READ THE EAST, OREGONIAN SPORT PAGE AND RECEIVE THE NEWS THAT IS FURNISHED BY THREE SERVICES. A. P.. U. P. AND I N. S. TEN PAGES TEN PAGES SECTION TWO SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 J J fp PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1922. Davis Tennis Cup Contest World Event Wi TH JHl ARMY NAVY STORE Like many great institut'ons the Davis Cup series, to be brought to a close with" the challenge round between America and Australia at OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Forest Hills. L. I., September 1, 2 By IIRN'RT L. FAIUtF.1.1, Japanese team in the challenge round and 4, started. In a ' comparatively and retained the cup. way. In 1900 Dwigbt F. Da- (United Sports Editor.) small Tress vis, donor of the trophy, conceived SEW YORK, Aug. 31. (IV P.) On the challenging team this year the idea of Intel natloanl tojun America and Australia are to meet to- are Oorald P. Patterson, James O. matches in tennis between America 9 and England, the cup be placed M. morrow of Anderson and Pat Wood. Op- ti A. nt Fojest Hills in, the first O'Harn SATURDAY, five matches for the Davis Cup. Tho posing thorn in defense of the cup will in competition annually. winner of three' of the five matches be the American combination con- It ccaHed, however, to a two-tea- wins the clip which carries with it sisting of William T. Tilden" William affair in 19U4, when Austria, clear title to the tennis championship M. Johnson, Richard Xorris Williams Belgium and France nominated teams, grown of the world. and Vincent Richards. iVith the ex- and it lias with each We have a large lot of very fine staple merchandise that must go at ception of the youthful Richards, all passing year until today more than are veteran cup players. a dozen countries are entering the " ' ' i field annually. , In no other fsporq but tennis can a Ajnerita scored the first victory po America'..--is confident of winning the world championship established in 1 900, Dwight Davis. Malcolm D. only game matches but the Australians are sure because it is the that is to give fight Whitman and Holcome Ward turn- played everyplace on the globe tinder them a perhaps more of a battle than is bring anticipated. ing back the British, composed of standard rules. The Davis Cup means A. W. Core, R. D. Black and IT. much. It has had millions spent on it. Patlerion is Always dangerous ard Roper Barrett, 'three matches to I he probably will carry the heaviest none. In 1 903 R. F. and H. L. Canada, France, Belgium, Australia, part, of the burden. Anderson was out took the cup to England, I Hawaii, Czechoslovakia, Spain, the of the matches with France and Sraln where it remained four years. Then, Philippines, Roumahia, India, Italy with a severe cold and he may not he in 1907, the great Australian team and Japan challenged the United in good condition. Wood also is in of Norman Brookes and the late ' th. States for the cup this year and the bad shape with an injured arm. Anthony Wilding gained possession am Australian team fought through and of the tdophy by beating the Brit- won its way to meet the defending The matches will consist of four ish In the challenge round 3 to 2, Americans. singles matches and one. doubles and there It reposed until 1912, '... when of .1. C. match. Tilden and Johnston will play the British team The cup was offered by Dwifht F. in all the singles matches .lnloss the Parke, C. P. Dixon and A. K. Bea- J Davis in 1900 as a trophy for inter- Americans should cinch the cup by mish carried it buck to Eiigland. national competition and it developed three straight victories.' In that event The following year saw the Am- .lllaur the most' interesting competition of all Williams and Richards might be al- erican team of Maurice McLaugh sports. The United States team won lowed to try their hand at singles. lin, R. Xorris Williams, 2d. H. II. the cup in 1900 and 1902. The British Hackott and Wallace Johnson come Isles took the cup away from Ameri- into Its own after years of fruitless ca in 1903 and successfully defended endeavor, defeating the British In I it In 1904, 1905 and 1906. Australia the challenge round 3 to 2. But the stepped in and won in 1907. "America cup remained just one year, for In tried for the cup in 1908, 1909 and 1914 Brookes and Wilding again 1911, but Australia retained the tro- PROBE OF MASSACRE fell heir to the much traveled piece of silver, Mackinaws, phy until 1912, when the team from after a series of memor 0. D. Blankets, Double Blankets, O.D. Shirts, Socks, Underwear, British Isles took it back to Ens- - able matches, and the, war inter land. Tho t'nited States brought it vening. It remained In the Anti- home in 1913, only to lose It to Aus- MAItrOX, 111., Atiff. 31. (U. P.) podes without competition until Wool Khaki Pants, Overalls, Etc. tralia in 191. 'The war suspended The special grand jury investigating 1919. when William T. Tilden and Puttees, Pants, competition until 1919 - when the the massacre at Herriri Is oxpectPd to William. M. Johnston returned It to ! British team made an unsuccessful at- hear witnesses today who would name its original home without the loss of a. .'s stilt . tempt to take tho cup from th? Aus- the londerH of the mob which led to match. It here. will you well to tralians. In 1920 America finally suc- the "death march" of nineteen non- This merchandise is priced far below cost due to present wool high prices. It pay ceeded in bringing it back home and union miners.s Great secrecy sur- investigation. in 1921 the Americans defeated the rounds tht? visit this place Saturday "morning. You will save money, on every purchase. 7 PRUNE CROP SMALL EI O I ARMY STORE i Wrdsoll, NAVY W. II. Phone 1173, Tomatoes, 3 crate $1 .00 lias charge of the Milton-Fre- e- news and circulation bur. Milne Electric Location box Liwnter 108 E. Alta Formerly Alberta Peaches, $1.20 can 01 the 1 an orcgoitian. Early Crawford Peaches, box $1.20 .Mil.TOX-FHE- E WATER, Aug. 31. Fancy Concord Grapes, basket 50c A new sawdust house has been erect- ed by the .Milton Box Factory to take Apple Box full Tomatoes intend to make Milton their home. Friends of Miss Ciara Wailen when Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Cockburn and 7C 'he place of the one that burned re- Fvee-wat- In two daughters. and Clema CORDS OF WOOD It Is thirty by sixty with twen-- y Mr. and Mrs. Andy Johnson of she was here us teacher Columola Blanche 2500 t Saturduy a vaca- foot posts. It Is being filled with their tvo children and Mrs. college a few years ago will be inter- turned home uftv four They stop'-pe- d fuel, Johnson's mother, Mrs. .Mary Wright, ested to know that her name Is now tion spent at Heaside, Ore. with sawdust to be sold for which on to no start by auto for San Diego, Cal., Clara Moore und that her husband Is over one day at I'ortland the vill relieve the fuel situation Cockburn'a folks miall extent, since the destruction of Thursday. They Intend to stay In tho the republican candidate for governor return trip. "Doc" BURNEDIEID building company has south until spring. of the state of Idaho, where they now were with them at Seaside but stopped he other the longer expecting to be 'een obliged to burn the dust to get Mrs. Orpha Propeck nas rented the live. at I'ortland, home In u day or two. rid of it. A new warehouse Is being rear part of her house to Miss Adeline J. T. Bnrncs of t'maplne sold a ((Bast Oregontua Special.) Pendleton built to store the products of 'the sash Wyth, one of the school teachers of house and lot he owned In Waltsburg Ed neeenney is Improving his Mil- ind door factory. The company used the coming year. Miss Wyth Is from to Charles Nebeker of Freewater, who ton property on .Mill street ty build- 8TA.VFIEI.D, Aug, 1. Two thous- ictween forty and forty five thousand I'ortland and will be here Friday. will move there to live. ing a garage. The Uecunneys live In and five hundred cords of wood- - on Trading Company fret of'lumber In the manufacture of Henry .Staley has rented his house ('. F. Compton of Crockett 'station Hiintsvllle, Wah. the Cmatllla ranch three miles from ox material in the six working days to F. K. Burnes of Estacada, Ore., has bought a house and lot In Wrslon Mrs. tr. I. Stoolfire of Frefwater here was burned Monday and Tueaday. Phone 455 of last week, shipping out of the val-!e- y whore he was principal of the public from Henri March. ' has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. It Is thought tho fire m set, by some Tlie Sign of Service twelve carlonds besides what was school, a position he holds now in the A seven acre tract north of the C. U. Young at Port Angeles, Wash. tramps, as a coffee not and other sold here at home, Kleewater schools. r Stone church In the Pleasant View She expects to be gone a month and cooking utensils were found near.
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