Supplementary Materials: Raman Investigations to Identify Corallium Rubrum in Iron Age Jewelry and Ornaments Sebastian Fürst, Katharina Müller, Liliana Gianni, Céline Paris, Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Christopher F.E. Pare and Ina Reiche Table S1. List of objects from archaeological contexts that have been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The bold entries (25) indicate changes or at least clarification of the originally proposed material. Object Inventory Number Museum Origin Laser (nm) Analyzed Substance Gold and coral RGZM 1 532; 638; 758; 1064 (all Diode); - Agris (département Charente/F) Corallium ornamented helmet /Angoulême 487.9 (Ar+); 632.8 (He-Ne) Pieces of red 12199 MAN 2 Algère (?) 532 (Diode) Enamel material Collier of longitudinally Allensbach-Kaltbrunn (Landkreis drilled coral C 2826 BLM 3 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium and ivory Konstanz), from tumulus branches together with ivory spacers Altheim-Heiligkreuztal (Landkreis Ring-shaped coral HMI 354E Kar. II LMW 4 Sigmaringen), tumulus “Hohmichele”, 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium pieces grave VI Asperg (Landkreis Ludwigsburg), tumulus Bronze fibula V 68, 34 LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium “Grafenbühl”, grave 25 Asperg (Landkreis Ludwigsburg), tumulus Bronze fibula V 64, 22 LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium “Grafenbühl”, grave 3 Chape of a dagger 20,391 MAN Auves (département Marne/F), grave 1 532 (Diode) Corallium Bussy-le-Château (département Marne/F) Bronze neck ring 23039 MAN 785 (Diode, HE) Corallium and enamel “La Cheppe”, grave 24 Bussy-le-Château (département Marne/F), No specification, Nail cutter 4749 MAN 532 (Diode) without context possibly bone Bussy-le-Château (département Marne/F), Part of a belt chain 20933.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium without context Bussy-le-Château (département Marne/F), Part of a belt chain 20933.002 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium without context Minerals 2016, 6, 56 S2 of S7 Table S1. Cont. Object Inventory Number Museum Origin Laser (nm) Analyzed Substance Shield boss, ornamented with Châlons-sur-Marne (département Marne/F), 13672 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium bright small Camp de Châlons segments Châlons-sur-Marne (département Marne/F), Fragment of a shell 13661.002 MAN 785 (Diode, HE) Shell without context Bronze fibula 67911 MAN Charmont (département Marne/F), grave 28 532 (Diode) Corallium Piece of unknown Cierges-Caranda (département Aisne/F), bright substance on a 39412.001 MAN 785 (Diode, HE) No specification grave 84 bronze wire Eberdingen-Hochdorf (Landkreis Bronze fibula A 3273 LMW Ludwigsburg), from tumulus of 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium “Pfaffenwäldle” cemetery Écury-sur-Coole (département Marne/F), Nail cutter 77050L MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium “Les Côtes en Marne”, wagon grave 11 Necklace with large Nr. H1-10 Esslingen 5 Esslingen-Sirnau, grave 1 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium coral beads Bracelet of coral Nr. H1-10 Esslingen Esslingen-Sirnau, grave 1 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium beads Iron fibula 12830.002 MAN France, origin unknown 785 (Diode, HE) Bone or dentine Small bronze disc with two bright inlays, almost 13153 MAN France, origin unknown 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) Corallium and Metaloxid completely covered by corrosion layer Iron fibula 13377.001 MAN France, origin unknown 785 (Diode, HE) Corallium Fragment of unknown bright 27846.001 MAN France, origin unknown 532 (Diode) Bone or dentine substance Friedingen-Langenenslingen (Landkreis Bronze fibula A 3341 LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Biberach), grave FIBULA with (now) white coral inlay Gäufelden-Nebringen (Landkreis Corallium (proof of red - LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) and red enamel Böblingen), grave 17 pigments in coral) button Minerals 2016, 6, 56 S3 of S7 Table S1. Cont. Object Inventory Number Museum Origin Laser (nm) Analyzed Substance Gerabronn (Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall), Bronze fibula A 3359 LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium tumulus Bronze birds Goethite (oxidation - Glauberg 6 Glauberg, tumulus 1, elite burial 1 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) head fibula layer) Goethite (oxidation Bronze birds head - Glauberg Glauberg, tumulus 1, elite burial 1 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) layer) + CaCO3 + fibula N° 2 pigments Zoomorphic fibula - Glauberg Glauberg, tumulus 1, elite burial 1 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) Goethite + coral Goethite (oxidation Sword chape - Glauberg Glauberg, tumulus 1, elite burial 1 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) layer) + CaCO3 + pigments Zoomorphic fibula - Glauberg Glauberg, tumulus 1, elite burial 2 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) Pigments Sword chape - Glauberg Glauberg, tumulus 1, elite burial 2 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) No pigments, but calcite Only organic Iron fibula with gold - Glauberg Glauberg, tumulus 2, elite burial 1 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) compounds of sheet decoration conservation treatment Anthropo- - Glauberg Glauberg, tumulus 2, elite burial 1 532 & 785 (Diode, HE) Pigments /zoomorphic fibula Hahnheim (Landkreis Mainz-Bingen), Im Bronze fibula V 246 LM Mainz 7 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Letten, tumulus Herbertingen-Hundersingen (Landkreis Bronze fibula - LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Sigmaringen), Gießübel, tumulus 1, grave 2 Pin with large round Herbertingen-Hundersingen (Landkreis head made of amber Corallium (instead of - LMW Sigmaringen), Gießübel, tumulus 1, 632.8 (He-Ne) with small inlays of “white paste”) grave 4 bright substance Herbertingen-Hundersingen (Landkreis Bronze fibula T210 LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) White calcite Sigmaringen), Heuneburg Herbertingen-Hundersingen (Landkreis Scabbard of a dagger - LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Sigmaringen), Talhau, tumulus 4, grave 14 Small tubular object Herbertingen-Hundersingen(Landkreis - LMW 632.8 (He-Ne) No specification as part of an amulet Sigmaringen), Gießübel, tumulus 1, grave 2 Bronze knob of a Heutrégiville (département Marne/F), Le 80129.003 MAN 532 (Diode) No specification phalera Mont Sapinois, without context Minerals 2016, 6, 56 S4 of S7 Table S1. Cont. Object Inventory Number Museum Origin Laser (nm) Analyzed Substance Ilvesheim (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) Corallium & dentine or Iron fibula BW2006-09-33-08 REM 8 458 (Ar+); 532 (Diode) “Weingärten”, grave 1 bone Ilvesheim (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) Part of a bronze fibula REM50883 REM 785 (Diode, HE) Corallium “Weingärten”, grave of 1954 Ivory (département Jura/F), Les Moidons, Bronze fibula - MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium Tumulus de Champ Peupin, grave D Laval (département Marne/F), without Bronze fibula 13026.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium context Bronze neck ring with Leimersheim (Landkreis Germersheim), 30179 bzw. Speyer650 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium gold sheet grave Bronze fibula BW1974-A5381 REM Mannheim-Vogelstang, from grave (?) 514 (Ar+) Corallium Mannheim-Wallstatdt, aus Siedlung “Hinter Bronze fibula REM12887 REM 458 (Ar+) Corallium der Nachtweide” Corallium rubrum 24228-1 MAN Marsal (département Moselle), aus Siedlung 532 (Diode) Corallium rubrum branch, (bright color) Monsheim (Landkreis Alzey-Worms), Bronze fibula BE 283d Worms 9 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium aus Flachgrave Monsheim (Landkreis Alzey-Worms), Bronze fibula V 657 LM Mainz 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium without context Small bronze bracelet V 69, 39 LMW Mühlacker (Enzkreis), tumulus 10, grave 1 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Bronze fibula V 69, 39 LMW Mühlacker (Enzkreis), tumulus 10, grave 1 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Small bronze ring V 69, 39 LMW Mühlacker (Enzkreis), tumulus 10, grave 1 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Zoomorphic fibula V 69, 15 LMW Mühlacker (Enzkreis), tumulus 4, grave 5 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Private Buddhist prayer beads - Nepal 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium collection Nierstein, OT Schwabsburg (Landkreis Birds head fibula V1111 LM Mainz 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium Mainz-Bingen) Osthofen (Landkreis Alzey-Worms), Bronze fibula BE 339 Worms 632.8 (He-Ne) Enamel Rheinchaussee, without context Prosnes (département Marne/F), Le Terrage, Bronze fibula 33331.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium grave B Chape of a sword - LMW Renningen “Lauerhalde”, Siedlung 632.8 (He-Ne) Corallium scabbard Minerals 2016, 6, 56 S5 of S7 Table S1. Cont. Object Inventory Number Museum Origin Laser (nm) Analyzed Substance Pearl on a bronze wire, Saint Etienne-au-Temple (département 80133.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium possibly earring Marne/F), Mont de la Tonnelle, grave 119 Pendant with several Saint-Etienne-au-Temple (département 12718.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Amber or glass pearls Marne/F), from grave Saint-Etienne-au-Temple (département Bronze fibula 12828.001 MAN 785 (Diode, HE) Enamel Marne/F), from grave Saint-Etienne-au-Temple (département Bronze fibula 12828.005 MAN 532 (Diode) Enamel Marne/F), from grave Saint-Etienne-au-Temple (département Large bright pearl 3105.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Bone or dentine Marne/F), without context Saint-Etienne-au-Temple (département Pendant 12730 MAN 532 (Diode) No specification Marne/F), without context Bracelet with several Saint-Etienne-au-Temple (département 12729.001 MAN 532 (Diode) No specification pearls and pendants Marne/F), without context Saint-Hilaire-au-Temple (département 3 coral branches 27849 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium rubrum Marne/F), from grave Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand (département Boar tusk 27622.002 MAN 785 (Diode, HE) Dentine Marne/F) ,without context Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand (département Boar tusk (?) 33943.001 MAN 785 (Diode, HE) Bone or dentine Marne/F), without context Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand (département Boar tusk 27622.003 MAN 785 (Diode, HE) Dentine Marne/F), without context Saint-Rémy-sur-Bussy (département Bronze fibula 4831.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium Marne/F), unspecified grave Saint-Rémy-sur-Bussy (département Bronze fibula 4838.001 MAN 532 (Diode) Corallium Marne/F), unspecified grave Salins-les-Bains (département Jura), Camp Bronze fibula 50883 MAN 532 (Diode)
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