Türk Kardiyol Dern Arş - Arch Turk Soc Cardiol 2015;43(5):481-483 doi: 10.5543/tkda.2015.25295 481 Conservative management of a left ventricle cardiac fibroma in an asymptomatic child patient Semptomsuz sol ventrikül kalp fibroması olan çocukda konservatif yaklaşım Handan Ünsal, M.D., Enver Ekici, M.D.# Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity Teaching Hospital, Ankara #Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Ufuk University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara Summary– Primary cardiac tumors in infancy and child- Özet– Çocuk ve infantlarda nadir görülen primer kalp tümör- hood are rare and usually benign. Fibroma is the second leri çoğunlukla iyi huyludur. Rabdomiyomdan sonra en sık most common bening cardiac tumor after rhabdomyo- görülen iyi huylu kalp tümörü fibromaların insidansı olduk- ma. Surgery is required when fibromas cause ventricu- ça düşüktür. Fibromalar çıkım yolu obstrüksiyonu, ventrikül lar outflow tract obstruction, ventricular dysfunction and fonksiyon bozukluğu ve ciddi aritmi oluşturması durumunda life-threatening arrhythmia. This case report describes a cerrahi müdahale gerektirirler. Bu yazıda dokuz yaşında er- 9-year-old asymptomatic male presenting with a giant left kek çocukta saptanan sol ventrikülde yerleşik dev fibroma, ventricular cardiac fibroma who was followed up using con- nadir görülmesi yanında semptomsuz seyretmesi ve kon- servative treatment. servatif yaklaşımla izlenebilmesi nedeniyle sunuldu. rimary cardiac tumors in infancy and childhood raphy (CT) and magnetic Abbreviations: are rare and usually benign. Fibromas are gen- resonance imaging (MRI) P CT Computed tomography erally reported as the second most common benign (Figure 1a). The cardiac MRI Magnetic resonance imaging cardiac tumor after rhabdomyoma in the pediatric age MRI demonstrated a large group. Clinical signs and symptoms vary depending (4x6.5x6.1 cm) homogeneous mass extending from on tumor size and location.[1,2] The tumor may occur the apex to basal segment and covering the lateral, with cardiomegaly, heart failure, arrhythmias, cya- anterolateral and inferolateral walls (Figure 1b, c). A nosis and chest pain, or it may be a cause of sudden biopsy was done from the left ventricle apex. At the death.[3] In rare cases, a tumor of gigantic size may histopathological exam, the material showed the char- [4–6] also be asymptomatic. acteristics of a fibroma, thus confirming the diagnosis. The case here was thought to be valuable for pre- At the age of 3 years, when the patient was admit- sentation because of its rarity among diseases and the ted to our clinic for the first time, he had already been tumor’s being asymptomatic despite its large size. put on the heart transplant list in another center. At that visit, the overall physical examination of patient, who CASE REPORT was asymptomatic, was normal, except for the pres- A 9-year-old boy was admitted for evaluation of a ence of the soft systolic heart murmur. Electrocardiog- cardiac murmur which had been detected on day 15 raphy showed ventricular extrasystoles and negative T in the newborn period. A detailed cardiac examina- waves on the anterolateral derivations. Echocardiogra- tion (physical examination, electrocardiography and py showed a large (8.2x3.1 cm) mass containing cal- echocardiography) was done and he was diagnosed cific and cystic areas, appended to the left ventricular with a primary cardiac tumor after computed tomog- free wall (Figure 2a, b). The mass did not influence Received: January 20, 2015 Accepted: April 09, 2015 Correspondence: Dr. Handan Ünsal. Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Kadın Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi, Pediatrik Kardiyoloji Bölümü, 06230 Ankara, Turkey. Tel: +90 312 - 306 52 70 e-mail: [email protected] © 2015 Turkish Society of Cardiology 482 Türk Kardiyol Dern Arş A B C Figure 1. (A) Axial Computed Tomography showing the intraventricular mass. (B) Coronal T1 Weighted image of the intraven- tricular mass isointense to the myocardium. (C) Axial Gradient magnetic resonance image showing the mass isointense to the myocardium. left ventricular functions or lead to left ventricular no capsule to help ensure separation from the sur- outflow tract obstruction. As electrocardiography and rounding tissue. They are located primarily in the left 24-hour Holter monitoring revealed ventricular extra- ventricular free wall or septum, and less frequently in systoles, beta blocker therapy was started. No signifi- the right ventricular or atrial free wall. They tend to cant growth in tumor size was seen during the clinical grow slowly and show no spontaneous regression.[5–7] follow-up. Currently, the patient is still asymptomatic In the present case, the diagnosis was made before the and conservative follow-up continues at our clinic. age of 1 year, and no significant regression was seen during follow-up. DISCUSSION Clinical presentation varies, depending on size and [3] Primary cardiac tumors are rare, with a prevalence of location of the tumor. Affected children may develop lower than 0.03% according to postmortem studies. left ventricular outflow obstruction, valve dysfunction, Approximately 90% are benign, and the majority of heart failure—depending on the ventricular dysfunc- them are diagnosed before the age of 1 year.[1,2] Car- tion—or life-threatening arrhythmias and even sudden [4,5,7] diac fibromas, which normally arise from heart fibro- death (10%). They may may also be asymptomatic. blasts, are solitary and white in appearance, and have Although echocardiography is the mainstay of A B Figure 2. (A) Echocardiographic image of the tumor in the left ventricule. (B) Image of calcific and cystic areas in the tumor. Conservative management of a left ventricle cardiac fibroma in an asymptomatic child patient 483 non-invasive diagnostic tools for initial evaluation Conflict-of-interest issues regarding the authorship or of cardiac fibromas, imaging techniques such as CT article: None declared. or MRI are valuable in their detection. MRI espe- cially, provides the identification, location, surround- REFERENCES ing structures and the hemodynamic effects of the tumor. Cardiac fibromas appear as regular, limited, 1. Bruce CJ. Cardiac tumours: diagnosis and management. Heart 2011;97:151–60. CrossRef and mildly hyperechogenic solid lesions. They can 2. Kır M, Çatalyürek H, Karadaş U, Ünal N, Saylam G. A prena- be distinguished from other tumors because of their tally diagnosed newborn with an intracardiac rhabdomyoma solitary, regular and limited nature. 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