AVALIER \ II . .!•,: • . ( 1 M., ::niis Deadline Students share experiences from extended forRA study abroad trip to Ecuador Applications By AUie Robinson StairWriler By JuHeKaye Shorn [email protected] StairWiiter Jln5s®uvawi9e.edn Over winter break, while many UVa-Wise students were sleeping late, banging out with old The api^icatioa deacfllne for rriends, and bringbig in the new year with style, feskknt advlson has been ex• eight students, aldgg with Spanish professor Es- tended imtUMooday, Feb. 11. teben PDoce, were hodng their Spanish skills and Although plenty of appUca- learning about a dilTereBt culture in Ecuador. tioos tyeie received, the Resi• "At the beginning, 1 didn't want to go," said dence Life depaitmeirt wdnted to sophomore Marslwll Bradley, during the pieseitta- give stHiie pec^ moie time to tion the group gave last Thunday in the Chapel of a^y that had originally backed All Faiths. "And I lUnk I bad the most fun out of out due to time omstnunts, said thegroupl" Jason Lewkowicz, the director of The eight students who participated in the trip Residence Ure at UVa-Wise. were Bradley, Nickie Fones. Joe Qatlimore. Brace "We decided to extend the Bhnsett. Jaime Herman. Joy Bryant. Allyson Craft appllcatioa deadline because the and Courtney Hammond. process itseir is rolling and the Members of the group agreed dial each traveler iidetviews do not conclude until bad a good time; including Ponce. the end of next week." Lewkow• "I really eqjoyed the trip." Ponce said. "It was icz said. most interettiiig to me to see their (the studenU'] All applications an to be positive reactioni. I'd been to all the places before, dropped off at the Student Af- but it was Inieresthig to see them from the students' Taiis office in the lower level of eyes." Ctatrdl and aie due by 5 p.m. on Blanselt said the most exciting ptace he visited was "B Fallon del DiaUo," or the Devil's Caul- Monday. Fhoto provided by racUe I For more infoniution about droa how to earn a position as a resi• "It's an enormous waterfall beside which you NIcMs Fones, Bnica Bluwatt, Jo* Oalllmore^ Jainw Herman, Joy Bryant, dent advisor go to www.uvawise, could stand and feel the mist on your face." Ponce Allyeon Craft, Courtney Hanmond, Marshall Bradley and Estsban Ponce edu/residencejife. said in an email. "It was magniflceaL" 8tarKi>ln>front:of.lUngurahua,:an.aotlve<voleanoln.Eeuador. Environmentalists try to prevent power plant construction By Simon Henry cmicemeddtizens; Staff Writer "This is not about how much money we will sph7z®uvawise.edu gel. it's about the fact that we will all be walk• ing around coughing and having higher cancer As Wise County and Dominion Power ea- rates." said Randy Oilmer, the college's director geriy antidpete the permits needed for the pro• of medk services imd a member of the environ• posed $1.8 biUioo Virginia Hybrid Energy Ceirter mental group. "UVa-Wise falls within 15 miles of in nearly Virginia City, local enviroamerttalists the (rftmt. this thing is literally-befaig built in our ding to dieir last hopes of blocking what diey back^" consider an economic and environmental iqjus^' Wise County administRttor Skip Skinner said tice to the oommumty. he is "not aWare of such a group, but it does not The group consists of memben of the UVa- sinpiiseme." Wise faculty and staff, local teachers aiid dtfaier "We must rely on ow reguhKors who cslab- ««Energy, page 2 Student Development creates Student Advisgay ; Board ByAanmColIier 'jj^' and poor promotion it never came lo be. FeMnEdttpr EUdns said the failure of correct sod effective aac7x9uvawise.edu marketing to the campus showed her that a stu• dent-led board was needed now more than ever. The Center for Studem Development has cre• "We Und of had low interest from students ated a Student Advisory Board this^^aiiester to and pert of that we fek like, again, we didn't mar• help aid in reaching the needs of the modem day ket it the right way to the students." EUdns said. college student "We decided this year that we were going to push PhotobyKaleBMMn The board will consist of student voluoters forward agiria" who will help Student Development in both creat- ElUns said when trying lo come up with a Junior Jacob RHohle sinat a song during the Open* hig and pianoihig activities on campus. 1^ on how to get students to participate ia Stu• MIo night hosted by the Student Activities Board hi Assistant Directw of Student Devekqmient dem Development ptognuns she. decided to go the Atrium or the Slemp Student Center on PM>. 4. Kalhy QUns said the idea for the bood came last right to the source - the students. year, but because of a lack of student partidpation "We thought who better to help us to make ste3AB,page4 INOBX THB LADY CAYS TRIED SroBTS EDITOR REID P/wal TOBNDTHBnnX SALOMONSKV ANDLAY* RMi4 HEAOUMNHW OAMSLOSmasniBAK ovrBDiTOiiAinvMN CMmnButumBoMO usr WEDNESDAY LAUZON DISCUSS THE PAoa> AGAINST Kmo COL* SuEER BOWL IN THE NEW NBVWOONT. PAOI S LB(».SeBTHBBTOKy *HE SAID/SHE SAID" Movies, MUSIC & MOM PAN! ON PAGE & COLUMN ON PACE 3. PA«e *FROM im Eonoft's *VlBW FAcH nc CM/V SIMS* DISK* I^AVMOF rw WkiK en Student and faculty form Energy: Wise County awaits Environment Key What sport would permits to begin building plant An Election Environmental Society to Election you like to see the By AlUe Robinson "We need to, if possible, quit paving Continuedffomtpagel to Remember Stair Writer like we are now," he said. "All future paving college officially By Olga Hayes . matter the most—affordable [email protected] should be permeable. We should never coo- lish rules fpr protecting our Though traffic .patterns denser technology and car• By Eric Vanover health care, day-care facili• struct another roof on this campus that isn't health and environment and on alternate route 58 have bon capture lecbndogy. Opinion Editor What do you want? ties for working parents, a adopt? Nearly three decades alter the first Earth green, and the cafeteria should be encour• tUs plant falls well within been affected by aiaige land- In contrast, information [email protected] A new career? A boy• decrease in the cost of liv• Day was celebrated on campus, students artd aged to buy locally and seasonally" those guidelines," he said. moving project at'the Virgin• provided by the environmen• friend? A new place to live? ing, increased investments Justin Sorenson faculty once again felt the nudge of envi• "We should have been on that bandwag' "There are people who think ia aty site, Skinner denies talists suggests that Uie plant Ladies and gentlemen, boys and giris, our nation has A job }'ou love that fits yoiv in educational programs for Senior ronmental responsibility and decided to re• on long ago." that one molecule of mercury that olfldal site preparation will produce 5.3 million tons election fever! life? Or maybe the ability schools, and in my own per• Business Admlnistralion spond Williams said she also believes there is too much; we can never has begun. of carbon dioxide annually as Need proof? to dream your figure and be sonal case, environmental The UVa-Wise Environmental Society are changes tbe college can make, including find something that is going "The construction at well as 12,000 tons of carbon On Tiiesday, "Super Tuesday" that is. millions of vot• able to make it possible? policies that help our planet held its inaugural meeting on Jan. 30 with some dealing with the computer labs. to satisfy every single per• Virginia City is simply the monoxide, nitrous oxide and ers went to the polls to vote in the presidential primaries to "Rugby. That is Just a We all have those kinds and slow down the damage sociology professor Patrick Witben aad a "Since I've been faculty here, the com son." moving of a road [that is] sulfur dioxide. decide which party's candidates will face-olf in this year's bad-ass sport." of dreams all too often—no we all cause daily. group of about 20 students and faculty. pulers in the lab outside my office [the Lan• "Half of America's en• necessary for possible site For some Wise Cbunty presidential clectioa matter our age, our religion, As a mother of two yotng The group's goal is to encourage the col• guage lab in Zebmer 110] have been turned ergy production comes from preparation; maybe there is residents the environmental The day's excitement wasn't felt just in far off states like our income, our nationality, children, 1 am concerned for lege to become more "green," a buzzword on all tbe time," she said. "Our use of heat coal, and coal will continue some confusion over that impact is not as important California and New Yoric. It could be seen and heard even as or our politics. their fMure and the future of that means environmentally- frie»fly. and air conditioning in the buildings is wast to be a viaWe source of en• equipment" as the promises of economic dose as Sullivan County, Tenn., just over the mountain, as we Uieir peers. The United States "We want to start having weekly meet• ing a k)l of electricity and money, especially ergy in the future." Skinner There are vastly different benefit offered by Dominioa like to say around here. In a woitd divided, the is a developed nadcm, a su• Sdlnda Stanley ings and become a teal organization," Withen since there currently is a budget crunch state said.
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