University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 8-23-1994 Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 01, August 23, 1994 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 27 No. 01, August 23, 1994" (1994). Central Florida Future. 1244. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1244 Knights prepair to kick off '94 season-see the football preiview, pg. 32 Central Florida Future Vol. 27 • No. 1 Serving the University of Central Florida since 1968 Augusf 23, i 994 lake County policy sparks national debate by OMAR DAJANI chairman of the board, adding, "If you look Staff writer around the world, you see the United States of America having the most &table govern­ When the Lake County School Board ment; all countries always tum to us for adopted a new "America first" policy last leadership and support - Ethiopia and May, no one guessed it would receive na­ Rwanda, for instance." tional, even some international, attention. But many disagree. Recently, the Lake County Education Asso­ ''That'sadangerouspolicy," smdMary ciation, the National Education Association Pringle, co-chairman of People for Main­ _affiliated teacher's union, filed a lawsuit stream Values, a political action committee agmnst the school board, alleging that the formed a year ago for the purpose of expos­ poli~y violates a state multicultural educa­ ing and opposing several of the board's tion law. controversial policies. "If you 're a parent What is this "America first" or "supe­ from Mexico or Cuba, you don 't want your rior culture" policy that many people seem child to learn that the American culturt? is to be upset about? , superior to his-or hers. According to Lake County School "Many countries have [fewer] prol?­ Board chairman Pat Hart, the author of the lems with -crime and drugs than we do or policy, it boils down to this: The United have a higher standard of education. Does States system of government and laws guar­ that make them superior to others?" anteeing religious and intellectual freedoms Richard Crepeau, a professor and chair has been proven to be the best in the world of the UCF Department of History, who One concert-goer takes a break and relaxes at Woodstock '94 in Saugerties, and even superior to all others., called the Lake County policy "a dubious N.V. on Aug. 14. The festival, a 25th anniversary celebration of the original Superior to all others? Woodstock, attracted a crowd of about 350,000. Story in Axis~ page A-6. "Yes," smd Claudia Ramsey, vice- See LAKE COUNTY, page Committee ~otes 'yes' Theme park losi"9 splendor On new parking garage D Some human . , . , by ALYCIA SEVERSON thing that won't go into effect for rights groups Staff writer another year." According to the decal fee object to Splendid After weeks of controversy increase bill, which was passed by China's inclusion and debate, UCF' s Parking and Traf­ the committee at their last meeting; fic Advisory Committee voted to a compounded 9 percent increase of the Polta Palace. l. initiate construction plans on one each year for three years will be parking garage. added to parking decal fees. by DA VE BAUER These plans also include an Every fourth year, this figure Editor in Chief annual 9percent increase in parking will be reviewed to see. if the in- decal fees, which will be imple­ crease should be continued. This A few miles west of Disney mented for three consecutive years, could equate to an $80 student park- on Interstate 4 lies Florida Splendid ~ , starting in the fall of 1995. ing decal in 2002- an almost 100 China, a 76-acre theme parkdepict­ It was this stipulation that percent increase in eight years. ing China's culture. Ever since the prompted the two "no" votes by "It does not strike me as µn- park opened eight months ago, a committee members Darrin Patton, usualorunfair,"saidDr.JohnBo1te, small but vocal minority has ques­ the student government president, vice president of administration and tionedjust how "splendid" the park and Kevin Gutch, the SG vice presi­ finance at UCF. Bolte recommended is. dent. the increase after he reviewed the When Splendid China opened Patton recommended that the transportation element of UCF' s onDec.19,about60protesterslined committee postpone this vote until Master Plan, which indicates a need the entrance to the park, carrying September when there will be more for 7,000 additional on-campus signs ranging from "Free Tibet" to student input avmlable on the issue. parking spaces by 2010. "No Communism in Kissimmee." ''This issue is not so pressing Most committee members felt Last Wednesday, the Clearwater­ that there is a need to vote on it right as though such an overwhelming based Students Against Splendid now," Patton tol"d committee mem­ need for parking must be addressed China, along with several Buddhist bers. "The plans for this year have as soon as possible. monks, held a demonstration in front been made. It will not hurt to wait of the park. until September to vote on some- See PARKING, page Group director Elizabeth Churchward said the main empha­ sis of the protest was to draw atten­ tion to the park's ties with the gov­ ernment of the People's Republic of ,.,,__,.,.,.,., China and the park's inclusion of a L:..;....,_......,:~~~---..:--------.:;..__;;;:.: replica of the Pol ta Palace, which is BAUER/Future considered the most holy place in Tibetan monks were among the protesters at Florida See SPLENDID CHINA, page 13 Splendid China last. week. ''.'. Inside ':, .. ,. = :~;-::· ,··::-: - • .:,:,c · ·, :·: - .;_:;: ._ __._: ·;·:~' ·, :. ' ·;:···-'. : ,::,., ., · '··-··=~ '"' News 1-13 Classified 15 I Opinion . ,, I Opinion 16-18 Sports 19-32 A Jook at lesser-known Orlando spots- pg. A-7 -:,fe4pte-~ ~: le$l_, W.9at·~':~' ~ . \V!~ - n.~~~~ ;.:;: Axis A1-A16 • • • Fast, Friendly Service • Close to Campus • • Convenient Parking ~ UCF Campus Extended Rush H.ours· . Alcifay a Trail _, t·~atlOn's . I McDon.:ildsl B.ank M-F 8:3·0-LATE Unive11ity ._____ .---------. lhoppe1 -8/20 Sat~ 9:00-5 :00 UC6 University Blvd College Boolk 8/21 Sun. 1:00-5 :00 & Supply 8/27· Sat. 10:00-4:00 • 8/28 Sun. Closed • College Book & Supply • College Book & Supply• 12209 University Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32817 • ( 407) 249-0855 (Next to Domino's & Kinko' s in the University Shoppes) .. Aug. 23, 1994 • The Central Florida Future • 3 Student Union gets first director by KATIE JONES Director, will become Hall's assistant open. We will take possession of the Pine Harbor Apartments Managing editor director once the union opens. She building, but we still have to furnish described Hall as ''very polished" and the place," said Hall. ·wants to The 6-foot, 5-inch man said she is excited about the new ideas Hall describes himself as easy­ ,, thumbed through crisp pages of care­ and technologies Hall will bring to going and a good listener. The walls of ~d~HPe ~e Jtar/tmt{}.1 fully designed blueprints. UCF because of his experience at his make-shift office in the Student The man, 30-year-old Mark Wake Forest. Activities Center only hold two pic- with Hall, looked at thin blue lines making Hall first became interested in tures - both are cells of Wamer up the first floor of UCF' s Student student affairs while he attended Wake Brothers cartoons. Hall is proudest of r$2oo ooiia7's ~tto-;; yo~rfi.;t~';nih;' r';'n~ Union and pointed out a large atrium Forest University, wherehewaspresi- an original celi of Bugs Bunny, his that will stretch to the fourth floor of dent of a student programming group favorite cartoon character, which is ! .. ··-- 'iUl: the building and end in a giant sky much like UCF's Campus Activities signed by animator Chuck Jones. light Board. He then attended graduate ''Idon'tknow if it's safe to say L$.~.0.2. 2_o.!!_a~ ~f!..O_!? lo.!!r.!!':!.t..21.2.".!!1!.r!n.!J Hall expects the atrium to be school at the UniversityofNorthCaro- you like Wamer Brothers in a Disney the central meeting place for the hu!'l­ lina at Greensboro, and worked as town," he joked. You've seen the rest, now ~ee the·best!!! dreds of students who will visit the associate director of Wake Forest's Hall said the student union will 1 student union every day. student union, which was in the build- dwarf the student center. Most of the 4.·:.~::;:1o1;· 1=:::: . 1~· :=:.1=11r~;::~i1 1:.· ·:·1:1:~:~::11~:1;·1::11::1::~:11:... :~:1:~:.;:i;,1:~~~:~,1~::1:11111t!;\: 11~1:;:1! :i·:·~.::t , Hall arrived in Orlando from ing process. offices in the student center will be Open Call now or stop by! Wake Forest University in North Hall'smaininterestisconstruc- moved to the union and the student Mon-Fri. 9:00-6:00 823-7100 Carolina on Aug. 9 to begin a job as tion, and he wants the union built to centerwiµ be filled by otherorganiza­ Sat. 10:00-5:00 10600 Bloomfield Dr. UCF's first Student Union director. suit some of the student's-most press- tions that are pressed for space, such as Sun.
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