'f1 1 IV4) VOX Ujm XXIV UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW,IDAHO FRIDAY, ]IIAECH 9, 192L NU]IISEE M P IDAHO'S VANDALS THE ARGONAUT'S ALL-COAST TEAMS SPRING PAGEANT First I'c;Im Second Team PLANS UNDERWAY I'ox (C) (Idftho) l I icl ('vU.S.C.) Fitting Wndup Comes in Final Thrilling Contest With Tait (Cftlifoi ni;I) I.C<VIS ( "t'UILSlllllgt011) Student and Faculty Committee in Charge to Present California —Two Conference Championship Won Actual Story of Important and Dramatic Points in Twice in Two Years —Colorful Comeback Staged by 1.st L 11<tlll ( 01 CgO]l ) I 13()11]I)SOn (Idftho) in Northwest and Idaho History Before the End of MacMillan's Men. 'I Present Semester. elf<>].d (Id;Lh()') ...... I) I yai) ('vVashington) I 1 < I vv I ( ) I (1 1 6 a 511111Q t 011) 1icanc (Idaho) AL FOK BESTS OWN MARK E>«p. U.a.rs,.a. A COMMENCEMENT FEATURE Make "A" Averages and Ebbley Offices ])]iss Margaret >Iim>»s was elec- BaSkctball I Cadcf, Makes 1.:leven u»dcrgra(]»ates a»d tw') ~ Experienced Directors to Re- gi (idu'ate students at the Universi- tc!I manager of women's athletics, p ~ 7 ;inc] Miss Demerise Ebbley was ceive Cooperation From Great Games. S]>11) 'Ivel':ige of (i.000 fo>'he f>1's( . 1<,cird managed of t.he girls'lee all Departments. club at the A.S.U.I. election held mont issue<] from the registrar's )<Ved»esday. The two women's de- (By FRANCIS L. ARilISTEON6) (Bv (I. A, FIT/GERALII] office. An aver;ig(! of G.000 calls (]3y LOUIS I I, 111".I<PIIRIGY] future. partments were recently organiz- Plans for oue of the most brilliant Many sc;tsol>s in;iy 1)ass l>clol'e Lh for an "A" in every subject, )vhich Livestock Bre(<ler Ta]ks. ed, at the i,ime of tlie revision of T]ie ill>>i.h <ilillual "Ag Day," th<', pageants that has ever been given in wc ste>» b;it!kcib;ill I'ins wi]] have the is the highest mark that a siu<1- 11. ilicCvoskey, a livestock brce<1- the A.S.U.I. constitution, and the < of C. 'piece de resist»»cc of the colle a>'e 'tlie fll'st the west have been drawn up by a opportii»i] y to follow a more thril- <!»L can receive. Wash., and one of the i,)vo ne)v i))ai>age>'8 ag'riculture year went do>v» in the ar- er at Garfield, faculty and student steering commit- ling ii»<i co]ovi'»I title rare th;in the The regular st»drnts makin<r most prominent participants in the girls to ever hold departmental chives of the plow pushers as the tee which was appointed by Presi- one whicli cam<. Lo a, close Tuesday this sho)viilg are Helen A>>still of livestock shows of the northwest, »)a>>age>'ships at, i lie u>livel'si'ty. n)ost successful aft'air of its kind The vote for athletic manager dent A. H. Upham a short time ago< night wl>e» the po)vevful Univcrs- Boise, Beulah Brown of St. Navies, gave a short talk. Mr. >) IcCroskcy ever held. Ag students let I all The pageant, covering the most im- Ity of Idaho live gave Ll>e Iinlvcrs- L<rnestine Rose of Salmon, Lyla that the first juclging work he was Margaret Mimms, 100, L<'ugen- classes Thursday and contested in stated portant aud dramatic'points in north- ity of ('alifor!iia iis second dei'eat Harsch of Moscow, Robert L. Ho]- ever did was in ]1]osco)v in 1905, and ia Cruzen 73; for glee club man- Llie judging of all classes of farm west and Idaho history, will be given and re]teated as coast couference brook of Sweet, Roy Shoults of that since that time he has been ager, Demerise I<.'bbley, 137, Unita and creamery products, and in the by the entire university in McClean cham pio». Id;>ho had previously won Goo<ling, John Cramer of Hailey, interested in tthe livestock I.ipps 4G. visionn. fitting of livestoclc and poultry. greatly field, commencement week this spring, conference tittle for Paul Hyatt of Enterprise, Ore., the Miss Mimms is a senior in. the the»orthwrst of the )vork departments of college. will in conjunc- de-e'o»<lcrfulThe excellent quality scliool of education. She is presi- and be held probably the second consecutive year by Norma Yount of Clarkston, Wash., I>lr. >Riccroskey acted as official in done by over 12 entranst, who. work- tion with the new Forney hall form- feating the I.'niversity oi Washing- WI]]la>n Briscoe of'anta Barbara, the animal husbandry judging, and he cient of Ridenbaugh hall, secretary ed from 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m., was al opening. ton i» a post-season game at Spo- Cal., and Mabel Rentfro of Mos- stated that the work done by L.he of the inter-dormitory committee, the feature of the day. The enth»s- Commmii tees are being appointed kane, »ecessitatcd whmi the two cow. Those taking graduate cours- students )vas especially good this a»d has been active in women' iasm and effort'hown by the agri- as rapidly as Ilossible to take care teams tied I'or the no)thwest title es and mdking the highest average year. athletics. cultural students in this most prac- ]Iiiss L'bbley oi the arrangements of the details, a»d the right to meet th< Go]den are Mrs. Bonnie Blanche Schoon- Professor Armstro»g of the .agri- is enrolled in the tical contest, has n)ade the Ag Day of college of letters a»d and a»d every organization of the Uni- B<ears, winners in the so»i heru di- over of (]»scow, and Alfrecl I. An- cultural education department. and science, the University of Idaho a nationally is in music. versity of Idaho campus is being ile)'soi> of Moscow. superintendent of the school of prac- majo ring. r'e-'»ested known event, envied and copied by to present the names of Taking L)vo conference titles in tical agriculture spoke for a few many other colleges. those within the grou who can be t)vo consrcutive years happens so minutes on agricultural educational The management and details of the IINBERCLASS BIRLS WIN depended upon to take part in the that a team making such ATIILETIC COACIIES NLL work and the exceptionally good work seldom contest were handled entirely by preparing and carrying out of the can be rated among the the short course men this a showi»g students. Judges, visitors, officials done by pageant. best in >.he country. The showing I year. BASKETBALL CONTESTS PLAY BASKETBALL and all.contestants were "fe(1".at Lhrh Is Dlfficull Undertaking of this year's Idaho team is suffi- HERE'peech By Ag Prexy. dairy barn at .noon. It is one of the largest and most ciently significant to loom above t George Tucker, president of the AIP Ban(illet a Fea i,>i I'('., difficult undertakings that the Uni- the achievements of previous silver Athletic department heads of Lhe club, gave a brief summary of the It'reshmen and sophomore class an uproarious versity has attempted, and the rap- and go]d machi»es, whi(h is im- university and Washington State col- t The day was given development of the annual Ag Day girls'asketball teams triumphed idly developing arrangements are when one considers that Id- a. wind up at a banquet in the chamber since its beginning in 1914. Thursday night in the first of the portant lege have gotten into jamboree as reaching out all over the state for aho has always produced foITnida- to their respective abilities as bas-, of commerce rooms. The features The animal husbandry contests intter-class basketball series. The the awarding of support and aid in the production. I result of the evening were held at the barns constituted the freshmen won from the seniors 23 b e fives. ketball players. As a the, President Upham has agreed to act Uulorfiil Id:>hu Comeback Washiugton State and Idaho athletic the prizes, the clever iutroducttions main events. They consited of a fit- to 11 while the sophomores trounced j IV. Atkeson, head as executive head of the pageant, and t re<sr<< puts t rest l of Toast>»aster F. ting contest for sheep and beef cat:- the juniors 21 to 4. Both games were The psue; coaches are to meet in a basketbal]! to appoiut the committees and man- that Idaho's of the department of dairy husband- contests for mane and tail braid- fast and interesting and merited a i'orevcv the intimation contest here next Wednesday, either, tle, department in the and talks by several men. much agers from every championship last 'wo-co»fere.»<!e ry, and a stoc]c judging contest that larger crowd. at night or in the afternoon. ing, school. The faculty steering com- Miss M. Carter, sophomores, was vcav was «i "i]>tl«.." I!]»lie may have Thc c!ontcst cloesn't seem so funny, Uyham Gives Talk. included beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and'orses. Morey Miller, high point individual the sopho- mittee is Dr. George stat the fivst of. I ei'. There were about t wenty- in ] »ia<le a 1!o<ii t;)I a f1 (,'i'ero»(1 I h ough(., el h Tile; Dr.
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