University of Michigan Law School University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository Res Gestae Law School History and Publications 1990 Vol. 40, No. 22, November 21, 1990 University of Michigan Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation University of Michigan Law School, "Vol. 40, No. 22, November 21, 1990" (1990). Res Gestae. Paper 236. http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae/236 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History and Publications at University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Res Gestae by an authorized administrator of University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. J.J. White Comm. Trans. Thanksgiving Quiz Edition estae Vol. 40 No. 22 The University of Michigan Law School November 21, 1990 Senior partner calls large firms 'unforgiving' By Steve Chalk "If you didn't want to work hard, you ments in the field are such that "you don't And you have all of them within three According to a senior partner at one of shouldn't have come to the University of get an explanation often until it's behind years.· By contrast, ·at O'Melveny & Meyers, the nation's largest law firms. the projected Michigan Law School...and you shouldn't you.· Miller mentioned his involvement in It's going to be a long time before you get downturn in the economy might produce come to O'Melveny & Meyers, or anything a non-stop, 72-hour negotiating ~esslon feedback that concrete.· Although sum­ the opposite effect upon the legal market. like it.· Big-firm work creates ·an abso­ Involving 40 attorneys, ail of whom had mer associates normally get prompt re­ Donn Miller, '54. of O'Melveny & Mey­ lutely unforgiving environment in terms of been told to participate at the last minute. views - and the ones they hope for - "It's ers in Los Angeles. told members of the law quality.· Miller said. "'There's really no When a student in the audience asked extremely difficult to get lawyers to evalu­ school community last Wednesday that room between your best (effort) and fail ­ how effective such attorneys could be with­ ate people who are working with them at law firms often benefit from the "perturba­ ure.· out sleep for such an extended period. the present time,· Miller noted. tions· in the economy. because financial Miller sald he believed the most signifi­ Miller acknowledged having made that This failure to give fe·edback about troubles breed more work: he cited the cant difference between life as a law stu­ obJection to the client. who nevertheless peliormance Is aggravated by law firms' example of two bankruptcy cases that kept dent and life In a firm Is "the importance of insisted that the negotiations continue until reluctance to be open with associates about him busy for 10 years. a sense of personal and professional re­ a settlement was reached. their prospects for achieving partnership. Nevertheless. he said, students should sponsibility" on the Job. While law school The loss of certainty is apparent In "It's really hard for fmns to give bad news not harbor illusions about the type of work consists largely of reading the pages as­ other areas, Miller said. in law school. "It to plausible candidates.· Miller said. As a they wtll encounter at large. private firms. signed by the professor. he noted. assign- takes lime, ... but eventually you get grades. result. he added. he encourages even cur­ rentJob applicants to "evaluate themselves· from the beginning by matching their needs A.R.T. urges, 'Bring Out Your Art' and expectations with the realities of the particular firm. Special to the Res Gestae photography. drawings. pottery. sewing. like your work to be part of the exhibit. Even lP today's competitive market. Are you more at home with a kiln than Easter eggs. finger painting. crayon work. please place a note tn Monica Baum's (3L) Miller said, ·many people leave because a blue book? Are you better with an easel almost anything. Although "real" art will pendaflex. You know Monica. her photos they find It's not the right thtng for them.- than with a treatise? Are you a wizard with be the heart of the display. of particular are the only thtng left in T he Res Gestae Miller said O'Melveny & Meyers copes a loom? Do you believe a picture is worth Interest will be drawings made in class. that makes it worth picking up each week. with the backlog of partnership applicants a thousand footnotes? Do you prefer Mich­ Participation Is the key. and that means Among avid readers she Is affectionately in part by creating an ·of counsel" status. elangelo to Cardozo? Docs your In-class you. Any and all submissions will be known as "Monaco.· Since most associates with a few years of doodling take up more space than your appreciated. except ancient photos of little­ So when you head home for break, service already are paid based upon the notes? Would you choose throwing clay noted and seldom-pondered UM Law grads take a few notalgic moments to rummage f1rn1's profits. he added. there Is little prac­ overWhitmoreGray? Ifyou answered "yes· and legal glitzes. For those. check Room through those cobwebbed boxes contain­ tical difference between the of counsel and to any of these questions. ART. Is looking I 20's exhaustive (and exhausting) display. ing the only reminders of a kinder, gentler partnership positions. The desire to find for you! This monumental event will mark the existence. Peruse some of those old paint­ such "humane tactics" may also lead more A.RT. Is sponsoring an exhibition of return. or rather the second triumphant ings and sculptures left over from those firms to develop two-tiered partnership law student art work. The pieces will be exhibllion, and It will remain on display for bygone days when you were a well-bal­ tracts. Miller saJd. displayed In the law school sometime after a few meaningful days. Probably two. The anced human being. Or have your parents Thanksgiving break. A.RT. Is seeking to works wi ll be displayed tn a small class­ send them to you. Better yet. why not start disprove the myth that law students are all room on the first floor of Hutchins Hall. work on a new project today? Remember. Last R.G. boring. one-dimensional. materialistic, making them easily accessible to all law Jesse Helms has no influence over ART. logically minded weasels who believe that students. their friends and family, while funding whatsoever. So lunge at this Next Week art Is only hiding crossword puzzles and safeguarding the treasures from theft or opportunity to reforge the ancient bonds The last R.G. of 1990 will be pub­ sleeping with one's eyes open. The myth destruclion. Please note: this notice does you once embraced wi th the human race. lished ne..xt Wednesday. Stories. ads, must be shattered, and participation In not intend to express or imply any warran­ This may be your only chance to contem­ and announcements should all be placed this exhibit is the only way to do so. ties or guarantees Insuring the condition plate something higher than the Supreme in the RG. pendaflex by next Monday lf ART. is looking for any work of ·art.· and safety. or acceptability. of the art on Court (with Its ltmlted subject-matter ju­ they are going to have any chnace of which could tnclude paintings. sculptures, dlsplaJ. Ifyou have anyquestlonsorwould :isdiction). making It tnto the paper. The Week at a Glance Monday. ~ovember 26 vative Constitution" at 7:30 p.m. in Room 250. Are you tired of not being in the yearbook? Sponsored by the Federalist Society. Now is your chance! Submit your photos (color or The Law School Student Senate will meet at black and white) of you and your law school 6:30 p.m. in the Library Seminar Room. Other Announcements friends. Just write your name on the back (and the names of those pictured) and the photos wUI Wednesday. November 28 Winter semester: one or more students may rent be returned to in April. Drop them in the "Quad­ 3-bedroom professor's home less than 1 mile from rangle" pendaflex outside Room 300 Hutchins be­ Michael Moore, director /producer of"Roger Law School. 2 baths. no smoking. Jan. - May or tween now and December 15. We want pictures & Me," will offer his unique commentary on the June. Fully furnished. plenty of space. Call 995- of first. second. and third years! (but especla.lly present crisis in the Middle East - Mlf GM Can't 5411. day or evening. second years). Fix Saddam's Limo. Bush WUr- at 7:30p.m. in Announcements or personal notes may be turned in to The Rea Gestae's pendaflex (300 Hutchins Hall) by HonlgrnanAudilorium (Room 100). Sponsored by noon Monday for publication the following Wednesday. Recognized student organlzatlonaln good standing the Arab-American Law Society. with the RG may place announcements of upcoming events or meetings free of charge. Individuals may place personal notes for 50¢ for the first 25 words, and 25 ¢ for each add1tional10 words. Remlttance must be Russel Kirk will speak about "The Conser- submitted with your ad. 111e Res Gestae - November 21, 1990 -- page two My Seatback IS in an Eduor 111 CNI!j: J am .. e. Johnloa MOtVJllfiVI EdUDr. ltt•re Chalk F""aua EdUDr.
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