![Bertsch, 1993](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
n- The Western Society of Malacologists Annual Report Volume 25 of the Abstracts and Proceedings Annual Meeting Center Held at Asilomar Conference Pacific Grove, California 30 June - 3 JulY 1992 Issued: 12 Februat1 1993 'pxrrostome" nudrbr'anchs 8re rtrrlovcd f-ront the Crvpto- Kohman \'. Ar*aua (1960' 1962) publrshed 2 bnef spawning hranchra, concealing therr relatronship, ltiau-sc the drag- mjsccllaneous nolc-s, emphasiz-rng nrating and FuJita (1892) nostl. gills have b'een lost in somc rlf thenl. h;bit-s of Japanese molluscs Tsunen.rbu Whatel'er the rdeals for ranking nr-rv r^\', actual prac- published 5 artrclLrs n the Zoologico! |v!tgozirt€ on cr)'pto- tice rs largelv a nxrtter of rhetonc, lrlilllirrn, :m.l t-f no- [rrar-rchiatc nro]lu.scs lrom M is:r]:i, Japnn Inaba published rancc. Bctr.r,ecn i 9-59 and 1967, Akihiko several cytological studies on the chromosomes of nudi- branchs; -sevcral ol thesc papers were coaulhored by R' JAPANESE CONTRIBLITIONS TO H irt'ta or Ya.rrk,r Saikr. OPISTHOBRANCH RESEARC II' Koliro Kato (19'19) puhlished oo KaloploctttttLLt rottto- \}'ITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TAKEO ABE. sr.r.r, ard S. Kawaguti (19'13) discussei zooxanthellae t.'c- IWAO TIA]\IATANI, AND KIXTTARO BABA currencc w'ithin Plresri lla sibogoe (': P. lugubri.t). )'. Kom.ci and co-authors (197 1) described glycolipids "Origrn Ilans Berlsch rn ncnous tissue. Seiichr Komori (1932) wrote, Schml of Arts & S'icn'cs of the eolrdr:.r nematocvsts from the standpoint of reilen- Natioml Universitv eration, ' rn lhe .4r,nolat iones Zoologicoe J aprtner:-set ' lnglc*txrd, Caliiomis, US'{ Shrgekr \lat.sunaga t'r a/. (1986) elaborated the chcmical strtrclure of kabrranude C, a.n antifungal conrpound fottnil Several ago, in the forer+'ord ro Drvid Behrens )'ears in nuJrbranch cgg nlrsses. in 1967, A Nekamura used llrst erlrtion of Pttctfc Cotut Nurlibroilc]at, I summtrrtzeJ eleitron miirLrscol-'-r to descnbe the cerata c:f Grtdiva t-et'' the history of opisthobranch resear.h along the Pacrtl-- !tt t; i ctt . Coast of the United States and Canada (Bertsch, 19Sur' To.shro Ohul'tl ( 193 8) rvrote about the hrstological on thc historl oi oprstho- This paper continue-s my studies crf'hoJ) iluids. ln 1928 and 191'1 Yaichrrtr branch investigation. It is a bio-bibiiograph.r' of resear;h ;roperties OkaJe *'as the sc'nior author of two papers rvith a voun{ on nudibranchs in the western Pacrllc Ocean bv Jap;nrtc Kikurar<r Baha on the bioiurninescence ol Plocatrtolthcr*t lv{y emphasis is on the coninburions bi 'lei:- s;ientists. iiic.;it. Hiroshi Oshrma (1933) identificrl pycnoqonid ec- nese citizens to our knowle.<lge of Opistho'orarihir' toparasites on nuclihranchs. 1971 Henry D. Russell publish:iJ 11;'/;11 '\'1'irl;r.';r'- In Takasi Tokioka (1952 and 1963) publrshed 2 articlts chia; a Catalogue of the Literarure, 1551-1965' He lrsteJ <tn Fiorta pinnara and Chilean specimens of Cephalop'-1e species and subspo;ies of nudrbranchs that \\cr' i76 trentatoides. Of these' 130 species (almost 7-59i; named from Japan. 'l'he most fascinating title belongs to Shiro J'suchiva' were named by Kikutaro Baba; the rest \r'ere named b) In 1928 he published, "Ueber den Bau der Sperrnetozoen vanous EuroPean, Russian. or .{nlcn.an ln\cstlLdt''r:' r.on Lirtar und Drlri.i, mit besonderer Ruckslck' auf den Acianr^s, L.S.R. Bergh, Charles Eiiot' such as Arthur Vererpbungsstoff des Protoplasmas' " N. i Volc'dchencko, Nrls O'lhner' Cuthbert Collingwtx-d. Itaru Usuki (1967 and 1969) descnbed dir"r:t devel- Stimpson, and Ce-sare Tapparone-Carelrr' The William opment in a chromodorid nudibranch and the opistho- important contribution of Japanese researchers to our un- branch fauna in the Sado district of the Japan Sea' <ierstanding of the Japanese fauna cannot be overempha- K. )'amaguchi (197i) u'rote about biliproteins in thc size<l. Speaking comparatively', thel'have published a of the Japanese Society of Scientiilc Fisheries' names for Bulletin proportionately higher number of ne*' spe^;ies - are: .t he hlDllt)grirPnlc' citations for these articles their region than have investigators Iivine along the Pa- cihc Coast of the United States and Canada. Araka*a. Kohntan Y. anrl spawning The majonty of the-se contnbutions have been nlrdc 1960. lr'{iscellan.ous noles rln N{ollusca' 2 }r{aLrng hebits of srlm.c ntarinc molluscs Venus l1 : il l8 three Takeo Abe, Iwao Hamatani, and of coursd, by men: i962. N!is;ellan.ous not.s on li'lollusca Vtnus ll: 173-175' Kikutaro Baba. i hope that this histoncal study will shox' Fuj ita. Tsunenobu Z-urlogical Dr. Baba and his colleague Mr. Hamatani' the high de!ree )892 a. Crvptohranchiate Dtrriiliidae from Niiski lvlagazinc. JaPan { ('{f 360-362' re-spect that we have for their significant contributions of 1892 b-. Crrptotranchiare Donijudae from lrlisaki' Zooitlgical molluscs. to <lur knowledge of opisthobranch Ir{agazine, JaPan -5 : 95-98. l,!92 c. Cry ptobranchiare Doririiidae from lr{iuki Zmlogical PART I lrlagazinc, JaPan 5: 163-167. t 892 J. Cr-vptobranchiare Dorirjiidae from lrlrsaki Zoological Nlagazine, Japan .5: 2'19-l-52. Before I discuss the'se 3 scholars, let me sumnr'rrizc 1892 e. Cryptobranchiare Doridiidae from lv{isakr' Zrrclogical (63); I0-13 the contributions of other Japanese investigators These lr!agazine, Japan 6 lnaha. Akihikir papers indiv'idual authors' consist of one or several bY 19-59 a. Clrologiial studies in molluscs' J' A chromosome suncv Annoletione s Zoologic ae often on a specific biochemical or biological toprc' i n the op i sriob ranc hiate Gastropoda. J:ponenses 32 (2):8i 83. 15 Annual R:grrt, Vol. 25 Oshiru. Hircshi 1959 b. On the chromommcs of a nudibmnch gastmpoJ' De rulro' picnogonids f'-und on nudibranchs' (DcndrorLtns) nigra (Stimprcn) ' Joumal Science Hirr'shinra i933, Ytrung Parasitic ,lois Z,ilogicae Japoncnss l'1: 6l{6' (B) Z-trcI. i8: 9.5-98' Anrnotariones Univcnitv, ()!hirr-d. Kishi,la of tie eulhrncuran 'r'cnus ll IIimshi, anJ K 1961 r. C;lourononiY Essi'lrp({\ of t.he fauna oi Japan Tok;o' ({i:401-{11. 19.1J. lllusratcJ cn.\.1()lcJis Trliola. Talasi i96 I b. Chrumospheres of *rcml krnJs rrl-(rPisLhtrhmn;hs Z'!) l95l Recor,l ..i FtLtna ptnnata (E$h*-holtz). Nanki-Seibutsu Irrgical lv'(agazinc, Japan iil ( l ,l): l{ Suppl. No. l: l-l'il 1961. Faum rnd fl()c of thc Inland Sca oi Sct'r' \{':iaishLrrra \1ar 196J. Notes on L'tihJ/rr1'8c trcmatoidcs (Chun) collected off the Biol. Sra ll r I --15 2. ;cn(ml and nor-hcm Chilcan coast (Nudibmnchia: Phyllirhoidae)' Iroba, Akihiko, and R. Hirota Publi;st'ions ScL.r \'ladnc Biological I:boratory I 1: 373-387' 195.1. On tlte chrcmorcme s of Olossalois pallcsccrc tlLrgh)' Tsuchr;a, Shiro Zoologicai Magazinc, Japan 63: 437. Iln Japane*] 1918. Ueber den Bsu der SPemratoT.en von Lmar und Dans, mit 1958. A chromommc oney in tcn spccies of nudibranchs hcsorirjercr Ru:ksictt auf den VcrcrbunSsstolT des Protoplasmas' (Castroptrja, Mollu*a) Japanerc Joumai Zmlogy l? (l): 157' lSibogaku 7:ssi I (3): '1{g+60. iln Japanescl 162 UsuLu. Ilaru Lraba, Akiiiko. and Vasuko Saiki 1967. The dirc;t Jc\.lopmcnt 8nd the single cuPshaped laryal shell 1967. A ;hNnroglme sun() rn \r\iccn \f c!rc5 ' i n"libran:hs oi a nu.libranch , Glosso<lois sibogac (Bet1h) Sci Repts' Venus 16 (1) E'16. Niigata Univ.. tries D @iology) 4: 75-8-5 ' K:t,r, Koj inc l'169. rllisthrhrarrlh iauna in r-hc Sado districts o[tlc Japan Sea' l9{9. On thc Iuminous Lrrgsns of a nu'libmnch K'rir'i/'r'dnrrr NiigaLa Dargaiu Sadr; lr'[uscurn Memoim 18 3-11. rmosLt. Z.rrlogical lv{ags;-ine' Japan 5S: l6J-ib{ l.rsulr. IIsru, an,l S. llarashi Kauaguti. S. the opi"r,hobmnch molluscs fronl nofl-h-castenr 8rca of a kind of opisthobmnch, lulturcs z-rrrxen 19r-5 a. On 19{l. P,lr.sr;/Jo .sihoglr. especially lhe \pccies G- (2'{1): 198-299 uhe undy .oas; Lri Niigata Pretecturc, thellae. Tai*an HalubutuguLkai Kliho 33 jettics con- ;urring in Lhc arcg sumtlunJing wirh brcak*aters and Korroi, Y., S.lv'lausukaqa, and N'[. S' Satake stiruiing ol'rctraprxjs 8nd pilcs Bull r*iigata Pref Biol' Srx' Clycolipi,ls in rlic ncnrlus [isstrc oi invedcbrale Journal i971. Eluc. l0: l7 -+il lln IaPancsel Bimhemistrr, Tokyo 70: 167-169' otcuring 197-5 b. A supJ'lcnrcnLarv list triopisthobranch ntolluscs 'rrr Seiichi Komori. lhc coasts,ri Xi;g"t, Prciccture, faccd on t'he Japan Sea Bull' 1931. Origin ,rf rhe er-'lidian nematNysts 1r'rm t-he sundfroirlt 'ri rc Nrrgsta Prcf. Bi,ri. S.rc Eluc l0:31-36 [ln Japanesel genemtion. Amotalioncs Zix)logi'8e Jap'rnen*s 1l (+): 191 Yanratuchi, K. 197 SocietY t'il t . eiiiprorcin-. oi nrari.nc animals' Bullctin Japanesc Shigeti, Nobuhiro Fustsni, Krnehisha Hashinr"to Koshi |r{atsuroga. Sricntiii; Fishcrts 31 ({1: 339-35'1' Ko*ki, and lr{auna Nonu i986. Kabimnri,lc C, a novcl rntilurtgal nta;rrxlidc l'rorrl nuJi bmnch cggnusxs. Jtrunul Anlcrican C-hcnli;rl S(ricl\ liS i^'lr: PART II 317-ll{8. l-akanrum. A. indiv'iduals have been study'ing mrinlxtrpr r)n illc oi an ,{ithough nuncroLrs 1967. Electrr-'n 'cms 'rpi:"-hohranih' GdJiva c^Lonicu, uith spclial rclercn;c [r) rl]u!lcs' Bi'rl'rri:rl ltspccts of opisthilhrrnch mollusc bioiogy in Japan, the Jarul Okavstna Univemity' l3: 97-l 13 ' nralor.ontrihuti()ns haVe been made (as I stated earlier) by Ohu;e, Toshio Take,.l Abe' lrvao Hamatani, and Kikutaro iqls t.
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