Distribution Today Weather '17,450 Marty W» today and tonight. BEDBANK Hl«b today, 4W». lew tonight, tit. Some eloudlneu tomorrows 1 Independent Daily f Ugh, ». See WMther page 2. ( MONDAY THKVaHrlUDAY-teT 1171 J SH I-0010 Juiud ouir. UoadtT mrouin Fridu. MconA CUM Potun 55c PER WEEK VOL. 83. NO. 171 P«ia u RM Bun us •> AaaitioBU unimi onca RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Two School Budgets Congo Troops Riot, Beaten Second Time Eatoiilown, Ocean Twp. Tax Hike Reasons 44 Civilians Killed Items Lose Explained in Letter /Vvenge Two of the three previously rejected sohool budgets in the NEW SHREWSBURY — Taxes Schwartz and Francis L. Cooper, Williams greater Red Bank area were de- in this borough will go up about assisted by Paul Knauff, Rich- feated again yesterday. 15 per cent this year, a 28-page ard Westee and Vincent Roache, according to an accompanying let- Death Of A strong affirmative vote in newsletter delivered yesterday to Shrewsbury carried that bor- ter signed by Mayor Karl K. Says It's householders informed them. Baron. ough's school budget to victory, The rise amounts to $1.47 per but the spending schedules in hundred dollars of assessed val- The total budget this year Is $1,313,310. Of this amount 23 pei Friends Eatontown and Ocean Township uation, but of that amount only ' suffered reversals. three cents is caused by in- cent will be' spent for borough Confusing LEOPOLDVILLE, The .The twice-rejected budgets now creased expenditures to run the appropriations; 11 per cent for bodiei of hit four missing will be- forwarded to the gov- borough, the letter said. reserve-for uncollected taxes; 29 LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo Congo (AP) — Rampaging per cent for the local district eming, bodies, which may certify The rise of 53 cents for reserve children, state police at Pet< (AP) — Newsmen threw pointed Congolese soldiers killed schools; 25 per cent for the Mon- the budgets unchanged, raised or for • uncollected taxes is some' ersburg, Va., said March I questions at G. Mennen Williams mouth Regional High School, and 44 civilians in bitter street lowered. Boards of Education un- thing over which the governing today but President Kennedy's 12 per cent for county taxes. Dudley and his wife, Irene fighting at Luluabourg, the •aBsfied with the certified sched- body has no control, It pointed touring emissary in Africa ules have the option of appeal' Burden on Property 44, are being held on charge! out. grinned broadly and said: United Nations reported Ing to the state Department of This year's property taxes wil of causing th» death of Car- Hearing Tonight be the source for 85 per cenl today. "Education. The comprehensive newsletter ol Ann, 7, by malnutritio 'I have found many of the sit- The troops ran wild through of the budget; appropriated sur- uations confusing and even self- was sent to inform citizens on plus, for 6 per cent; dclinquen and neglect. Her body wai the town after three of their the budget prior to tonight's pub- contradictory." comrades had been killed and Shrewsbury taxes, for 3 per cent, and mis found last month in the Vir lic hearing at the Tinton Falls cellaneous sources, such as fran- Williams, assistant U, S. Sec- three wounded by a pro-Lumum- The Shrewsbury board's unre School at 8:15 o'clock chises taxes, gross receipts taxes, ginia woods. Bodiei of thra retary of state for Africa, stuck bist mob. vised budget was handily ap- It was prepared by Bernard licenses fees, fines, etc., will be other children are sought. by the policy line laid down in proved by a vote of 182 to 151. The violence boiled over In the source of about 6 per cent. See story, page 2. Washington in a news conference aftermath of last week's take- The balloting total reached 336 The final tax bill will show and again stressed the United > as against the 224 voters who sur- over of the capital of Kasai some discrepancy with the figun Nations efforts to restore peace Province by Lumumbist troops prised the board Feb. 14 by re- set in the proposed budget, "> the in the Congo. jecting the budget, 143-76. Lily-Tulip from Stanleyville. These troops letter explained, because the final The similarity of the negative Thompson The former governor of. Michi- pulled out two days ago and left bill for schools is calculated by gan has drawn criticism from the town in a ferment. vote totals led board-officials to the county. whites during his African tour for Luluabourg, 400 miles east of surmise that yesterday's victory careful estimate" of school To Start Indictment some of his outspoken remarks, Leopoldville, was the scene of resulted from efforts by civic obligations, however, shows tha especially a comment of "Africa PRESIDENT ANSWERS —President Kennedy answers a tribal clashes in the days just and school groups to get out the the tax bill for elementary schools for the Africans." President Ken- after the Congo gained independ- proponent vote. will go down by $1.88 per hun- Rushed newsman's question during conference held in the State nedy backed him up yesterday ence from Belgium last summer. - Approved by the voters was a dred, and the tax for the new NEW YORK, (AP)-Authorities Department auditorium in Washington. The chief exec- current expense budget of $335,- Building by pointing out that Williams had The United Nations reported regional high school will rise by today rushed a murder indictmcnl explained he meant Africans of utive discussed a variety of subjects, including defense 233. against child slayer Fred J. that after the battle yesterday CENTERVILLE Ground- $2.77 per hundred. all races. The slogan, however, is Per Capita: $60.52 Thompson as relatives and friends weapons and civil rights, in the course of his meeting some 1,000 civilians sought UN breaking for construction of the a rallying cry for black African protection. Eatontown The newsletter estimated tha gathered for funeral services for nationalists'. with the newimen. (APWirephoto) multi-million-dollar Lily- Tulip his victim 4-year-old Edith (Goo Luluabourg, though officially The unchanged $285,216 current the per capita cost of running Cup Corp. plant will take place the borough government will be gie) Kiecorius. within the orbit of the Leopold- expense budget and land pur- Monday at 11 a.m., company of- $60.52 for each of the 7,331 peo- The services at St. Rose o ville regime, is heavily popu- chase questions In Eatontown ficials announced yesterday. ple living here. lated by ardent tribal followers were soundly defeated yesterday Lima Church in Brooklyn was The plant will be built on the That amount will be spent as Mass of Ithe Angels—customarj of the late Patrice Lumumba. by almost twice as many voters south side of Rt. 35 near Laurel Citizen Offers Students A UN spokesman said the trou- follows: $9.82 for "general gov- as participated in the origina Roman Catholic rite for smal! Ave., in Holmdel Township, on ernment," $10.60 for public safety ble started Tuesday night when balloting. children. tract totaling approximately $7.73 for streets and roads, $3.- Miles away In Bronx, the 59 a yelling mob demonstrated to The verdict on the current ex 125 acres. 89 for sanitation, $1.78 for health yearold sex killer was held in demand the release of an offi- pens* item was 254420, and on Soil preparation was to have and welfare, $1.33 for recreation, maximum security cell in th Bus Service to Festival cer called Col. Mulumba. the purchase of the controversial been started about twp weeks $2.18 for capital improvements, municipal men's house ol dcte Mulumba was arrested by his Maid* tract, 249-437. Neither ago but the work-Bias delayed 14 cents for contingencies, am tion. own troops for showing pro-Lu- item passed at any polling place, 'Incensed' At because of the February snow- $19.79 for the reserve for uncol The cell was kept lighted and h mumba sympathies during the but th« heaviest opposition came For Fair Haven Offices storm. lected taxes. was under constant guard. Jailo takeover. from the combined second and Legion Effort The contract for this initial The way to reduce that lasi were taking no chance that I The mob attacked soldiers with wurth «»trlct», Where the budg- phase of the project has been big item, the letter explains, is might harm himself or that othei nbme-made guns and shot three et polled 48 to 176 and the land To Halt Play awarded to Gaskill Construction for everybody to pay his taxes prisoners might harm him, Would Buy Church of the soldiers. , purchase, 30-192. Co., Riverside. on time. In Manhattan — where littl Next day.soldiers in the local J. Edaon Allen, board presi- RUMSON — An Interlaken man Lily-Tulip engineers told The TJie document itemizes a: Google was raped and beaten FAIR HAVEN — Mayor Mil transfer $23,000 from the capital army camp stormed out of the dent, said he is still convinced registered a "personal protest" Register that about 900,000 cubic planned borough expenditures foi death — the case against the al ton Kosene has announced he improvement fund for a proposed post in defiance of their officers' t (Set BUDGETS, Pg. 13) feet of earth will be moved a the year. It sets forth the salary last night against the American will ask the council to approve library-municipal building wasd coholic vagabond was presses Legion attempt to cancel the 1 orders.
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