October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1361 coverage as well as significant declines in the neapolis-St. Paul International Airport Air Re- ship space before settling at its current ad- access to and quality of care. serve Station in Minnesota after serving in the dress on Hartford Street. No matter what loca- As Medicare and the Older Americans Act Air Force for 32 years. As Commander, he led tion, the congregation was home wherever reach their fiftieth anniversaries continue to the 1,500-member wing and supported our they could gather together for worship. It is improve aging America’s access to affordable, Armed Forces for resupply missions in forward evident in their mutual support for one another high-quality care, it will be necessary to iden- areas and aeromedical and refugee evacu- and commitment to serving the community’s tify, evaluate, and scaleup policy interventions ations. His command and leadership was crit- most vulnerable that the flock at Christ Cathe- that work. ical in the defense of our country. dral Baptist Church is a family. For more than Today’s health care workforce is inadequate Col. Polashek graduated from Coe College twenty years, the church has given back to the to meet the needs of older Americans, many in Cedar Rapids, Iowa before commissioning community by hosting meal services for those of whom have multiple chronic physical and into the Air Force as a graduate of Officer in need and ministering to people struggling mental health conditions and cognitive impair- Training School in Lackland Air Force Base, with substance abuse. In short, the flock at ments. Texas. Col. Polashek served and was de- Christ Cathedral has drawn strength from 10 percent of Harris Counties population is ployed to support operations including Oper- each other as they have come together to 65 years and older. ation Desert Shield/Storm and Operation Iraqi worship and celebrate, and they have used It is critical for the United States Congress Freedom/Enduring Freedom. As a command their strength in service to others. to stand with aging seniors who need access pilot, he logged more than 5,800 flight hours Please join me in recognizing Christ Cathe- to food, transportation, and other basic serv- including over 500 combat hours. He has re- dral Baptist Church on this milestone as we wish them many more years of service to ices. ceived several prestigious awards for his serv- come. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join ice, including the Meritorious Service Medal me in supporting H.R. 4334 to help older en- and Aerial Achievement Medal. f sure that aging seniors are provided with es- Today, I urge lawmakers to join me in PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE sential services they need to live independ- thanking Col. Polashek for his 32 years of HONORABLE JOHN CONYERS ently. service in the United States Air Force and f wish him well in future endeavors. SPEECH OF f REVEREND SUAREZ HON. KAREN BASS HONORING COLTEN MICHAEL OF CALIFORNIA HON. FRANCIS ROONEY PICKERAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, October 28, 2019 OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SAM GRAVES Ms. BASS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay a special tribute to Congressman John Con- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES yers. He was one of the 13 founding members Mr. ROONEY of Florida. Madam Speaker, I of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). He rise today to honor Reverend Israel Suarez for Tuesday, October 29, 2019 served for 53 years in the U.S. House of Rep- his over 40 years of community service to Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, resentatives—making him one of the longest- Southwest Florida. Reverend Suarez is the I proudly pause to recognize Colten Michael serving House members in U.S. history and founder and CEO of Nations Association Pickeral. Colten is a very special young man the first African American to hold the title of Charities. Reverend Suarez and Nations Asso- who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- dean. ciation have given four decades helping dis- zenship and leadership by taking an active Congressman John Conyers, Jr., was born advantaged residents and youth in Southwest part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 87, in Detroit, Michigan, on May 16, 1929, the eld- Florida by providing food for struggling fami- and earning the most prestigious award of est of four sons of John and Lucille (Simpson) lies, scholarships assistance for college-bound Eagle Scout. Conyers. Congressman Conyers attended De- youths, job counseling and placement help, Colten has been very active with his troop, troit public schools and graduated from North- and drug prevention programs, all impacting participating in many scout activities. Over the western High School in 1947. After graduating thousands of lives over the years. many years Colten has been involved with from high school, Mr. Conyers served in the In 2019, Reverend Suarez’s focus has been scouting, he has not only earned numerous National Guard from (1948 to 1950) and then to serve primarily at-risk youth through men- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- joined the U.S. Army for four years. Congressman Conyers later attended officer toring, drug and suicide prevention, academic ily, peers, and community. Most notably, candidate school and was commissioned as a assistance, leadership development, commu- Colten has contributed to his community second lieutenant. During his time in the nity service, and financial literacy. In 1990, through his Eagle Scout project. Colten in- Army, he served in Korea for a year. He was President George H.W. Bush awarded Rev- spected and restrung three swimming lane honorably discharged in 1954 and served erend Suarez with a Points of Light Award and lines at the Cameron Aquatic Center in Cam- three more years in the Army Reserves. in 1994 the News-Press named Reverend eron, Missouri. He was inspired by his friend Dr. Martin Lu- Suarez and his wife Ruth, the ‘People of the Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join ther King, Jr., to run for office and was elected Year’. me in commending Colten Michael Pickeral for to the House of Representatives in 1964. His Every year, Reverend Suarez and Nations his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of first hire was civil rights hero Rosa Parks. She Association Charities provide an annual America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- served as an aide to Mr. Conyers for 22 years Thanksgiving meal distribution event, Christ- ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. from 1964 until she retired in 1988. During his mas Celebration, and a ‘‘Back to Basics f time in Congress, Representative Conyers Health Fair’’ that provides free medical chaired the Government Oversight and Re- HONORING THE 25TH ANNIVER- screenings to hundreds of families in our com- form Committee (formerly the Government Op- SARY OF CHRIST CATHEDRAL munity. erations Committee) and was the first African BAPTIST CHURCH I thank Reverend Suarez for his years of American to serve on the House Judiciary service to our community. Committee and to become its chair. f HON. RASHIDA TLAIB As a human rights and civil rights champion, OF MICHIGAN Mr. Conyers opposed the death penalty and HONORING THE SERVICE OF COL. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fought for police brutality oversight. He was a ANTHONY POLASHEK Tuesday, October 29, 2019 lead co-sponsor of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Mr. Conyers also assisted in passing HON. COLLIN C. PETERSON Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today in the Help America Vote Act (2002), the Vio- OF MINNESOTA tribute to Christ Cathedral Baptist Church, a lence Against Women Act (1994), the Motor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES house of worship located in Detroit, Michigan, Voter Bill (1993), the Jazz Preservation Act on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary. (1987), and the Martin Luther King, Jr., Holi- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 The members of Christ Cathedral Baptist day Act (1983). Mr. PETERSON. Madam Speaker, on No- Church first came together to worship in 1994. His legislative record extends to introducing vember 2, Colonel Anthony G. Polashek is re- The congregation grew so quickly in its first the Medicare For All Act, legislation to estab- tiring from the 934th Airlift Wing at the Min- year that they were forced to find a new wor- lish a government-sponsored, single-payer VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.012 E29OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2019 healthcare option to control costs. Additionally, ing roll call no. 579, On Ordering the Previous FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE Representative Conyers also championed the Question, H. Res. 650, Providing for consider- COORDINATION ACT issue of reparations by introducing a bill to es- ation of H.R. 4617, the Stopping Harmful Inter- tablish a commission to study the effect of ference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy SPEECH OF slavery and race relations in America, which Act. Had I been present, I would have voted HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE he fought for consideration every year. ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably detained during OF TEXAS His fight for justice also extended to inter- roll call no. 580, On Agreeing to the Resolu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national issues, as well. Mr. Conyers was an tion, H. Res. 650, Providing for consideration early leader in the anti-Vietnam War move- of H.R. 4617, the Stopping Harmful Inter- Monday, October 28, 2019 ment, in addition to the anti-Iraq War move- ference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy Ms.
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