Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 12-10-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 10, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1980 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 10, 1980." (Dec 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • .~ I Vaily 'Egyptian Southern Illinois University Wednesday. December 10. 198(}--Vol 91. :\o. 71 J~n Lennon and Y~o Ono off their "Double Fantasy" album on Geffen Records. wh1ch has sold out in most record stores. Read Staff Photn bw ~ .. ~,. ..~ !!I'll about the former Beatie's music 011 Page 6 and the reMCtions to his Two mourners give vent lO their grief at the s~ial memorial sen·ice for John Lennon. death on Page 13. Accused Lennon killer 400 march in tribute held without bail to memory of Lennon :ooiEW YORK (AP) - A 25- and instructed that year·old former mental authorities at Bellevue By Jolul Ambrwia The service, delivered by the through his ~ lJe 2dlowed • patient and "devout HeaUes Hospital take precautions Staff Writer Rev. Theo Gill of the University distaste for cP.remooies tbat fan·· who authorities say against a suicide attempt. In a tribute to late rock star Christian Ministries, c~m· ..tried to give ritual answers to came to New York expressly John Lennon, more than 400 centra ted on the life ant.! work of the hardest questions of life," As Chapman was being Lennon, who wa~ ~sunned down Gill said. to kill John Lennon was arraigned. the music world people gathered Tuesday night arraigr:ed on second-degree to hear a memorial service at inNewYorkCity Monday night. In the eulogy preceeding the mourned the death of the 40-­ Gill said that although the ex· service, Tom Stella. of the murder charges Tuesday in year-old Lennon. and sales of the Student Center foUowing an the slaying of the legendary across-campus candlelight BeaUe had offended a lot of Student Programming Council. his latest album, "Double people through his poetry and said Lennon's murder was a singer-songwriter. Fantasy.. soared in record procession. Mark David Chapman Most were seated in the social criticism. "the prophets <;f'nseless act of violence. stores across the cou.~try. offended people in their day. entered no plea at his Tributes poured in from Roman Room. where the ser· "To quote Lennon's own arraignment in Manhattan vice was held, but some had to And the D!'"J>hets were poets around the \\>:rid. and sociaf cntics, too. wortls ... Stella said, "about his Criminal Court, but his court· stand in the back of the room faith in the mankind which appointed attorney said his President Carter said and in the outside hallway when "They questioned individuals' Lennon "helped create the motives. the workings of the killed him. 'Imagine no client had twice attempted aU seats were taken. possessions. I wonder if you suicide and asked that he be mood and music of our time." Some members of the g:oup establishment and they were President- ~lect Ronald the enemies of self-serving can. nothmg to kill or die for. a given a psychiatric sat silently, arm-in-arm. across brotherhood of man. Imagine examination because of Reagan called the death the rows of seats while many religionists. And their cry was "tragic" and said "we have Lennon's cry-'All we are all the people sharing all the doubts he could understand cried openly during the world. You may say that I'm a the charges. to find an answer" to stop memorial service, which also saying is give peace a chance .... such violeoce. Lennon would have desp1sed dreamer. but I'm not the only The court agreed. ordered included a eulogy and the one. I hope some day you'll join Chapman held without bail. (Continued on rage 2> playing of some of Lennon's and been skeptical of the recordings. memorial service because !Continued 011 Page 3J Task force wants gradual reduction of athletics fee By Randy Roguski The task force was set up in make the progr&m stronger students and sell tnear said student fees shoui-d be ,plit Staff Writer October to study the temporary because it will not depend on product," Rogers said. equally between the men·, and Gradually reducing the $30 athletics fee increase from S20 student fees." Rogers said. "Students pay these fees and women's programs. athletics fo.oe to S24 would break to $30 a semester. The increase Gradually reducing the fee they should be the ones to The Student Senate will vote the liniversity's dependPnce on took ef1ect in Jt:ne and will be would force the t'niversity to decide." on the task force recom· student fees for funding of the abolished this summer if the explore outside sources of The men's and women's mendations Wednesday. If athletics program, according to Board of Trustees does not funding. but will not damage the athletics programs should form approved. they \\iJI be a task force formed by the extend it. The board is expected athletics program as would an conferences with nearbv presented to PresidPnt Albert Undergraduate Student to act in March. immediate SO decrease. Rogers schools to C:Jt travel expenses of Somit and the i :>ard of Organization. Todd Rogers, task force said. The task force recom­ athletics teams. according the Trustees. The task force recommends chairman, said students have mends that SIU-C establish the task force. Rogers sa ad rivalries the athletics fee be reduced to 1.1dicated they would like the position of chief fund raiser to that would develcp in new S28 for fall semester 19111. S26 for current athletics program coordinate fund-raising drives. conferences would increase fall semester 19112 and $24 for continued, but are not willing to The task force also recom­ self-generated revenues by faU semester 1983. support it through a S30 fee. The mends that future fee increases increasing spec:ator at· A task force report completed task force randomly sampled should be determined through tendance at athletics events. T>.Jesday states, "It is clear that 281 students and determmed student referendums. a The task force recommends students are being asked to pay that 63 percent of all students recommendation that was also that basketball be emphasized an inappropriate amount of the approve of the athletics made in the recently-released more than other men's sports. G~ total athletics budget. Without program, but 66 percent are report by the president's Rogers said r.1ost students this necessary incentive. the opposed to the increase. commission on intercoUegiate surveyed are unwilling to give Athletics Department would not Rogers said the fee reduction athletics. more money to the football Gas says the l'niversity isa't up make the full effort n~ would benefit the University as ''This would force the ad­ profp'8Dl. Most students, ac­ to goiag cold turkey on tbe to increase outside funding. • well as the students."lt will ministration to come to the cording to the task force, also athletics fee habit. Accrtsed Lennotl killer arraigned !\ontinut'd from Pageo 1l ~~pman has no previous sP-arch of Chapman's mid­ unnon's widow. Yoko Ono. cnmmal record, police said Manhattan hotel room. said there would be no funeral. Chapman's court-appointed According to police. Chapman and asked instead that fans all :awver. Herbert Adelerberg. waited in the shadows of the­ over the world take part in a said his ('lient had twice at­ wrought iron gatt'way of the silent ~·igil "to pray for his tempted suicide and had been Dakota and shot the musician soul." She said in a statement placed in mental institutions four times as he ret:.~rned from the exact time would be an· following both attempts. a recording sessiOJn Monday nounced later. "He's been a fan of John night. More than 100 people jammed Lennon since he was 10 year!' Chapman was a musician the spectators· section of the old," Alderberg said outside himself. according to people hea\;)y guarded courtroom and court. wb.J knew him in Georgia. dozens of court workers were in Aide; berg c .. lled the shooting where he grew up. and in the well of the court to watch as "a motiveless crime" in court. Hawaii. where he lived, worked Chapman. dressed in a beige V· but said outside court that his and bought the gun police say neck sweater. black slacks and :lient had told him whv he shot killed Lennon. a T -shirt. was arraigned. Lennon. The defense ·attorney A tormer high school Assistant District Attorney refused to say what the alleged classmate from Decatur. Ga .. Kim Hogrefe said Chapman motive was. Tommy Moms. said Chapman was carrying $2.000 in cash A police source who askf'd not was "a real devout Beatles when he was arrested without to be identified said detectives fan." resisting moments after the remained uncertain about a Be a ties co-founder. Paul slaying :\fonday night outside possible motive for the killing. McCartney, looking pale. told the luxury Dakota apartment According to the souree. reporters at his Sussex far­ building where Lennon lived Chapman told detectives that he mhouse in southern England with his wife and their 5-year­ was unhappy with the way that "John was a great guy.
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