![[Math.MG] 1 Nov 1992 Ihr with Iesoa Pc N Ups Htteeaetoellipsoid Two Are There E That Suppose and V Space Dimensional 1](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A low-technology estimate in convex geometry Greg Kuperberg∗ Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637† Let K be an n-dimensional symmetric convex body with n 4 and let K◦ be its polar body. We present an elementary proof of the fact that ≥ 2 bn (Vol K)(Vol K◦) n , ≥ (log2 n) where bn is the volume of the Euclidean ball of radius 1. The inequality is asymptotically weaker than the esti- mate of Bourgain and Milman, which replaces the log2 n by a constant. However, there is no known elementary proof of the Bourgain-Milman theorem1. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over R with a These estimates can be considered a partial inverse of San- volume element and let V ∗ denote the dual vector space with tal´o’s inequality [4], which states that: the dual volume element. A convex body is a compact convex set with nonempty interior. A convex set is symmetric if it is (Vol K)(Vol K◦) (Vol B)(Vol B◦). ≤ invariant under x x. We define a ball to be a symmetric 7→ − convex body. We define K◦, the dual of a ball K V, by There is a nice proof of Santal´o’s inequality due to Saint- ⊂ Raymond [3]. K◦ = y V ∗ y(K) [ 1,1] . We begin with some notation which will be used in the { ∈ ⊂ − } proof of the theorem. If X and Y are two vector spaces, let A ball K is an ellipsoid ifitis aset oftheform x x,x K 1 P denote the projection from X Y to Y and interpret X for some positive-definite inner product {on hV. i ≤ } X,Y × , K and Y as also being the subsets X 0 and 0 Y of X Y. In this paper we will present a low-technologyh· ·i proof of the If K is a symmetric convex body,×{ we} define{ the}× norm × following estimate: K by setting x to be the least positive number t such|| · that || || ||K Theorem 1. Let K be a symmetric convex body in an n- x/t K; in other words, K is the unit ball of . If A and ∈ || · ||K dimensional space V and suppose that there are two ellipsoids B are two symmetric convex sets in the same vector space and E and E such that E K E and (Vol E )/(Vol E )= rn p 1, let 1 2 1 2 2 1 ≥ with r 2. Then ⊆ ⊆ ≥ def p p A +p B = sa +tb a A,b B, and s + t 1 , (Vol K)(Vol K◦) n { ∈ ∈ | | | | ≤ } (2log r)− , (Vol B)(Vol B ) 2 ◦ ≥ and if A and B are convex bodies, let A p B be the convex ∩ where B is an ellipsoid. body C such that If K is an arbitrary convex body of dimension n, then the p p p x C = x A + x B. largest-volume ellipsoid J K, which is called the John ellip- || || || || || || ⊆ soid, satisfies K √nK. (Proof: If x / √nJ but x K, then J (These definitions are obviously related to the ℓp norms and is not the largest⊆ ellipsoid in the convex∈ hull of J∈ x, x .) have the usual interpretation when p = ∞.) If A is a symmet- It follows that a corollary. ∪{ − } ric convex set in X and B is a symmetric convex body in Y, let A B denote A + B X Y. Thus, +∞, ∞, and ∞ Corollary 2. For symmetric convex body K of dimension n p p coincide× with the usual operations⊂ × of +, , and∩ for sets,× 4, ≥ ∩ × and A +1 B is the convex hull of A and B. Note that the re- arXiv:math/9211216v1 [math.MG] 1 Nov 1992 (Vol K)(Vol K◦) n sult of any of these operations is always a symmetric convex (log n)− . (Vol B)(Vol B ) ≥ 2 body. Finally, a standard computation shows that, if A is n- ◦ dimensional and B is k-dimensional, It is not surprising that this estimate is asymptotically infe- rior to a high-technology estimate due to Bourgain and Mil- (Vol A)(Vol B) Vol A p B = , man [1] (see also Pisier [2]) which says that, for some fixed × (n+k)/p constant C independent of n and K, n/p where a fractional binomial coefficient is interpreted by the (Vol K)(Vol K◦) n C− . factorial formula, i.e., x! = Γ(x + 1). (Vol B)(Vol B◦) ≥ Proof of theorem. The result is clearly true if 2 r 4, be- ≤ ≤ cause in this case r 2log2 r, and the volume ratio is at least r n because E K≤. Otherwise, let F be the unique ellipsoid ∗Supported by a Sloan Foundation Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics − 2◦ ◦ † ⊆ Current email:[email protected] such that if we identify V with V ∗ by the inner product , F , 1 h· ·i The abstract is adapted from the Math Review by Keith Ball, MR 93h:52010. then E1 = E2◦. We will maintain this identification between V 2 and V ∗ for the rest of the proof, and we can assume to avoid and that confusion that the volume elements on V and V ∗ are equal. Consider the convex body S(K K ) V V , where S is ×2 ◦ ⊂ × ∗ 1 1 the linear operator given by S(x,y) = (x,x + y). Observe that F K K◦ E E = E . √2 ⊇ ∩2 ⊇ 1 ∩2 1 √2 1 V S(K K◦)= K K◦ ∩ ×2 ∩2 The first inclusion follows from the observation that and that P S K K K K 2 V,V ( ( 2 ◦)) = +2 ◦. x F = x,x < x x , ∗ × || || h iF || ||K|| ||K◦ Thus: which implies that n (Vol K)(Vol K◦)= (Vol S(K K◦)) n/2 ×2 2 2 2 n x + x 2 x . K K◦ F n/2 || || || || ≥ || || > 2n (Vol K 2 K◦)(Vol K +2 K◦) n ∩ n The theorem follows by induction. > 2− (Vol K K◦)(Vol (K K◦)◦). ∩2 ∩2 The first inequality follows from an estimate of Rogers and Shepard: If C is a symmetric convex body in X Y, where X and Y are vector spaces, then C is at least as big× as (C X) 1 Acknowledgments P (C). (Proof: For all x P (C), C (x + X) contains∩ × a X,Y ∈ X,Y ∩ translate of (C X)(1 x P (C)).) ∩ − || || X,Y ´ Finally, observe that I would like to thank the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scien- tifiques for their hospitality during my stay there. I would also Vol F Vol E like to thank Sean Bates for his encouragementand interest in = 2 this work. Vol E1 sVol E1 [1] Jean Bourgain and Vitaly D. Milman, New volume ratio proper- riques, Initiation seminar on analysis, 20th year: 1980/1981 ties for convex symmetric bodies in Rn, Invent. Math. 88 (1987), (G. Choquet, M. Rogalsky, and J. Saint-Raymond, eds.), Exp. 319–340. No. 11, 25, Univ. Paris VI, Paris, 1981. [2] Gilles Pisier, The volume of convex bodies and Banach space [4] Luis A. Santal´o, Un invariante afin para los cuerpos convexos geometry, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, vol. 94, Cambridge del espacio de n dimensiones, Portugaliae Math. 8 (1949), 155– University Press, 1989. 161. [3] Jean Saint-Raymond, Sur le volume des corps convexes sym´et-.
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