Most Powerful Women MORE THAN 100 OF THE REGION’S MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN BUSINESS, LAW, GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION, MEDIA, NONPROFITS, AND THE ARTS By Leslie Milk IT’S NO SURPRISE THAT WASHINGTON news from a cadre of women in key posi- steer congressional action. produces, attracts, and rewards smart women. tions at new-media outlets such as Vox and Over the past six months, we talked to What is surprising is the number of new women BuzzFeed. dozens of area leaders to put together this in power positions since Washingtonian’s last What makes all of the women on our list list of more than 100 of Washington’s most list of most powerful women in 2013. powerful? They define the agenda and deter- powerful women. The roster reflects the many Earning her stripes: This year, we salute the first female four- mine the course of action in their enterprises. spheres where women now hold sway, in both Michelle Howard, vice chief of naval star admiral, applaud the first woman to head They’re not necessarily members of Congress, the public and private sectors as well as in the operations, is the first female four- the Kennedy Center, and look for breaking for example, but could be the staffers who arts, science, and community service. star admiral in the Navy’s history. 54 WASHINGTONIAN ★ NOVEMBER 2015 Photographs by Susana Raab NOVEMBER 2015 ★ WASHINGTONIAN 55 LOCAL PUBLIC POWERS the fight against ISIS. MURIEL BOWSER, mayor of DC. Her Honor has JANE HARMAN, president and CEO, Woodrow her hands full with longstanding problems such Wilson International Center for Scholars. Harman as homelessness, a broken EMS system, and gained her foreign-policy cred after nine terms still-troubled schools. representing her California district in Congress SHARON BULOVA, chair of the Fairfax County and serving on all the major security committees. Board of Supervisors. Bulova, who gets credit CHRISTINE LAGARDE, managing director, for the Silver Line, has no strong opponents in International Monetary Fund. The head of one the upcoming county election. of the most powerful economic institutions in BARBARA COMSTOCK, US congresswoman. the world, Lagarde leads with a calming voice This Republican from Virginia will be a key player amid global economic uncertainty. in GOP plans to turn her state from purple to red in 2016. BUSINESS, LABOR, DONNA EDWARDS, US congresswoman. If the AND LOBBYING Maryland Democrat wins her Senate campaign, ANNE ALTMAN, general manager, IBM US Fed- she’ll be the first African-American woman to eral Government. Altman heads IBM’s efforts represent the state in that chamber. to upgrade government IT to meet growing JANET HOWELL, Virginia state senator. The border- and homeland-security needs. Democrat serves on the key Senate budget com- SHAZA L. ANDERSEN, founder and CEO, Wash- mittee protecting Northern Virginia’s interests. ingtonFirst Bank. Andersen’s institution has She also stands up to the Republican majority: grown to $1.5 billion in assets and 17 branches When another senator proposed that an ultra- in Virginia, Maryland, and DC. sound be required before every abortion, Howell PAMELA BAILEY, president and CEO, Grocery added a rider that every man be required to have Manufacturers Association. Bailey is involved a rectal exam before getting a prescription for Second act: Esther Safran Foer has overseen Head of the class: As president of Montgomery in all major food-labeling issues. erectile-dysfunction medication. a rebirth of the Sixth & I synagogue, which now College, DeRionne Pollard runs an institution MEREDITH ATTWELL BAKER, president and CATHY LANIER, chief of police, Metropolitan Po- has an active roster of speakers and events. that enrolls nearly 60,000 students. CEO, CTIA–The Wireless Association. A veteran lice Department. Rising homicide rates threaten telecommunications executive, Baker is a for- Lanier’s status as the most popular official in mer commissioner of the FCC. the District. TERESA CARLSON, vice president, Amazon ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, DC delegate to Web Services. Carlson’s company has 1,500 Congress. A conservative Republican House federal-government customers. won’t give an inch on expanded home rule for AMBER COTTLE, head of global public policy the District, but for 25 years DC residents have chief of staff for intelligence, US Army. As the through better technology. Budget committees. She may be on the short- National Journal reports that Skiles is the and government affairs, Dropbox. Cottle was sent Norton back to the Hill to keep trying. Army’s senior intelligence officer, she’s in SUSAN RICE, national-security adviser. Rice list for a vice-presidential nomination. social-media guru for House Democrats. previously Democratic staff director for the charge of the readiness, modernization, and laid the groundwork for President Xi Jinping’s SUSAN COLLINS, US senator. The Maine Re- SHARON SODERSTROM, chief of staff for Senate Finance Committee. NATIONAL POWERS development of the 58,000 soldiers and civil- September visit at a time of China’s economic publican has emerged as a major dealmaker Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. NANCY DORN, vice president for government DEESHA DYER, White House social secretary. ians in the military intelligence corps. setbacks and increased military belligerence. in the divided Senate. After three decades working for Republicans affairs and policy, General Electric. According Dyer proved her social savvy overseeing major GINA McCARTHY, administrator, Environmental BETTY SAPP, director, National Reconnais- BARBARA MIKULSKI, US senator. Maryland’s in Congress, Soderstrom is now McConnell’s to the Atlantic magazine, between 2007 and back-to-back events for the pope and the Protection Agency. Despite Republican opposi- sance Office. Sapp is the intelligence com- retiring senator will be fighting for the state to right hand and the highest-ranking female 2012, GE secured more than $16 billion worth president of China. She’s got a hand on the tion, McCarthy keeps pushing the EPA forward— munity’s eye in the sky. get a bigger piece of the federal pie until the staffer on the Hill. of federal contracts. most coveted guest lists in town. including tough new rules on clean water. MEGAN SMITH, US chief technology officer. day she departs. Two of the three finalist sites ELIZABETH WARREN, US senator. Warren JULEANNA GLOVER and HEATHER PODESTA. ADMIRAL MICHELLE HOWARD, vice chief of CHERYL MILLS, adviser to Hillary Clinton. Mills The former Google vice president came east for the new FBI headquarters are in Prince seems to wield more influence by not running Glover is a top lobbyist with strong Republican naval operations. The first female four-star was deputy White House counsel for Bill Clinton to promote technology innovation and advance George’s County. for President. For example, the Massachusetts ties. Podesta is a top lobbyist with strong admiral in the Navy’s history, Howard is no and now serves as a top strategist for Hillary’s smarter tech policies. NANCY PELOSI, minority leader, US House Democrat has kept the SEC’s feet to the fire on Democratic ties. Politically polar opposites, paper-pusher—she was the first African- presidential campaign. MARY JO WHITE, chair, Securities and Exchange of Representatives. With the majority often banking and investment regulations. both are hot hired guns. American woman to command a ship, and she LISA MONACO, homeland-security and coun- Commission. The SEC recently issued a rule battling itself, Pelosi has been able to wield TAMMY HADDAD, president and CEO, Haddad led squadrons of elite fighters before coming terterrorism adviser to the President. Monaco mandating that public companies disclose the considerable power by keeping her Democratic INTERNATIONAL POWERS Media. The woman to see if you want to get to the Pentagon. also oversees the Cyber Threat Intelligence pay ratio of CEOs to the median of its employees. caucus together. That’s how the California con- SHEIKHA RIMA AL-SABAH, wife of Kuwait’s booked on TV, quoted in the media, or invited VALERIE JARRETT, senior adviser to the Integration Center. JANET YELLEN, chair of the Board of Gover- gresswoman managed to preserve funding for ambassador to the US. The newest goodwill to the top parties in town. President. Officially, Jarrett oversees the MICHELLE OBAMA, First Lady. Her campaigns nors, Federal Reserve System. When Yellen the Department of Homeland Security. ambassador for the United Nations refugee CAROLYN HANDLON, executive vice presi- White House offices of Public Engagement and for healthy eating, exercise, and helping mili- speaks, stock markets rise or fall. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS, US representa- agency, she’s known locally for her philanthropy dent of finance and global treasurer, Mar- Intergovernmental Affairs as well as chairing tary families have won her more fans than her tive from Washington state. As chair of the House and her ability to gather A-listers at her version riott International. Handlon leads Marriott’s the White House Council on Women and Girls. husband has. ON THE HILL Republican Conference, Rodgers is the highest- of the Davos conference. corporate-finance organization, oversee- Unofficially, “the Obama whisperer” has the ARATI PRABHAKAR, director, Defense Ad- KELLY AYOTTE, US senator. The Republican ranking woman in the Republican leadership. ALIA HATOUG BOURAN, ambassador from ing the financial health and strategy of the chief executive’s ear and his back. vanced Research Projects Agency. DARPA is from New Hampshire is a vocal member of KAT SKILES, senior adviser and digital direc- Jordan. She holds a key diplomatic post, $14-billion company. LIEUTENANT GENERAL MARY LEGERE, deputy key to keeping a smaller armed forces effective the Armed Services, Homeland Security, and tor for House minority leader Nancy Pelosi. representing one of the critical US allies in MARY KAY HENRY, president, Service Em- 56 WASHINGTONIAN ★ NOVEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 ★ WASHINGTONIAN 57 PHEBE NOVAKOVIC, chairman and CEO, intendent and coping with a rapidly changing General Dynamics.
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