.... • :J .- '-• . ..•'•.'••.,- Page Six CRANFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1970 Eleanor Thaler, 464; Marie Kono. pack, 463, and Mary Enz, 456. Variety of Courses Offered Dittrick's Ties Splits were converted as follows: Betty Olimpia, 5-6; Angie Simpnet, At Regional Adult Schools For Second 4-5-7; Lydia Carrajat, 6-7-10; Gloria Enz, 3-10 twice; Mary Enz, 2-5-7,; Those who have never attended or completed high school and want Rose Casale, 3:9-lb; Marge Preuss, the legal equivalent of a high school diploma,- or who are foreign In Sweep 6-7-10; Lottie Schnackenberg, Ann born and want help to break down the language" barrier, are among GARWOOD — Dittrick's Wines Gerrity, Edith Guerriero and Anai£ those being helped by the Union County Regional Adult School pro- and Liquors climbed into a tie forKaiser, 3-ior grams at David Brearley Regional High School in Kenilworth and second* place by virtue of a sweep Team standings: Lincoln School in Garwood. in last Thursday night's pin action w. - i, Knz jHroii. ; . .' ;-. 49 '- • •>« Approximately 630 persons are of the Garwood ^Women's Bowling Nuil!«?l TVU'VlHlmi 4:t ,r> enrolled in the spring term of the Dltlrlck'K •...;• 4:| yj Two Services League at G.arwood Lanes. It & l> Plumblntf 41 ' :H ' adult school at David Brearley, (Yilnwonil ami ;j6>A Enz Bros, won two games from .(..Hl-iMT CJIrlH ; . ;t| 44 and 60 at Lincoln School, accord- Mlddli.'Hcji .Htulnlox.1 FIctlnjjH :IO'A 44 Vi the 'Cranwood, while R&D Plumb- VI ing to Harry E. Linkin, the Re-Palm Sunday t *'W 24' • St. FOR ALL ing and Heating downed Sunset AT — gional District's director of adult Television twice. The Career Girls Socond Clau Pontage Paid At St. Paul's Vol. LXXVn. No.. 10. 4 Sections, 26 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1970 Cranford. New Jersey 07016 15 CENTS education. were on the winning end against Honor Roll Students "We attempt to provide for the GARWOOD — Identical" Palm Sunday services will, be held , in the VFW. GARWOOD — Two Garwood vocational,-avocational and recrea- St. Paul's United Church of Christ High games were posted as fol-students have been named to the tional needs of the adults in theat 9 and 11 a.m. this Sunday. Rev. lows: Lil Reynolds, 201-161-155; dean's list at Glassboro State Col- J lege for the fall semester of BIDDING ARTISTS — Students in Cranford artist France Lieber's community," he said during a tour Stephen Sjy»bo s. sermon' topic at Dat Hyduke, 197 clean game; Glo- both services will be "Disappointed ria Enz, 196-184-154; Marie Kono- the 1969-70 academic year. They class at the Koniiworth Community Center are busy working on of the Kenilworth and Garwood are: Andrew Buydos of 321 Cedar Postal Workers Back on Job; Juveniles Face Charges schools one evening. ' Yet ,,81111 Believing." pack, 186-156; Eleanor Schleicher, their creations during recent Saturday morning session. The class Church school will convene at 184-176; Bette Snow, 180, Marie St.; who is in his senior* "year,-and js one of three sponsored by the. Reereatioir'Committee. Registered At the Garwood school, some 20; Miss Darlene Drummond of 502 "9:30 a.m. and the church library Hartung, 179-170. West St.; a sophomore. in Mrs. Lieber's class are Charles llouspr, Chris Houser, Marsha men and women were learning will open, at 10 a.m. There, will be Mary Carrajat, T71-158; Eleanor Geisler. Joanne Meyer. Regina Voegele, Julie -Jak'ub, Gary Przyby- English in English second a child care nursery during-the 11 Thaler, 179-159; Lydia Carrajat, Class Mail Is'Current' in School Bomb Scares; lek. Gail Przybylek, Patricia Cooper, Linda Engl'c, Janet Engle, language. The course is designed o'clock service. ." 168-152; Mary Enz, 168; Evelyn Doreen Gillet, Dede Gillet, Kathy Buehlmann, Susan Paschon, for the foreign^born who have The Senior High Study Group Lawler, 167; Edith Guerriero, 165-Awards Given Employes at the Cranford Post Office Donna Sanford. Laurie- Mating, Kirk Douglas, Renee Simon, Joan little " or no. 'command of the will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday. 155; Lottie Schnackenberg, 164; (Continued from Page 1) who were out on strike on Friday, Saturday, Fieo, Shirley Geisler, Ann Fico, Elaine Repko, Susan Degelmann language. There will be a meeting of theEleanora Kutsera," 163; Dot Back, Mrs. Arthur Schweitzer and Mrs. Sunday and Monday returned to work on and .lane Wepplcr. Adults pictured left tb right in the back are Law for the layman and a study Senior Citizens' Club in the church 1162; Eleanor Donovan, 156; AnnJames T. Leonard. hall at 1 p.m. today, and rehearsal unnies Tuesday, and.Postmaster Arthur Boertmann McMahan, 155-153; Rose Casale, Police Gar Damaged Miss Edna Hill, secretary; Mrs. B. R. Emmert, president of the of securities and investments were The- following members ojE for the Sanctuary Choir will, be •151, and Ann Gerrity, 151. reported yesterday afternoonythar "all our Kenilvvorth Art Association; Philip Ernst, recreation commissioner; also in progress that particular Cadette Troop 791 received their The staff "of. the Citizen and held at 7:30 this evening. ; High series were rolled by thefive-year pins at the Monday night ..Mrs.. JLJcber. and Mrs. IIelmuLV.aeg.de,-txip.-cflordinator ...,~ ,- evening. The adult school prograrn deliveries are Icurrent arid up to date." Chronicle wishes to thank the many A warning by Public Safety Com- r : also offers a course in "Sewing."'" Junior Choir rehearsal will be following: Gloria Enz, 534; Li.dinnerl : Carol Eriksen, Leslie Gal- ""In fact," he added, "we don't have em- subscribers and friends who of- missioner William H. Meyer that per- Several hundred men and a conducted at 10:15 a.m. and con-Reynolds, 517; Eleanor Schleicher^ lison, Wendy Patrick, Jill Greve, petrators of bomb hoaxes "shall re- sophomore year. He>edmpiled sprinkling of teenagers were firmation class will meet at 10 494; Marie Hartung, 480; Mary Rosemarie Parente, Diane Melendy ployment yet for our substitute forces, since . fered their assistance to help dis- a.m. on Saturday. ceive the fullest measure of discipline" Enrollment of 75 3.4 cumulative average in the crowded into the cafeteria at the Carrajat, 471; Edith Guerriero, 466; and Nancy Ogonowski. much, out-of-town mail is still clogged' up tribute today's issue of. the news- was followed by the arrest this week In Art Classes previous semesters. David Brearley building, listening elsewhere." paper in event the postal strike con- of two juveniles in connection with to a guest lecturer demonstrate the . The postmaster- reported that all super- correct way of casting a salt water tinued. We did appreciate the man bomb scares in the local schools. At Kenilworth - Jiishing rod. The course is sponsor- The latest juvenile arrest came strike, collecting and moving the mail wher- Trom concerned subscribers ed by the Watchung Power Squad- and the many offers which included yesterday as additional telephoned students enrolled in the three art. CaptTDiMafio ron, which also conducts a course ever possible. Some young assistants who bomb threats were received at Cran- classes sponsored by the. KENILWORTH — Capt. Det> in' small boat handling on another work at the local office after school also re- some novel distribution ideas. ford High School and Hillside Avenue tion Committee in cooperatioit^with Joseph DiMario of the Kenilworth evening. , ported for work as usual. Along with everyone else, we're Junior High School. the Kenilworth Art As&o'eiation, Police Department Will be guest Among other courses offered There was no mail on Friday, Saturday r-^and the pr6gram thus far has been PRESENTATION SCENE — Shown as 35 mm. camera and projector were very happy our postal crews are A 15-year-old girl reported to have speaker at the 13th annual com are: Auto mechanics, shorthand, and Sunday except what was picked up lo- '.\.!'jmost successful,"it was reported munion breakfast of Catholic presented to the Cranford Police Department by the Honorary Branch of back on the job to bring you today's been seen dashing from a phone booth guitar lessons, sketching in char- cally. On Monday, j. some out-of-town mail, "this week by Recreation Commis- Daughters of America, Court St coal, tennis, defensive jukado, PACKET OF FLOWER OR VEGETABLE Cranford Local 52, PBA, Friday night are, left to right: Finance Commis- copy of the Citizen and Chronicle. after the bomb call was received at the ' pioner Philips Ernst. Theresa 1781, at the Cranwood slimnastics, ceramics, the high SEEDS WITH PURCHASE sioner Warren T. Praster, Police Commissioner William H. Meyer, Police moved in by. supervisory employes from oth- junior high school at 10:51 a.m. yester- The classes are new this year, Garwood, following the 8 a.m. mass chool equivalency program, typ- Chief Matthew T. Haney, Capt. Otto G. Sickert of the Police Reserves, who er offices, was received and'processed here. day was taken into custody by the jind,there is a wailing list of 14.Sunday. ing, business machine operation, PATCO FERTILIZER SPECIAL is vice-president of the Honorary PBA; Dr. Kenneth N. Albrecht, Honorary Mail for servicemen in Vietnam was dis- police and sent to the juvenile deten- '.. France Lieber, Cranford artist Capt. DiMario will speak on theaviation 'ground school instruction PBA president, and Mayor Malcolm S. Pringle. patched daily here, Mr. Boertmann reported^ tion center at Runnells Hospital,-Berk- ;;and teacher, instructs a class on local crime rate and prevention of and dancing. 12,000 Sq. Ft. Bag — Reg. $9.95 $8.55 with supervisors taking it to Newark Airport, eley Heights, pending Juvenile Court -Saturday mornings, Frank Sue- crime.
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