
Federal· Communications Commission FCC 97-116 REPLY COMMENTS OF FOURTH NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING and THIRD NOTICE OF INQUIRY ATVIHDTV (DOCKET NO. 87-268) Filed by: Date Filed: Abacus Television Jan. 16, 1996 Alliance for Community Media Jan. 22, 1996 Ameritech New Media Enterprises, Inc. Jan. 16, 1996 Ann Arbor Community Television Network Jan. 12, 1996 Apple Computer, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 Association of America's Public TV Stations & the Public B'casting Service Jan. 22, 1996 Bell Atlantic Jan. 22, 1996 Benton Foundation Feb. 1, 1996 Blue Mountain Translator Jan. 22, 1996 Broadcasters' Jan. 22, 1996 Business Software Alliance Jan. 23, 1996 Capital Community Television Jan. 16, 1996 Children Now Jan. 16, 1996 Cincinnati Community Video Jan. 16, 1996 Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 Community Assess Television Jan. 18, 1996 Community Access Televisoin of Salina, Inc. Jan. 17, 1996 Community Broadcasters Association Jan. 16, 1996 Computer & Communications Industry Association Jan. 22, 1996 Digital HDTV Grand Alliance Jan. 22, 1996 Donnell, Stephen Jan. 22, 1996 East Side Community Access Jan. 22, 1996 Electronic Industries Association and the Advanced TV Committee Jan. 22, 1996 Fireweed Communications Corporation Jan. 16, 1996 General Instrument Corporation Jan. 22, 1996 Hartford Public Access Television, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 Home Box Office (HBO) Jan. 16, 1996 Internatinal Broadcasting Network's Jan. 16, 1996 Larcan-TTC, Inc. Jan. 17, 1996 Malrite Communications Group, Inc. Jan. 24, 1996 Mattis, William E., Jr. Jan. 17, 1996 Media Access Project, et. al. Jan. 22, 1996 ;'\iational Cable Television Association, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 ~ational Translator Association Jan. 16, 1996 Nielsen, A.c. Company Jan. 16, 1996 Public Access Channel 10 of Ft. Wayne Indiana Jan. 16, 1996 Ridgecrest Community Television, Inc. ' Jan. 22, 1996 76 Federal Communications Commission FCC 97-116 Rule Communications Jan. 22, 1996 Sony Electronics, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 South Central Communications Corporation Jan. 16, 1996 Tele-Communications, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 Telemundo Group, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 Tualatin Valley Community Access Jan. 16, 1996 United States Catholic Conference Jan. 22, 1996 Viacom, Inc. Jan. 22, 1996 Washington County Television, Inc. Jan. 19, 1996 Weigner, Randolph Jan. 18, 1996 White Eagle Partners Dec. 1, 1995 .. 77 I If ·.1,' Federal Communications Commission FCC 97-116 APPENDIXD SECTION V-D TO FORMS 301 AND 340 78 '--------------~!'ill FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY FileNo. SECfION V-D - DTV BROADCAST ENGINEERING DATA SSB Referral Date Referred By Name ofApplicant Call Letters (ifissued) Complete Questions 1-5 ofthe Certifieatioa Checklist aad provide all data aad Inform.tioa ror the proposed facility, as requested In Items 1-21, below. Ifan item is not applicable, enter N/A. Certifiation Checklist,: A correct answer of"Yes" to all ofthe questions below will ensure an expeditious grant ofa construction pennit. An answer of''No" will require additional evaluation ofthe applicable information in this form before a construction permit can be granted. l. The proposed DTV facility complies with 47 C.F.R. Section 73.622 in the following respects: (a) It will operate on the DTV channel for this station as established in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.622. D Yes 0 No (b) It will operate from a transmitting antenna located within 5.0 km (3.1 miles) of the DTV 0 Yes 0 No reference site for this station as established in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.622. (c) It will operate with an effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height above average terrain 0 Yes 0 No (HAAT) that do not exceed the DTV reference ERP and HAAT for this station as established in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.622. 2. The proposed facility will not have a significant environmental impact, including exposure of wQrkers 0 Yes 0 No or the general public to levels of RF radiation exceeding the applicable health and safety guidelines, and therefore will not come within 47 C.F.R. Section 1.1307. p Yes 0 No 3. Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Section 73.625, the DTV coverage contour of the proposed facility will ij encompass the allotted principal community. 4. The requirements of47 C.F.R. Section 73.1030 regarding notification to radio astronomy installations, D Yes o No radio receiving installations and FCC monitoring stations have either been satisfied or are not applicable. 5. The antenna structure to be used by this facility has been registered by the Commission and will not 0 Yes 0 No require reregistration to support the proposed antenna, OR the FAA bas previously determined that the proposed structure will not lIdversely effect safety in air navigation and this structure qualifies for later reaiJtration under the Commission's phased registration plan, OR the proposed installation on this structure does not require notification to the FAA pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Section 17.7. AppUeation Data: l. Channel 2. Principal community to be served: (a) DTV Channel No. (b) Associated analog TV l&ak station channel no., ifany _____ kw 3. Effective radiated power (average power): (in the main/abe a/radiation. ifdirectional) 4. Height ofantenna radiation center above average terrain (HAAT): (to the nearest meter) _____ meters April 1997 Section V-D -D TV BROADCAST ENGINEERING DATA (Page 2) 5. Purpose of Application: (check appropriate boxes) o Construct a new (main) facility o Construct a new auxiliary facility o Modify construction pennit for main facility o Modify construction pennit for auxiliary antenna o Modify licensed main facility o Modify licensed auxiliary antenna Ifpurpose is to modify, indicate the nature ofchange(s) by checking appropriate box(es) and specify the file number(s) ofthe authorizations affected. o Antenna.supporting structure height o Effective radiated power D Antenna height above average terrain o Channel D Antenna location o Antenna system o Other (summarize) File Number(s) 6. Exact location oftransmitting antenna.. (a) Give address, city/state or ifno address, specify distance and bearing relative to the nearest town or landmark. (b) Geographical coordinates (to nearest second). If mounted on ~iement ofan AM array, specify coordinates or center of array. Otherwise, specify tower location. Specify South Latitude and East Longitude where applicable; otherwise, North Latitude or West Longitude will be presumed. (The Commission requires coor.J.,inates based on NAD 27.) ILaliIUde. ILongiIUde • 7. (a) Elevation (to the neQl'est meter) (I) ofsite above mean sea level; _____ meters _____ meters (2) ofthe top ofsupporting structure above ground (including antenna, all other appurtenances, and lighting, ifany); and _____ meters (3) ofthe top ofsupporting structure above mean sea level [(a)(l) + (a)(2)]. (b) Height ofradiation center: (to the neQl'est meter) _____ meters (l) above ground; and _____ meters (2) above mean sea level [(a)(l) + (b)(I)]; , 8. Attach as an Exhibit sketch(es) of the supporting structurt;, labeling aU elevations required in item 7 Exhibit No. l abOve. If mounted on an AM directional array element, specify heights and orientations of aU array '--__J towers, as well as location ofany FM radiator. April 1997 ·----------------'.,tlili,!!!11 . I Section V-D -D TV BROADCAST ENGINEERING DATA (page 3) 9. Antenna (a) Manufacturer (b) Model No. --------- (c) Is a directional antenna proposed? o Yes 0 No IfYes, specify major lobe azimuth(s), degrees True and attach as an Exhibit Exhibit No. all data specified in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.625(c). (d) Is electrical beam tiltproposed? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, specify __ degrees electrical beam tilt and attach as an Exhibit all data specified in 47 Exhibit No. C.F.R. Section 73.62S(c). (e) Is mechanical beam tilt proposed? 0 Yes ·0 No If Yes, specify ~degrees mechanical beam tilt toward azimuth __True and attach as an [-~xhibitN~l Exhibit all data specified in 47 C.F.R. Section 73.625(c). (t) The proposed antenna is: (check only one box) D Horizontally polarized 0 Circularly polarized 0 Elliptically polarized O. 0tIlef: _ IfYes, provide the seven digit registration number and, unless item 1I also applies, prQCeed to item IS. 11. Has the owner ofthe antenna structure filed an application for registration with the Commissi~ that o Yes 0 No will include the proposeq facility? Ifyes, provide the date FCC Form 854 was filed and proceed to item IS. 12. (Ifapplicable) Ifthe anteana structure is not yet registered but will be under the Commission's ~ o Yes 0 No registration plan, bas the FAA previously determined that the structure would not adversely aft'cct safety in air navigation? IfYes, proceed to item IS. 13. Antenna structure will be shielded by existing structures ofa permanent and substantial character or by DYes D No natural terrain or topographic features ofequal or greater height, and would be located in the COQgcsted area of a city, town or settlement where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt that the structure is so shielded that it will not adversely affect safety in air navigation, and therefore does not require registration. ExbibitNo. If yes, submit as an Exhibit a detailed explanation and/or diagram to support your claim and skip to item 15. April 1997 ---_._._----------..--,...," Seetion ~D -D TV BROADCAST ENGINEERING DATA (page 4) ',"(" 14. Antenna structure does not otherwise meet FAA Notification as defmed under 47 C.F.R. Section 17.7 o Yes 0 No and therefore does not require registration. If Yes,, give reason below. 15. Is the supporting structure the same as that ofanother station(s) or proposed in another pending o Yes D No application(s)? IfYes, give call1etter(s) or file nwnber(s) or both. 16. Does the application propose to correct previous site coordinates? o Yes 0 No IfYes, list old coordinates.
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