(2020-12-15) List of Fishery Products

(2020-12-15) List of Fishery Products

List of Fishery Products Establishments Registered to P.R. China The (Competent authority) The Norwegian Directory of fisheries of (Country) Norway communicate the following updates to the list of approved fishery products establishements registered to P.R. China. The establishments have been verified by our competent authority and we declare that they compliance with Chinese laws, regulations and standards. We promise the information in the following list is true and accurate, and we will undertake the responsibility for information errors. Number of additions: 5885 vessels Number of deletions:0 Number of modifications:0 (2020-12-15) Total List (after update) 上一年度输华数量 加工能力(吨/年 注册号 州/省/区 加工方式 (吨)Amount of 序号 企业名称 注册地址 市/县 企业类型 注册产品类别 )Processing 备注 更新状态 更新时间 Approval State/Province/Di Processing export to China NO. Establishment Name Establishment Address City/County Type Products for Approval Capacity(ton/one Remark Upstates Update time No. strict methods in the last year) year(ton) O 0001O VIKINGEN OSLO 0252 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0003O FJORDTASS OSLO 0198 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0004O SPJÆRØY OSLO 0750 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0005O FJORDGUTT OSLO 0198 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0006O GULJO NITTEDAL 1482 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0008O PELIKAN OSLO 0953 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0009O OFFSHORE HUNTER II EIDSVOLL 2080 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0013O LUNA AULI 1929 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0014O HELENE OSLO 0657 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0015O JANA MARI MINNESUND 2092 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0016O MAKALAUS NITTEDAL 1482 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0017O VENDEL OSLO 1170 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. O 0027O BOTTA OSLO 0171 Oslo FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001FD JULIE FORSAND 4110 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001H SCOMBRUS HAUGESUND 5537 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001HA VÅGEN SIREVÅG 4364 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001K CETUS VEAVÅGEN 4295 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001KP GUNNY KLEPPE 4352 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001KV KVEDNÅ RANDABERG 4073 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001R TORØY RENNESØY 4150 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001RB HAVSOL RANDABERG 4070 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001S SIGNAL STAVANGER 4014 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001SD GUFFEN HEBNES 4235 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001SO KURTI RÆGE 4053 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001SS ANNE KATHARINA SANDNES 4314 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001ST KARINO TAU 4120 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001TV NESBUEN NEDSTRAND 5560 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0001U LAUSINGEN UTSIRA 5547 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002B KORSVIK BOKN 5561 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002ES EBENEZER EGERSUND 4374 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002G RONNY ÅLGÅRD 4330 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002H ANDUNGEN RØVÆR 5549 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002HM MADELEN SKIFTUN 4146 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002K E.J.K VEAVÅGEN 4276 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002R VENARØY RENNESØY 4150 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002S LEVI VASSØY 4076 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002SD RODIAN ERFJORD 4233 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002SO CARISA RÆGE 4053 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002SS SJØMÅKEN HOMMERSÅK 4310 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0002TV NESKVIKKEN NEDSTRAND 5560 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003B BAS BOKN 5561 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003ES GULDRINGNES EGERSUND 4379 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003FD SOFIE FORSAND 4110 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003K VIKINGBANK VEAVÅGEN 4295 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003KV LANGØY KVITSØY 4180 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003S JENS VASSØY 4076 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003SD DAMASKUS ERFJORD 4233 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003SK BUEN HAUGE I DALANE 4380 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003SO HAVDUR RÆGE 4053 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003SS ORCA SANDNES 4317 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0003TV KROLEI SKJOLDASTRAUMEN 5567 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004HM SLOEKSPRESSEN FISTER 4139 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004K BUØY ÅKREHAMN 4270 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004KP TRIM VOLL 4354 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004R SJØTROLL RENNESØY 4150 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004S ODDI HUNDVÅG 4085 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004SK LINDA HAUGE I DALANE 4380 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004SO BASTIAN SOLA 4055 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004SS ÅSSJØEN FORSAND 4110 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004ST KRISTINA JØRPELAND 4100 Rogaland FV / TV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004U AMALIE UTSIRA 5547 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0004V LUNA ØLEN 5580 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005B LEPPÅ BOKN 5561 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005F LANDA TORVASTAD 4260 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005H VIKSEFJORD HAUGESUND 5515 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005K LAURA ÅKREHAMN 4270 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005KP BERGE KLEPPE 4352 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005R TORØY 4 RENNESØY 4150 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005S SANGIS HUNDVÅG 4085 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005SD TØSSEN ERFJORD 4233 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005SS FOSSANGUTT FORSAND 4110 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005ST ULLA JØRPELAND 4100 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005TV GISVIK AKSDAL 5570 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0005V TERNA VIKEDAL 5583 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006B VESTERVÅG BOKN 5561 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006F HELLEFISK FINNØY 4160 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006H NESTHOLM RØVÆR 5549 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006HA TUVA-KATRINE NÆRBØ 4365 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006HM KONGSNES HJELMELAND 4130 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006K KALLE ÅKREHAMN 4270 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006KP KONRAD VOLL 4354 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006S THOMAS VASSØY 4076 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006SO HAVMANN SOLA 4055 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006TV DOWNBEACH NEDSTRAND 5560 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0006V SVANEN ØLEN 5580 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007B TRAUE BOKN 5561 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007F NORDFLU FINNØY 4160 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007FD NOAH FORSAND 4110 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007K VEA VEAVÅGEN 4276 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007KP SOLAGUTT KLEPPE 4352 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007R HERKULES 2 BRU 4158 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007SK MARTOR HAUGE I DALANE 4380 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0007SS HEDLESJITEN SANDNES 4323 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008B SMURFEN BOKN 5561 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008FD LYSEFJORD FORSAND 4110 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008H MAVI HAUGESUND 5515 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008HM CB OMBO 4187 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008S ELDORADO III STAVANGER 4017 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008SD SILDEN ERFJORD 4233 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008SK DANI ÅNA-SIRA 4420 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008ST HENIA TAU 4120 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008TV ARVE SKJOLDASTRAUMEN 5567 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008U UNI UTSIRA 5547 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0008V LAKSEN BJOA 5584 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0009F NISINGEN FINNØY 4160 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0009HM LABRUS OMBO 4187 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0009K ROSA VEAVÅGEN 4276 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0009R SJØTROLL 2 RENNESØY 4150 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0009S DAKOTA SKY STAVANGER 4032 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0009SK TEODOR HAUGE I DALANE 4380 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca Chilled. R 0009ST SILVER II JØRPELAND 4100 Rogaland FV Fish, crustaceans, mollusca

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