Final Program EIR D OWNTOWN S TATION A REA S PECIFIC P LAN P ROGRAM EIR State Clearinghouse Number: 2006072104 ND lr IG oad HWAY OCINO AVE 11TH ST KLUTE ST LODI ST B ST 101 10TH ST 10TH ST 5T MAXWELLELL CTC B ST SCOTT ST RILEY ST MORGAN ST A ST 8TH ST 7TH ST WILSON STDAVIS ST KINGWOOD ST ROSS ST A PALOMINO DR S T 8TH ST 14 4TH ST D ST W 8TH ST 7TH ST N DUTTONAVE T ROWBRIDGE S T T 6TH ST S 2ND ST 5TH SANTA ROSA AVE HEWETT A ST ST T 1ST ST H S 4T RAILROAD ST DUNCAN ST PIERSONPIP ST TUPPER K A AVE A CREE M ROS SONO ANTA E S JUILLIARD CHARL ST T T S A ST PARK O L IVE S W 3RD ST MILL S T B PINE S O S HIGHWAY 12 L E OAK S Y S Submitted to City of Santa Rosa June 29, 2007 Prepared by: City of Santa Rosa, Advanced Planning and Public Policy Department Lead EIR Consultant: DESIGN, COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENT Final Program EIR D OWNTOWN S TATION A REA S PECIFIC P LAN P ROGRAM EIR State Clearinghouse Number: 2006072104 Submitted to City of Santa Rosa June 29, 2007 Prepared by: City of Santa Rosa, Advanced Planning and Public Policy Department Lead EIR Consultant: DESIGN, COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENT 1625 SHATTUCK AVENUE, SUITE 300 TEL: 510 848 3815 BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94709 FAX: 510 848 4315 in association with: Coastland Civil Engineering Questa Engineering Corporation Garcia & Associatesay Group Whitlock & Weinberger Tranportation Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 2. REPORT SUMMARY..................................................................................... 5 3. REVISIONS TO THE DRAFT EIR..................................................................... 39 4. LIST OF COMMENTORS............................................................................... 67 5. COMMENTS AND RESPONSES...................................................................... 71 APPENDIX A: COMMENT LETTER APPENDIX List of Tables 1. Table 2-1 Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures.............. 10 2. Table 4.6-1 Location of Hazardous Material Sites by Sub-Area .... 52 3. Table 4.12-3 Freeway LOS Criteria ............................................... 59 4. Table 4.12-14 Specific Plan Trip Generation ................................. 65 5. Table 5-1 95th Percentile Queues – Future With Specific Plan ...... 87 List of Figures 1. Figure 4.6-1 Hazardous Material Sites............................................ 55 i 1 INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of the Environmental Impact Report This document is a Final EIR Addendum to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan. The Draft EIR identified the likely environmental consequences associated with the project and identified policies contained in the Specific Plan that help to reduce potentially significant impacts. This Final EIR Addendum responds to comments on the Draft EIR and makes revisions to the Draft EIR as necessary in response to these comments. No change to the Draft EIR identified in this Final EIR Addendum resulted in the need to re-circulate the document. This document, together with the Draft EIR, will constitute the Final EIR when the City of Santa Rosa City Council certifies it as complete and ade- quate under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). B. Environmental Review Process According to CEQA, lead agencies are required to consult with public agen- cies having jurisdiction over a proposed project, and to provide the general public and project applicant with an opportunity to comment on a Draft EIR that is prepared for a project. This Final EIR Addendum has been prepared to respond to those comments received on the Draft EIR and to clarify any errors, omissions or misinterpretations of discussions of findings in the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR was made available for public review on February 5, 2007. The Draft EIR was distributed to local and State responsible and trustee agen- cies, while the general public was advised of the availability of the Draft EIR through public notice published in the local newspaper and posted by the City Clerk as required by law. The CEQA-mandated 45-day public comment period ended on March 21, 2007. The City of Santa Rosa extended the man- 1 CITY OF SANTA ROSA DOWNTOWN STATION AREA SPECFIC PLAN FINAL EIR INTRODUCTION dated comment period to April 6, 2007, to allow for additional comment submittals. Copies of all written comments received on the Draft EIR are contained in this document. Each substantive comment on the Draft EIR receives a writ- ten response. A public hearing on the Draft EIR was held before the Planning Commission during the comment period, on March 29, 2007. This document includes the minutes from the hearing, including the comments made at the hearing and a written response to them. This Final EIR Addendum will be presented to the Planning Commission, who will advise the City Council on certification of the EIR as a full disclo- sure of potential impacts, mitigation measures and alternatives. The Planning Commission will not take final action on the EIR or the pro- posed project. Instead, the City Council will consider the Planning Commis- sion’s recommendations on the Final EIR and the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan and associated General Plan amendments during a noticed pub- lic hearing. The City Council will make the final action in regards to certifi- cation of the Final EIR and adoption of the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan and associated General Plan amendments. C. Document Organization This document is organized into the following chapters: ♦ Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter discusses the use and organiza- tion of this Final EIR Addendum. ♦ Chapter 2: Report Summary. This chapter is a summary of the find- ings of the Draft and the Final EIR. It has been reprinted from the Draft EIR. Underline text represents language that has been added to the EIR; text with strikethrough has been deleted from the EIR. 2 CITY OF SANTA ROSA DOWNTOWN STATION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN FINAL EIR INTRODUCTION ♦ Chapter 3: Revisions to the Draft EIR. Corrections to the text and graphics of the Draft EIR are contained in this chapter. Underline text represents language that has been added to the EIR; text with strike- through has been deleted from the EIR. ♦ Chapter 4: List of Commentors. Names of agencies and individuals who commented on the Draft EIR are included in this chapter. ♦ Chapter 5: Comments and Responses. This chapter contains repro- ductions of the letters received from agencies and the public on the Draft EIR. The responses are keyed to the comments which precede them. 3 2 REPORT SUMMARY This is a summary of the findings of the Draft and Final EIR. It has been reprinted from the Draft EIR. Underline text represents language that has been added to the EIR; text with strikethrough has been deleted from the EIR. This summary presents an overview of the analysis contained in Chapter 4 of the Draft EIR: Environmental Evaluation. CEQA requires that this chapter summarize the following: 1) areas of controversy; 2) significant impacts; 3) unavoidable significant impacts; 4) implementation of mitigation measures; and 5) alternatives to the project. A. Project Under Review This EIR provides an assessment of the potential environmental consequences of implementing the Santa Rosa Downtown Station Area Specific Plan. The City of Santa Rosa created the Specific Plan for the mixed use and re- development of a 647-acre area in and around the downtown area of Santa Rosa. The Specific Plan Area is generally located within Santa Rosa's downtown on the western side of the City and is roughly bounded by College Avenue to the north, Sebastopol Road to the south, Santa Rosa Avenue and E Street to the east and North Dutton Avenue to the west. The Santa Rosa Downtown Station Area Specific Plan includes the adoption of proposed General Plan amendments to the City of Santa Rosa General Plan that would establish one or more new Downtown Mixed Use land use designations, as well as Specific Plan policies and design guidelines that would ensure consistency between the Specific Plan and the City of Santa Rosa Gen- eral Plan. The Specific Plan intended to provide a comprehensive plan for development of the Specific Plan Area including land uses with their configurations and 5 CITY OF SANTA ROSA DOWNTOWN STATION AREA SPECIFIC PLAN FINAL EIR REPORT SUMMARY intensity, property development regulations and design guidelines. Circula- tion and infrastructure needs and improvements are also identified in the Spe- cific Plan to support phases of development as needed. The adopted Specific Plan, along with the proposed General Plan policies, would become the regu- latory framework for the review of future development in the Specific Plan Area. The Specific Plan also provides a means for achieving overall design compatibility and consistency for the property. Key components of the Spe- cific Plan include the following: ♦ Land Use Regulations ♦ Development Guidelines and Streetscape Standards ♦ Transportation and Parking ♦ Public Services and Utilities ♦ Implementation and Financing The Downtown Station Area Specific Plan is the result of a community based vision for the downtown area of the City of Santa Rosa. Centered on the proposed Sonoma-Marin Area Rapid Transit (SMART) station site, the Spe- cific Plan defines the framework for future development in the Plan Area to support its role as a healthy, vibrant regional center. The Specific Plan Area is a lively city center with a mix of shopping and employment opportunities, with an attractive natural creek environment and historic residential neighborhoods close to the city center. The Specific Plan vision includes bi- cyclists, pedestrians, transit users and drivers sharing an attractive network of streets. The Specific Plan includes a mix of housing, shopping and jobs in a compact area and includes features to preserve the history, character and natu- ral benefits of the existing environment while allowing for change.
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