorite base ball players by C. W. Benent will open April 27, and 140 H. Sextoa Thomas Burns. M. H. Sex ton presided. The finances complying with the conditions named in the coupon above, 10 cents for each photo; by the games will be played. Any player who is dozen, $1.00. Only one coupon required with each order. removed from a game is to stand suspended of the association were shown to be in three days without pay. Dr. Carson, Ed. g-ood conditiou. The league was made more The photos are regular cabinet size (5i x 7i inches) mounted on heavy Mantello mats Doran, of South Bend, and John Ueenan, substantial by dropping the non-paying and packed carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. of Terre Haute, were placed on. the Com clubs and transferring three franchises to Here is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your favorite base ball mittee on By-Laws. substantial business men in the cities rep players at small expense. Each photo in a separate envelope to protect and keep it clean. resented. The schedule will not be adopt One coupon and five 2-cent stamps entitles you to one photo. You can, however, THE SUNDAY QUESTION. ed until the spring meeting in March. obtain as many photos as you deaire by sending five 2-cent stamps for each photo and cue President Watkins, of Indianapolis, was PRESIDENT SEXTON©S REPORT. at the meeting to ask for action to secure coupon with each order. © « * legislation in the Indiana Legislature for President Sexton reported that the The following photos are now ready for immediate delivery. Others will be added. Sunday baseball, but he was given the finances of the league were in a satisfac cold shoulder. The Terre Haute, Fort tory condition. NATIONAL LEAGUE, 1904. AMERICAN LEAGUE, 1904. Wayne and South Bend teams all play Sun The receipts for the past year were $24,- day ball through permission of city and 805. There were expended for the presi NEW YORK CLUB John J. McGraw, Jos BOSTON CLUB Charles Stahl, Denton county officials, and do not care whether dent©s salary and that of umpires and eph McGinnity, Christopher Matthewson, Young, George Winters,Frederick Parent, the present State law on Sunday ball is other items $22,747, leaving a balance of amended or not. They prefer not to have $2118. John. Warner, Samuel Mertes, William John Freeman, James CoMins, Charles It was decided to drop entirely the twb Gilbert, D. L. McGann, Roger Bresnehan, Farrell, Albert Selbach, Hobe Ferris, any agitation that may upset their playing non-playing clubs Lincoln and Pueblo- George Browne, Frank Bowerman, Luther William Dineen, Louis Criger, George the game on Sunday. making th.j organization a regular six-club H. Taylor, John Dunn, William Dahlen, Lachance, Norwood Gibson, Jesse Tanne- THE MARION FRANCHISE league, composed of Omaha, St. Joseph, Michael Donlin, Leon Ames, Claude El- hill, Thomas -Doran. was formally transferred to Springfield Des Moiues, Sioux City, Denver and Colo liott, George Wiltse, Virgil Garvin, Wil NEW YORK CLUB James Williams, David by a unanimous vote, John Dugan, owner rado Springs. liam R. Marshal. L. Fultz, Clarke Griffith, William Keeler, of the Marion franchise last season, will A NEW PRESIDENT. finance the new Springfield club, and sup CHICAGO CLUB Frank Chance, James P. Jack Chesbro, Norman Elberfeld, William port has been assured him by the Spring The selection of a president proved to Conroy, Jobu GanzeJl, John Powell, bo only a ratification of the action of a Casey, Joseph B. Tinker, James Slagle, field people, they agreeing to build him a previous conference at which Norris John Evers, Carl Lundgren, Jacob YVei- Albert Orth, John Anderson, Patrick park. The clubs© franchises were made for O©Neill, of San Francisco, had been de- mer, John Kling, Robert Wicker, John Dougherty, James McGuire, John Klei- three years, instead of one. An emergency now, Ambrose Puttman. fund of $200 from each club was made in c>ded upon. He was unanimously elected. McCarthy, John J. O©Neil, Alexander case of distress in any town of the circuit. C. B. Myrick, of Des Moines, was elected Smith, John C. Barry. Mordecai Brown, CHICAGO CLUB Fielder Jones, Edward The League adjourned to meet again in vice president, with George Tebeau, of David Jones, Otto G. Williams. McFarland, George Davis, William D. Springfield on March 6. Denver; W. A. Rourke, of Omaha, and Jo Sullivan, James J. Callahan, Daniel seph Cantilleu, of Dea Mciiies, directors. CINCINN ATI CLUB Joseph J.Kelly.Frank President O©Neill is authorized to fix a date Green, Frank Isbell, Roy Pafterson, Lee in March for the spring meeting, at which Hahn, James Sebring, Harry Steinfeldt, Tannehill, Frank Owens, William Holmes, CENTRAL j£AGUE_CHATTER. drafts of the playing schedule will be con Charles Harper, J. Bentley Seymour, G. Harry .White, Nick Altrock, J. sidered. He is also authorized to arrange Harry Dolan,R.obert Ewiiig, Henry Peitz, ("Jiggs") Donahue,AugustDundon,Frank Evansville has signed pitcher George Colling, railroad transportation, agreements for the Thomas W. Corcoran. Smith, Edward A. Walsh. of Cannelton, lud. coming season. EJvansville lias signed first baseman W. A. PITTSBURO CLUB Hans Wagner, Fred CLEVELAND CLUB Napoleon Lajoie, Kelley, of last season©s Pueblo. C<jL. team. FRANCHISES CHANGE HANDS. Clarke, Claude Ritchey Thomas Leach, William Bernhardt, Fred Buelow, Frank© First baseman Al. Spangler, late of Dayton, The franchise of the Sioux City Club was is expected to make good at .Louisville next transferred to the Sioux City Base Ball As Samuel Leever, William Bransfield, Clar Donohue, Harry Bay, Elmer Flick, Earl ence H. Beaumont, Harry Smith, Charles Moore, Harry Beruis, Adrian Joss, Will season. sociation, with W. F. Duncan at its head Earl Moore has a namesake. He has been and F. L. Hutchins secretary-treasurer. Philippe, Edward Phelps, Otto Krueger, iam J. Bradley, It. S. Rhoades, Will L. signed to eaten, for Bvansville. He is a Kansas The Colorado Springs franchise was Patrick Flaherty. Lush, Charles C. Carr, Otto Hess, Ter- school teacher. transferred to the Colorado Springs Ath rence Turner, Geo.StovalJ, Ernest Vinson. Dayton has lost out ID the race to sign A. H. letic Association, with Thomas F. Burns ST. LOUIS CLUB Homer Smoot, James T. Walsh. a third baseman from IJnia. O.. Terre president, and Howard Masterson secre Burke, Charles McFarland, John Farrell, PHILADELPHIA CLUB Connie Mack, manager, Maurice R. Powers, Daniel F! Haute having his name to a contract for 1!)05. tary. David L. Brain, Michael J. O©Neill, Angus Grant, who has played second base for A sale of the majority of the stock of Jacob Beckley. John Tavlor, James Dun- Murphy, Ralph O. Seybold, Harry Davis South Bend several years, is to manage and the Des Moines Club to Cantillon Bros. leavy, Daniel Shay, W. P. Shannon, Edward S. Plank, Oliver Pickering" captain the team next year at a salary of was approved. David Zearfoss, Michael Grady. Osee F.Schreckengost, Lafayette N. Cross© $1500. it was stated that the St. Joseph Club George Edward Waddell, Frederick L©. The veteran ex-pitcher. Frank Killen. former organization had been strengthened by sev BROOKLYN CLUB James Sheckard, Fred Hartzell, Monte Cross, Daniel Hofl©man idol of the Pittsburg fans, is an applicant for eral prominent capitalists, headed by Roy Jacklitzsch, Samuel Strang, Loujs Ritter, a pitching job on the Wheeling team, or for an Kunce, taking hold of it. The club made a Charles Bender, Weldoa Henley. umpire©s berth in the Central League. fairly good report and will continue the William Reidy, Harry Gessler, Otto Jor ST.
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