397 BIBLIOGRAPHY The chapter and footnote numbers in which each work is cited are given at the end of each entry. Articles R.R. Baxter, Treaties and Custom, 129 Hague Recueil25 (1969), V-68 J.W. Boulton, Modern International Law of Piracy: Content and Contemporary Relevance, 7(6) International Relations 2493 (November 1983), V-60, 189 J.W. Boulton, Maritime Order and the Development of the International Law of Piracy, 7(5) International Relations 2335 (May 1983), V-60, 189 H.J. Bourguignon, Incorporation of the Law of Nations During the American Revolution ..., 71 AJIL 270 (1977), III-33 J. Clark, The English Practice with regard to Reprisals by Private Persons, 27 AJIL 694 (1933), 1-176 D.F. Cavers, A Critique of the Choice-of-Law Problem, 47(2) Harvard Law Review 173 (1933), III-69 C.D. Cowan, Governor Bannerman and the Penang Tin Scheme, 23(1) JMBRAS 52 (1945), IV-l08 C.D. Cowan, Early Penang and the Rise of Singapore, 1805-1832, 23(2) JMBRAS 1 (1945), IV-l0l, 108 A.A. D'Amato & A.P. Rubin, What Does Tel-Oren Tell Lawyers?, 79(1) AJIL 92 (1985), III-33 J.G. de Montmorency, Piracy and the Barbary Corsairs, 35 Law Quarterly Review 133 (1919), V-14 E. Dickinson, Is the Crime of Piracy Obsolete?, 38 Harvard Law Review 334 (1925) III-31 B. Forman, International Law of Piracy and the Santa Maria Incident, 15(8) TheJAG Journal 143 (1961) V-60, 224 398 Bibliography L. Gross, Some Observations on the Draft Code ofOffense Against the Peace and Security of Mankind, 13 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 9 (1983) V-235 L. Gross, States as Organs of International Law and the Problem of Autointerpretation, in Gross, Essays and Lipsky, 1-111 P.C. Jessup, Parliamentary Diplomacy, 89 Hague Recueil85 (1956) V-121 H. Kelsen, Recognition in International Law-Theoretical Observations, 35 AjIL 604 (1941), 1-111, III-289 A.W. Knauth, Prize Law Reconsidered, 46 Columbia Law Review 69 (1946), IV-168 Sir H. Lauterpacht, Codification and Development of International Law, 49 AjIL 16 (1955), V-68 J.J. Lenoir, Piracy Cases in the Supreme Court, 25 journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 532 (1934-35), V-110 W. Lewis, John Quincy Adams and the Baltimore "Pirates," 67 American Bar Associationjoumall011 (1981), III-l77 J. Low, An Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonies in the Straits ofMalacca, 4jIA 11 (1850), IV-lot, 102, 117, 119 H.E. Miller, Extracts from the Letters of Col. Nahuijs, 19(2)jMBRAS 169 (1941),IV-l09 J.M. Moessner, The Barbary Powers in International Law, In Alexandrowicz, ed., Grotian Society Papers 1972197 (1972), IV-49 Sir F. Pollock, The History of the Law of Nature, 3 journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation (new ser.) 204 (1901), V-114 E. Root, Francis Lieber, 7 AjIL 453 (1913), V-86 W. Roxburgh, Submarines at the Washington Conference, 3 BYIL 179 (1922-23), V-14 A.P. Rubin, Evolution and Self-Defense at Sea, 7 Thesaurus Acroasium 107 (1977),IV-205 Bibliography 399 A.P. Rubin, Pollution by Analogy: The Trail Smelter Arbitration, 53 Oregon Law Review 259 (1971), V-146 A.P. Rubin, Terrorism and the Laws of War, 12(2-3) Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 219 (1983), IV-333, V-60, 189 A.P. Rubin, Terrorism and Piracy: A Legal View, 3 Terrorism: An International Journal 117 (1979), IV-332 A.P. Rubin, Terrorism and Social Control, 6 Ohio Northern University Law Review 60 (1979), IV-222 G. Schwarzenberger, the Problem of an International Criminal Law, 3 Current Legal Problems 263 (1950), V-60, 220 Scott, Pirate Attack in Paradise, Yachting (May 1984) 25, V-229 J. Sheehan, the Entebbe Raid ..., 1(2) The Fletcher Forum 135 (1977), IV-222 A.J. Stockwell & A.P. Rubin, Correspondence, 77 AJIL (1983), IV-236 J. Sundberg, Piracy and Terrorism, 20 De Paul Law Review 337 (1971) V-60 N. Tarling, British Policy in the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, 1824-71, 33(3)JMBRAS 1 (1957), IV-157 B. Wortley, Pirata Non Mutat Dominium, 24 BYIL 258 (1948), V-157 Books H. Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (1907-1918), 111-242 "Age", The Boat People (Bruce Grant, ed.) (Penguin 1979), V-228 C.H. Alexandrowicz, An Introduction to the History of the Law of Nations in the East Indies (1967), IV-42 C.H. Alexandrowicz, ed., Grotian Society Papers 1972 (1972), IV-49 Sir W.R. Anson, The Law and Custom of the Constitution (4th ed., A.B. Keith, ed.) (1935), 11-92 400 Bibliography J. Anderson, Acheen and the Ports on the North and East Coast of Sumatra . .. (1840), IV-99 to 105 Anon., Extracts from the Several Treaties Subsisting Between Great Britain and Other Kingdoms and States . .. (1741), II-79 Appian, [Roman History; The Illyrian War] (Horace White, trans!') (LCL 1955- 1958),1-119 Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics (c. 350 B.C.) (W.D. Ross, trans!') (Modem Library, undated), IV-14 Aristotle, The Politics (N. Rackham, trans!.) (LCL 1932),1-26 Aristotle, The Politics (E. Barker, trans!.) (1946), 1-26 Jane Austen, Persuasion (1818), IV-19 John Austin, The Province ofjurisprudence Determined (1832,1954), IV-261 Autenreith, Homeric Dictionary (R.P. Keep, trans!.) (1885), 1-15 Balthasar Ayala, De lure et Officiis Bellicis et Disciplina Militari (1581, 1597) G.P. Bate, trans!.) (CECIL 1912),1-91 Andrew Barker, A True and Certaine Report of the Beginning, Proceedings etc. of Captaine Ward and Danseker . .. (1609), 1-76 M.C. Bassiouni & v. Nanda, A Treatise on International Criminal Law (1973), V-60 Pierino Belli, De Re Militari et Bello Tractatus (1563) (H.S. Nutting, trans!') (CECIL 1936), 1-80 to 90 S.F. Bemis,jay's Treaty (1923, rev'd ed. 1962), III-46, 47 S.F. Bemis, Pinckney's Treaty (1926, rev'd ed. 1960), III-49 Jeremy Bentham, The Works ofjeremy Bentham Gohn Bowring, ed. 1838-1842, 1962), II-135 Bibliography 401 Jeremy Bentham, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789, 1948), II-135 Beowulf(c. 1000 A.D.) (Chickering, transl.) (1977), 1-131 Beowulf(c. 1000 A.D.) (Wright, transl.) (1957), 1-131 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769, American ed. 1790), 1-61, 175, II-153, 155 C.D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne (1956), 1-61 D. Bowett, Self-Defence in International Law (1958), V-214 Fernand Braudel, Le Mediterranee et Ie Monde Mediterraneen al'Epoque de Philippe II (1949), (S. Reynolds, Transl. 1973), 1-65 to 71, 87 J.L. Brierly, The Basis of Obligation in International Law (1958), V-69 H. Briggs, The International Law Commission (1965), V-112 J. Brondsted, The Vikings (1965), 1-27 Henry Burney, The Burney Papers (Bangkok, 1910-1914), IV-2, 116, 118 to 123, 127 to 130, 135, 136, 146 to 150, 152 Cornelisz Bynkershoek, Questionum Juris Publici (1737) (Tenney Frank, transl.) (CECIL 1930), II-3, 139 to 145, 147, 149, 150 Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico (H.J. Edwards, transl.) (LCL 1958), 1-118 John Chamberlain, Letters (N.E. McClure, ed. 1939), (Selection by E.M. Thomson, 1966), 1-73, 77, 177, 194 Marcus Tullius Cicero, Contra Verres (L.H.G. Greenwood, transl.) (LCL 1948, 1953), 1-19 Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Officiis (Walter Miller, transl.) (LCL 1928) 1-46,49,52, V-234 Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Re Publica (with De Legibus, (C. W. Keyes, transl.) (LCL 1928,1977), V-234 402 Bibliography Marcus Tullius Cicero, Letters to Atticus (D.R. Shackleton Bailey, transl.) (1968),1-38,39,47 Marcus Tullius Cicero, Selected Works (M. Grant, transl.) (Penguin 1971), I-54 W. Pitt Cobbett, Leading Cases in International Law (3rd ed. 1909), (4th ed. by H.H.L. Bellot 1922), (6th ed. by W.L. Walker 1947), IV-291, 317, 323 Sir Edward Coke, Fourth Institute of the Laws ofEngland (1644), 1-61, 175, 195, 196,11-156, 166, V-221 Sir Edward Coke, Third Institute of the Laws of England (1644), 1-61, 134, 200, 201, 11-15, 23, 25, 29 C.]. Colombos, International Law of the Sea (4th ed. 1959), IV-l68 E. Creasy, The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (1851), IV-263 William Dampier, A New Voyage Round the World (1717), in Dampier's Voyages 1700-1726 a. Masefield, ed.) (1906), IV-97 C.H. Dana, Two Years Before the Mast (1840, 1869, 1969), III-278 Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders (1722, 1964), 11-46 Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (1719), 1-72 Demosthenes, De Halonesso, in Demosthenes [Orations] a.H. Vince, transl.) (LCL 1954), 1-17 Dio Cassius, [Roman History] (E. Cary, transl.) {LCL 1954-1955),1-129 Dio Chrysostom, Discourses (H. Lamar Crosby, transl.) {LCL 1956),1-46 Diodorus Siculus, [History] (R.M. Greer, transl.) (LCL 1954),1-29 B.H. Dubner, The Law of International Sea Piracy (1980), V-60, 189 ]. Dugan, The Great Mutiny (1965), IV-20 E. Dumbauld, The Life and Legal Writings ofHugo Grotius (1%9), 1-112 to 115 Bibliography 403 Sir Edward Hyde East, A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown (1804), II-56 Euripides, The Trojan Women (c. 410 B.C.), 1-40 A. Evans & J. Murphy, eds., Legal Aspects of International Terrorism (1978), V-29 M.I. Finley, The World of Odysseus (2nd rev'd ed. 1978), 1-24 to 26 Sir Godfrey Fisher, Barbary Legend (1957), 1-76, 87, 194, IV-49 Grace Fox, British Admirals and Chinese Pirates, 1832-1869 (1949), IV-156, 165 Freund's Latin Dictionary (Lewis & Short rev'n) (Andrews, ed.) (1879), 1-19, 21 T.
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