An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner TUESDAY February 24, 1998 • • Volume 124 THE Number 33 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Panhellenic Turner responds to City Council Council Council-nlandated investigation into her alleged misconduct has not been completed clarifies What s he had to say was that names of citizens with grievances I photogra phs taken inside the plant. "People outside of Newark must quarreling among council members ask that you tell me that now.'' She has never revealed who gave believe there is a reign of terror can only damage the process of Councilman Haro ld F. Godwin her rh e information. going on here," Wampler said. "I democracy. joined Gardner in saying he didn't City Manager Carl F . Luft have never once talked to someone alcohol BY ROBERT ARMENGOL think that was the issue. investigated the charge and found a scared to make a complaint. I must Mww ~-:m;: M a;:a=:.tm! Edttor They voted 6-0 a t their last public meeting to in vestigate Turner "Listening to citizens is o ur job table. weight set. mattress and box live in a different town:· Ten second s of icy s ilence after co unc ilman Tho mas P. - I agree with that," Godwin told spring in the plant. but he told City Council hired Wilmington policy followed Nancy Turner' s response Wampler accused her of violating Turner. ''But I think you used the council no o ne w o uld be attorney James Semple to find out Monday to her fellow City Council BY i\tEGHA!'\ RABBITT c ity cod e clauses that prohibit w ro ng word. l think you put the re prim a nded fo r the apparent ·how Turner got her information and members, who unanimously opened (opl Fda111 council m e mbe rs f ro m dealing word 'citi zen' w he re you s hould infraction. to decide if she violated city code in an investi gation agai nst her two The Panhcllcnic Counci I recently directly with city employees. have put the word 'employee .... At counc il' s Ja n . 26 meeting. the process. Turner said this week weeks ago. Turner said in her statement she Turner fired back: "My words arc Turner questioned Luft about his Semple questioned her about the created a contract to ensure current "Are you done?'' asked M ayo r sho uld be free to ta lk to c iti zens exactly as I have intended them ... work so fervently that four council matter for more than two hours. rules regarding alcohol Ro na ld L . Gardner, who finally about the ir complaints against the ·'Oh. I'm sure they are." Godwin members stormed out the meeting. Roger A. Akin, Newark' s city consumption at Greek mixers arc broke the hush after Turner finished city a nd then rai se any. complaint said. W ampler called her interrogation of solicitor, said he had hoped the followed. said Noel Hart. director reading a prepared statement last be fo re counc il witho ut having to The battle began Jan. 12 when the city manager '·ridicul ous." results of the 'two-week inquiry of Greek Affair~. night a t the cou nc il 's biwee kl y reveal its source. Turne r presented evide nce to He said last ni ght in response to would have made public at last On Frida}. the contract was meeting. '·Are yo u waiting for a " As long as T am a City Council counci l suggesting a ci ty employee Turner· s word s that he has received night's meeting. The details were created by former Panhellcnic response?" had been sto ri ng personal items at numerous complaints fro m citi zens not released because Semple is out president icole Raymond and "That's a ll I have to say.'· Turner member. I intend to li sten to peo pl e who have complaints," Turner said. the water treatment plant on Paper during hi s term but has never dealt of town. current pr<>sident Robin Catcrson. replied. She had spoken for about " If you believe it is wrongful o r Mill Road and possibly was living wi th anyone afraid of retribution for - Charles Dougiello contributed to The contract was signed by all I 0 minutes. chapter sorority presidents offen sive for m e to protect the th ere. She showed counci l coming forward. this report. yesterday. ''There arc no new rules and nothing out of the ord1nary ... Hart Godwin's said. ''The Panhellcnic Counci l is Hockey wins third straight ECHA championship simply reaffirming [Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group] rules hearing to and policies ... FTPG rule\ state individ ual be reheld c hapters of fraternities and sororities arc fo1biddcn to use BY CHARLES DOUGIELLO chapter funds for the purchase of Cin News Editor a lcohol. All national Greek The Newark board of ethics will organi;:ations buy their insurance meet March 6. at the recommendation through this group. of the state attorney general. to once ··sometime~ the F!PG rules arc again hold deliberations on whether \Hitten like the Constitution." Councilman Harold F. Godwin Catcrson said. "ThC) ·rc confusing. violated the city's ethics code. We just ''anted to have the contract The board decided at the Friday's so everything 1s easier for the meeting to hold another hearing after Deputy Attorney General Michael sororities. Tutman said the board violated the Although chapter funds are not state's Freedom of Information Act. to he used for c~lcohol, Hart said Tutman said they violated the act when fraternity h<Hise> ..1rc not dry.. they discussed in private how they "Fraternity and sornrity mixers planned to handle the case. arc supposed to he BYOB." she In his brief. Tutman said the closed said. '·Each person 0\ cr 21 may meeting deprived the public the right to bring a reasonable amount of view an important part of the alcohol "'ith them to a mixer - a deliberation process. reasonable amount meaning a six­ At the March 6 meeting, the parties pack." involved will not be allowed to present Greg Weise. president of the any new information, witnesses or Interfraternity Council. said tha t evidence. although he "ill bring up the According to Frank C. Forster Jr., Panhellenic Council's con trac t at the ethics board chairman, the members the next IFC meeting. he doubts of the ethics board did not realize they they will create a similar contract. were violating the Freedom of "I'm not sure that it's really Information Act by deliberating in necessary to have everyone sign a private. contract because it is already a 1l1e case stems back to an accusation made by Shirley Tarrant, a Newark rule." Weise said. "However. the resident, last spring. Tarrant accused s ituation will defin itel y be Godwin of attempting to block the addressed and T will remind nomination of Leslie Goldstein, a everyone that the Panhcllcn ic universi ty professor, to the ethics board. Council is going to he sure to Tarrant said she felt a memo sent by follow the rule and o;o arc we:· Godwin to the mayor and city council Catcrson said although there members was an attempt to sway their were no spccifiL instances of a decision agai nst Goldstein. sorority violating the FIPG rules. THE REVIEW I John Chabalko ln the memo. Godwin stated he did which sparked the creation of the A University of Delaware player and two West Virginia University defensemen look on as WVU's goalie just misses one of not believe the ethics board should be the 10 pucks that found their way to the back of WVU's net UD won the championship game 10-2. See game story on BS. sec POLICY page AIO see ETHICS page A 7 First non-alcoholic IFC Anonymous crime reporting begins BY SCOTT WARDELL Silent Witness form, Ivory said. Sta(/ Rtpm1er Senior Amanda Bailey said she sees the Silent Witness Public Safety has recently implemented an on-line form program as a convenient public relations tool being used to party a smashing success that allows students to anonymously and confidentially report push the university's pumped-up technology. infonnati on about cri minal or suspicious activities on campus. The program wi II also act as a consolation to nervous BY BETSY LOWTHER house at some point during the night un certainly and cauti o usly into the The Silent Witness fonn is accessible through the Public parents worried about their children's welfare on campus, Admim\lnun 1 ,\nt ~ Lditm to sec if an alcohol-free party could un c harted territory. M ost Safety home page on the World Wide Web. It enables Bailey said. The >trohc light. flickered o n really be pulled off. congregated in the dark. loud students to help investigators identify the type. location. date Crimes ranging from drug and alcohol use to acts of theft dancing. <,wc.Jty bodies. The Some didn't take any chances and basement to dance. talk or just stare. and time of a possible crim e. in additi on to any other have already been reported to police through the Silent speaker'> blared hip-hop and dance tried to bring their own beverages. There was a lot to look at. The infonnation users wish to include. Witness form, Ivory said. music. Fraternity brothers >tood in Mike, a sophomore, didn' t realize rando m groups of people ranged Users can provide as muc h information as they feel the corners and l..cpt a watchful eye he had stepped into dry territory from loud girls in tight tanktops and comfortable s haring with the assurance of complete over the crowd.
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