8B-THE CAROLINA TIMES Saturday, Aug. 19, 1972 FRIDAY, AUGUST IS Friday H wrro, cunna n. vmbam i 4m * *:» tuimmr IMB WtaraMoarf ?«\u25a0*"_ da ?^, k«. si3- fssi^sr ajn. ] 7 TODAY - Film Fury." a look at that nation «JS3~ {SMTRn. '7:S c tS-TV critic Judith Crist la the that focuaes on the people, 0:10 The Deputy *OO IMlOtalOß TMM k:.» N»-L Football the customs, 10:00 Lacy t:» (Mm LKM 11 :00 im?i main guest WRDU land and the 10:10 HmfainH »:M MIM 11>» and not on the war. WUNC 11:00 Panaty AM* 1:10 Edae <* NWtf 10 a.m. DINAH SHORE no* Lav* *1 Life 4:00 Tina lan* 9 p.m. Country-western singer MOVIE Chart ton Heston and Elsa Mar- WKDD-TV, Mel Hills and psychologist tine lli in a wartime comedy CHANNEL M. DURHAM about Dr. Joseph Sheehan talk "The Pigeon that Took 7:01 Today 11:55 NBC Nova 4:10 Spectrum stuttering. Rome." WFMY »:M NewToe Ray. "tOYouT am 7:00 NKN«I about WRDU 0:30 Romper Room 1:10 la* a Matdi 7:10 Olympian. 10:00 Dlnaft 1:00 Day* Oar Uvoa Mayla - 9 p.m. - 222 4:30 p.m. MOVIE A ROOM An 10:10 canemrafM* MB Tka Oadara _10:».0:00 Caltiy Htn boxing war overzealous candidate for 11:00 taOo 1:00 Another World llig»P^jwn champion and citizenship destroys a stu- 11:10 iHHyaaa* tmrnm *» Rat. Pay. PL H:» Tente* becomes drug 11:00 Jaaaankf 440 Somerset hero a addict dent's artwork in "We 11:10 WhA What, wh. 4:10 Mavta 0' Hold "Monkey on My Back," These . ." Toeheve paid your In Truths WRAL y bU? VwT*!!^ with Cameron Mitchell and * PBgular or special 9:30 p.m. THE FINE WKMT*TV, CHANNEL OREENBBORO account, depend- Dianne St "W oa your Foster. WRDU ART OF OFF - needs wiHi minimtnt balance. GOOFING 4:00 Summer lam. 11:11 Midday News 4:00 Na»a A look at the ways of killing 4:10 Oeaa Mornnw 11:10 lurrti 4:30 CBS News 8 p.m. SPECIAL 5 ! Andy time. 7:5 New "IS nSS Woman 7:00 Griffith Composer Legrand WUNC 0:00 Momlna 1:10 As World Turm 7:10 Baat Clock Michel Oood * >? 0:15 Devotlona 2:00 Lov . ? 0:00 Monsanto p performs his music with 11:30 p.m. - - 0:30 OM »:«? CM Movie MOVIE A Ratal ':*> " 0:00 Capt. r ."y?. 10:30 Gov. and JJ. Kanaaroa 25»?» f** Lena Home, Jack Jones and man and a woman, both 10:00 Every Woman 11:15 Environment 10:30 Hillbillies *** 11:10 Sport. the Mike Curb Congregation. unhappily married, in I°° VIZ!*"»? fall 11:00 Family Affair 11:10 Movie Songs include "Brain's love but find the wife 11:10 Lava af Ufa V"l:## Do" 1*1 ? 00 °* 1:10 Movla man's 11:00 Where Ma Haart A Full Service Bank Song" and "Windmills of a stumbling block to their Your Mind." WFMY happiness in "In the Cool of WRAL-TV, CHANNEL S, RALEIOH - the Day." WTVD, WFMY Checking Savings - « p.m. PRO FOOTBALL 440 Oaytrae* 11:10 split Sooond 4:15 Commentary Loans My 4:10 ABC Now* p.m. - 4:55 Cemmantary 1:00 Children The Washington Redskins 11:30 THE DICK 7:00 Oood Morning 1:10 Maka a Daal 7:00 Star Trak meet the Philadelphia Ea- CAVEIT SHOW Orson 7:10 Bullwtnkla 1:00 Newtywada 0:00 Brady Bunch a preseason game. 0:00 Uncla Paul 1:30 Nowlywoda 0:30 Partridge Fam. gles in Welles is Dick's guest for a 0:10 Batta Elliott 1:00 Gen. Hosplfsl 0:00 Room m & WTVD 0:10 Mita Doualaa 1:10 Tall Ita Truth 7:30 Odd Caupla full 90 minutes. WRAL 11:00 Pessword 4:00 Lovo, Amarlcan 10:00 Lovo, American Mechanics 11:30 4:30 Truth, Censoq. 11:00 Farmers Bank 8 p.m. MOVIE A Ru- Bewitched Now* 1 a.m. SPECIAL 11:00 Noon Now* 5:00 Perry Mason 11:10 Dick Cavett manian peasant is put in a A 4:00 News, Weather !\u25a0 DURHAM CHARLOTTE KA(.EI6H forced labor camp during rock concert aimed at get- World War n in "The 25th ting 12 million young voters WUNC-TV, CHANNEL 4. CHAPEL HILL Hour," with Anthony Quinn registered features John and Virna WRDU 10:00 Sesama St. 4:00 Seume Street 7:00 Evening Edition Lisi Denver, Cass Elliot, the Ev- 11:00 Mlsteroaers 5:00 MWeroger* 7:30 Hodgopodae WEDNESDAY, 16 11:10 Electric Co. 5:30 Electric Co. 0:00 Wo»h. Week AUGUST - 8:30 p.m. SPECIAL erly Brothers and Helen 11:00 What's New 4:00 What's New 0:30 Vietnam Spec. "Vietnam: Beyond the Reddy. WRDU 4:30 Censultatlon *:3O Art of Goofing Wednesday Highlights WTTD. CHANNEL 11. DURHAM <:00 Summer Swn. 11:30 Love of Ltv* 4:30 Gllllgan 4:30 USDA 12:00 Heart 5:00 Big Villgy 1 p.m. 7:00 CBS Newt 12:25 Newibest 4:00 Newsbeet GOP Mannix finds his search for ? :00 Capf. Kangaroo 13:30 Seercti Mr 4:30 CB» Nm PLATFORM COMMITTEE a missing woman is be- *:00 HUM 1:00 Peggy Mann 7:00 Takes A Thief j coming »:30 The Deputy 1:30 World Tgmt 8:00 Slain. Comedy Taped highlights of testi- hazardous to his 10:00 Lucy «Splen. rhino 9:00 Medical Center ~ health. WTVD, WFMY 10:30 Hillbillies |:3O 10:00 Mennlx mony before the Republican 11:00 Famfly AfWr ?: 11:00 N«WSDMT 2J "*> Movie Platform Committee i n 10 p.m. NIGHT GAL- }:MThSi Miami Beach. WRDU LERY A woman finds ABOUT READ "Hie House" she has WRDU-TT, CHANNEL 28. DURHAM 4:30 p.m. - MOVIE A dreamed about and a broth- Polish prince goes incognito er 7:00 Today 1»:M NBC Nawt 4:30 Movie > t cares for his rich, invalid Ray. Your Spectrum and ends up Milwaukee in t:00 New Zoo 1:00 Child 4:30 in sister full time in "Certain 0:30 Romper Room 1:30 Three on Match 7:00 NBC News "Two Guys From Mil- Shadows on the Wall." 10:00 Dinah 1:00 Our Live* 7:30 Death Valley with 10:30 Concentration 2:30 Doctors 8:00 Adam 12 waukee." Dennis Mor- WRDU 11:00 Sal* of Centurv 3:00 Another World 8:30 Movla gan, Jack Carson. WRDU 11:30 Hollywood Squaraa 3:30 Ret. Pey. PL 10:00 Nioht Gallery p.m. SOUL 12:00 Jeopardy 4:00 Somerset 11:00 Spectrum 10 Rev. 12:30 What, Wh. 11:30 Tonight 8 p.m. ELECTION '72 Jesse Jackson discusses "Nh* YOURSEIf UCH wia Correspondent Sander PUSH, his new program, Vanocur studies political and Merry Clayton sings. WFMY-TV, CHANNEL 2, GREENSBORO sentiments in his home town WUNC of Peoria, 111. WUNC 4:00 Summer Sem. 12:00 Where Heart la 5:00 Daniel Boone 6:30 Good Morning 12:25 Midday Nawt 4:00 News 11:30 p.m. - MOVIE - 7:30 Newt 12:10 Search For T'row 4:30 Walter Cronkltt 8 p.m. ADAM-12 John Forsythe, Barbara 8:00 Good Morning 1:00 Today's Woman 7:00 Andy Orlffltti Dick Clark is a drag-strip 8:25 Devotions 1:30 As World Turns 7:30 Parent Game Bain and Richard Kiley in 8:30 Old Rebel 2:00 Splendored Thing 8:00 Sten. Comedy owner in a story on police "Murder Once Removed," 9:00 Capt. Kang. 2:30 Guiding Light 9:00 Medical Center efforts Every 3:00 Secret Storm 10:00 Mannlx to stop drag racing the story of a triangle in- 10:00 Woman on city streets. WRDU 10:30 Hillbillies 3:30 Edge ot Night 11:00 News IN THI who Family 4:00 My Three Sons 11:15 Environment CAROUHA volving a doctor wants 11:00 Affair TIMES. wealthy 11:30 Love Ot Life 4:30 Hazel 11:20 Sports 8:30 p.m. - COLUMBO a woman to leave 11:30 Movie Antihero Peter Falk matches her husband. WTVD, WFMY wits with a woman who WRAL-TV, CHANNEL I, RALEIGH murders her brother. WRDU 11:30 p.m. THE TONIGHT SHOW Jon t:ot Daybreak 12:30 Split Second 4:00 News 8:30 p.m. - MOVIE - Voight, the "Midnight 4:55 Commentary 1:00 Alt My Children 4:20 Weather "Man of Aran," 7:00 Good Morning 1:30 Make a Deal 4:25 Commentary Robert Cowboy," comes on half 7:30 Lancelot Link 2:00 Newlywed Game 4:30 ABC News Flaherty's documentary on an ?100 Unci* Paul 2:30 Dating Game 7:00 Star Trek (:30 3:00 Gen. Hospltel 8:00 The Super IT'S hour early with comedian Bette Elliot YOUR man's struggle against the PAPER. 9:30 Mike Douglas 1:30 Tall the Truth 8:30 Corner Bar elements on the Ar'an Islands Sheky Green and Ted 11:00 Password 4:00 Love 9:00 Movie off 11:» Bewitched 4:30 Truth 11:00 Late Darenn* the Irish coast, is this Knight. WRDU 5:00 Perry Meton 11:30 Dick week's film classic. WUNC 12:00 Noon Newt Cavett 11:30 p.m. - THE DICK 9 p.m. - MOVIE - WUNC-TV, CHANNEL 4. CHAPEL HILL Stephen Boyd and Juliette CAVETT SHOW - Anthony Sttgmg Mlsterogert 7:30 Nor Greco star in "The Big Quinn discusses his acting 10:00 St.
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