A Clockwork Gear William l,JanOlinc:k IQuestion:: Could you explain what chanical watches, were totally dif- iis meant by "borologicaEgealiing"? I ferent from those experienced by never heard of this befor,e,altbough power train designers in transporta- I understand. it has something to do tion. construction, machine tools. with watches. Could you also explain and general machinery applications .. the mea.ning of a.!!going gear train"? Some of the problems facing the Horology i the science of measur- horological gear designer come from ing time or the art of constructing in- the necessity of using multiple-stage, struments that indicate time. In ear- high-ratio. step-up gear sets. They axe lier days this was as simple as track- the opposit,e of the more usual appl ica- ing the sun using a sundial; today tion problems of step-down or speed we use the vibration of a quartzcrys- reducing drives faced by most de ign- tal. For ultra-precise timing. the ers ..In addition is the ab clute meed for Address your gearing question atomic clock uses a resonant fre- low friction and high efficiency. to, our panel of exparts. Write quency of Cesium 133 and i accu- In a mechanical watch or clock, tile to them care' of ShOiP' IF,I"o'or. rate to one econd in 250',000 years. driving 'energy is stored in a spring- Giear T,echnology. P.O. Box Not quite what you need around the wound drum and is slowly released as 14.26, IEllk IGmve, Vmag,e, IIIL house for tellmg time! minute pulses through the tep-up 60009 .•Dr call our editorial staff Although sundials can get quite drive train and into an escapement sephisticated, they utilize no gears; mechanism, with the gear train. tatt- at 1(7:08) 437-'6604. neither do most modern. digital tim- ing and stopping completely with each ers and watches. But for the several cycle of the escapement wheel. The used. The teeth can be as fine as 250 centuries in between, docks, watches, frictien through the gear train must be diamerral pitch wlth depths aslittle as timers, fuses. and other such devices minimal for tile uccessful management ..0 [2". To avoid friction losses from were prolific users of gears. An entire and release of the available energy, side thrust, the teeth are alway spur. field of design and manufacture of One of the first areas of concern in Many (oath forms and proportions tile e mechanical gear element. de- step-up drive is gear tooth friction. have been established suitable for veloped, and all the gears used in To reduce surface contact friction. sur- horological purposes. Some of these clock: , watches, and other timing de- face finishes must be extremely good, u ed in tep-up drives are the Ogival vices, whether for driving the point- and frequently the pinion teeth are pol- - orm. British Standard 978. Black For- ers, setting the hands, winding up ished. The reduced friction experienced est Clock Standard, the Swiss Cycloi- springs, or driving the escapement in tile arc of rece sion, or exit path out dal, the Prescot. and the Circular Arc. mechanism and pendulum, were called of mesh. rather than the arc of ap- Another one frequently encountered "horolo gicalgearing' . proach. or entry path into mesh, is LI sed. Many books were written that cov- To accomplish this, a cycloidal tooth ered the special concerns involved in form is used, and to further reduce the this application of gearing, and the approach actiencthe cycloidal tooth William L Janninck serious student could even enroll in form on the pinion addendum is modi- does gear and tool design and consulting. He has been. correspondence courses in "horologi- fied. concentrating tile action near the involved will, gears and gear cal. science." pitch line of the gear set manufacturingfor 45 years, The problem of design faced by For compactness. pinions of as few 40 of them with Illinois Tools ·/TlV Inc. He is till' authoro] watch builders, especially consider- as 6,.7, or 8 teeth and tep-up ratios of numerous articles .0" gear- ing the very small size of some me- as much as 12: 1 in a single mesh are related topics. J A. N U A R V I FEB R U A R Y • g g 2 4,11 is the Wickenburg form. Fig, I shows a typical cycloidal form Test yo!ulr gealrs pinion and gear .ill mesh. The flanks on both members are radial lines below bythe numbers, thepitch line. A special type of pinion having six teeth or more and u ed in step-up drives is called a lantern pin- ion and is shown in Fig. 2. A tooth layout is shown ill Fig. 3. The teeth ate formed of polished pins or wires set in a pair of end plate . These pinions are not recommended for reduction drives in horologicaJ applications, The number 'Of the tip modification used on clock gears may cause one to question the functionality of these Put an end to the potential perils of subjective g:ear gears, since the tooth form departs testing inherent lintraditional analog-type mstrurnents. R.etrofityour existing double-flank rolling:gear tester with from true conjugacy. CycIoidal gear a Hommel Z-2000 computer/recorder. Or upgrade to an ing is that 'One exception to the rule entirely new gear testing: system with the Hommel 8305. requiring a contact ratio of at least 1.0 Either way. you get the quantitative analysis for a pair of gears to be used success- and complete documentation you need to do the job right. fully, Contact ratios of less than I .0 on Write to Hommel America. 30 Peter Court. involute gearing are a ignal of prob- 'New Britain. CT 06051. Or call (203) 827-8500. lems and, with an involute profile, indi- FAX: (203) 223-2979. World Class MeasurementTechnology A THYSSEN Company cate a pos ible damaging edge contact and lack of proper uniform transrnis- ,CIRCLE .0.-36 on R'E.o.DER R,EPL Y CARD ADVERTISER INDEX Reader Service Page Number Number American Metal Treating Co. 28 47 American Pfauter, I...P. I Cover 2 Axicon Gear Company 21 46 BHS-Hol1er Maschinebau GMBH 17 44 Bourn & Koch Machine Tool 9.1.0 6,7 California Bevel Gear Inc. 30 46 Fig. I - Cycloidal gear set. .Diseng 40 39 Fairlanc Gear. Inc. 15 1.5 Foresl' i'ly Gear 4 4 GMI 12 12 Gear Re earch Institute 22 46 High Noon ]9' .5 Hol1erflMT Div. of Carl Zeiss. Inc. 18 2 Hommel America 38 42 Intercontinental Industries. Inc. 8 10 James Engineering 39 39 pinion. Klingelnberg Gear Technology. Ine, 5, 7 Cover 4. II Fig. 2 - Lantern M & M Precision Systems 11 8 Manufactured Gear & Gage, Inc. 13 14 Midwest Gear 16 43 • • - iagara Gear 25 46 Normae 14 40 + Pfauter Maag Cutting Tools. L.P. 2 1 • Profile Engineering. Inc. 24 46 Pro-Gear Company. Inc. ~~r.r!__ 26 46 Starcut Sales, Inc. 6 .5 /J- U P L- Tocco" Inc. 20 Cover 3 Yin King Industrial Co .. Ltd. 41 15 Fig. 3 - Lantern pinion gear set. 42 G EAR TEe H N 0 LOG V sian of rotation. Thi i not the case with cycloidal profiles. and edge COlll- PRESERVATION tact is rare .. PLAN ON IT Planning on restoring a house, saving a landmark. reviving your A step-lip drive in a. dock is one neighborhood? application where efficiency of en- Gain a wealth of experience and help preserve our historic ergy tran mi ion, rather than uni- architectural heritage. Join the Narional Trust for Historic Preservation. form transmission of rotation. is the Make preservation a blueprint. for the future. primary objective. If these gears were in peered by the single flank method, Wrill': atlonal Tl'l.Isl for Hiislorlc Preservatlon the results would how a tooth-to- Department PA tooth rotational 'error, but this is not a 1785 Massaehbusetts Ave., N.W .. WashinRlon. D.C. 20036, concem for clock and watch gearing. Not all the gears ued in norolog- ical gearing have the cycloidal tooth IMIIIDWE,ST GEAR form. Many applications can and do use involute gearing. such a those for now o,'ffelrs, la:rgle pltch winding drives. time setting, minute- - - SHOPFLOOR G'IEA!R GIRIINDINGI! hom hand synchronizing, or olher mo- lion transfer. In electric clocks using a. synchronous electric motor power source, the gearing j . all in reduction stages, and most use invohite gearing. Electric meters used in measuring en- ergy may u e some special high-re- duction worm drives and thenend up with involute gearing for the dial re- cording drives, Liquid and ga meters also lend to use involute gearing. It might be helpful 10 diagram the gear trains u ed in .a typical, hand- wound chiming mantel clock. where several clock gearing applications can be shown and explained. Fig. 4 shows the main clock. drive u ed for preci e time keeping and display . Starting with the pring drum gear there are five step-up cycloidal tooth form stages located 011 sixaxes. The last stage Face • Inspection by liofler Gear Checker (Continued on page 48) '. Up 101 DP 72" P;D. 18" '. Spur, Helieal, or C~owned with Computer Printouts available MINUTE HAND '. Up toAGMA Quality Olass 1'4 • Low looling costs " Experienced Craftsmen • .on-time delivery ~ 'We,can Salv8ge ,Gears Oistorled by Heat Treatment W ~ MIDlNE,BT G'EAR 2182 Al.lr,ora Road (IRt82) • Twinsburg. OH 44087 Phone: 2116·425·4419 • FAX: 216-425-8600 Fig. 4 - Main clock train.
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