Grass & Grain, March 1, 2011 Page 17 produce is shipped over- er the intelligence to grow seas. If we want to be prof- our market share in these WC POLE BARNS itable, exports are where key markets,” he said. Kansas the future is,” Keith said. It’s time to leave Tokyo, Traceability is another where a Kansas beef and 30’ x 50’ x 10’ ................Galvalume $6,800 key issue: “Our internation- grain producer is seeing 29 gauge metal attached w/screws al customers are telling us how Japanese consumers Profile that they want the ability to want to buy beef. Keith Prices fully enclosed including know the production history Miller is to be commended one 12-ft. slider & one entry door. of the livestock and prod- for making a difference By Ron Wilson 10-year warranty on labor & materials. ucts they are buying, and with his passion for promot- our competitors have seen ing American meat prod- 866-757-6561 Executive Director this. The U.S. is falling be- ucts, with a goal of helping • 17 YEARS BUILDING EXPERIENCE • hind other major beef ex- the bottom line halfway of the Huck Boyd porting nations in terms of around the globe in Kansas. Institute mandatory animal identifi- cation systems, and they’re UNITED COUNTRY using it as a competitive ad- KDOR TAX ASSET SEIZURE AUCTION Keith Miller – vantage,” Keith said. SATURDAY, MARCH 12 — 10:00 AM The demand for trace- 1337 W. Kansas Avenue — U.S. Meat Export Federation ability among foreign cus- MCPHERSON, KS Tokyo, Japan. In a down- tant,” Keith said. “We need tomers was driven home to town grocery store, a con- to educate members of Con- Keith when he visited sumer approaches the meat gress how important this is Japan and saw the scanner This auction includes a counter, picks up a package to rural America.” which could bring up pro- 2010 New Holland CR9065, 00 John Deere of beef, and holds it under a “Exports are a vital part duction history on each 5205, 04 Ford Freestar, 96 Ford Mustang, scanner. Then a nearby TV of the livestock economy,” item of meat. “Japan has Tools, Guns such as Colt, Ruger, Remington, CAI, Steyr, and knives screen brings up the pro- he added. “One hundred gone this way and I expect such as Schrade, Baretta, Buck, Case, Muela and others. Also in- cluded will be restaurant equipment and many more items. duction history of the live fifty dollars of the value of Korea and even China to animal which provided that every beef animal processed follow,” he said. Visit www.unitedcountryauction.com for pictures/catalog/bidding beef, including who raised and $45 of every hog As USMEF Chair, Keith This auction will be simulcast through Proxibid. Buyer’s pre- mium due day of auction. For catalog/pictures/bidding visit it, what feed and medicine processed comes from ex- sees first-hand how his unitedcountrykansas.com. Announcements day of auction take it received, and where it ports. Twelve to 15 percent checkoff dollars are being precedence. was processed. Yet this con- of our beef and nearly 25 used. “Together, they are an sumer is not your everyday percent of our pork goes into effective tool for USMEF to ERIC BLOMQUIST, Owner/Broker/Auctioneer United Country MidWest eServices housewife. He is a beef pro- export markets. That means conduct marketing and edu- 1337 W. Kansas, McPherson, KS 67460 ducer from rural Kansas one of every four hogs we cational programs and gath- 620-245-0292 • 866-975-4799 (toll free) who is in Japan promoting American meat. Keith Miller is chairman of the board of the U.S. Meat Ex- port Federation and a live- stock and grain producer from Barton County. Keith went to school at Ellinwood, population 2,130 people. Now, that’s rural. Keith is active in farm and community organiza- tions, including Kansas Farm Bureau. KFB joined the U.S. Meat Export Feder- ation (USMEF) because of the importance of meat ex- ports to Kansas livestock producers. USMEF is the trade association that de- velops international mar- kets for the U.S. red meat industry. “I was the one appointed (from the KFB Board) to go to the USMEF meetings,” Keith said. “One day while sitting on a tractor, I got to thinking that 70 percent of what I grow is going into meat exports,” he said. “If I could make a positive dif- ference to grow those ex- ports, it would help the bot- tom line of lots of Kansas producers, and help lots of truckers and shippers and processors and bankers too.” So Keith got involved in the organization and was asked to take on several USMEF leadership posi- tions before becoming chairman of the board of the U.S. Meat Export Feder- ation in November, 2010. His duties require him to travel extensively promot- ing U.S. meat. “I’ll be in ho- tels over a third of the year,” he said. Miller’s first priority as chairman is to gain more ac- cess for U.S. meat products overseas. “We’re looking at declining domestic red meat production,” he said. “For farmers like me to re- main profitable, we need to be ready to meet the de- mand of foreign con- sumers.” Another priority is se- curing capital for self-help marketing efforts like USMEF. A portion of the checkoff dollars collected from producers’ livestock sales is used to promote U.S. meat overseas. This is matched with other funding to support market develop- ment activities. “Funding from checkoffs and the USDA Market Access Pro- gram is extremely impor- Page 18 Grass & Grain, March 1, 2011 Council Grove youth hunt looking for volunteers The Kansas Department cause we lack volunteers.” four. Pop-up blinds will be company guides to hunt lo- of Wildlife and Parks’ This year’s youth hunt available. cations to scout for the fol- (KDWP) Council Grove An- has been planned during This years’ event will lowing morning’s hunt. At 5 nual Spring Turkey Hunt the youth season on Satur- provide participating a.m. on Saturday, April 2, for youth hunters is one of day, April 2. Levels of vol- hunt-ers, age 11 through 16, the group will meet for the most popular events of unteer assistance needed with an opportunity to be- breakfast, and the hunts its kind in the state. How- are wide-ranging, from come involved not only in will conclude at 11:30 a.m., ever, it’s become a victim guides responsible for es- the hunt but also its prepa- when participants will of its own success. While corting participants into ration. The event will enjoy a free lunch. the annual event enhances the field and assisting with begin on Friday, April 1, at “I would ask anyone opportunities for begin- the hunt, to assistants re- 4:30 p.m. at Council Grove who can to please consider ning turkey hunters, it’s sponsible for helping with Reservoir. A brief informa- assisting in any way,” gotten bigger with time, tasks during shotgun firing tional meeting and a meet- Konen asks. “Volunteers and volunteers are needed and meal preparation. and-greet session for all will be provided with a to host the event. Guides should have volunteers and partici- complete event agenda in FLOOR COVERINGFREE “We are trying to en- property access plans in pants will be followed by a late March.” on all customSPECIALS designed hance coordination efforts mind before the event. complimentary meal. After For more information, homes with delivery by asking potential volun- Consider access plans that the meal, participants may phone Konen at 620-767- teers to assist so that we account for inclement road pattern shotguns, then ac- 5900. Callin for July details! 2011. may improve our ability to and field conditions and plan and ensure that we the needs of young partici- have enough volunteers to pants. A few ATVs will be meet participant demand,” available to assist with says event coordinator transportation but will not SavingsCall on for all pricing Model and Homes more details. available! Brent Konen, area manag- be available to all parties. Quality is more than a name ... It’s built into each home we build! er for Council Grove and Because some past partici- qualityhomesinc.com El Dorado wildlife areas pants have requested that Summerfield, KS and Chase State Fishing family or friends accompa- 800-848-1410Open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 9-3 Lake. “Past participants ny them on the hunt, volun- Building Custom Homes for families in Kansas & Nebraska for over 30 years! have truly appreciated our teer guides should consid- efforts to provide these op- er hunting locations that portunities, and we’d hate provide concealment for to turn anyone away be- hunting parties of two to HAY SAVING BALE FEEDERS SELLING YOUR REAL ESTATE? $420.00 The Original Flatbed Bale Handler Get The National Sales Power You Need! • National Advertising of Properties • 14 gauge 1 1/4” square • Illustrated Catalogs tubing • 16 gauge sheet metal • #1 Website Advertising •Full welded one piece • Exclusive Buyers Database OPTIONS: construction • Direct Mail and E-mail Marketing • Weighs 375 pounds Post Hole Digger • Unsurpassed Local marketing Tool Boxes Wilgers Welding 3 Spool Valve United Country Ruckert Realty & Auction PALMER, KANSAS • 785-692-4289 Cake Feeder Jeff Ruckert, Owner/Auctioneer/Realtor 532A Pillsbury Drive, Farmway Co-op Also: Flatbeds & Bale Spear Beds - New & Used Manhattan, KS 66502 CONCORDIA - BELOIT - BELLEVILLE - MILTONVALE (785) 565-8293 • (785) 539-4590 BEDS IN STOCK - INSTALLATION AVAILABLE [email protected] Fred Rogge www.ruckertrealty.com WASHINGTON, KANSAS • 785-541-0202 Boot Hill Sales ® Long’s Ranch Supply 785-388-2245 Clay Center, KS 785-632-2632 No One Knows The Country Like We Do CLAY CENTER, KANSAS • 785-632-6333 Come to our Open House March 11, 12 & 13 ..
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