Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us Phone: Parish Office: (603) 934-5013 Rel. Education: 934-4372 Fax Line: 934-3469 Mail: P.O. Box 490, Franklin, NH 03235 Street Address: 16 Chestnut St. Tilton 110 School Street Franklin E-mail: [email protected] Web site: stgabrielnh.org We’re here for you Pastor: Rev. Raymond E. Gagnon Deacon: Rev. Mr. Thomas Matzke Office Mgr: Claire Connifey Bulletin Editor: Meri-lynn Banton Rel Ed. Coord.: Mary Ellen Shaw Music Ministry: Debbi Gibson Food Pantry: John Bruno Cemeteries/Maintenance: Gary Plourde & Mike Parmelee Office Hours Monday thru Thursday from 9AM - 4PM Food Pantry Monday & Friday from 9AM – Noon (Tilton) Join us in prayer Weekend Mass Saturday at 4:00PM (Franklin) & 6:00PM (Tilton) Sunday at 8:30AM (Tilton ) & 10:30AM (Franklin) Weekday Mass Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:00AM in Franklin Reconciliation Saturday at 3:15PM (Franklin) & 5:15PM (Tilton) Eucharistic Adoration Every Tuesday from 1:15 to 3:15PM (Tilton) Second Sunday of the Month from 3:00–4:00PM (Franklin) Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Please call the office to request the Sacrament of Anointing or homebound visits. Baptism–Marriage Call the Parish Office to schedule instruction and the ceremony St. Mary St. Paul Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12 & 13, 2017 This Tuesday (August 15th) is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. PARISH FINANCES This is a Holy Day. Mass will be at 8 AM in Franklin and 7 PM in Tilton. Offering August 06 Please make plans to attend one of Loose Money 1,070.00 the Masses in honor of our Blessed Mother. In Envelopes 2,963.00 Building Fund & Fuel 750.00 Special Parish Mission Masses 135.00 We are trying something new! We have scheduled a Parish Mission (5 days of prayers, conferences Candles & Memorials 60.00 and discussion about our faith) for September 9 Fund Raising 40.00 thru 13. Two deacons from Savannah, Georgia will be here to lead us. Deacons Eddie Ensley and E-Giving for July 2,656.07 Robert Hermann travel around the country leading TOTAL FOR PARISH 7,674.07 these missions and have a great reputation. They will speak at all weekend masses and present a Mission Appeal 1,582.00 conference and discussion session on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Make plans to Peter’s Pence 250.00 join us for this wonderful faith enriching experi- ence. Watch the bulletin for more information. You can still contribute to the Mission Appeal for the Diocese of Faisalabad Pakistan. The envelopes School will be starting up soon and CCD Classes in the pews for your contributions will be there until will follow. Registration for classes is scheduled the end of August. Please be as generous as you for Sunday September 10 and classes begin Sep- can. Please note if using the envelopes in the pews tember 17. At the end of August, letters are sched- for the mission appeal—please include your name uled to be sent out to families previously registered on envelope if you want credit for your tax dona- in our program. If you are new to the program tions. watch the bulletin for more information. Bishop Libasci invites all couples who are cel- ebrating their 25th, 30th, 40th, 45th, 50th or Readings for next Weekend beyond Wedding Anniversary (during 2017), Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time to attend Special Anniversary Mass. The celebration will be held on October 15, 2017 at 2:00 August 20 PM at St. Joseph Cathedral, Manchester. If you would First : Isaiah 56:1, 6-7 like to participate in this celebration, please contact the Second : Romans 11:13-15,29-32 parish office (934-5013) by September 22, 2017. We Gospel : Matthew 15: 21-28 will need your first and last name and mailing ad- dress. Please also indicate your special anniversary year. By providing the information to the Parish Of- HAPPENING THIS WEEK fice you are registered and will receive and invitation, there will be no need to RSVP. Sun Aug 13 1:00 PM Baptisms (F) Tues Aug 15 Feast of the Assumption Holy Day Starting the week of September 18 we will begin our Convert Instruction Tues Aug 15 1:00 PM Communion @ Golden Classes (RCIA). If you know a non- Crest & Mt./ Ridge Catholic who wants to learn more Tues Aug 15 1:15 PM Adoration (T) about our faith or a Catholic who would like to Tues Aug 15 2:00 PM Mass @ MCNH prepare for First Eucharist or Confirmation, please encourage them to find out more. They can Thurs Aug 17 6:00 PM Crafter’s Group (F) call the rectory or talk to the Deacon Tom or any Fri Aug 18 10:00 AM Mass @ NHVH team member. The classes run through the winter and conclude at the Easter Vigil, March 31, 2018. Week of 8/20 Fr. Ray’s last week of vacation MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sanctuary Lamp Sat. Aug 12 Anticipated Mass From this Sunday thru next Saturday, the 4:00 PM (F) Arthur & Rosa Marceau, Sr. by Barbara Siano sanctuary lamp in church will burn in 6:00 PM (T) Rose Cullen by Beverly memory of: St. Paul’s: Manuel Mahserejian by Ron & Sophia Sun. Aug 13 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lessard & Family 8:30 AM (T) Ruth & Frank Ellis by Bette & Arthur Paquet St. Mary’s: Buster & Theresa Drew by the 10:30 AM (F) Phyllis Havey by Tom & Leisha McGranaghan Family Mon. Aug 14 St. Maximillian Kolbe 8:00 AM Theresa Denoncour by Jane Fredette Tues. Aug 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary ST. GABRIEL’S PRAYER LINE 8:00 AM (F) Ernest Belliveau by Anna Mayo If you’d like to call in your prayer requests, 7:00 PM (T) All Parishioners this month’s contact is Madalene Dunlop 286 -8479. You can also write in your request in Wed. Aug 16 Ordinary Weekday the book at either church. 8:00 AM (F) Joe Pescinski by Anna Mayo Thurs. Aug 17 Ordinary Weekday No Mass Prayers Requested Fri Aug 18 Ordinary Weekday Constance Hebert 8:00 AM (F) Lucille Masse by Madeline & George Daigneault Raymond Limbert Sat. Aug 19 Anticipated Mass 4:00 PM (F) The Menard Family by Gloria, & Sam Davis Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for August: Art- 6:00 PM (T) Brian Gagnon Will & Joyce Ralph ists: That artists of our time, through their ingenui- Sun. Aug 20 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time ty, may help everyone discover the beauty of crea- 8:30 AM (T) Rev. L. Phillipe Larince by Ceil Robert tion. 10:30 AM (F) Gloria Sylvester by Maureen Rudolph & Family THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Church? We too would love to save those we dearly Saving Those You Love. In this Sunday’s Second love. We’ve run out of ideas! We helped them celebrate Reading (Romans 9:1-5), St. Paul is discouraged. He is their baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, we’ve at- looking back not only on what He and Jesus have done tended Mass and religion classes with them, prayed with to convert their fellow Jews. He’s considering all that them as they sought guidance, strength or special grac- God has done through the patriarchs, the prophets and es. And now, it seems it was all for nothing. We don’t even divine interventions to help the “Chosen People” want to give up but how can we get through to them accept Jesus and the salvation He is offering. Despite without really turning them off to religion? We’re just as these heroic efforts, whole families of Gentiles, some- frustrated as St. Paul! All we know for sure is that faith times whole neighborhoods of pagans are joining the is a gift from God: it can’t be earned, it can’t be learned, Church while Paul’s fellow Jews are stoning him, getting it can’t even be inherited. How much someone has and him arrested or chasing him out of town. They want what they do with it is beyond our control. Like every nothing to do with this “New Way”. Paul realizes what a thing else in nature, we can provide a good environment difference Christ has already made in his own life and for growth and some careful nurturing, but God is the wishes his family, friends and fellow Jews could enjoy one who makes things grow. So what happens to those the peace and promise Jesus offers. But they turn their who resist Christ’s message or even reject it? I don’t backs. Who can’t relate to Paul’s frustration? How know but I don’t have to. I leave it in the hands of the many of our loved ones have given up on Christ and His One who loves my loved ones even more than I do! Liturgical Ministers - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 19 & 20, 2017 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Servers Mark Williams Mark Lemire Owain Dixon James & Jesse Potter Joe Landry Jeremy Dixon Lectors Claire Wallace Jan Andrus Bob White Meri-lynn Banton Christine Dzujna Ken Merrifield Eucharistic Deacon Tom H) Deacon Tom (C) Deacon Tom (H) Deacon Tom H) Ministers Annie Calkins (H) Carol Lemire (C) Ceil White (C) Carole Lemire (H) Marilyn Plourde (C) Bette Paquet (C) Mark Lemire (C) Bronwyn Walsh (C) Rose Archambault (C) Greeters Betty Meyerhoefer Pete Sorette Peg Halm George Dzujna Shirley Peverly Kelly Chandonnait Reminder Council #12147 (F) will meet Monday, August 21 and Council #11868 (T) will meet Wednesday, August 23.
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