Issue 5 – Wednesday, April 6, 2011 • An Offi cial Publication of the Canadian Curling Association. Well, While Canada (7-0) whaddya defeated Scotland (6-1) by a 7-3 score during a first-place showdown Tuesday night, know? Niklas Edin and Sweden are looking The U.S. is reeling, Norway’s good at 5-2. on the edge, Sweden’s surging, and Canada’s still on top Sponsor of the day 1-877-985-CURL OR IN PERSON AT THE ENMAX CENTRIUM BOX OFFICE OR ORDER ONLINE AT Page 2 2011 Ford World Mens – Eye Opener Proud Sponsor of the 2011 Ford World Men’s Curling Championship www.richardson.ca HAVIN A BAD DAY: Chinese skip Yansong Ji, above, and lead Luan Chen, left, react FROM to some wrong turns on the ice Tuesday. China has lost five straight in the round OUR HOUSE robin, and sits at 2-5. TO YOURS Supporting farmers and their communities It’s better at Bennett O!cial Vehicle Supplier of the 2011 Ford World Men’s Curling Championship SaskEnergy is proud to champion the volunteers at the 2011 Ford World Men’s Curling Championship. 770 Broad Street, Regina 306.522.6612 bennettdunlopford.com Wednesday, April 6 Page 3 Canada crew chasing history Larry Wood row, thats not too Bad, said Eye Opener Editor Stoughton late Tuesday. You either feed off the Big crowd here or you dont. But how do eff Stoughton easily won you not smile in this kind of his seventh straight Ford atmosphere. It was Buzzing, JWorlds match on Tuesday and it was fun. Were in a Far left, Canadas Jon night at the Brandt Centre. pretty good spot. Wed love to Mead and Scotlands The 7-3 win against get into the (Page) One-Two Michael Goodfellow and Scotland appeared so routine (playoff) game By winning Scott Andrews follow the complete with the usual two (Wednesday) and having action. Top, Scottish skip complement of douBle-kills of a little more relaXing last day Tom Brewster reflects assorted descriptions as to (Thursday). on a bad start to Tues- Be pre-ordained. The Canadian comport- days big showdown. Heading into a scuf e with ment on the Brandt freeze to Above, Shawn Rojeski the Czechs this morning, date suggests Stoughton has and Joe Polo of the U.S. Canadas Stoughton has du- as good a chance as anyBody apply the brushes. At plicated his run out of the gate to become the rst skip since left, Christof Schwallers Swiss crew (5-2) has in his last Worlds, circa 1999 Winnipeg arch-rival Kerry crept up the standings. at Saint John, N.B. Burtnyk to run the table with- That year, Stoughtons out a defeat. Burtnyks 11-0 erased a Scotland offensive in A Jon Mead douBle left Winnipeg team lost its eighth sweep occurred at Brandon the third and Brewster settled Canada in good shape for round-robin outing to Germa- in 1995, the rst since Rick for one. The Canadian skip a seventh-end single and nys Andy Kapp, then roared Folks 10-0 romp at Moncton threw a draw from the outside Brewster required a four-foot through to the championship in 1980. single and a 3-0 spot. aggressive at the start, make for a fourth-end deuce But draw looking at a Bundle in nal Before losing at the last Scotlands Tom Brewster It was good to get off to the other guys make a Big shot the rock failed to curl into the eighth just to stay in the gasp to Scotlands Hammy eXhiBited few signs Tuesday that start with a deuce and we in the rst end. When they the four-foot and Stoughton game. In the ninth, Brewster McMillan. night of Becoming the guy to didnt let them get Back into dont make it, we have Been settled for one and a 4-1 edge. tossed a douBle of his own But Stoughton won eight inhiBit a Canadian winning it, said Stoughton. fortunate enough to make it. Stoughton was still ring Stoughton answered with a straight in his Worlds deBut at streak at this event. Its curling 101, Basically. You wanted the hammer doubles in the fth and it left runback double for a game- Hamilton in 1996 before los- He was the victim of a The ice is usually at its Best in against these guys (Scotland). Brewster with no recourse killing deuce. ing to Switzerland, then pro- precise Stoughton runBack the early ends, you make the They can hit with the Best of But to Blank. Then Brewster ceeding to win the remainder double in the rst end and tough shots, get up early and them. It was nice to get that ruBBed a guard with his last of his assignments, including was on his Back feet after run it. We go for it every time two-point lead and make them of the siXth But rolled in for a Please see HISTORY, the planetary title. Blowing a draw for one in the we have last rock right off the chase. single on another close call. Page 15 Weve won seven in a second end and yielding a hop. We score two or three, go Another Stoughton douBle Page 4 2011 Ford World Mens – Eye Opener GETTING TO KNOW YOU Rum, Tolkien page turners, and United States: lucky boxers (shorts, not dogs) Skip: Pete Fenson Favourite book: Into Thin Air and In Second: Joe Polo First on your bucket list (to-do party: Jerry Seinfeld, Phil Mickelson, Pursuit of Excellence list before you kick the bucket): John Keynes Home: Bemidji, Minn. Favourite movie: The Perfect Nickname: Junior Yosemite National Park, for the big If you could be a star in any other Delivery: Right Storm Home: Duluth, Minn. trees sport, what would it be, and why? Occupation: Owner/operator Favourite TV show: Survivor Delivery: Right What is the biggest misconcep- Golf. I like to golf every day Employer: Daves Pizza Favourite vacation destination? Occupation: Project manager tion about curlers? Were not If you could change any rule in Date Of Birth: Feb. 29, 1968 Hong Kong Employer: Lakehead Constructors athletes curling, which one would it be, Place Of Birth: Bemidji, Minn. Do you have superstitions? A pair Date Of Birth: Dec. 10, 1982 Your ideal shot to win an Olympic and why? One hack on the centre Marital Status: Married of lucky boxers Place Of Birth: Duluth, Minn. gold medal: Draw to the four-foot line Name of spouse/partner: Roxanne Three people, living or not, whom Marital Status: Married Three things you always travel Children (name/age): Alex, 16, and you would invite to a dinner party: Name of spouse/partner: Kristin Lead: Ryan Brunt with: iPod, phone, book Graem , 11 Bill Clinton, Johnny Carson, David Favourite food: Chips and salsa First on your bucket list (to-do Letterman list before you kick the bucket): Favourite food: Pizza Favourite drink: Diet Pepsi Nickname: Blunt If you could be a star in any other Skydiving Favourite drink: Red wine and Favourite book: Lord of the Rings Home: Portage, Wis. sport, what would it be, and why? What is the biggest misconcep- good dark rum Favourite movie: Van Wilder Delivery: Lefty-Lucy Golf ($ $ $) tion about curlers? Its an easy Favourite movie: The Sting Favourite TV show: Iron Chef Occupation: Substitute teacher Your pet peeves: Heavy and wide game Favourite TV show: White Collar America Employer: Kelly Services Three things you always travel Your ideal shot to win an Olympic Favourite vacation destination? Favourite vacation destination? Date Of Birth: Nov. 18, 1985 with: Credit card, toothbrush, and gold medal: In-off St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands Caribbean Place Of Birth: Portage, Wis. iPod Three people, living or not, whom Do you have superstitions? Red Marital Status: Single What is the biggest misconcep- you would invite to a dinner party: on Sunday Favourite food: French fries tion about curlers? Not true ath- Fifth: Scott Baird Bruce Lee, Michael Jordan, JFK Three people, living or not, whom Favourite drink: Beer letes If you could be a star in anyy other ypyou would invite to a dinner party:y Favourite book: Intro to Economics Home: Bemidji, Minn.Minn YYourour ididealeal sshothot ttoo wwinin an OlyOlympicmpic sport, what wouldd it be, and whwhy?y? SStephentephen Colbert, Ted Williams, and FavFavouriteourite mmovie:ovie: SSnatchnatch DelDeliveryivery: RiRightght ggoldold medamedal:l: Out-turn draw to the Cycling BBillill GateGatess FavFavouriteourite TV sshow:how: SSeinfeldeinfeld OccuOccupationpation: IInsurancensuran agent fofour-footur-foot If you could changege any rule in If yyouou could be a star in FaFavouritevourite vavacationcation ddestination?estination? EEmployermployer: InInsuresure FForwardo curling, which onee would iitt be, aanyny ototherher sport, wwhathat SSwitzerlandwitzerland Date OOff BirtBirthh: MaMayy 77, 1951 and why? No head-to-headd-to-head in would it be, and why?why? TThreehree pepeople,ople, llivingiving or not, whom PPlacelace OOff BirBirthth: BeBemidji,m Minn. breaking ties BaseballBaseball . ggetet paipaidd yoyouu wwouldould ininvitevite MMaritalarital SStatustatus: MaMarriedrr Your pet peeves: CeCell-ll- to sit in tthehe sunsun,, watcwatchh ttoo a ddin-in- NNameame of sspouse/partnerpouse/pa : Lynn phones in restaurantsnts bbaseball,aseball, andand spit sunsun-- nnerer CChildrenhildren (name/a(name/age):ge Randy, 31, Three things you always fflowerlower sseedseeds anandd NikkiNikki,, 29 travel with: Corkscrew,crew, If you could chanchangege FavFavouriteourite food: PizPizzaz cheese knife, Chesterster the anyany rule iinn curlcurling,ing, FavFavouriteourite drdrink:ink: DietDie Coke bullfrog whichwhich oonene wwouldould it FaFavouritevourite bobook:ok: MysteryMy novels Your ideal shot to wwinin aann be, and whwhy?y? YoudYoud be FavFavouriteourite mmovie:ovie: ScSci-fi movies Olympic gold medal:dal: Draw ableable to throwthrow yyourour rock FavFavouriteourite TV sshow:how Sports and for the win bebeforefore the other teamteamss popokerker sstonetone sstopstops FavFavouriteourite vavacationcat destina- Third: Shawnawn Your ppetet ppeeves:eeves: SStupidtupid tition?on? IxtaIxtapa,pa Mexico peoppeoplele TThreehree pepeople,o living or Rojeski TThreehree ththingsings you always nnot,ot, whwhomo you would travel wwith:ith: iPoiPod,d, ccrib-rib- iinvitenvite ttoo a dinner Nickname: AP bbageage bboard,oard, partparty:y: MMy father and my Home: Chisholm, anandd two ggrandfathersran Minn.
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