Radiation Protection Dosimetry Advance Access published April 22, 2015 Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2015), pp. 1–6 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncv207 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF RADON CONCENTRATION IN SURFACE WATER AND DRINKING WATER IN SHENZHEN CITY, SOUTH CHINA Ting Li1,2, Nanping Wang1,2,* and Shijun Li1,2 1Key Laboratory of Geo-detection, China University of Geosciences, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100083, China 2School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China *Corresponding author: [email protected] Downloaded from A radon survey in surface water and drinking water was conducted using a portable degassing system associated with an ionisa- tion chamber AlphaGUARD (PQ2000) for understanding levels of dissolved radon (222Rn) concentration in different types of water sources and risk assessment of radon in drinking water in Shenzhen City (SC) with a population of 10 628 900 in 2013, Guangdong Province of China. The measurements show that arithmetic means +++++ standard deviations of radon (222Rn) concen- tration are 52.05 +++++ 6.64, 0.29 +++++ 0.26, 0.15 +++++ 0.23 and 0.37 +++++ 0.42 kBq m23 in spring water, surface water, large and small public water supplies, respectively. Only radon concentrations of two water samples collected in mountainous areas are more http://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/ than 11.10 kBq m23, exceeding the limit of radon concentration in drinking water stipulated by the national standard of China (GB5749-2006). The annual effective doses due to radon in drinking water were also calculated. The investigation suggests that there are no risks caused by radon in the drinking water in SC. INTRODUCTION water in China. Based on radon measurements in drinking water in 49 cities in China, the radon activity Radon can be ingested by people through drinking concentrations varied from 0.23 to 42.70 kBq m23(8). water, which will result in the exposure of human The radon concentrations in the public water supplies organs, primarily stomach. The radon isotope of inter- 23 (9) ranged from 0.65 to 29.0 kBq m in Beijing City . at Universite Laval on November 13, 2015 est in this article is 222Rn with the physical half-life of In Baoji City, the mean values of tap water and well 3.825 d. The kinetic energy of 24.5 MeV emitted by water were found to be 12 kBq m23 with a maximum alpha particles of 222Rn daughters accounts for 89 % of 18 kBq m23 and 41 kBq m23 with a maximum of of the total emitted energy (27.6 MeV). Therefore, the 127 kBq m23, respectively(10). The surface water (in problem of radon hazards has aroused concern of river, lake, reservoir) had radon concentrations from the public, the government and many organisations 0.02 to 1.55 kBq m23(11, 12). around the world. However, in the radon in drinking water investiga- The concentration levels of radon dissolved in tion from 1986 to 1991, only one or two water water show a wide range. Many researchers have been samples were collected from each city of the 49 cities working on the investigation and dose estimation of in China, and samples were not obtained from high- radon in water. In surface water such as in lake, river radiation-background areas. This article introduces a and sea, the radon concentration levels generally have preliminary investigation of radon concentration in very low values in the range of several hundred surface water and drinking water and a risk assess- Bqm23(1 –5), but high radon activities exist in Nordic ment of radon in drinking water in Shenzhen City countries such as Finland and Norway. It was (SC), a city with high radiation background. reported that radon activity concentrations more than 1000 kBq m23 in 10 % of the drilled wells, more than 100 kBq m23 in 59 % of the drilled wells and in SURVEYEDAREA 11 % of the wells dug in the ground were detected(6). Radon concentration in groundwater as high as There are three types of geomorphology in SC: moun- 57 000 kBq m23 has been measured in U-rich granitic tain, tableland and coastal area. The Quaternary terrains in Sweden(7). In the United States, the strata are composed of gravel, sand, clay, silt and New England state overall had the highest radon con- peat. Magmatic activity was very intense during the centrations in water from all sources; state geometric Yanshanian period in this area. The outcrop areas of means ranged from 18.5 kBq m–3 in Massachusetts to the Yanshanian granitoids and volcanic rocks cover 88.8 kBq m–3 in Rhode Island(1). up to about 56 % of the entire area. Volcanic rocks Compared with American and European countries, are mainly composed of the Mid-Jurassic and the fewer researchers have worked on the radon levels in Late Jurassic rocks. The intrusive rocks are composed # The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] T. LI ETAL. of the Middle and the Late Jurassic and the until the bottles were filled with fresh water. At every Cretaceous biotitic granite and granodiorite(13). sampling site, two samples of water were collected There are abundant water resources in SC with 310 using two plastic bottles with a volume of 550 ml. rivers and 173 reservoirs such as the Shenzhen Then, the sampling time, date, location, depth, code Reservoir, Xili Reservoir and Sanzhoutian Reservoir. and description of source were recorded. Drinking water is supplied mainly by surface water The samples of surface water were collected at the such as lake and reservoir. Surface water accounts for depth of about 0.3 m below the water level near the 68.7 % of the total water supply and underground shore. water only 3.2 %(14). The samples were measured in situ or indoors while A radon in water survey was carried out in SC in keeping a track of the delayed time. The dissolved October 2013, when the means of temperature, pres- radon concentrations in water from 15 different sure and relative humidity in the air were 24.538C, sample locations across SC were mostly measured 1007.87 mbar and 52.02 %, respectively. A total of 15 within 5 h. water samples were collected, and the sampling codes Radon concentration in water was measured using Downloaded from and locations are shown in Figure 1. the professional radon monitor AlphaGUARD Of the 15 water samples, 3 samples were taken from PQ2000 PRO (GENITRON, Frankfurt, Germany), surface water, 3 from tap water of large public water which has a measurement range of 2–2 000 000 supplies and 6 from small public water supplies. Bq m23. For radon measurements in water, the Another 3 samples were taken from spring water in special equipment was used that contains one degas- the mountain areas. sing vessel (for water) and two security vessels. The http://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/ The locations of surface water samples SW1, SW2 effective detection volume was 0.68 l. In ‘flow’ mode, and SW3 were at Xili Lake, Xichong Village and radon without progeny was pumped through the side Tianxi Village, respectively. The spring water samples air filter intakes directly into the ionisation chamber MW1, MW2 and MW3 were taken from Zhutou by the AlphaPUMP. Radon concentration was Mountain covered with sandstone, Maluan Mountain recorded every minute. Figure 2 shows the set-up for composed of granite and Wutong Mountain com- radon measurement in water. posed of rhyolite, tuff and tuff lava, respectively The operation procedures for radon measurement (Figure 1). are briefly described in the following: at Universite Laval on November 13, 2015 (1) Measure the system background after connecting SAMPLING AND MEASUREMENT METHODS the empty degassing vessel, security vessels, The water samples were collected following the AlphaGUARD and AlphaPUMP for 15 min methods described in the ‘Radon in Water Sampling with 1 l min21 flow rate of the pump; Program’(15). The sampling bottles were cleaned twice (2) Pour the water sample into the degassing vessel to using the water in lake or reservoir and then filled avoid any turbulence, and then close the system as with water. When collecting the public supply water soon as possible; in the pipe (tap water), the valve was slowly turned on (3) Degas radon in water with 0.3 l flow rate for and the water stream was allowed to flow for 2 min 10 min, and then switch off the pump; Figure 1. Map of SC with the locations of water sampling. Page 2 of 6 RADON CONCENTRATION IN SURFACE WATER AND DRINKING WATER Downloaded from http://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/ Figure 2. Scheme of measurement set-up. (4) Continuously measure radon concentration for The detection limit of this system of radon mea- the next 20 min, and record the radon concentra- surement in water is 23.3 Bqm23 (a ¼ 0.05). tion per minute; (5) Remove radon in the system with fresh air until the initial background of the system is reached. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The radon concentrations in water samples are calcu- The radon concentrations of the above 15 samples are at Universite Laval on November 13, 2015 lated by the following equation using a value indi- listed in Table 1. The following conclusions about cated by the AlphaGUARD(16): radon in water in SC can be obtained from these results: 1. Radon concentrations in the public water sup- Vsystem À Vsample Cwater ¼ Cair þ k À C0 ð1Þ plies and surface water are generally low. Three Vsample surface water samples were taken from a lake, a sea and a brook, and the average radon concentration 23 where Cwater is the radon concentration in water was 0.29 + 0.26 kBq m ; another three samples 23 sample (Bq m ), Cair is the
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